Back to nature part 1 (MF)(cons)(exhib)(piv)(rom)(wl)

Sitting in his chair, watching the morning news, waiting for the work day to begin, Ben hears Patti’s alarm go off, she hits the snooze button like the hundreds of mornings before, oh just five minutes more he imagines are her thoughts, it goes off again and she reluctantly gives up her sleep. He hears the bathroom door close and the shower turn on and he knows she is slipping out of her nightgown, revealing herself, that woman that has filled his dreams and fueled his fantasies, is now is getting into the shower, he hears the shower door close, and now the warm water is covering her, and his mind begins to wander, he knows how sexy his wife’s body is and how envious he is of the water, if only he could wrap himself around her like that. He pictures the water running over her, every droplet slowly gliding over her skin, finding places to cling too, running down her breast, gently holding on to her, unwilling to release its grip but inevitably letting go and quickly being replaced by another fortunate drop, oh how he wishes he could be one of those lucky water drops right now. But now the shower is over and she steps out, drying herself and getting dressed for the day, for Patti, dressing is a art form, she always has something that catches his attention and captures his imagination, something that’s modest and sexy all rolled up in one beautiful package. What a woman he thinks, knowing what those clothes gently cover, he knows just how lucky a guy he is, she walks into the kitchen and gets her coffee and heads to the living room where Ben is waiting to see what she has come up with this morning, and she doesn’t disappoint, it’s a bright yellow sundress, and he has always loved seeing her in one of those, they seem to make her figure stand out even more, and that color, wow! She was a shapely 5 ft 4 brunette, with big brown eyes, and those red lips, the kind of lips that just make you want to kiss them, among other things… she sits down on the couch ready to read her email and enjoy her coffee, totally unaware of what Ben has planned for them, she thinks it’s just like any other Saturday morning, but this isn’t going to be like “any other morning”

This morning was different because all the preparations and planning that he had been making and running through in his mind were complete, ever since that morning weeks earlier, he has been working on it, and he knew how to make it happen! This idea, or “Fantasy” started for him on that morning walk they had taken outside admiring the sky, watching the light start to push the darkness of the night away and the beauty they were enjoying together. That morning the light was gently shining on Patti’s face, she was a beauty, one of those women that doesn’t know just how beautiful she is really is.

He told her like he has many times before just how beautiful she was, and he got her classic response “you are crazy” but he knows better, he knows he isn’t crazy, and he isn’t the only man that sees her that way, he has seen the looks she gets when they are out, he knows those men see her like he does, beautiful, sexy, so desirable, and all he can think about is how much he wants to make love to her, he wants to see her reach that place of pleasure when her expressions tell all that she is feeling, when passion takes her over, like he has seen so many times before, he wants to see it with that morning light shinning on her, right out there, in that field, behind their house and to his surprise when he shares his thoughts with her that morning, she gave him a mischievous little grin, could this be he thought, she seemed to like the idea, but that wasn’t the morning to make it happen, there was a busy workday ahead of the two of them so it was just a thought that day and for him it was every day till now.
