My [M] 27 (after birthday) shower, bj, and 69 with my married [F] 32 year old co-worker

This event happened after we had had sex for the second time. Leading up to this was my birthday. I figured we’d have sex on my birthday and I found out she had that expectation too. She had messaged me asking what I wanted to do for my birthday. I responded “you?.” She replied, “this sounds like it’s my birthday because I’d be asking for the same thing.” I knew what she meant but had to tease her about wanting herself. My birthday was on a weekday so we’d have limited time. She’d have to be home at a decent time to avoid suspicion, which I understood, so it left only about 3 hours for us to be together after work. We weren’t working at the same location that day, so as we are talking to figure out the evening, she says “I wanted to take you to that fondue place since you haven’t been before, the only problem is that place will take a long time to get through dinner and we’d have much less ? time.” ? was our “code word” that meant making out and me getting her topless, but after we had sex for the first time, it also included the potential of extra nakedness and touching. I told her “? is more important than eating so let’s go” and said where wed have dinner, also the place of our first “date.”

After work, she walks her dog and then heads over. With the three hours we have, we assume an hour, maybe more, would be dinner and the driving back and forth. When she walks in we start kissing. In between us kissing she says “we have an hour before dinner and an hour after dinner, I was thinking we could have dessert in your bed after dinner, so what do you want to do before dinner?” I got instantly hard because I knew by dessert she meant an hour of her naked, taking me inside her. She noticed my erection and rubbed it over my pants and said “I can’t wait to have you for dessert.” She had started talking about my cock as if it was its own person ever since she had touched it the one night, it was just her trying to be humorous. When I got to know her, she was never a sexual person, in fact she said she felt asexual a lot of the time, and that having sex once a week felt like a lot to her. Of course, after she gets caught, she then tells me that’s how she felt before me, with me she felt very sexual. I wish I knew that because I didn’t end up having sex with her as much as I found out I could have, telling me I could have every day she was over because of how I made her feel. I think she owes me some make up sessions haha. Anyway, part of me wants to tell her let’s have dessert before dinner too and have her sit on my cock, I also think of just asking for a blow job since she hadn’t given me one, but knowing that she said sex once a week is a lot, and that we were going to have sex after dinner, I just ended up saying we should make out before dinner. I definitely enjoyed it, and is making out always meant I got to play with her boobs, but I also wanted to have sex with her all day every day so just making out and feeling her up wasn’t my first choice haha.

Hours later, dinner is wrapping up and we are getting ready to leave. She drove. As we start walking out the door, she stops me, she can’t find her keys. We end up spending 20-25 minutes looking for her keys. Going into the bathroom, searching the floors, etc. After searching for so long, she was about to call her husband to come bring her keys. That probably would’ve meant her having to admit what she was doing, since the person she said she was out with wouldn’t be there, and plus I’d be there and would have to get back home somehow. As we are talking about what to do, she looks in her purse and of course finds them, they were in some side pocket she never uses. So that was the good news, bad news was we just cut so much into our “dessert” time looking for her keys that we didn’t have time. She apologized and was almost crying. We had enough time for me to just stick it in her and cum real fast but both of us loved the buildup almost as much as the sex because of how passionate and intense it always was. She promised to make it up to me.

Her chance came that next week. She messages me the next morning after my bday that her husband was leaving for a business trip Monday night and wouldn’t be back until late Tuesday, so she could spend the night Monday. We worked together that Tuesday and counting the time after work we’d have together, it was the first time wed get to be with each other for 24 hours straight. Even the nights she stayed over before, she always had to leave by noon before her husband got home. We were both running (usually together) training for a half marathon, and had dogs. We decided that after work Monday, we’d each walk the dogs at our own places, then by time she was getting to my place I’d be done walking my dog (I worked later on Monday than she did), then we’d go on a run together and that would kick off our 24 hrs straight with each other.

We go for a run and when we get back to my place, we talk about fixing dinner and showering. I ask her if she wanted to shower first while I start dinner or the reverse, and she says that she’ll start dinner while I shower. We always had treats after we ran, treats meaning lots of kissing, salty but also kind of a turn on especially since most of this was in public at some park we’d run at. So as we are kissing, I have my hands on her ass. She wore a pair of pants that always made her ass look amazing, and she knew I thought that. I’m turned on so decide to throw out an idea. “We could just shower together and then fix dinner together, to keep our 24 hrs fully with each other.” I kind of wink, acting like it’s a joke because she didn’t come across as that type of person. Surprisingly, she said “ummm, ok, sure why not.” Ive never been more excited to shower haha.

We make our way upstairs to the bathroom. We’re taking off our shoes and socks, she goes into my room to take off her clothes and put them in the bag she brought in my room, she leaves the door open and I’m watching her slide her shirt overtop, then pull her sports bra off. I take my shirt off and throw it in the hamper in my hallway, I slide my shorts and boxers off as I’m watching her do the same. She walks over to me completely naked and starts kissing me, walking me backwards into the bathroom. I break away from the kiss to start the shower up, turn back to her and with her back to me, push her up against the wall near the shower and start kissing her neck. My cock is hard and pressed up against her ass cheek. She bends her head back so that I can kiss her lips. Almost like the upside down spiderman kiss. I feel the water, it’s warm, I hold her hand as she steps in, I follow. She grabs the bar of soap and starts to wash me with it, over my arms, down my chest, then lathers my cock. With one hand still stroking me, she hands me the soap and I start to wash her. Her 34 b/c (depends on the bra) look so amazing all wet, my hands only leaving them because I know I’m about to touch something even better. Once I get there I set the soap to the side and rub her pussy. She’s holding my cock and were kissing. She turns around and tells me to get her back, which I do, spending ample time on her ass. She does the same to me. Then we shampoo ourselves and I get to watch her wet naked body right in front of me. Even though she isn’t grabbing my cock right now, I’m still rock hard staring at her.

We get dressed, make dinner, eat, watch some random thing on tv, then decide to head to bed at 7. The purpose of this was that we’d give ourselves time to mess around so that we can go to sleep by 10:30, since we had to be at work early the next day, and it would take longer than normal for us to get ready with only one bathroom and being up at the same time.

She’s in a tank top, no bra (been like this all evening, so sexy) and she takes off her shorts before jumping in bed, so just in a tank and panties. I get in with just my boxers. Funny how we dress when sleeping together now compared to the first time. We immediately start making out. Not even a minute in, she’s pulling my boxers down, she sits up and says “take those off.” I do as I’m told, I turn back as she’s pulling her panties over her feet, I reach over and pull her tank off. She lays on top of me and we return to kissing. Eventually she kisses down my neck, to my chest, teases my nipples with her tongue. When she comes back up I push her over on her back and get to work on her. I slide my left hand down and start to finger her. I finger her for so long that my hand is starting to feel numb. My finger and part of my hand closest to the finger inside her is getting coated in her juices, my lips go to her breasts, she’s breathing so heavy, she has a death drip on my cock. She tells me “make me cum” so I pull my finger out and start to rub her, alternating nipples as I suck and lick them, knowing this is the easiest way to make her cum. She cums in less than 10 minutes, I just love how her stomach shakes as she’s having an orgasm. My left hand has her dried up juices on it, I have to actually use force to open my hand and stretch my fingers, then start to caress her body as we kiss. We are intensely kissing, this goes on for at almost an hour, my jaw is actually starting to hurt. She’s stroking my cock, I’m feeling her up. She kisses down my chest and sits up, I think she’s trying to put my cock in her but she can’t (I’m guessing due to the medical issue), but she only attempts for a second before sliding her body lower and kissing down my stomach. Her hand is holding my cock as she kisses all over my stomach, moving down below the belly button, her chin is brushing against my cock. I remember thinking, please keep going please keep going. She pushes my cock to the left and kisses down to my pubic area, pulls my cock up, lifts her head, and take the head of my cock in her mouth. I almost let out a yell of excitement haha. I have been waiting for this for many months now. She twirls her tongue around the head, one of the things I love most, licks the tip, then brings her lips together around my shaft and down it. She’s using her tongue, pressing it against my shaft as lips grip it and her head bobs up and down. Once in a while she brings her lips off, only to lick up and down the sides, her hand gripping the base of my cock as she treats it like a popsicle. She goes back down. I can tell this is something she doesn’t do much, as she frequently gets me with her teeth. But all that really does it make me last longer, the short burst of “ow” breaks up the “I can’t believe she’s sucking my cock.” Even though we had been having sex, there’s something different about her being a married woman and giving me a blow job. Her hair is falling over her head so I can’t see her giving me head, so I start to hold it up. She notices and without saying a word, changes her body position so that she’s perpendicular to me, blowing me from the side, flipping her hair over to the side away from me so I can see her working my cock. Her body is close enough for me to rub my hands on. I ask her, “do you want me to cum?” She responds “mmmhmm” which I don’t know if that’s a yes or no because she responds that way with my cock in her mouth so it was unclear. I’m certain I would’ve came already, this is about 10 minutes in, if she didn’t keep scrapping her teeth against my cock head. I lean my top half over to her a little closer so that I can pinch her nipples as her breasts are hanging down. As she continues blowing me, I inch closer to her and start kissing the outside of her leg. Now I can’t see her sucking my cock but my mind is on something else. I expect her to stop me from doing this, based on things she’s told me before about how she views her body and certain parts, but I grab her left leg, push her knee up and around my head, placing it on the other side of me, so I’m not staring up at her pussy. I kiss the inside of her left leg, reach my arms out and around her lower back, then guide her down inches from my face. I lift my head up and plant my lips on her pussy. This is actually the first time I have ever 69ed with anyone, and the fact that it’s her makes this one of the best things that I’ve ever done in life. I let my tongue slide out and part her pussy lips, sliding my tongue up to her clit and start licking it. I can feel the vibrations of her moaning through my cock as her lips are wrapped tightly around it, going up and down it. She relaxes her hips and brings them down onto my face. As I’m sucking and licking her, she pushes more into my mouth. We 69 for about 10 more minutes until I can feel that I’m about to cum and even her teeth aren’t going to stop it now. I stop eating her out and tell her “I’m about to cum.” She lifts her leg over me, positions herself below my cock, continues to suck it. I realize she’s going to take it in her mouth. So hot. As one last warning I shout “I’m cumming” and I start to explode in her mouth. She leaves her mouth over my cock for a couple seconds, then releases it and strokes my cock, letting the rest of my cum shoot out over my chest. She comes up and lays next to me, she has a finger on her right hand tracing over my chest, moving through some of the cum on me. She says to me “tastes like asparagus” and laughs. That’s an inside joke we had from one of the first times we went out. We lay there for a few minutes until she looks at the time and realizes it’s past 11. We spent nearly 4 hours doing all of this, even though it felt like so much less than that. She says I should go clean up. I leave and clean up in the bathroom. I just throw a pair of shorts on now, nothing else. I grabbed what I thought was a tshirt I had, but turned out it was her tank. I get back to my room, she has her panties back on and covers her boobs with her arms, she didn’t have her tank to put on since I took it. I kinda laugh, she’s trying to be so modest when I’ve seen her boobs probably 100 times by now. She realizes that and let’s her arms drop. I kiss each of them, and suggest she doesn’t need a top to sleep in. She says “it’s already past time that we set to be sleeping, and knowing you, you wont be able to sleep with these exposed, which then means I won’t be able to sleep since you can keep your hands off them.” She says it in a teasing way and I laugh because that was true. We both get in bed and fall asleep, thinking we’d have to be up and heading to work in about 7 hours. But the next story will reveal if we made it or not…
