There’s Something in the Water Chapter 4 Part 2 [MF] [inc] [cheat]

*I’ve written this story through chapter 19. The novel is complete.* *All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search for “RawlyRawls subscribestar” on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!*

*Previous chapters:*

[Chapter 1](

[Chapter 2](

[Chapter 3](

[Chapter 4 Part 1](

Patrick craned his neck to see David in the front row of the bleachers. His tall friend was back at school and sitting with the basketball team for a pep rally. Patrick wished David was up in the stands with his pals so Patrick could talk to him about everything that was going on.

“This rally’s a drag.” Patrick looked over at Roy.

“Yeah.” Roy wasn’t paying any attention. He was watching the cheerleaders. “Check out the paper shakers.”

“Yeah, they’re pretty.” Patrick looked down at the girls dancing in formation. “Did you hear me?”

“Be cool, man.” Roy turned his attention to Mrs. Rodgers. The math teacher sitting on the aisle of their row. She was clearly not into the rally. She had her chin in in her hand and a bored expression on her soft, pretty face. Her blue eyes were glazed over. A red headband kept her blonde hair out of her face. “I’m thinking,” Roy said.

“About what?” Patrick adjusted his glasses and tried to follow Roy’s gaze. Was he looking at Mrs. Rodgers? The teacher was hunched over, clearly suffering through this as Patrick was. Her tweed dress and posture couldn’t hide her inviting curves. She was one of the teachers that had seemed to gain weight lately. “Roy?”

“I’ll be back in a minute.” Roy stood up without looking back at Patrick and inched down the row in front of seated students.

“Watch it, sweat hog,” Someone said. Roy ignored him.

“Mrs. Rodgers?” Roy stopped next to the teacher. “I need to show you something.”

“Hello, Roy.” Caroline looked up at her corpulent student. Any distraction was a good one during these abysmal rallies. They went on forever. “What is it?”

Baseball, baseball, baseball. Roy prayed his dick would behave for the next couple minutes. A boner now would be disastrous. “I have to show you. Out in the hall.” Roy stepped around her and walked down the stairs and into the tunnel. He prayed she’d follow him, but he didn’t want to look back to check. Once out in the school hallway he stopped.

“Okay, Mr. Ackerman.” Caroline stepped up next to Roy and looked down into his eyes with a confused smile. “What’s so important?”

“This way.” Roy turned and started doing jumping jacks down the hall.

“What on Earth are you doing?” Caroline followed the jumping boy, her curiosity piqued. The poor teenager looked so awkward trying his calisthenics.

“Just trying to stay … fit.” Roy kept jumping all the way to the janitor closet and stopped. Just enough activity to work up a light sweat.

“Oh.” Caroline suddenly felt very strange. She should only feel those feelings in her husband’s arms. But here too? Following this crazy, chubby kid? Her vagina leaked into her panties. She must be coming down with something. “Make this quick, Roy. We need to get back to the rally.”

“Okay.” Roy opened the door to the janitor closet and looked back at her. “In here, Mrs. Rodgers.”

“In there?” Caroline reached her left hand to her bosom and peaked into the little storage area. There was a mop. Some cleaners. She didn’t see anything, but then again, she was having trouble with her focus all of a sudden.

“Let me show you.” Roy looked down the hall, both ways. Nobody around. He took her right hand in his and pulled her into the closet. “You can see it better with the door closed.” He closed the door after them.

“I think … I think …” There was a scent in that closet, along with the tannic cleaners and the moldering rags. It was something out of a dream. Or maybe out of nature. Yes, Caroline could place it. It smelled like the building blocks of life itself. If one converted the Fibonacci sequence into an odor, this would be it. “I need … I need … to go.” Her poor panties were a sloppy mess.

“In a minute.” Roy reached out for her hips and spun her to face him. It was dark in the closet, the only light coming from the crack under the door. The dim light and deep shadows enhanced the feminine curve of her lips, nose, and cheeks. No more baseball. Roy let his dick do its thing. He raised himself onto his toes and planted a sloppy kiss on her lips.

“No … Roy … no.” Caroline drew in a sharp breath. This short, sweaty boy was kissing her. Why was she not running from the closet? She should be running. “Not like that, young man.” She reached her hands to his back and pulled him against her, feeling the press of his flesh against her breasts. And the press of something large against her belly. That couldn’t be his penis, could it? “You need to kiss a woman softer. Tease her. Like this.” She bent down and nibbled on his upper lip. She couldn’t help herself. In the middle of that pep rally, she’d somehow gone insane.

They kissed in the dark for several minutes. Caroline could sense some progress in the boy, but she felt he was still too aggressive and sloppy with his kisses. This was an important life skill and she was his teacher. She’d help him.

Roy pushed her back against the wall and they continued making out.

Caroline took a quick breather. “That’s better, Roy.” She suddenly noticed that his right hand was squeezing her left boob. She hadn’t meant to let him do that. But it was too much effort to push him away and her dress and bra still covered her modesty. She decided to let it slide. Caroline bent down and planted more kisses on his lips. Her tongue darted into his mouth, and her hands groped the back of his cardigan. Then she felt cool air on her thighs. She hadn’t accounted for Roy’s left hand. He was pulling up her dress. She broke their kiss. “No, Roy. You can’t.”

“Just give me a second here, Mrs. Rodgers.” Roy had just released his dick from his pants, and he was going to try and get it in her as quickly as he could. That pep rally wasn’t going to last forever. Using his grasp of her left tit, Roy pulled her down, lowering her hips to his level and spreading her legs just enough.

“This has gone far enough. You –” She felt her wet panties being pulled to the side. And then, just like that, some sort of cudgel pressed up against her vaginal lips. “What is that?” She could feel Roy rubbing the thing all over her nethers. It sent little sparks of pleasure shooting through her. Was he trying to put something so large inside her? What a silly boy, something like that could never fit. No matter how wet she was.

“Stay still for just a minute, okay,” Roy said. This was the second time he’d tried to put his dick inside a woman, and both times he had a hard time finding the right spot. Roy didn’t think Caroline would help him the way Linda had. So, with a firm grip on the shaft, he kept pushing and moving it around. Looking for that give.

“Okay … okay … enough.” It should have been easier for Caroline to get out of this situation. She’d let the boy push her up against the wall and spread her legs. She’d let him rub that thing against her. “It’s time to go back … oof … oh … oooohhhhhhhh.” And now she had let him sink it inside of her. Not very far on the first thrust. “Oh, my … it is your … penis.” But his fat hips didn’t stop and by the tenth thrust, she’d let him all the way in.

“Yeah. You like it, Mrs. Rodgers?” He moved both hands to her hips, for better leverage. Roy’s sweat had done it again. He was some sort of super hero. All women tremble before the Man of Sweat. Or something like that. Caroline was so wet and inviting. Roy’s only regret was that he couldn’t get a better view of the surprise on her face as he worked his dick into her pussy. Next time, he’d have to do her where the light was better.

“It’s … uh … uh … unreal, Roy.” Caroline had no idea the human body could produce the pleasure she now felt. She forgot about everything except the sweaty teenager humping her up against the wall. Her fingers dug into his shoulders and she held on for dear life.

“Your pussy is so … ah … sweet … uh … Mrs. Rodgers.” Roy’s hips sped up. He was really nailing her, his face pressed up against her soft, round titties.

“Don’t … say … that.” Caroline grunted with each thrust, trying her best not to cry out. She moved her left hand to her mouth to stifle her moans. A stray thought passed through her mind; she needed to dislodge him before he planted his seed. But she didn’t have the foggiest idea how to do that. Instead, she kept hunching up against him, spurring on the invader between her legs.

“Aaaaahhhhhh.” Roy exploded inside her without warning.

“Uuuuugggghhhhhhh.” Caroline gritted her teeth and shook as her ecstasy skyrocketed by orders of magnitude. Sparks of rapture spread from her middle like electrical currents.

“Yeah … yeah … yeah.” Roy jammed his dick deep into her again and again until he’d emptied his balls. Then he held himself there all the way in. He felt his teacher trembling against him, clutching his shoulders tight with her right arm. This was the life.

After a few minutes, he pulled himself out and stepped back. Caroline slowly slid down the wall until she was sitting on her butt, legs splayed out in front of her.

“Thanks, teach. I needed that.” Roy did his best to tuck his still rigid dick into his pants. “You want to do that again?”

Caroline could only whimper in response.

“Right.” Roy tucked in his shirt. “I gotta get back to the rally.” He opened the door and looked out. No one in the hall. There was still time. “Bye.” Without looking back, he stepped out of the closet and closed the door behind him. He walked back toward the gym with a spring in his step. He could do anything. He could do anyone.

*I’ve written this story through chapter 19. The novel is complete.* *All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search for “RawlyRawls subscribestar” on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!*
