back seat car sex with a stranger [MFM]

We usually like to go to a korean spa from time to time to relax. On this particular occasion we went late at night and my gf was feeling particularly horny and she ended up chatting with a guy who was just in town for a few days. We ended up inviting him to our place for some fun. 

If you have never gone to a korean spa, it is basically a bath house that has a wet zone equipped with one or several hot tubs, cold water pools, saunas and steam rooms. This wet zone is gender segregated and people are usually in the nude. They normally hand you some pijama like clothes that you wear in the common zone that is mixed and also has an assortment of health rooms, some cold, some hot. Everyone is walking around barefoot here. I like spending more time in the wet zone than my gf (no pun intended) so I usually need to go find her when I get to the common area.

On this occasion I found her in one of the hot rooms talking to a tall dark man. They were sitting next to each other on the floor, backs to the wall legs stretched out. I sat down next to her and she introduced me to the stranger, Adam and gave me a brief synopsis of who he was. Me and Adam just nodded to each other and then sat in silence for a few minutes.   

“Your feet are so big!” She remarked about Adam. He had large wide and hairy feet. As she said this she moved a foot towards his and to compare them. 

“Yours are cute” he remarked as the temperature increased in the room. I was sure where this was heading. I had seen Adam in the wet zone, I tried to recall what his cock looked like since it was likely that it was going to end up buried in my gf’s pussy. I believed it was of the uncut variety and on the smaller side. For the next minutes we moved around different rooms where subtle hints were dropped and a lot of footplay between them was made.  Not wanting to escalate things more at the venue, I suggested that we go to our place for a beverage since we have better stuff. Adam agreed and shortly we retreated to the changing rooms.

The drive back to our place was usually 15 min but this time it took 30min. Adam rode with us since he had arrived by taxi. As we got into the car Adam instinctively got into the back seat, driver’s side. My gf surprised me and instead of driving shot-gun she also took the back seat. She was wearing a summer dress and strappy sandals. He only wore a T-shirt and some shorts.

“Play the Rolling Stones” she exclaimed, “I love this song!” She screamed as “Paint it Black” was playing, “louder!”. The volume was loud in the car and she was moving her arms excitedly in the back seat of the car as I pulled off the parking lot. 

At the first set of lights I looked at the rear view mirror, her bare feet were resting on his lap. At the third light he was sucking her toes. There was no way I was taking the highway. I adjusted the rear view mirror to get a good look at them at each traffic light as I took the long way home.

I heard unzipping and rustling.

She was giving him a footjob, his cock looked large and thick, I guess he was the grower type after all. His glans were easily twice as big as her big toe. He would periodically suck on her toes to moisten them. 

They were now both sitting opposite each other, her feet wrapped around his cock. His feet at the side of her body, she seemed to be massaging them.

Next light and she was now sucking on his big toe as “I can’t get no satisfaction” was blaring from the speakers

I heard the seatbelt come off.

They had moved to the center and she sat on his lap, her bare pussy was visible, it was glistening wet. 

Her dress was pulled down, he cupped and pinched her erect pink nipples. 

I heard her moan. 

He inserted one, then two fingers into her cunt. He had thick wide fingers, they kissed as he buried his fingers, knuckles deep and began finger fucking her. It was hot to watch her hole being pried open and penetrated by someone we had just met, my cock was hard.

A few stops later “Aiee, Aiee” I heard her exclaim.

I looked at the mirror and he had penetrated her raw. Someone honked at me as I was transfixed at the sight of her lips stretched by his thick cock. I started to drive again. 

They moved around the back, the suspension of the car was being tested as he was fucking her in the back seat.

She was on her back, her legs spread open as much as possible, one of her legs spilled into the front area, close enough that I could grab it. As I pressed her sole,  she pushed it closer to me. 

We were approaching our home and I heard her yelp as some of the potholes made his cock jerk violently inside her. We reached the parking lot and I drove all the way to the top “Aiee, Aiee, Aiee” She continued to exclaim as Adam pounded her into the leather seating of the car. I stopped the car and opened the windows slightly to let in the cool night breeze. I decided to step out of the car and go to the passengers front side to get a better view, as I did, he placed her legs over his shoulders, causing her painted toes to stick out the window. I took in the view of her toesnails gripping the frame of the door, as the car rocked, moans and grunts emerged from the vehicle. Her high pitch moans betraying her climaxing.

A few minutes later, sensing Adam was about to cum, I opened the passenger back door in time to see his balls deep in my gf, he was holding his position as his hairy balls and shaft pulsated. Moments later he pulled out and got into his shorts before exiting the vehicle. I saw my gf lying on the back seat legs ajar her just used hole was sore and leaking cum. I enter the car and pulled down my pants as I took over Adams position, making her toes grip the frame again as I started pounding her. “Aiee, Aiee, Aiee” she began to moan. The extra lubrication compelled me to pound her deeper  I didn’t last too long, the images of Adams fat fingers probing her cunt, his cock penetrating her, her toes gripping the frame and the juices trickling from her reddened sex were too much for me. I came in her too.



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