Teacher’s Golden Rule [FF, Fetish, Water sports, Teacher, Student] (Part 2 of 2)


“Why don’t we leave,” Mrs. Oliver suggested. “I think the lovely aroma we’ve created may give us away.”

My skirt and knee socks were soaked and spotted. I didn’t care.

“My god Janet, the front of my skirt… look at it,” Nancy cried. What are people going to think.”

“Just walk out… quickly. Don’t worry about it. We don’t know anybody here. C’mon, lets go.”

We followed her, walking quickly. I stared straight ahead… Curiously, I was wondering whether any of the men were looking at me, wishing they could fuck me… If my dad were here, would he want to fuck me too? I shuddered at what my virgin mind could conjure up since falling prey to Mrs. Oliver’s sick and twisted idea of pleasure.

Professor Drew’s car was parked at the farthest end of the lot. Once there, I felt relieved. I didn’t know Mrs. Oliver had something else in mind.

Professor Drew wasn’t handling the nights events well. Sobbing uncontrollably, she was having difficulty finding her car keys in her purse.

Mrs. Oliver, in control, spun the crying Professor around and slapped her across the face. “Get hold of yourself,” she spat out. “Here, want to smell your pleasure.” She pushed her fingers under the Professor’s nose.

“You fucking cunt, you loved every minute of tonight. Now you want to feel guilty and ashamed. Tomorrow you’ll be spying on your daughter again… running around the house fingering yourself… wishing you had the guts to crawl in her bed and lick her little pussy.”

I didn’t know how Mrs. Oliver knew all of this but the Professor Nancy didn’t deny it. She just stood there sniffling, letting Mrs. Oliver berate her.

And as quickly as she had turned on Nancy, she now took on a new tact. In an all too familiar move, she put her arms around the Professor and began consoling her. The woman, after running the gamut of emotions in one night, melted into Mrs. Oliver’s arms, or the lair as I now knew it to be.

“You need to get this lust you have for your daughter out of your system,” Mrs. Oliver purred. “I want to help you. Let me paint you a fantasy. Just think of you and Nicole, out walking in the park, your pussy weeping with the image of her in her little mini skirt. You lure her into a wooded area, kneel in front of her, caressing her tanned legs. You nuzzle her crotch thru her skirt, the faint smell of her hairless little cunt just inches away from your lips.”

“Ohhhh god,” the Professor moaned. “Yesss, I can see it… I can….”

“But you want more than that, don’t you Nancy. You want more than to sniff around her little white panties. You want to tongue her… to taste her, maybe even lick the sweaty crack of her tight little ass.”

“Yesssss… oh god yesss. Oh please… I can’t think about this… I just can’t. Pleaseeee.”

Mrs. Oliver gently took the woman by the arm and led her into the sparsely wooded area next to the parking lot. She indicated for me to follow. In a small opening where we couldn’t be seen, Mrs. Oliver gently ordered the woman to kneel on the ground. The Professor’s eyes looked pleadingly at Mrs. Oliver.

Mrs. Oliver pulled me by my arm till I was placed in front of the kneeling woman, Pushing me forward, she guided my body till my crotch was just inches away from the woman’s face. She pulled my soiled panties to one side, exposing my pussy to Professor Nancy’s eyes.

It was all so surreal. She placed my hands on the back of the Professors head, instructing me to gently force the woman’s lips against my cunt. I did, and I wanted to… those familiar, sexual feelings were stirring in me again.

I felt the Professor’s tongue tenderly slip between the lips of my pussy. In the meantime, Mrs. Oliver, wetting her finger in her mouth, eased the moist finger between my buttocks, pressing her fingertip against my little anus hole.

I was becoming awash in pleasure… Mrs. Oliver’s gentle probing of my behind, however, was causing another sensation. I suddenly had to pee… and pee badly. Only then did I understand! She wanted me to pee… she wanted to be the one to introduce the Professor to her sick fetish.

I didn’t have a choice. I hadn’t relieved myself since we drank all that wine. I held back for a minute or so… but the professor was beginning to lick me more aggressively. That only aggravated the problem.

Finally I couldn’t hold it any more. Without any warning, I just started pissing. I held the Professors face tight against me… I think because the idea of peeing into a teachers mouth really began to excite me… and she had such a delightfully sexy mouth. And she’d let her precious Nicole piss in her mouth, wouldn’t she?

The nasal moan of the Professor broke the stillness of the night..

“Ahhhhhhggggggggggggggg,” she cried out in a gagging scream. It quickly turned into a familiar gurgle, and from the street light filtering thru the trees, I could see clearly the absolute obsession the Professor had in trying to drink every drop of my hot, putrid piss. My orgasm wasn’t far behind.

But my pleasure at the moment: Try to drown this slut bitch with my piss… and it was coming all to fast for her to drink it all. I could see it foaming from her lips, spilling all down the front of her blouse till the outline of her bra was clearly visible.

I must have pissed a quart… then it stopped. Mrs. Oliver parted us. “No,” I screamed out. “I want her to lick my pussy. Pleaseeee Mrs. Oliver… she isn’t done licking me. Pleaseee…. ”

Mrs. Oliver pushed the woman roughly down on her back. She straddled the woman, lifted her skirt and let out her golden stream. I could smell Mrs. Oliver’s urine as the strong, thick stream splattered all over the Professor’s face.

Mrs. Oliver stopped. Stepping backward a step, she ordered the Professor to pull up her skirt. The woman obeyed. The stream came again, aimed directly at the Professors pussy.

I may never forget that scream. A high pitched wail of absolute, extreme pleasure. It was the ultimate humiliation. And all the while Mrs. Oliver was berating her.

“You like our piss you fucking cunt? Is your stomach full of your daughters piss? You love it don’t you… you goddamn slut. You know what bitch… maybe we’ll come to your house tomorrow night… See if Nicole likes to drink Sarah’s piss too. You think she’d like it? What about it Professor… you going to invite us over. Are you? Are you?”

The Professor never answered… Her screams of ecstasy, her writhing body soaked in yellow piss, it was obvious she was totally oblivious to her surroundings. She was completely lost in her lust and physical pleasure.

When Mrs. Oliver finished, she grabbed me by the hand, pulling me back towards the parking lot. I could still see the Professor, Nancy Drew, writhing on the ground, her fingers buried in her cunt, her body and mind bound by the throes of pleasure she was experiencing.

As if on cue, Ming, the Asian cabby pulled up. Was this all planned? I didn’t know… and I didn’t want to know. As we climbed int the vehicle, Ming’s ogling eyes told me what I wanted to know. My pussy was going to get licked again… and I was sure she had a full bladder for me.

An hour later, my pussy sated from a near black out orgasm, I licked my lips as Ming’s cunt lips dripped her final drops of golden urine into my mouth. My stomach was warm and full… she apparently saved up for me since noon. I licked her gingerly till she came… an added bonus, her savory, creamy juices soothing to my palate. And all of this in the back of a stinking cab. At the moment I couldn’t have been more content. I just hadn’t had time to think about it about yet.


I awoke at noon, still in my clothes. They were pissed covered and sticky. The odor almost made me sick. I even had a used condom stuck to the back of my skirt, apparently picked up in the back of the cab. I looked at curiously. I knew what it was, I just never seen one before.

Mrs. Oliver was gone, at her classes I assumed.

I literally ripped the clothes off of me and jumped in the shower. I replayed the previous night thru my head… I couldn’t get past how we left that poor Mrs. Drew lying in the woods. She must have been devastated by the time she came down from her sexual high and had to go home in the condition she was in.

I came to this campus with high expectations, academic expectations. I worked hard throughout my junior high and high school. I was picked valedictorian of my school for a reason. I was smart and I worked hard. And now it all come to this?

I was a virgin with no sexual experience. Mrs. Oliver took advantage of my naivete, and I had become no more than a sick slut.

Well no more. I dressed, packed and called a cab. Within two hours I was on a bus home. I didn’t know what I was going to tell my mother. Certainly not the truth. She would probably be disappointed if I went to another college. She’d get over it. I knew I couldn’t come back here. No way.


I spent the remainder of the summer working as a receptionist for the company where my mother worked. It was a valuable experience, having to deal with the public every day.

I found another college to attend, not as close to home as my original choice, but still within a day and a half drive.

Mrs. Oliver actually had the nerve to call me at home. I wasn’t in, my mother took the call. She told my mother how much fun we had together and how lucky she was to have a daughter like me. She left a message for me to call her. I never did.

I did have a fright one day. A man and his wife had an appointment with one of the salesman in our office. I greeted them when they came in. As they waited for the salesman to meet with them, the man stared at me curiously. He was making me uncomfortable.

He finally approached my counter. “Have you ever been to Morganville?’ he asked. “You know, the college town about four hundred miles from here. ”

“Oh, I’ve been there before, but not in awhile,” I answered. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, my wife and I happened to be there about a month ago. We had dinner in a restaurant one night and there was a girl there… well, she looked just like you. I mean she looked enough like you to be your twin. Amazing.”

“No, wasn’t me,” I lied. I couldn’t help but notice how he looked at me. It was quite obvious he wanted to fuck me… he wanted to fuck that little girl he remembered from the restaurant. He didn’t even try to hide the large bulge in his pants.

My biggest problem at work was some of the ladies that worked there. There were three or four of them I had a strong sexual attraction for every time I was around them. I tried to fight it. I never had these kind of feelings before. Not till I spent a week with that bitch Mrs. Oliver!

I didn’t want to be attracted to women. I envisioned being married one day, having children. I really wanted to talk to someone about the problem before leaving for school. I didn’t know who to talk to. I certainly couldn’t talk to my mother!


Summer was finally over and I was off to school. The day I arrived the sun was shining, everything looked rosy and bright.

Entering the admissions office I was given my dorm address and room number… and the name of my roommate.

I couldn’t believe it… I recognized the name. Abby Morgan. She was a couple of years ahead of me in high school. I asked the admissions clerk how I became paired with her. I thought if was unusual, out of all of the girls at the college, I ended up with someone from my own high school.

“She chose you,” the clerk said.

“She chose me?” I asked. “I don’t understand. What do you mean, she chose me?”

“Well, if Juniors or Seniors lose their roommate from the previous year, they have the option of choosing a new roommate from the incoming freshman if they want,” the clerk explained. “She came here to to office and picked your name. Why, do you have a problem with rooming with her?”

“No, I don’t even know her personally. I just know she went to my high school. No, I don’t have a problem. That’s fine. I was just curious.”

When I arrived at the room, Abby wasn’t there. I put my stuff away and lounged around familiarizing myself to the building.

Around five in the afternoon Abby came in. I remembered her immediately. She was a cheerleader… one of the beautiful people, the in crowd at school.

“You must be Sarah,” she said. “I’m Abby. I see you’ve already settled in. Did you have a nice trip here?”

“Yeah, the trip was fine. Listen, I have to ask you… I understand from the Admissions Office you chose me as your roommate. Just curious, why did you pick me?”

“You’re not going to believe this Sarah… I ran into my favorite teacher back home this summer… Mrs. Oliver. You know her don’t you? Anyway, she told me you were enrolling here and you would make a terrific roommate. So, I took her word for it. You know what they say, always follow your teacher’s golden rule. I did, and here your are. Great isn’t it.”

I could hardly believe my ears. Mrs. Oliver? Couldn’t I shed myself from that bitch. What the hell is going on? Is this girl… is she like Mrs. Oliver?

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn’t hear Abby call for me. “Sarah… come her a minute. I want to give you the room tour and the rules you have to follow.”

I numbly followed her into the bathroom. “Now this is your bathroom and you can use it any time I’m not here.”

I didn’t understand. “I’m not sure I know what you mean Abby. This is my bathroom… and I use it when you’re not here?

“Yes, that’s right,” she said.

“Well, what do I use when you’re here?” I knew the answer the minute I asked.

“You use me, silly… you use me.”

And as if to toast our new relationship she slipped silently to the tile floor. I looked down into her big blue eyes just before her blonde, curly hair disappeared under my skirt. I didn’t even bother to check if she moved my white cotton panties aside. I just let the golden nectar stream out of me… I never saw a drop hit the floor.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/imvjnm/teachers_golden_rule_ff_fetish_water_sports