[MF] Nephew wants to seduce MILF me – Why his Mom helps him

From all the messages I received I see that my relationship with my big sister is a little confusing. I wrote here:

[MF] Nephew wants to seduce MILF me, but I just want him to take it from gonewildstories

about her encouraging her son, 19 , to act as if he is trying to seduce me. Unfortunately, while my husband thinks this is all some silly sibling rivalry prank, the young man is flat out trying to bed me. He doesn’t know why his Mom is encouraging him to touch me all the time, but this is the most fun ever for him. But I know what she’s up to.

His mom watches him flirting, hugging, and touching me and just smirks at me. It’s a game, and I’m the only one not playing. Each time he touches me and I say nothing, he wins. Each time she sees her son fondle her sister, I lose. And she sees everything, especially my weakness. I rarely wear a bra anymore, and he peeks at my nipples. His mother notices and smirks at me. Her whole life has been a contest with me. She wants him to take me to knock me off the pedestal others have placed me on.

Our relationship is decades old and full of love and rivalry. She matured first and attracted all the boys long before I was a woman. Her “fan club” and her figure gave everyone the impression that she was “the hot sister”. My breasts never developed as much as hers. She wore out a gag about starting to ask me to borrow a brassiere and then saying “Oh, what was I thinking? Never mind.” I was always in her shadow. With my small breasts and few boys chasing me, I was soon “The nice girl”. I was so jealous of her and was blind to her jealousy of me.

But now we’re all grown up, mothers both, and she resents me for my success and good fortune. My husband makes more money than hers. Our cars are newer, and even my children did better in school than hers. I had all the luck in life, everything I have is shinier and nicer than hers. My house is nicer and she’s always been more relaxed when we visit her than when she is at our home, full of nice things.

Her son started at community college last year, so is still around, bouncing between his house and ours, playing video games with my sons. When he started to flirt with me, she thought it was funny and she was happy to no longer be his love interest. Her kid sister, the A-cup ice princess, being drooled over?

We’ve wandered into each other’s houses for years, but she really started to relax and be herself at my house since her son started all the displays of affection. I think she also enjoys my husband the big shot being clueless about his nephew’s intentions.

Meanwhile I’ve been playing the role of stupid Aunt Becky who thinks this is a game and doesn’t know she’s being laughed at. Pretending not to take Greg seriously. But I do take this seriously because I know what he wants and I enjoy being pursued. When he hugs me from behind and holds it – holds me so I can’t get away – I reach up and take hold of his wrists. Not saying “no”, but saying “I’ll decide where these hands go.” Then, if we are alone in the kitchen, I rub them around….

I thought what he and I did alone might be unnoticed, but he tells her later what he touched and how I reacted. She knows I placed his hands on my breasts. She derisively asked him if they were “even a handful”? She encourages him to push the envelope. He tells me she said he can be even bolder with me, and I admit to him that I don’t mind anything we’ve done yet.

This is her chance to drag me down. Her son started it because he’s a mountain of hormones and muscle, but she wants to see me brought down a peg. She’s never really been “the sexy sister”, and she knows that deep inside I’m ready to stop playing “the good girl”. My nice house and all my money won’t bother her as much after her son makes me his slut.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/imlylk/mf_nephew_wants_to_seduce_milf_me_why_his_mom


  1. Are you prepared to cheat on your husband and watch your marriage blow up? If things progress the way you want them to, there is a good chance your husband will find out eventually, no matter how careful you are. Then what?

  2. I wouldn’t cheat on your husband, If your hubby has a big dick send her a pic or video of you two “accidentally”

  3. Well, if you want him to take you, the next time the two of you are alone and you press his hand over your breast, hold for a moment, then slowly move his hand away while saying something similar to this:
    “Real men take what they want.”

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