Back to nature part 3 (MF)(cons)(exhib)(piv)(rom)(wl)

Their minds and body’s were on fire, he had never seen her this lost in passion, watching her “let go” like never before, and it had done something to him, something primal, something long forgotten, but now awakened, the subtle little sounds she was making, it was like a language long forgotten but now rekindled, speaking to him, and beckoning him to satisfy her, they were aching for each other like never before, the new sensations they were feeling, to be this free, to let themselves be taken over by their passions like this, and as his hand was moving back up her inner thigh, she brought her hands down from her hair and she slid her feet back lifting her knees, opening herself up to his touch, he moved his hand up her thigh, slowly, getting ever so close to the spot that her mind is begging for him to touch, and then it comes, his hand is finally there, he pauses for just a moment, and she takes a deep breath in anticipation, then just as his fingers begin to explore her, he leans over her and kisses her softly, he feels her hand slide down between the two of them and reaches what she was searching for, she wraps her hand around it and squeezes him tightly letting him know they were both now ready to come together and bring their passions to fulfillment.

Driven now by the fire she has burning inside of her, she takes control of what’s going to happen next, she pushes him over on his back and then rolls over on top of him, puts her hands on his chest and straddles him, and with the beauty of familiarity they lock eyes both knowing what to expect from the other and as she slips back on him and he pushes forward, it was like two puzzle pieces coming together, perfectly made for each other slipping easily but firmly into place, they both savored this moment feeling that first deep connection and warmth of each other, she was now fully in control of him, he was there for her pleasure, and he knew it, she started rising up and back down on him, thinking to herself, but showing on her face how much she needed this, and how good he felt under her, filling her, and he was looking up at her enjoying what he was seeing, her breasts were right there for him to enjoy at any moment he would choose, but as her riding him increased in intensity he was content just to watch them dance to the rhythm she was creating, she kept up her rhythm and they both were enjoying this dance until she had to pause for a just moment to catch her breath, and she felt the cool breeze brushing over her gently, brushing her skin lightly all over like a paintbrush, touching her in places that have never been touched by the breath of nature before, and the moistness of the morning was like a sweet kiss all over her body, she looked into the sky and all the beauty she beheld was breathtaking, all the song birds singing, Ben lying beneath her, and all these things were coming together at that moment, there to please her senses this morning, touching her so deeply, she was being overwhelmed by everything she was feeling and seeing and just at that moment Ben leaned up and just touched her nipple with the tip of his tongue, and that was it, she couldn’t wait any longer, and she picked her pace back up, now with even more intensity, he knew that she was on the verge of reaching her climax and he started to help by pushing his hips up to meet her halfway as she came down on him, over and over again they would meet with more force than the time before, both coaxing the other to a sweet release, he continued watching her passion dance right in front of him, they were both so close, it was nearly here, and she let out a loud moan, he had never heard her make that sound before, it had to be so intense for her and he knows that it is time, time to release their passion into and onto each other, they both let go almost simultaneously, fulfilling each others primal desires, and when all thier energy was drained from thier bodies she collapses in sweet contentment down on top of him, they had never felt satisfaction like this before. He had lived out his fantasy with her and she had a new memory that will be with her forever, a sweet picture in her mind that will never fade, and now everyday that they look into that field they will remember that wonderful time they had when they got back to nature END
