Cabin With Leah Part 1 [MF] [Stepsister]

Life was going pretty much downhill for me. For financial reasons I had to drop out of college for a bit, leaving me without a solid vision for my life. It had just been my mom and I trying to figure out how to survive for a while. This event was inevitable and we both knew it; we just wanted to avoid it for as long as we could.

For the past two years, however, my mom had been dating this guy for his money (that’s what I think anyways). He was of some help here and there but obviously not of *that much* help to keep my college career afloat. I’ll give him credit where it’s due, he was actually planning to help us move into a bigger home within a few months. I wasn’t hopeful for this, considering how short of a time span he had been around for.

My mom’s boyfriend saw that I was getting pretty down and over the course of a few weeks he came up with an idea. He offered to rent out a cabin for me to stay in for a week to meditate and such bullshit. It’d be out in the woods with no internet, secluded privacy and plenty of time to rethink things. It really wasn’t that bad of an offer until he threw in the catch.

I really didn’t know her that well but he wanted to send his daughter with me. We didn’t have anything against each other, we just hadn’t gotten time to ourselves. Staying in a cabin with someone I barely knew for a week seemed like a terrible idea. My mom bickered in compliance that it would be good for the two of us but I saw through the bullshit. It became apparent to me that the two of them just wanted time to themselves.

Arguments later with my mom’s boyfriend I ended up *sort of* agreeing with the circumstance. He managed to cough a “whatever” out of me one night after dinner. I still wasn’t totally on board but did absolutely want to leave my life behind for a bit. His daughter wasn’t very excited easier, I found out that next morning, so at least we both knew how bad of an idea it was.

Leah, his daughter’s name, confronted me about it later that day.

“As fun as a getaway trip with my practically stepbrother I don’t even know sounds, I might have to pass.”

“Believe me, I’m against his damn idea just as much as you are,” I glared at her. “You think I want you to go?”

“So I’m being forced?”

“Probably,” I sighed. The TV blaring in the living room helped the awkwardness of the conversation.

Leah rolled her eyes and turned to enter our parents’ bedroom. I watched as she went inside and started an argument immediately. As to avoid being pulled into it I retreated into my bedroom. Their voices crept louder as I shut my door behind me.

Moments later, Leah knocked at my door. Her eyes met with mine as I creaked open the door.

“Are you sure about this?” She asked me.

“No, but I need to get out of here.”

“They’re not giving you a free cabin unless I go with you,” she said, very visibly annoyed. “So if you go, you’re being required to drag me along.”

I took a few seconds to answer, rubbing my eyes.

“Look, I’m sorry,” I tried to push her away. “I need this trip.”

Leah opened her mouth to argue, but held her breath. She stopped, gave me a glare, huffed, and her face froze. After a few seconds she stormed away, her silky brunette hair trailing behind.

We really didn’t speak again until the day we left. It was a morning with air stuffed with tension. Leah and I stuffed our bags into the trunk of my car, said our goodbyes and I began the two hour drive. My mom’s dad gave me the specific instructions to get there, grab our keys and how to settle in. We were also given food to help with the few days we were there and a Remington.

An hour into the drive Leah broke the tension.

“How long until we’re there?”

“About another hour,” I told her, surprised by her voice.

“Another hour,” she sighed.

I glanced over at her in the passenger seat next to me.

“There isn’t gonna be a signal out there,” I assured her, noticing she’s been stuck to her phone.

“I know, this is so fucking stupid.” Leah tossed her phone into the floorboard in frustration.

“It isn’t that bad.”

“What the hell am I gonna do for a week?”

“Answer that for both of us,” I raised my voice. “If you keep whining it’ll just make it worse.”

“You’re so obnoxious Jake,” she stared out the window almost in tears.

“I don’t give a shit what you think about me, I never wanted you here.”

There was silence. I continued driving along the road for a few minutes before looking over at her and realizing she was silently crying, making sure to keep her stare out of her window. A part of me did feel bad for her but I also just wanted to get to the cabin so we could separate into our rooms for a bit.

I should’ve said something but I didn’t, because, well, I guess I am just an asshole. Apologizing and trying to help someone with words was something I never was good at.

Through a few exchanges we finally got to our cabin with the keys in my hand. It was an old fashioned log building with a lake next to it. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t impressed with the beautiful nature of the scene. The afternoon sun reflected the heat of the summer off the water, setting the scene almost immediately.

Leah waited for me to unlock the door and bolted inside. There was a main room with a couch and a fireplace, a bathroom and two bedrooms. The walls were aligned with decoration and a few cobwebs perched the roofing stilts. She claimed the room to the left and closed the door behind her. I at least studied our cabin’s architecture a bit before walking into my bedroom.

We had a closet, a night stand and a surprisingly comfortable bed. The wall decor proceeded into the bedrooms so I had that to count for as well. I took a seat on the bed and just sighed, looking out of the window. *This is it,* I thought to myself. *A whole week of this place.*

The afternoon into the evening was spent unpacking my things and taking a nap. When I awoke the sky outside was a cherry red. My feet hammered against the wood as I opened my door to leave the bedroom.

Leah was nowhere to be found. I thought it would be a good idea to try and make amends with her so this trip wouldn’t be a nightmare for her. Approaching her door quietly, I took the knob in my hand and turned.

“What do you want?” She choked up.

I opened the door and found her curled up on her bed, face red. It was apparent to me that she was still crying.

“Well shit,” I mumbled to myself.

“That’s all?”

“No,” I stepped into her room. She had her things spread out across the floor. “Let me apologize.”

“Just now?”

“Look,” I sat on her bed next to her. “You’re right, I’m obnoxious. An asshole too. But we’re stuck together.”

“You left me alone here for hours,” she cried again.

“I know.”

“You’re scaring me so much.”

“I’m sorry,” I placed a hand on her ankle. “I’m sorry.”

Leah stared at me. Her face cracked and tears rolled down her cheeks. Unexpectedly she sat up and threw her arms around me. I couldn’t pull away, only let her hold me close.

“You can’t fucking do that again,” she said to me. “I was so afraid that’s what this entire week was going to be.”

Oddly enough it felt very nice to me. The warmth of her body engulfed mine and her hair rested on my shoulders. Out of instinct I wrapped my arms around her as well.

“It won’t happen again.”

“Good,” she whispered, not letting go. I don’t pull back either.

After a minute, however, the awkwardness of it settled in. We retracted back seemingly on cue and averted our eyes away from each other.

“We’ll find something to do tomorrow,” I blurted out, looking to break the silence.

“I already have plans,” she said. “I’m going to tan, this sun is the perfect opportunity for it.”

“Well okay,” I said, standing up to leave. “I’ll cook dinner.”

“I’ll help,” she jumped up.

“You’re eager.”

“Don’t you need a fire?”

“Yeah I guess.” I honestly hadn’t thought of it.

“I think I saw some firewood outside.”

“Let’s cook it in the fireplace,” I told her as we left the room.

We ate what her dad left us as darkness settled over the cabin. Luckily we had electricity so we could at least see inside. Admittedly it was cold, though. The heat of the fire was helping tremendously before it went out. Once it did I decided it was time for us to go to sleep.

“We should call it a night,” I said as the coldness took over again. “It’s too chilly.”

“Yeah okay,” Leah said softly, wrapped in her blanket.

“The week will get better,” I told her, trying to comfort her. “Just bare with me.”

“I’ll try,” she said, walking to her room. “Good night.”

“Good night,” I called back, making my way to mine.

I changed out of my clothes into my night pants and a t shirt. The bed had two layers of blankets that really wasn’t helping much, I came to find. I tried to fall asleep for an hour with the cold but I wasn’t getting anywhere.

Somehow we needed heat. My mind raced through several possibilities with fire but realized we weren’t going to get anywhere without the risk of burning the place down. That’s when, finally, I landed a plausible but definitely strange idea.

Leah answered her door pretty quickly after I knocked. She wore a loose night gown.

“What is it?” She whispered.

“Are you still too cold too?” I asked her, shivering.

“Yeah, I was gonna ask if you had any ideas.”

“Well,” I swallowed. “What if we just slept together?”

She took a step back, in shock by the suggestion.

“What the hell?” She blurted out.

“Look, we’ll generate heat,” I tried to calm her down. “It’s not a terrible idea.”

“I mean I guess, but,” she trailed off. “That’s kind of weird.”

“Well,” I sighed, “we don’t have a lot of options.”

Leah honestly contemplated the idea, staring at me to see if I was messing with her. Her answer was obviously assisted by the cold nippiness in the air.

“We don’t talk about this,” she demanded. “Not even now.” She left the door open and turned away, marching to her bed. I watched as she climbed in, leaving me space.

The door squeaked to a close as I shut it behind me. Very carefully, I walked over her things and lifted the bed sheets over the area she left for me. Climbing in was sort of awkward as she didn’t move a muscle or say anything.

It definitely helped a little. Her body heat helped me to get a little comfortable. We were sort of scrunched together given the size of the bed. After lying in an awkward position for a bit I decided to take the initiative in really helping the two of us.

“Don’t make this weird,” I whispered to her, giving her a warning. Before she could ask what, I moved myself directly behind her, now spooning her. I could feel her heart racing and her breathing stagger as I wrapped my arms around her.

“Wait,” she responded, suddenly turning. To my surprise, she turned to me, her face red. Leah wrapped her arms around me as well and nuzzled her face into my chest. The two of us cuddled like this and I couldn’t help but smell her hair. We held each other tightly and we fell asleep in minutes.

As anyone could have predicted the next morning was made pretty awkwardly by- you guessed it- morning wood. I awoke with my erection pointing against Leah’s stomach, who was still asleep. There was nothing I could do to move because we were so neck in neck with each other.

At first it bothered me but the feeling of my erection trapped between us honestly made me a little more excited. It was terrible but I was perverted. Before I could get any ideas or fantasies, though, I felt Leah move, indicating that she was waking up. As she slowly opened her eyes she unwrapped her arms around me and half consciously pushed her body forward, causing my tent to slide up her belly.

The feeling of this really brought her to consciousness. Though she and I didn’t say anything or make an obvious note on it, I felt her muscles tighten as she froze. After a few seconds she climbed out of the bed and I faked as if I was still sleep. Once I heard her in the bathroom I tucked my erection into my pants as to hide the tent.

Leah came back in a few minutes later to wake me up. We spent the morning cooking breakfast and taking turns to wash up. Once we were ready for the day we each walked into our rooms to change. I emerged wearing a t shirt and shorts and Leah walked out in just a pink bikini. I felt my heart throb at the sight of her body.

She had E cup tits, unbeknownst to me. Freckles ran up her arms and across her torso before reaching her hour glass figure. I caught myself holding a gaze for too long and I tried to speak to make an excuse for myself.

“Oh yeah, I forgot you said you were tanning,” I nervously said. “Did you bring sun screen?”

“Yeah,” she said. “I brought my tanning lotion.”

“Okay,” I said, watching her walk outside. “I’m gonna stay behind for a sec to figure things out for myself.”

“Alright, I’ll be by the lake.”

She left with a towel and I walked back into my bedroom once she was gone.

I still didn’t totally have an idea of what I was going to do but I came to my bedroom to think of something. Fishing was undoubtedly an option but something I didn’t want to end up doing the entire time. Throughout circling my ideas I eventually just went to the window to look outside.

That’s when I saw.

Leah was lying on her stomach in view of my bedroom. Her face buried in her arms, not knowing I was looking at her. I never realized, but she had a fat ass. Her cheeks swallowed the bottoms of her bikini and beamed under the sun. I stared for a little too long and felt a hard on growing in my shorts.

It was absolutely wrong. Moving away from the window was difficult, but I mustered it. I did slide my shorts down, however, to masturbate. My swollen cock leaked of pre cum as I stroked it, honestly thinking of Leah.

Nothing about this was okay, I just honestly never allowed myself to admire Leah like this before. Various events in my life had just continuously distracted me from seeing her as such a hottie. She was definitely a brat sometimes but she was definitely good eye candy.

Ultimately I couldn’t help it. I walked back to the window to stare at her ass more as I jacked off. It wasn’t hurting anything as long as she didn’t know and we never actually did anything, right? In a few minutes I splattered my window with my cum.

Then the post ejaculation syndrome hit me. Leah was sprawled out like a model in view of my bedroom and I held my dick in my hand. I looked around in shame for something to clean up with and ultimately ended up using a dirty shirt from the previous day.

*It’s no wonder you need isolating,* I told myself. *You’re insane.*

My hours that day were spent exploring the area around our cabin and reading some books I brought with me. It was a quiet day with few interruptions from Leah, who was in and out so she didn’t burn herself. Suddenly, in the evening, Leah burst into my bedroom with a worried expression.

“There’s a snake,” she explained, panicking. “It’s refusing to leave our car alone!”

“Maybe it wants to go for a ride,” I laughed. She shot me a menacing look and I stood to follow her. “Show me.”

Sure enough, the creature was protecting a tire from possibly being harmed. It was only a cottonmouth, so I could simply take care of it.

“Grab me a stick,” I commanded Leah. “A long and sturdy one.”

She got back to me in two minutes. With Leah watching I was successfully able to remove the snake and toss him back into the woods. We laughed it off once he was gone and we retreated back into the cabin.

“He would’ve been nice dinner,” I jabbed at Leah. She scoffed.

“That’s gross, we have dinner.”

“I’ll get started on it in a few minutes.”

“Okay,” Leah sighed. “Does my tan look uneven to you?”

“Huh?” I responded, surprised. Leah turned around to face her back to me.

“Is it uneven? I’m worried I didn’t apply the lotion properly.”

I studied her back for a few more seconds then needed. In all honesty it could’ve been a better tan.

“Yeah, it’s not the greatest.”

“Well shit,” she complained. “I’ll just have to fix this tomorrow.”

“I’m sorry,” I called to her, leaving to my bedroom.

I closed the door behind me as I could feel my erection growing again. I still hated myself for it but she was unknowingly turning me on with her attractiveness. Her slim, tanned figure as it curved right at her ass gave me fantasies I never thought I’d be imagining.

My bed squeaked as I hopped on it, pulling my shorts back off. Immediately my cock sprang to attention and I began stroking it within seconds. Leah had no idea what she was doing to me, the power she possessed. I spat on my hand for easy lubrication to help the feeling.

Stories and fantasies and visions clouded my mind, leaving reality. Leah had nice lips too. Thinking about her kissing and sucking me off only sped up my tempo. One could only imagine what it would be like to pull her bikini off and admire what was underneath. There was no snapping out of this now.

“Hey Jake,” Leah suddenly called, opening my bedroom door. We both froze. Leah saw my hand wrapped around my dick, standing at attention. She saw my own saliva dripping down my shaft and down my balls. She kept her gaze for a second before looking back up at me.

“I’m sorry, fuck,” she stammered before leaving and shutting the door back behind her.



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