The Assistant 3 [affair]

He offered his arm to her and they went to dinner which was a bit more relaxed this time.

Kylie’s mind was confused. Was he really telling the truth about not fucking his other assistants? And why would he make an exception for her?

Like the night before, Anthony pulled Kylie’s chair out for her and sat next to her. She listened to him converse with those around them. After dinner they socialized like the night before while soft jazz played. Kylie diligently followed Anthony but had considerably less women to fend off which was good since she wasn’t much in the mood.

Since she didn’t have to keep the women away, Kylie made her way to the bar. She watched Anthony as he mingled and flirted. She rolled her eyes as she watched chatting up a skinny brunette.

“Just his type I’m sure,” she said to herself. She scoffed as she saw him take the woman out on the dance floor. She finished off her drink and the bartender poured another.

“Jealousy doesn’t look good on a woman,” came a deep voice as it sat next to her. The bartender filled his glass.

“Good thing I don’t give a shit what people think of me,” Kylie replied. The man smirked.

“Confidence, however, does,” he said.

Kylie took in the man before her. Jet black hair, clean shaven, blue suit with a red tie. Kylie raised her glass and said, “Liquid courage.”

“Somehow I don’t think you need that for courage,” the man said. “Might just remove the filter though.”

Kylie smiled. The man extended his hand and Kylie gave hers. He kissed her finger tips.

“I’m Seth,” he said.

“Kylie,” Kylie replied.

“So, not a fan of Lawson’s company tonight,” he said.

“Well, I don’t see why he had to drag me with him when I really haven’t done anything for him,” Kylie said. “Taken a few notes, fended off women yesterday, which, they’ve pretty well gotten the message. And now he’s just playing.”

“Aahh,” said Seth. “You’d rather he be playing with you.”

“Hardly,” Kylie scoffed. “I’d rather be watching a movie than stuck here for another…two hours.”

“Well, if he doesn’t suit your fancy, I’d like to have a go at it,” said Seth. Kylie gave a look of disgust.

“I’m married,” she said.

“So am I,” said Seth. “Most of us are.”

“God, you’re all disgusting,” Kylie said.

“The nature of the beast,” Seth said. “Besides, Lawson never used to bring his assistants with him until a few years ago. And they’ve all been good arm candy. He’s never brought one more than once.”

“So, you all just bring your assistants for arm candy and a fuck while you’re wives are at home,” Kylie spat.

“No,” Seth chuckled. “Most of us bring an escort. He has too, though he hasn’t fucked any of them.”

Kylie rolled his eyes.

“You don’t believe me,” Seth said.

“Why should I?” Kylie said. “Everything that’s come out of your mouth since you sat down is utter bullshit.”

Seth laughed.

“Well, I hired the same escort he used,” Seth said. “Get them drunk enough and they’ll spill the beans.”

“Oh? Is that what you’re trying to do with me?” Kylie said. “Oh, wait. That’s right, you just wanted to get between my legs.”

Kylie felt his hand going up her leg and she got cold.

“You are a delightful spitfire,” Seth growled.


Anthony watched Kylie as she sat at the bar all night; drink after drink until he was distracted by a lovely brunette who had incredible knowledge on business. He humored her and chatted, even dancing with her, all while keeping an eye on Kylie. He hadn’t known her long but he knew she was not in a good place tonight. He watched her chat with Seth Moorton who was his equal at a competing company. Then he saw Kylie’s face become more and more irritated before it froze.

“I’m sorry, but you’ll have to excuse me,” Anthony said to his dancing partner and without causing a scene, rushed over to Kylie.

He put his hand firmly on Seth’s shoulder, squeezing tightly.

“How’s that old football injury, Seth?” Anthony asked. Seth’s hand immediately left Kylie’s leg as he grimaced in pain. He couldn’t respond to Anthony. “I suggest you keep your slimy hands to yourself, especially when your company wasn’t asked for.”

Anthony let go of Seth’s shoulder and Seth put his hand on it to massage it. Anthony extended his hand to Kylie.

“I think it’s time to call it a night,” he said. Kylie obliged and held his arm to the elevator. Once the doors closed she said, “Thank you.”

“I think you’ve had a bit much to drink tonight Stephens,” Anthony said.

“Yeah, well, it’s been a long weekend,” Kylie said.


Kylie stumbled out of the elevator and Anthony caught her.

“I’m still not entirely sure why I’m even here,” Kylie continued as they walked down the hall. “And tonight you really didn’t need me. In fact, I learned you didn’t even bring your assistants until a few years ago. And you never bring the same one twice.”

Anthony opened the door to their room and Kylie sat down to take her shoes off.

“Things change over the years,” Anthony said. “Things get more chaotic and I need a little extra help.”

“Well, I might believe you about not fucking your assistants,” Kylie said.

“Why’s that?”

Anthony took off his suit jacket and tie and started undoing the buttons of his shirt.

“Seth said that most of the gentlemen there use escorts and that you have as well, but unlike the rest of the men, you don’t fuck them. Which leads me to believe you were telling the truth about your other assistants. So, why make an exception for me?”

Anthony stepped closer to Kylie but she didn’t move. He could tell she was trying really hard to stay steady.

“Because unlike my other assistants you don’t bend over backwards for me, you don’t put up with my bullshit, and you’re not swooning over me, trying to figure out how to get me to fuck you,” he said.

“And that makes you *want* to fuck me?” Kylie asked. Anthony shrugged and walked away. “What if I did want you to fuck me?”

Anthony put his shirt away and took his belt out of his pants. He turned back to Kylie.

“I imagine you’d take it if you wanted it,” he replied as he stared at her. She walked over to him and turned around to be unzipped.

“Except that could get me fired,” Kylie said. “Besides, women like to be chased.”

She let her dress drop, letting him see all of her back side and she undid her bra and slipped out of her panties and into her nightie.

*This woman is going to kill me* Anthony thought to himself. Kylie turned around and saw Anthony staring.

“See something you like?” she asked. Anthony didn’t say anything but continued undressing. “Judging by the bulge in your pants I’d say yes.”

Kylie walked over to Anthony and looked up into his hazel eyes as he peered down at her. Without breaking eye contact she firmly put her hand on his cock on the outside of his boxer briefs. Anthony took in a breath and let it out slowly. He placed his hand on hers and removed it from her cock.

“You should take some aspirin and drink a glass of water,” he said.

“I will, when you tell me why you don’t want this,” Kylie said.

“I don’t know if you want it,” Anthony said as he went to the sink to brush his teeth.

“You said you figured I’d take what I want,” Kylie said.

“You’re also intoxicated. Do you know what you want?”

“I want to be fucked.”

“Well Seth could do that.”

Kylie slapped his arm. Anthony braced himself on the sink and leaned against it, hanging his head down.

“Kylie,” he sighed. “I will not do this while you’re drunk.”

Kylie took her aspirin and drank some water and climbed into bed, her back to Anthony while he brushed his teeth. When he was done she went to brush her teeth and remove her make-up. She took down her hair and stared at herself in the mirror. She sighed and went to bed.

Thankfully she fell asleep quickly, but Anthony laid awake watching her sleep. He didn’t want to say no to her, but he couldn’t take that risk with her being drunk either. He snuggled close to her to keep her warm for the night and fell asleep to her gentle breaths.



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