[M]y first post – Adventures with Miss Z (Prologue)

I’m sharing this post for some background — as I am planning on writing a series that chronicles some of the fun I’ve had over the past three years or so. But this post is meant to set the stage.


About me: I’m a 38 year old married business professional in the suburban midwest. Those who know me would view me as that “friendly next door neighbor” type. A pillar of the community, active and involved Dad, unassuming nice guy… all of that. I’ve been married for the past 15 years, and love my wife very much. There’s just one problem that we’ve had. We just aren’t on the same page, sexually.


Don’t get me wrong — sex is *good*… when it happens. But it doesn’t happen as frequently as I crave (think once every 3-4 weeks). And certain things just aren’t on the table anymore. Going down on her isn’t an option anymore (“that’s icky”, she says) — and I’m lucky if I get a “birthday blowjob” once a year. But let’s be honest — she’s missed a few birthdays.


We’ve had so many conversations about how I’ve felt about our sex life. We’ve even gone to couples therapy together to explore whether we could re-ignite it. Ultimately, she determined that we simply didn’t need to do that. Things were… fine. For her, anyway. I even brought up the concept of opening our marriage up. Ultimately, that was shut down.


At first, I tried stuffing my desires. I tried to shut away the things I craved and fantasized about. Until one day — I found myself here. I don’t even remember how I came across /dirtysnapchat, but I do know that it was the first step I took towards infidelity and started connecting with women on a secret snapchat account that I created. Eventually, though — secret snap “friends” led to real-life meetups, and, well — I now have some stories to tell.


I should come out and say that I know that none of this is **right**. Yes, I know that she deserves better. You can call me every name in the book, and it would be fair. I don’t dispute that. But, I’ve made the decision to live this life that I now live because I do love her and want to be with her — but also crave other things and have given myself permission to indulge those cravings. Since doing that, things that I’ve only dreamt of or fantasized about have become real. Things that I never even knew about myself, sexually, have surfaced.


Why am I writing about what I’ve done? Well, in truth — I’m doing this for a couple of reasons:

* I have nobody to tell. Even my closest friends have no idea of the experiences I’ve had at this point.

* I enjoy writing. Simply letting the words flow out of me and putting it out into the open.


And this all brings me to Miss Z.


Miss Z is, in so many ways, just like me. We’re both similar ages and are married business professionals. I’m in pretty good shape for being almost 40. Miss Z, though — she’s on another level. She has a body that most college girls would be jealous of. Her dedication at the gym has given her an amazingly tight body, her perky breasts defy her age, and her ass… her *ass*… it’s practically made to be shown off in a cute thong. She’s no taller than 5’5″ and if she weighs more than 120lbs, I’d be surprised. She also has an innocent smirk that masks the devilish desires that live inside of her.


Miss Z also happens to be the longest running FWB that I’ve had since I’ve begun exploring on my own over the past three years. We’re not “exclusive” as FWB’s. She talks to and plays with others. I do from time to time as well. But together — we’ve created some memories that I’ll never forget.


I brought up the idea to chronicle some of the stories that Miss Z and I have made together here, and she was intrigued by it. Maybe she’ll come here to follow along — maybe not. Regardless, though, I look forward to detailing some of the experiences we’ve had together. I’ll start with the first time we met in my next post.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ih6vaz/my_first_post_adventures_with_miss_z_prologue

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