[FM] A Hot Hate Fuck and a Facial in the Parking Garage With My [F29] Boss [M60 ish]

**If you want to skip straight to the sexy times, scroll down to where it is indicated**

What an asshole. I put in my two weeks’ notice on Monday, and there I was on a Friday night at work slaving away on a motion to a case I wasn’t even going to have anything to do with in one more week.

To say Richard, my boss, was peeved that I was leaving was an understatement. I would have rather had him just walk me out when I handed him my notice, but given that he didn’t have a replacement lined up, I gave the standard professional courtesy of staying for two weeks until they found someone to replace me. He asked for three (and not in a nice way), but I said no.

Most attorneys I had seen leave the firm just fuck around for their last two weeks while they collect their paychecks, but not me. I immediately began catching up on cases and preparing excel sheets with detailed notes for my replacement. I had some fun plans with some friends for the evening that I was looking forward to, but ten minutes before 5 o’clock on Friday afternoon I get an email from Richard:

“Did you write the response brief to Defendant [X]’s Motion? It’s due at midnight tonight.”

“Fuck,” I thought. Richard had told me earlier that week that he was going to handle the brief, and surprise of fucking surprises, he had not done it.

“I did not,” I responded, “I thought you were handling?”

“I never said that.” He wrote back. “We need to get it filed tonight. I need you to stay late and work on it with me.”

By “with me” he meant that I would write the entire thing, and he would stay in his office drinking and God knows what else until I gave it to him to review and sign before filing.

I should have just said “fuck you” and left, but I actually care about my professional reputation. So I responded:

“I’ll do it, but its going to be right up against the wire.”

I was pissed. I cursed Richard’s lazy ass the entire time I was writing. Luckily, the response only took me until around 11:00. I had briefed a similar motion on a previous occasion and used it as a template of sorts. It was still a fuck-ton of work to do last minute though. By the time I finished, everyone was gone but me and Richard. The cleaning crew had even come and gone.

I printed the brief out and brought it to Richard for his review and signature-practically throwing it at him. Of course, he barely pretended to review it (he was probably too inebriated to comprehend half of the arguments I made in the brief anyway) and signed it. I got everything uploaded and filed to the electronic filing system by 11:30 PM and stamped the paper service copy and put it in the mail-box. When all was said and done it was midnight. It was late, I was a 30 minute drive from the office, and I was mentally exhausted. I contemplated sleeping at the office, but had done so one too many times and decided to just slap myself awake and grab a diet coke from the fridge before heading out.

I gathered my things and turned around to leave my office, and there was Richard.

“Fuck, Richard! You scared the shit outta me.”

He laughed. “Doh! (he said that unironically—I think) Sorry about that, let me walk you out to your car. I’m headed out too.”

Too tired to deal with his shit, I sighed. “Alright, asshole. Let’s go.”


As a bit of background that you may want to know, I had previously had sex with Richard—three times total in the (approximate) 2 years I worked there. Tonight would be the fourth, and last time. As you can probably tell, apart from the sex, Richard and I had an interesting work relationship. Richard is a total asshole, but when he puts in the effort, he’s a good lawyer. He is handsome for a 60 (ish) year old. I don’t remember exactly how old he is or was. Large frame, but not fat. Salt and pepper hair and well-groomed facial hair.

Richard is also a terrible boss. I can’t even count the number of near sleepless nights I put in working for him. He put up with me calling him an asshole on occasion (see above) because (1) he knows he’s an asshole; (2) because I did good work for him; and (3) he probably enjoyed fucking me.


The first time I had sex with Richard was while I was a summer intern. As much as I hate to admit it, he has a nice cock, like definitely above average. I don’t have measurements, because I never asked. But I kind of wish it was small because then I could say his hubris was overblown in at least one aspect of his life. That coupled with the raw hatred I had for him while we fucked made for some of the most mind blowing sex I have *ever* had. I hated it, but I loved it.

We walked to the parking garage. We were both parked on the top level, since we both usually came into the office a little late. The garage was abandoned except for my little CRV, and Richard’s brand new Mercedes-Benz convertible, that he bragged about every spare moment he had.

I was still fuming after having lost my Friday night to work (again).

While walking to our cars, which were parked relatively close, I womaned up. “Richard, I don’t think I want to do this again. It sucked. Let’s just make this my last night.”

Richard was caught off guard at first, but laughed. “Hey where’s all this coming from?” He paused. “Look, I don’t want to have train a new person. What are they offering you? I’ll beat it and then some.”

We reached his car. “I can’t believe you don’t get it, Richard. It’s not about the money. I’m miserable.” I felt the anger building. He didn’t respond, and I just stared at the most inconsiderate, self-absorbed, womanizing man I knew. But there was something else. Passion. I could feel myself getting turned on by my hatred. My mind flashing back to us having sex. We had a history. I fucked up history, but hey, welcome to my life. I had to get the hell out of there.

“Forget it.” I turned and he grabbed my hand.

“Wait, Ha—” Before he finished, I kissed him. Deep.

***************SEXY TIMES HERE*****************

My tongue entered Richard’s mouth, dancing with his while our bodies were pressed together in the parking lot. He tasted like whisky, and I was now close enough to smell his cologne and feel the bulge in his pants growing harder against my body. I had already taken off his jacket and threw it on the trunk.

As I started working on the buttons of his shirt, we separated for air, “Haley, are we really doing this?” Richard asked, smiling that stupid arrogant smile.

“Shut the fuck up, Richard, and get in the car.” His shirt now open as he opened his car door and sat down. I went to the other side and climbed in, leaving my door open as I bent over my seat to reach him. We continued kissing as he shut his door, my ass still hanging out of my own side.

“OK, where are we—ah–going?” Richard asked as I kissed his scruffy neck and started stroking his penis through his slacks.

“We’re not going anywhere, Richard. You are going to fuck me right here.” I already had Richard’s dick in my hand by the time I finished that sentence. Before he could say another word or protest over ruining the leather in his luxury car, I put him in my mouth.

Richard groaned. “Fuuuuuuuuck.” He took his big paw and reached under my skirt to feel how much I needed this.

I stopped sucking and looked at Richard while I stroked his cock, which was drenched in my saliva, and clearly already aching for release. “I know why you’re really going to miss me, Richard,” I teased. He groaned again.

I closed my door, kicked my heels off, and moved to hike up my skirt in my seat and pulled my pink thong off my ass. I threw it on his dash and climbed into his seat, straddling him, just like the first time I ever fucked him. The thought consumed me as I slid down. My eyes rolled back as I felt Richard’s rock hard rod fill me to the hilt. I could give less than a fuck how my boss was feeling, but by the look on his face, he had really missed me.

I started grinding and bouncing. My eyes never leaving Richard’s face. I wanted to make sure this bastard would never get over me. A wicked idea came to my mind.

“Richard, I think I need a little extra space. It’s hard to move around in here.”

He got the hint, and his hand found the trigger to make the top go down in his fancy car.

The breezy April night air hit my face, and I smiled down at my captive, lifting myself off of his penis except for the very top of the head.

“Tell me.” As I moved my hips in a circular motion around the head of Richard’s cock. “Who’s a better fuck, me or your girlfriend?”

“You are,” Richard chimed without hesitation.

“Good boy.” (My version of “that’s right, fucker” in that moment) To his relief I slid back down his dick and started bouncing again, breasts heaving.

I would never admit it to Richard, but I was extremely aroused. A combination of being excited and scared shitless at the idea of getting caught. I didn’t take my top off because even though I was doing the kind of thing that (I dare say) exhibitionists dream of, I wanted a semi-easy exit strategy if we got caught. Luckily, our building management was too cheap to put any security camera’s on the top floor of the parking garage.

“Are you going to miss me?”


“What are you going to miss about me, Richard?”

He didn’t respond. His eyes were squeezed shut, and I was only 80% sure he wasn’t having a heart attack.

I raised my pussy so it was hovering against the tip of his cock. “You’re gonna miss fucking this pussy, aren’t you, Richard?” And I slammed back down, taking all of him back inside of me.

“Yes, YES!” He said, his eyes shooting upward into the night sky.

He grunted as his first shot of semen entered me. He groaned as spurt after spurt filled me up. Don’t worry, I was on birth control. I don’t need a little Richy running around.

I slowed down as I felt the life draining out of his cock, becoming limp inside of me.

I sat in his lap. “Wow.” Is all he could muster. We started to catch our breath.

“You didn’t cum,” Richard noted.

He was right, I didn’t. Which was weird for me because hate fucking him had never failed to get me off. Maybe it was the convertible top being down and the risk of getting caught—I don’t know. Or maybe I was starting to like him more than I hated him? Nah.

“Get up.” Richard commanded.

I started to move to my seat. “No,” he said motioning, “Stand up, like this”

Confused, I put my feet underneath me on the edges of Richard’s seat and started to rise. I placed my hand underneath my opening and caught some of his cum as it leaked out of me.

“Clean that up,” Richard started, “and I’ll clean the rest.”

I stood up all the way, in Richard’s fucking-limited-edition-whatever-bullshit-rich-guy-Mercedez-Benz-convertible, and sat on my boss’s face.

“Fuuuuuck,” I moaned as tongue met pussy for the first time that night.

I started grinding Richard’s face as I looked at the cum in my hand. I held my hand up into the open air, and let his spunk slide into my mouth. I swallowed. With my hands clean, I grabbed onto Richard’s head and started fucking his face, ass out in the open air. I had only ever ridden a guy’s face while standing up on a couple of other occasions, and—to me at least—it’s kind of a power trip. I steered my womanhood every which way it needed to go, while his tongue lapped me up. I had *NEVER*, however, done it after being filled.

Let it be known that Richard—asshole boss extraordinaire—knew how to eat pussy. It was not long before I was undeniably on the edge, my breaths quickening.

“I’m gonna fall, I can’t stand anymore,” I managed.

Richard’s strong hands took me by the hips and slowly laid me across our seats, albeit a little uncomfortably due to the lack of space. He pushed the button to close the convertible top hatch thingy.

I looked at Richard and saw that his face was covered in his own cum. Two noticeable white globs on his right cheek and another on his chin. The rest of his face glistened with our mixed fluids. And that’s the twist. No, it wasn’t me receiving the facial, it was my Boss. He smiled and lifted my hips with his bear hands, putting his face back between my legs.

“Fuck. I’m gonna cum,” I exclaimed, grabbing a fist full of Richard’s salt-and-pepper hair. “You’re gonna make me fucking cum.” Three seconds later, I was screaming (thank God, he closed the car top). The heat in my pussy making me lose control of both mind and body.

My boss smiled, clearly pleased with himself.

“You have a little something,” I motioned to his cheek.

“Oh!” He laughed, wiping his face clean with his sleeve (that was gonna need some dry cleaning now).

I fixed my hair and makeup in the mirror, pulled down my skirt and put on my heels before exiting Richard’s car. He started it, as I closed the door, and he rolled down the window.

“So this is goodbye, then?” Richard inquired. I think he thought I was going to make good on my proposed vow not to return.

As much as I wanted to say “yes, goodbye forever,” I rolled my eyes. “See you Monday, boss.”

He texted me later that night. “You left something in the car,” referring to my thong.

“Keep it.” I responded.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/iks6lp/fm_a_hot_hate_fuck_and_a_facial_in_the_parking


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