Hearing my bestfriend get her guts arranged in the same room.

My best friend used to introduce me to everyone. I met Matt and Travis one night with her. I met him through my at the time best friend and his best friend. My best friend and I were at my house drinking by ourselves and having a fire.

“We should invite some people to come hangout!” She (well call her Emma) suggested.

“Im down, but who?” I responded. It was already pretty late in the night, and many of the people who were talking to me had already been in bed.

“Well my friend Travis is with Matt and theyre just cruising around,” she said, and I told her why not! I had never met them, but i knew of them and had heard a lot about them.

They showed up about 10 minutes after we learned they were coming. Emma and I had been drinking Reds, and they had brought some more. They introduced themselves to us, and we made a little small talk. Matt was casually checking me out, while Travis was close to emma.

They went back to their car to get more beer and emma came up to me.

“Can I call dibs on matt?” She asked.

“What? No? I already called dibs and you and Travis have been talking nonstop” I said back. I could tell she would rather have had matt, but I had no interest in Travis.

“Ahh okay I thought I’d ask! Travis is pretty fine” she responded, while sipping her beer.

The guys had came back, and they asked if we wanted to ride with them to Matt’s house. Emma and I agree and we went on our way. Once we got there, we went to his basement and began playing drinking games. We ended up playing a strip game, and emma and I had to strip to our thongs.

“Amy’s thong is so much cuter than mine, I don’t want to do a spin” she pleaded. She was wearing more of a “grandma thong” while I was wearing a thinner, neon pink thong.

Matt was eyeing me up and down and responded while on looking at me.

“Oh no, she could pull anything off. Do a little spin” so I turned slowly while playing twirling my hips. As I turned, Matt grabbed my hip and pulled me to sit on his lap. Travis was sitting next to emma with his arm around her. Travis and matt gave each other a look, while emma was looking back at Travis. Travis picked her up and carried her to a bed that was in the back of the basement. Matt’s bed was along the middle wall in the middle of the room we were in.

“Well, he didn’t wait long” matt whispered to me. We looked at each other and laughed, while Travis carried emma to the bed and began making out. Matt looked at me and smiled and I smiled back at him. He grabbed my face and pulled me closer to him for me to kiss him. We kissed each other back a few times, before he picked me up. I started giggling as he put down on his bed. We could hear emma and Travis banging in the back, as he was smacking her ass while her moans slowly spilt out.

‘Are we about to fuck?’ I wondered to myself. I had recently stopped talking to this guy entirely and I wasn’t sure what I was wanting but I rolled with it. Matt was super cute, and I was down for anything.

He began kissing me more as he got closer and closer to me. Hell pulled my thong off of me, and sat up and was about to unbuckle his belt.

“Actually no. I don’t want to start on a bad foot” he said. I was taken back by that. I had been used to being used whenever, and I was okay with it. I was oddly more turned on from this.

“I won’t leave you with just nothing though, I do like you a lot” he responded. He pushed his lips towards mine and kissed me deeply. I fell into him, and rolled into him leaning over me while kissing me. He moved me to lay down, and began kissing my cheek, to my neck, to my sides, until he made his way to my thighs. My legs immediately tried to close in on him, and he slowly pushed them open. He put his face near my thigh and kissed it right before he went straight to my pussy. His tongue began flicking my pussy slowly before moving faster and faster. I threw my head back as I grabbed his hair and let out a small moan. My moans blended in with Emma’s, and we started moaning in sync.

Matt looked up and winked at me while his tongue flicked my clit. I was soaked from his tongue movements and from hearing Emma’s moans in the background as Travis’ dick plowed into her pussy. He was flicking his tongue faster than anyone had before, and I was lost in my enjoyment. He made small swirls around my pussy before he’d go up to my clit and flick her ever so lightly with her tongue. My hips started rocking into his face as his tongue pushed itself into my pussy. I was almost sitting up as I let out louder moans and grabbing fistfuls of his hair,while he grabbed my ass. I was breathing hard as he slowly made his way up to my face and kissed me hard.

“It sounds like you enjoyed that, huh?” He smirked at me. He acted like a gentleman that night by not going straight to fucking me. I wasn’t used to that, and I didn’t know how to process that but oddly enough it turned me on. He pulled my thong back up, grabbed my shorts for me and brought them to me as I got dressed. He held me in his arms while we made out until emma sauntered up to us.

“I am beat” she said. Matt and I began laughing hysterically as Travis came up with a huge smirk on his face. On our way home Matt texted me while I was sitting beside him. His hand was on top of mine rubbing my thumb as I opened the message.

“I hope you’re not mad at me for not doing more. I actually like you” he texted me. I was flattered more then anything. I was so used to being used that someone actually wanting me made me feel so much more. I looked over at him and shook my head and smiled. They dropped us back off, and matt left me a message that I woke up to saying,

“I hope we can continue soon?.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ifpzit/hearing_my_bestfriend_get_her_guts_arranged_in