Coming Out [LGBT]

*Three hundred miles from home; have a great job as a video game designer but things seem no different than when I was in high school.  No, wait, that is not quite right.  There is a difference; I don’t have my mom and dad breathing down my neck about becoming a preacher like my dad and settling down and giving them grandkids.  Yeah, mom still mentions grandkids when I come home for the holidays, and dad said at thirty I should have a real job.  Parents, you got to love them even if you disagree.  I know after all this time I should be honest with my parents, especially mom, and tell her that the only grandkids she is going to have are the ones that my sister and brother have given her.  From me, grandkids would have to be adopted.  And as far as finding that perfect “woman”, well that is impossible.  I am gay but am still living in the closet.  I haven’t even had the balls to have a one night stand or even admit I am gay to the world, much less my own family.*

*Today was my thirtieth birthday and I had treated myself with a weekend trip to Las Vegas.  Right now, I am trying to talk myself into getting dressed up and going out to the newest gay bar, The Gathering Place.  I kept telling myself that going in there did not mean I have to pick someone up.  I can just check the scene out, have a drink, and then go to the casino.  Tobias James Parker, get your ass up, get dressed, and go have fun.  You deserve it.*

I stood up and headed to the bathroom to shower.  After putting on a nice pair of jeans and a button-down shirt, I called for a cab and went down to the lobby to wait.  I was not sure what to expect…maybe something more flamboyant than where I was taken.  It was a nondescript wooden building with a wide front porch and just the name across the overhang.  I paid the driver and got out, hesitating only a moment before I went inside.  After paying the cover charge I headed for the bar.  Being only nine o’clock, it was semi-crowded, several couples on the dance floor taking advantage of the slow song coming from the jukebox. 

“What will you have?” the bartender asked as I walked up to the bar.

“I will have a Scotch and coke,” I told him. 

As I waited for my drink, I turned sideways and took in the people in the bar, feeling myself slowly relaxing.  The bartender set the drink down in front of me and when I went to pay he said, “Gentleman at the end of the bar bought you the drink,” as he walked off.

I looked down the bar and saw a man who appeared to be in his forties, dressed as I was.  I smiled and nodded my head in thanks.  Turning back to my drink, I thought *this is not too bad.  Guess I will have to start making monthly weekend trips to Vegas and maybe one day I will be ready to come out of the closet, or at least have a one night stand.*

“You must be new around here.  My name is Caleb,” a voice said beside me.  I jumped, almost knocking my drink over.  I could hear Caleb softly laughing.  “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.  Are you out or in?”

“Ah…ah…in,” I said softly.

“Thought so but that is okay.  It took me until I was fifteen before I came out to my parents.  At first, they were shocked but ever since they have been very supportive of my lifestyle.”

“That is great that you have such supportive parents.  You are lucky.  My parents would swear I was possessed by the devil and probably disown me.  No son of the preacher is gay,” I told him, suddenly wondering why I would tell a stranger my business.  “Thanks for the drink but I have to go.”

He reached out and placed his hand lightly on my wrist, saying, “Relax.  I am not going to entice you into the bathroom and have my way with you.  Besides, you cannot leave until we have had at least one dance together…and maybe a kiss and a grope.”

I stared at Caleb, my eyes wide as his brashness, not sure what I should do so I picked up my drink and downed it in one gulp.  Part of me wanted to stay, to see if he could help me get over my fear of being gay and coming out, at least during the weekends I would be spending in Vegas.

Caleb could see his body start to relax and he let go of his wrists.  “You have me at a big disadvantage.  You know my name but I don’t know yours,” as he motioned for the bartender to bring us a fresh round of drinks.

“No more for me,” I told him “and my name is Toby”

“Drink one with me, one slow dance, and you can go back to your quiet little world where nothing is out of the normal.  So, how about it?”

I opened my mouth to berate Caleb for what he said but then realized he was right.  As far as my parents and their group of friends would think if they knew was that I was not normal; that I was the spawn of the devil and so was anyone else who was gay.

“Alright, one drink and one dance,”

We shared some more small talk as we finished our drinks and then I let Caleb lead me to the dance floor.  I was so scared, I was almost shaking.

*What am I doing?  I have no idea how to dance…much less with a man.  Floor, swallow me now.*

Caleb could tell by the way that Toby was holding himself and the tremor in the hand that he held that he was very nervous and if he was to help bring him out of the closet, he needed to take baby steps, nice and slow.  He had been that way once but a very kind, older gentleman had been his first and he wanted to be that man for Toby.  Once on the dance floor, Caleb put his hands on Toby’s waist, pulling him a bit closer.

“Put your arms around my neck and relax,” he whispered into my ear, kissing my neck.

I did as he asked and as the song ended and another one started, I found myself leaning into him.  Caleb was about three inches taller than me so it just felt right to rest my head against his chest.  Caleb took one of my arms from around his neck, holding my hand between us as he hugged me tighter, his lips brushing against my hair.  This just seemed so right as a shiver went up and down my body.

*I wonder how it would feel to have my lips pressed against mine and then wrapped around his cock.  I wonder how his cock would taste before and he came.*

I was brought out of my thoughts as I felt a hand squeeze my ass and a voice whisper in my ear, “You have such a sexy ass, Toby.  I want nothing more than to kiss and nibble on it before I take you and make you mine.”

At those words, I felt my body start to tense up and I wanted nothing more than to get back to my room and pretend this entire never happened.  I did not want to make a scene so as soon as the song ended, I eased myself out of his arms.

“I need to go,” I told him.  “Thanks for the drinks and the dances.”

As I started to walk away, Caleb grabbed my arm saying, “Toby do not go.  I know you are scared.  Let me show you how great it can be between us…between two men.  We won’t do any you do not want to do but I want you.  Please.”

I hesitated a moment, knowing that this opportunity would not present itself again because I was going to force myself to fit into a mode that my parents wanted…for me to find a wife and give them grandkids.  I just hoped that I could get it up with a woman.  I felt Caleb’s hand on my chin, turning my face toward his, his lips coming down softly on mine.  In that brief intimate kiss, I felt a jolt of sexual desire shoot down my body straight into my cock, giving me a semi-erection. 

“I am in Room 725 at the Tropicana if you want to meet me there.  I need to call a cab so give me time to get there,” I said forcing all doubts from my mind.

“We can ride there together if you want,” Caleb offered but I declined.  “Alright, I will be there in thirty minutes.  Is that okay?”

“Yes, that is fine,” I said as I pulled out my cell phone and called for a cab.

When I got back to my room, I started to have doubts again but forced them down.  I sat on the edge of the bed, not sure exactly what was going to happen and what I should be doing.  *Should I be naked?  Should I get undressed and put on a robe or should I stay dressed?*  I decided to kick off my shoes and remove my socks while I thought about the questions in my mind.  Before I made a decision, I heard a light knock on the door.  At first, I started to stay quiet and hope he would think I had chickened out and left but then I knew deep down that was not fair to him so I went over and opened the door, motioning him to come in.

As I shut the door I said, “Ah…Caleb, I am…I mean I…never,”

“I know this is your first time Toby so relax and let nature take its course,” Caleb said as he reached out and started to unbutton my shirt as he leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips.

I decided to copy what Caleb was doing and began to unbutton his shirt as I kissed him back.  We took a step back to remove our shirts.  Caleb backed me up against the door, pressing his body against mine, grinding his pelvis against me as the kiss deepened, our tongues mating frantically.  I felt Caleb’s hands move between us, fumbling with the button on my jeans, finally get it out of the buttonhole followed by my zipper being tugged down, his hand gripping my cock tight through my underwear.

I took in a deep breath as my cock hardened almost instantly.  *Damn, that feels so good.  Why the hell did I wait so long to experience this* as I fumbled with his jeans, anxious to get my hand on Caleb’s cock.   We continued to kiss and stroke each other’s cock, the desire rising between the two of us.  Finally, Caleb pulled away and stripped off so I followed suit.  We worked our way over to the bed.  I lay down, Caleb doing the same, making sure that his cock was in my face as he took mine in hand, licking the head as he slowly started to stroke me.

I let out a loud moan and leaned over to do the same to Caleb.  It just seemed so natural.  I could not get enough of him.  Gripping Caleb’s cock in my hand, I began to lick and suck on the head, feeling him doing the same to mine.  Pushing me on my back, Caleb moved away from me and got between my legs, his tongue darting out and swiping up the back of my cock and down the front, while his left hand massaged my balls.  I could feel my balls tightening, my cock twitching as Caleb worked me over and closer and closer to the edge.

I felt his index finger teasing my ass, sliding just the tip in and moving his finger slowly in and out while his mouth went to work on my cock, I moaned loudly as the pressure built up in my balls.

“Caleb, I am about to cum,” I warned him.

Caleb moved his finger in and out faster as his lips gripped my cock tight, taking me as deeply as he could as he massaged my balls.  I gripped the sheet in my hands, pushing my pelvis upward, finally letting out a scream as my cum spurted out and down Caleb’s throat, so much some dribbled out the side of his mouth.  He continued to lick and suck on me until I had no more left.  When it was over, I felt limp, like all my bones had turned to liquid.  I felt his finger pop out and his tongue licking the head before he flopped down beside me.  Pulling me in his arms, he kissed me, his tongue pushing between my lips.  I could taste myself on him; a combination of salty and sweat but not an unpleasant taste. 

“My turn now,” Caleb told me.  “If you do not want to swallow, do not feel under pressure to do so.  Just make me cum.  I am so hard it hurts,”

I glanced down and took in his rock hard, eight-inch cock.  *How in the world am I going to fit all that in my mouth?  He did not seem that big when we were doing it earlier.*  I leaned over and began to kiss my way down his body, having no idea what I was doing but trying to remember some of the moves I had seen on the gay porn I had watched many times over.  My tongue flicked over each nipple, my lips catching them and tugging on them earning a moan from Caleb.

“That feels so good,” he moaned.  “Keep it up.”

I licked and sucked more on his nipples before kissing my way down his chest to his stomach, and finally to his cock, my tongue swirling around the tip before I slowly took him in my mouth.  I cupped his balls, squeezing gently as my tongue licked his shaft from head to base.  It was not long before I could taste his pre-cum on my tongue. Moving from his cock to his balls, I licked all around them before moving back up to his shaft.  Wrapping my lips around his cock firmly I took as much as I could of him in my mouth, gagging at first before I got it right.  I could hear Caleb moaning and feel him wiggling on the bed as he raised his pelvis up and down, fucking my mouth with slow even thrusts.

“Oh shit, Toby I am ready to cum,”

I knew that was my signal to finish him off by hand if I wanted but I continued what I was doing.  Suddenly Caleb moaned loudly and I felt him cumming down my throat.  When he finished all I could hear was a loud moan as his cock began to go limp.  I crawled up beside him and pulled Caleb close, kissing him.  We laid there a tangle of arms and legs, kissing until Caleb pulled away and stood up.

“Are you here for the weekend?” Caleb asked as he started to get dressed.

“Yeah, I leave Sunday afternoon.  Why?”

“Well, I thought we would have dinner and then we can work on lesson two; finding out if you are a top or bottom or both.  If you want to that is?”

“I would love that,”

“Great, I will meet you here around five.”

Caleb kissed me hard and then let himself out of the room.  I lay there for a few minutes before I got up and took a shower, ready to get some sleep as I figured we would have a long busy fun-filled night ahead of us.

The end.


1 comment

  1. The poor structure of your sentences here young man are OUTRAGEOUS! ps. Always remember to proof read.

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