My Father in law seduced me [60M45F][40M35F] Part 1 of 4

Brandi and Tony had been married for ten years , they had a normal marriage up and down but mostly up. Brandi was in the bath and was trying to get herself off Tony had been working a lot and their sex life had been suffering from it, she was trying to think sexy thoughts but the only thing that kept popping in was her wedding night, she never told Tony and never wanted too, she felt guilty that it made her so wet whenever she randomly thought of it when her father in law Bill was around. After their wedding ceremony her and all of her husbands groomsmen went bar hopping in the couple hours before the reception and Tony did the same with her brides maids it was a silly tradition in her mind but she went along with it.

Brandi was twenty-five and high on the adrenaline in a limo doing shots with her husbands groomsmen, her new father in law Bill was one of those people who were fun to drink with, not an angry drunk , not an emotional drunk and very sexy for an older man, she was hoping his son would age as well as him. After the fourth bar she was becoming tired, her feet hurt walking around in the dress was annoying , so the next stop she told them she was sitting this one out, all her husbands friends got out and went into the bar, Bill her father in law offered to keep her company, she was happy to have someone to talk to so at that point and he never made her feel awkward.

“I have to say, I am proud of my son, he married an incredibly smart and sexy woman” “Aw, thanks that means a lot , family is very important, can I call you dad now?” “I don’t see why not” every time he smiled she saw her husbands smile, which is one of the reasons she hooked up with him before they started dating, she had been horny all day and her mind wanted to get to the fucking part after the reception, ” Is it wrong that I want to skip the reception and get right down to sexy time?” he laughed and had Brandi not been so tipsy she would have never even brought up sexy time ” Well no , that was my favorite part of all three of my weddings, don’t take this the wrong way but you might want to monitor my sons alcohol intake tonight, nothing worse then whiskey dick on your wedding night, but if he is anything like his old-man it won’t be an issue” she giggled at that and hiccuped what was remaining of her drink down the front of her ” Oh shit, really Brandi” she was looking for a napkin but Bill was quicker grabbing some club soda from the mini bar and a napkin he looked like he was holding it out for her but her arms were paralyzed from her now insistent hiccups , whether it was out of reflex or not he began to blot the spots on her dress were the dress was stained , when she looked up she felt her clit begin to tingle and she leaned in and kissed him, he didn’t stop her but pulled her closer, now his hand was slowly moving up her white stockings up her thigh and began to massage her clit her thong getting wetter and wetter, she was stroking his cock threw his pants , long , thick and very hard, this went on for several minutes before they heard the rest of their party returning, the two sat in silence until they arrived at the reception.

The rest of the night nothing happened and nothing had happened since, but she often wondered what would have happened had they had more time, the thought of it always made her climax quickly which was happening now. When she was finished with her bath she saw a text from her father in law “Hey when did you want to meet to plan Tony’s fortieth birthday?” Brandi had almost forgotten that the two of them were planning her husbands big 4-0 , this would be the first time the two of them would be only since her wedding night , the occasional flirting here and there the last ten years aside, “Lets do Monday, he has softball and he doesn’t like me going since he feels it makes him play like shit” “Ha, sounds good see you then!”

Monday had come quicker then she realized, Tony had just left for softball and she was on her way to her Father in law’s , his new wife was working, she was forty-five and pretty hot for a sixty year old man, whom to his credit had gotten better looking with age , stop it Brandi she told herself. It only took ten minutes to hash out the details of her husbands birthday , his dad was very much a planner and organized , another thing that she was attracted too. ” Can I get you a glass of wine, a drink?” ” Yeah why not I could go for a stiff drink since it’s Monday, I feel like we earned it” he handed her a drink and sat across from her at his kitchen table ” So I wanted to talk to you about something else and I think we have been avoiding it for too long” Brandi chocked a little mid sip she had a sick feeling in her stomach. “I know we had a un-spoken agreement that it was the booze, but I haven’t stopped thinking about that night for ten years, wishing we would have had more time to uh how do I say explore each other” she was avoiding his eyes as much as possible ” I am going to be honest with you, even though I feel like I shouldn’t , I have thought about it here and there over the last ten years, but I am not sure what to do about it I am married to your son”

” I know , that is why I have not brought it up until now, it’s like this , remember your honey moon pictures you posted , the ones with you in your bikini, I still beat off to those, so I know it wasn’t the booze and it’s pretty obvious I like younger women” Brandi was a mixture of emotions after hearing that , flattered, guilty, nervous, sad, intrigued she did not know how to respond to that “….uh…I am not sure what I can say?” now there eyes were locked ” I want you to admit that the attraction is mutual and wasn’t because you were tipsy, that your subtle flirting over the last several years is because you thought about it too” she began rubbing her temples ” Yes, I have thought about it, yes I have gotten off thinking about fucking you, but how can I justify acting on that?”

An hour later Brandi was sitting in her car crying what have I done?


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