[exhibition] Guys [m], ever had a friend or roommates girlfriend [f] secretly somehow show you more than her SO would be comfortable with, but play it off like it was an accident, or pretending like she doesn’t know you saw her?

Like, leaving the door open when she knows you’re home when she’s changing, masturbating etc. Or maybe dressing a certain way that could still be perceived as innocent when her SO isn’t around, like not wearing a bra or something, bending over, etc. Or just any number of things.

Or ladies, have you ever intentionally done this?

I don’t condone cheating, but this is still pretty fucking hot to me.


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5hse04/exhibition_guys_m_ever_had_a_friend_or_roommates


  1. We do this. F has been caught swimming naked in the pool by the landlord. She’s also been known to wander around without underwear. Check our tumblr account – same username as here.

    Yes M is aware, and he loves it.

  2. I probably wouldn’t do this if I was in a relationship, but if I happened to find a male roommate I found attractive, I would totally do this. Start slow, just hanging out bra-less, escalate to walking around naked, masturbating loudly… This is a big fantasy of mine.

  3. I’m in college, and I tend to wear tiny shorts/underwear/sports bras or just a long tshirt when at my apartment or boyfriends apartment. I definitely interact with his roommates like that, and its usually just hitting the line of whats allowed. Sometimes I’ll pull things down a little too much to let my nipples peak out, or hug the boys a little too tight. It’s fairly harmless fun, and the bf doesn’t mind :)

  4. In high school and college I worked at a family business, and the boss’s wife was pretty much a waste of space but needed something to do. I avoided her because she would give me make-work, but for a few weeks she would seek me out alone and get slightly teasy-flirty. My boss was a mensch and I was very sexually naive, so of course I responded professionally and pushed any hotmilf fantasies to the back of my mind.

    On my last day of work one summer before I had to go back to university, she flopped herself down on a chair in my office so forcefully that the air resistance puffed her loose sundress up, giving me a view of everything. Think the Marilyn Monroe air grate scene in *The Seven Year Itch,* but with zero modesty. I blushed, she smiled at me, and stood up and left the room, saying “have a nice sophomore year.”

    When I returned next summer, she had joined La Leche League, a group promoting natural breast-feeding, for the sake of her newborn daughter. But no matter how many times she required room to nurse, I never stuck around.

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