The priestess [tantric sex]

She pulled the silk scarf towards herself, they barely covered her breasts. Her nipples hard and erect jutted through the thin fabric. She revelled in her alone time. She circled one taut nipple with her thumb, the skin around the tip had puckered and thickened. She lightly grazed her nails against the soft ridges of her areola. The silk scarf covered their darkness, but could not cover their desire. She let the scarf drop ever so slightly, enough to uncover the tops of her breasts. Wrapping her arms around herself, she cradled her breasts, holding them tightly against each other. The scarf dipped between her deepening cleavage. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her skin glowed in the candle light, the green silk scarf the perfect length skimming from the top of her breasts, to the tip of the opening of the opening between her legs. Enough to be demurely covered, and still let the imagination run wild.


She dropped herself to her knees, in front of her mirror, sat back, with her round bottoms resting on her heels, she looked back at herself in the mirror, and slowly parted her legs. A soft throbbing music filled the air; ancient beats that thrummed through her veins, and she slowly started to rock her body to the drum-beat.


 She closed her eyes and imagined herself in the middle of a forest, the candle lights in front of her morphed into a large log fire, and the she imagined she sat naked and exposed in the middle of a large gathering of people. People who played drums and sang ritualistic songs.


She was the priestess, the divine sacred energy, and the entire village waited for her to reach her ecstatic state.


But then, she opened her eyes, and for a moment the mirage broke.


She was again back in her apartment, surrounded by her scented candles, as she sat on her hands and knees in front of her mirror. The Spotify playlist playing her favourite tantric music.


She then concentrated on the flickering flame on her deep red cinnamon scented candle, the flickering yellow flame shaped just like her own clit. She kneaded the sensitive skin between her thighs, working her way ober the outer folds of her pussy , massaging herself to arousal. She imagined the tiny flickering flame on the candle as her clit, and teased herself to the beats of the music, and the swaying of the candle light. The woody fragrance of the cinnamon spice, filling her breath as she leaned forward towards the candle, and reached deep within herself.


She picked up the bowl of warm coconut oil that she had laid out for her practice, and she poured the warm oil over her breasts and between her legs. She again closed her eyes, and imagined… hands , moving over her, kneading and massaging her breasts, touching her between her legs, sweeping hands moving through her hair, caressing the back of her neck, the sides of her body, down her waist, rising and falling between the crests and folds of her flesh. She was now shaking and swaying to haunting tunes of the music. The warm oil making her skin slippery and smooth, and she moved her fingers, across the entire length of her pussy.


She inhaled deeply, imagining the air entering into her pussy, and filling her womb. She was now lying on her back, and arched herself into her fingers, as they entered her with each breath. All thoughts of shame and fear had left her, as she revelled in the glory of her own pussy, As she felt how soft, and welcoming her pussy was, how tight and firm they held her fingers, and yet yielded every time she pushed forward. Inhale , exhale… breathe into your pussy… she repeated to herself.


She could feel a ball of glowing crimson energy fill her body, the colour of the candle she had been focussing on.


And now to move into the next level of her Kundalini practice. She willed her breath to deepen, and her body to soften further. She let go of any pride, and ego, and she moved her fingers more purposefully into her pussy, as if entering the very core of her being. She had lifted her pussy of the ground, her powerful legs and back supporting her as she arched further into her fingers.


The crimson ball of energy now ascended into the space between her breasts. She was filled with desire and love for herself, as the energy ball turned a deep emerald green, the colour of her scarf, that had previously skimmed and teased her nipples. She breathed her sensual energy through her pussy, and into her heart, between her swelling breasts.


Her mouth lay open , her eyes now rolled back , and her body rocking and swaying to the beats of the music, as she rode into her fingers. Her body clenched and tensed around her pussy, as if all her being was being squeezed into that tiny space, and then like bright flashes of fireworks, lit up her body, as currents of lightning sparked through her brain.


She twisted and buckled under the power of her own Kundalini energy. As waves of pleasure washed over her. They called it full body orgasms, orgasms that started deep withing the cervix, and were much stronger than the clitoral climaxes that she had previously experienced.


She lay there spent and surprised. Revelling in the magic her body could create. She was still a fledgling practitioner of the Tantric sex, and she hoped that someday she could fly and float through these sensations with a man who could meet and celebrate in their highest carnal energies.




  1. This is beautiful. I felt the wave of energy as it built and surged through her and I wanted to share it.

    This is what erotica should be.

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