Making partner, part 1

Deirdre drummed her fingers on the desk again, glanced at her email, and then looked up for the thousandth time at the closed door to the conference room. She looked again at her watch.

45 minutes ago, Deirdre had given the biggest sales pitch of her life in front of her bosses and a contingent of executives from her firm’s biggest client. The entire account had been on the line and Deirdre felt like she’d nailed it. Hit it out of the park. When they dismissed her for some discussion, she was sure they’d be calling her back in any moment to share the good news. Instead, Deirdre had spent the last…46 minutes waiting for any sign at all of how things are going.


Her head snapped up to see the conference room door open just wide enough for Jack, her boss, to stick his head through.

“Deirdre, can you join us please?”

Jack had his poker face on, which didn’t make sense. Deirdre just *knew* her presentation was perfect. So what was the problem?

Standing up on shaky legs, Deirdre padded across the carpet in her heels. Her long, tan legs cool in the air conditioned office air below the hem of the expensive black dress she’d purchased specifically for today. The outfit was completed by a pearl necklace and the styled blonde hair she’d spent an hour on this morning. Every detail of her appearance, like every detail of her slide deck, was honed to perfection.

Deirdre slipped through the open door into the conference room just before Jack pushed it closed and flipped a lock into position. In the back of her mind, Deirdre registered briefly that the lock seemed new and that it was a weird thing to have on a conference room door.

What drew Deirdre’s attention most was Lisa, Jack’s secretary, sitting in a chair on the far side of the conference room table and quietly sobbing into a handkerchief.

“Oh my god,” Deirdre said, “Lisa, are you ok?”

“Lisa is fine,” Jack said commandingly, “we need to talk about you and your presentation.” The room full of dark-suited men nodded, some grinned. Deirdre swore she heard a zipper being undone.

“My presentation?” Deirdre asked. “Was something wrong with it?”

“No, “ Jack said, “Nothing wrong. Far from it, in fact. We had a tentative agreement before you gave your presentation. Your presentation was so attractive…” Jack shook his head almost sadly, “…that our partners at Global Corp decided that Lisa wasn’t going to be enough.”

Deirdre was confused now. “Lisa wasn’t….what? What do you mean?” She swiveled her head, taking in the audience as the lewd stares finally registered. “What sort of agreement?”

Jack gestured to his crying secretary. “Lisa is still on our payroll, but her body belongs to Global Corp now.” He waved his hand dismissively. “I know, I know, but it’s not as bad as it sounds. She’s already gotten a substantially raise and she’ll be given a bonus as soon as we have confirmation of her pregnancy.”

Deirdre’s knees buckled and she had to put both hands on the empty chair next to her to brace herself against falling.


Mike, the Global Corp CEO, was standing up now and walking towards Deirdre. Reflexively, Deirdre backed away towards the door.

“Stay the fuck away from me you fucking creeps!”

Mike just smiled his creepy leering grin and unzipped his slacks as he continued forward.

“Deirdre, calm down,” her boss intoned in his reasonable negotiation voice. “This is your shot. Sure, it’s a little unconventional, but this is your chance to prove you’re a team player…this is your chance to make partner.”

“Partner?” Deirdre stopped backing away. “Partner? And, I have to do, what exactly?”

Mike pulled out his cock, already wet and slick with god knows what (though, deep inside, Deirdre knew it was slick with Lisa’s juices). He began to stroke it slowly as Jack explained.

“There are 8 men in this room. Get them all off here and now, and your salary goes up by $80,000.”

Deirdre shuddered as Mike stepped forward and reached his free hand out to finger her pearl necklace.

Jack went on, “conceive a child with one of the men in this room and your picture goes up on the wall in the lobby. You’ll be our newest, and youngest, partner.”

Deirdre said nothing. She closed her eyes and held her breath as Mike fingers explored further south, plucking at the buttons on her blouse and undoing them, one by one.

She thought of her kids and had to fight her instinct to flee the room.

She thought of the extra $80,000….

She thought of her husband and a tear slipped down her cheek.

She thought of making partner….she thought of making partner, a decade early. She thought of the accolades, the extra pay, the respect, the power. She thought of making partner and she broke her paralysis, lifting her own hands and using them to undo her blouse faster than Mike’s fumbling fingers.

“Thatta girl,” Jack whispered breathily.
