Don’t Call Me Babe [M/F][Light BDSM, FWB]

This is my first erotic story, hope some people enjoy it!

Somehow I always ended up back here. Back to this feeling of regret and shame. How could I let myself crawl into his bed again? This happened so often he kept a toothbrush in his bathroom for the mornings afterward; where I’d brush my teeth in a haste; where I’d throw my freshly-fucked hair into a hot mess of a bun and get the hell out of his apartment as quickly as I had stumbled in.

It’s his charm, it always gets me. The way that he talks to me with his sweet pet names and sarcasm and the “I’ll take care of you” feeling he gives me. But he never follows through—at least not in any other sense than sex.

“Want a smoke?” Ashton asks me, knowing the answer already.

“I have to go.”

He laughs. “I know. You always have somewhere else to be.”

“I’m an important person who meets with important people,” I reminded him as I walked to the bathroom, picking up my clothes off the floor as I went. I saw him in the mirror watching my body move, but he wasn’t getting a round two from me this time.

“I’m an important person,” he joked.

I had to give him that one; at least for a moment he was an important person in my life. “Only for a while. You’re at the bottom of my list again now.” Now that I was dressed—in yesterday’s clothes—I started brushing my teeth.

Ashton took a long drag and stayed in his bed, naked on top of the sheets. “I feel so used, Syd.”

That was a thought. Who was using who in this situation? Perhaps we were both using each other to get what we craved from someone else. As far as my life was concerned, someone else hadn’t shown up yet. I couldn’t be sure if Ashton and I were exclusive, but that didn’t bother me much.

“How long is this going to go on?” He asked.

I sighed heavily and finished up with my hair. “I guess however long we want it to, *babe.*”

The green-eyed snake put out his cigarette in the ashtray next to his bed. “We talked about that.” His voice was stern but his eyes were daring me to go further. I would have, probably, if I had the time to.

“Oh, look at the time,” I checked my imaginary watch as I put my bag on my shoulder. “I’m running late for a meeting with my *important* boss. See you next time, hun.” I heard him laugh as I walked out the door. I was really going to get it next time.

Next time? I really shouldn’t have been setting myself up for this. I was asking for a heartbreak. But we had an arrangement: We’d be friends, be there for each other, but as soon as someone else enters the picture everything is done. This had been going on for several months now, and every time had felt like it could be the last time, but today I felt comfortable and that was scary.

I wasn’t actually an important person meeting important people. I was a waitress. I went into my shift—late–and afterwards I walked out to my car with one of my coworkers, Kayli. She told me about a party one of our mutual friends was having this weekend.

“I’ve been talking to Dane about you,” she told me as she got into the passenger seat. “He thinks you might need a…distraction.”

“Distraction from what?” I was honestly asking. “I’m doing fine.”

Kayli sighed. “Trust me, you need it. He’s got someone he wants you to meet.”

“I don’t like meeting people.”

“Listen, let’s just go shopping and find something sexy. Then we’ll see how you feel about meeting people.”

The day of the party came and I had just put my dress on when my phone rang. “I don’t have an appointment today,” I told Ashton on the other end.

“You don’t need one, I take walk-ins,” he chuckled.

“I…have plans.” It almost felt like I was lying to him. The temptation to forget about he party was strong.

“In a hurry? Hun, I finished with a date that didn’t go so well and I’m kind of needing something to help my frustration.”

I sighed at him. I really wasn’t in the mood at the moment. Despite my initial rejection of the idea, I was actually looking forward to meeting the guy Dane had set me up with tonight and Ashton was the farthest thing from my mind…until this second. “I got about an hour before I need to leave.” It wasn’t an invitation, but I wasn’t saying no, either.

“Perfect, come outside.”

What? Am I so predictable that he was already here and waiting? My hair was only halfway curled, makeup wasn’t started yet, and I was wearing only my strapless black dress—hardly a state for any other visitor, but this was Ashton. I walked over to my front door and through the peephole I saw the familiar face. I had only unlocked the deadbolt when the door suddenly opened and I had a strong hand around my throat.

“I told you not to call me ‘babe’,” he growled. “You knew this was coming, right?”

His hand wasn’t squeezing, just resting around my throat as a warning. A switch in my mind flicked to submission, and my legs felt weak as I nodded and stayed silent.

“Such a bad girl,” he scolded, shutting the front door and locking it with his free hand. He spun me around and grabbed me by my hair, pushing me forward toward my bedroom down the hall.

Next thing I knew, I’m being pushed face down onto the bed. I know to stay still, and it’s not hard, because I love the suspense of what he’ll do next and hearing him undo his belt buckle and his jeans drop to the ground. I didn’t notice he had a backpack on him. He dropped that to the floor as well and took something out of it.

Slowly, and with both care and domination, he lifted up the bottom of my dress until it rested on my back. A hand caressed my lower back, hips, thighs, and ass. “No panties,” he murmured. “Who were you going to go see?”

I wasn’t sure if I should answer him or not. Was this Ashton or was he in Dom mode? I decided I’d better not lie. “I was going to go to a party.”

He didn’t say anything for a moment, just kept touching me all over. I squirmed a bit, loving the feeling of him touching me again, even though it had only been a few days since the last time. Finally he said, “You can still go to the party, see whoever you want, but you’ll be fucked by me first. You’ll be thinking of me the whole time.”

I felt myself getting wet. He was right. Whether he had shown up today or not, I would have been thinking about him. Even if I met someone else and let them take me into the back bedroom, I would have been thinking about Ashton. “Yes, sir.”

His hand left me and was replaced by a paddle abruptly spanking me, hitting my flesh three times, fast. I didn’t expect it and forgot to breathe until he stopped for just a moment. “What did the bad girl do to deserve this?”

“I called you babe,” I told him.


“Why do you not get to call me that?”

“Because you are Sir.”

*Whack, whack.*

I got the answer wrong. “Because we’re not lovers!” I cried.


“That’s right,” he grumbled. “You tend to forget.” He grew bored with the spanking quickly, and ran the edge of the paddle down my spine, all the way down between my ass cheeks. I shuddered at the feeling and the paddle was thrown onto the ground, his fingers replacing it. Ashton got onto the bed and straddled me. Keeping two fingers inside of me, he laid on top of me so his head was next to mine. “Since you have other plans, this will be quick.”

That was code for “this is for me”. I wasn’t going to be able to orgasm. That bastard. I’ll be at the party sexually frustrated, wanting to run back to him just to finish what we started and he knew it.

He got off of me and grabbed my ankles, pulling me completely off of the bed and onto the floor. I turned around to see him stroking himself, his cock at half-staff. He held the back of my head and shoved himself into my mouth, but I was more than willing. I loved sucking dick, and I did so with no complaints even if it was only for a couple minutes. I ran my tongue around his shaft as much as he’d let me, and suck on the tip whenever he pulled away. I kept my lips soft, wanting it to feel as good for him as possible. He tried getting free but I kept reaching to grab his cock and lick it some more until he finally just grabbed my throat again to make me stop. This time he was squeezing, but still not too hard.

“That’s enough, bend over the bed.”

I did as I was told, crossing my arms around my back how he liked it. He grabbed my wrists with one hand and lined himself up with the other. I kept my legs together and straight as I could, but they usually would go weak pretty quickly. I felt the head of his cock start to push in, and he grabbed onto my sore ass roughly with his newly freed hand.

The familiar feeling of him penetrating me was enough for me for right now. He didn’t relish the first time entering, he pounded me fast and relentless like a primal instinct was taking over him to claim me as his. Knowing I was going to be seeing someone else probably flicked a switch in his mind, telling him to get into possession mode and that was definitely my favorite. I felt so dominated being shoved around and taken with no regard to my sexual release. Still, I moaned and grunted with every thrust. I lightly grinded my clit against the edge of the bed, though it didn’t do much for me.

He continued this way for a few moments, doing whatever speed made him feel good. He changed his rhythm from an animalistic pounding to long, hard thrusts that made me cry out each time. I was getting so wet so quickly he was able to rub me all over with a couple fingers then stick his thumb into my asshole. It was only a tiny bit, but it still surprised me that he did it so quickly with no warning. The sight of it all was enough for him, and instead of pulling out like he normally would, he decided inside to let loose inside of me.

I felt him throbbing inside me and had I been able to touch myself at all this time, that would have sent me over the edge. My belly felt warm and I moaned at the feeling. It was my absolute favorite way to end sex. He groaned, exhaled sharply then pulled out of me and I collapsed onto the carpet.

“I want you to wear panties tonight.” Ashton was rummaging through my underwear drawer for a pair that he liked. He found a black thong and brought it to me, leaning his face down to my ear. “Put these on. I want you to feel me in your panties all night tonight.”

Well, that was it. Guess I wouldn’t be getting any from anyone else. “Yes, sir,” I agreed breathlessly.

He got dressed. My friend, not my lover, and let himself out without another word to me. Leaving me on my bedroom floor putting on the thong he told me to wear so no other man could have me that night.


1 comment

  1. Nice work! You’re a great writer. I got really into this, felt like I was there.

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