My next submissive adventure with Heather [MF]

About a month had past since I was able to hang out with Heather again, outside of Munches, and in that time life had happened to both of us. Things got busy with her for work, and things in my own life had gotten busy for me going to college. I wasn’t surprised when Heather texted me, as we had been texting on and off since our last scene together. What surprised me was she wanted me to come over to her place in a few days that Friday. She wanted to have a nice afternoon, or more, just hanging out and talking. Or so she said. The reason it surprised me was the next Munch was the upcoming Munch. As you can imagine I didn’t take long to reply ‘Yes’, and then immediately be curious about what she wanted to do.

Throwing myself into my classes helped me keep my mind off of this, mostly, until Friday came. As requested I came by at 11am, shaved just in case, and if anything eager to spend time with her. This was a casual hang out, with my hope of it becoming more. I had convinced myself it wasn’t going to be anything but just some fun hanging out. When I arrived she was wearing jeans and t-shirt, and invited me inside. This time I paused when I got the the end of the threshold. Heather noticed, teased me a bit, and after my shoes were off had me join her on the couch and got us both some iced tea.

It was interesting being my age and hanging out with someone so much older, yet it wasn’t as odd as society made it seem. Heather and I talked about everything. How our lives were going, what our plans were, how things are in our personal lives, and after a few hours of this I was convinced it wouldn’t go father than that. I was wrong. Heather wanted to follow up on our last session, the prior conversation, and hear it from me what I was interested in doing as a sub. She mentioned she hadn’t had a sub for a long while, and was curious if I would be her sub for a trial period of one month.

Of course I was interested! Yet I needed to know a bit more about the specifics. Heather joked a bit by saying something along the lines of “Why do you think I invited you over today?” Which got a small chuckle from both of us. In this discussion she wanted to know if she would be the one I trusted to push my boundaries and limits. If I submitted to her I’d have to do what she said when she said it, but not in a 24/7 style way. More of a ‘we’re friends until in a scene’ way.

One of the key things that took me a bit to think about was one of her conditions. Heather didn’t like her subs cumming without permission. Knowing how young and horny I was, and that I was going to college, she wasn’t fully convinced she could “trust” me by myself without constant in person check-ins. This wasn’t possible. At best I could come over to her place once a week, and see her at the Munch if homework or projects allowed. I had an idea of where this was going, but wanted confirmation. So I pressed a bit.

Knowing Heather *really* liked control she blushed a bit and smiled to my pressing questions. “Okay [NAME] here is the deal.” Heather went into explaining the idea as she had it in her head. It was simple really. I’d be under her control and would not be allowed to cum unless I completed the challenge she had for me each weekend at her place. The challenges would increase in intensity and I’d be allowed to stop at any time a boundary or limit was pushed too far. Yet just like before if I did that we were done with our dynamic, but would remain friends.

I was still a bit skeptical about the *how* she’d control me from jerking off when she wasn’t around. So, I asked her how she planned on doing that. Because everything else I was down for exploring. Heather chuckled, reached under her throw pillow, and pulled out the steel chastity cage she’d used on my last time I submitted. Now I knew what she wanted and how she planned on getting it.

I took a big drink of my iced tea and followed it with a deep breath. There Heather and I talked about the cage, how it would work, what would happen if there was an emergency, etc. After an exhaustive talk, lots of flirting, and a general understanding of what would happen over the next month… I agreed. With a broad smile I could feel the excitement coming off of her. “Well then [NAME] why don’t we get you like you were the *last* time you were here.”

Soon I was naked, collared, and on my knees for Heather once more. I was told to lie down in the center of the living room on my back, legs spread, and arms next to my thighs. Heather left to gather the other supplies she needed. She returned with a bag of crushed ice, rope, the spade butt plug, lube, and some rope. Getting between my legs Heather grabbed the rope and tied my wrists to my thighs. “Comfy?”, she teased. Next came the ice. I hadn’t forgotten how cold it was, but DAMN was it cold. Once nice and shriveled up Heather was quick with getting the cage on, and not as sensual as the last time. It didn’t take long for me to feel the cage go around my cock and *click* closed.

Giggling Heather playfully jiggled my now locked up cock. “You’re mine for a whole month now [NAME]. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.” The next thing I see is Heather putting on a latex glove, and gripping my hip. “Come on. Lets get that ass of yours plugged!” Still tied up Heather gently lifted my ass up off the ground and onto her knees. It wasn’t long before I felt the lube on my ass. I yelped in surprise as she shoved her index finger up my ass to swirl around the lube. I blushed, she giggled. As her finger left my ass I felt the plug, then a drizzle of lube, and then a slight push. With a little pain, and putting my legs on her shoulders, the plug was forced home as I felt my hole grip the stem as it filled me.

Getting my legs off her shoulders, and my ass off her knees, Heather untied me and went back to the couch. I was left to adjust to the plug and being caged. Again. “Now [NAME] I really enjoyed the foot rub you gave me last time.”, She gave a wicked smile, “Why don’t you be a dear and do it again.” I crawled over to her without prompted and got to work taking off her shoes and rubbing her feet. The cage was a bit tighter than I remembered.

It was here, on my knees, I learned exactly how daily check-ins with her would work. In the morning when I woke up I would take a picture of my cock in its cage and send it to her. She would in turn send me a teasing picture and confirmation she received this. I was to repeat this in the evening as well, but to include a pic of the spade butt plug as well. “That’s right pet. You’re going to take the lube with you and wear it home.”

I didn’t know what this was for, other than to constantly tease my prostate. As I neared finishing rubbing her feet Heather told me she had two challenges for me this upcoming week, and I’d learn of them as we meet up. I could ask for an alternative challenge, but there was no guarantee it would be better or worse than the one presented. “I’m going to push your limits and boundaries this month. So if I’m taking you out of your comfort zone, that’s the point.”

As the foot rub ended Heather told me tonight was over. I was to stay caged, send her a pic of me in the cage and the butt plug once I got home. She’d text me to let me know when to take it out. With that the collar came off, I got dressed, grabbed the lube and went head out for the rest of the night. My pants felt odd with the cage and plug in them. Yet you’d only notice if you really were paying attention to seeing them. I was thankful for that!

“[NAME] come here please.” Heather asked as I took a step to the door. She embraced me with one of the warmest and loving hugs I’d ever had up til that moment. “I’m doing this with you because I trust you, because I think you can handle it, and because I have a feeling you want it.” Heather took my hands in hers and looked up into my eyes. “Follow my instructions, finish my challenges, and I swear to you I’ll make it worthwhile.” It was here that Heather got on her tip toes and kissed me on the cheek.

“Here…”, Heather handed me a… key to my cage?! I was confused for a moment, but then she explained. “If the cage ever becomes painful and hurts you in the *wrong* way use this to unlock it.” I was highly confused. “Just know if you unlock yourself for any other reason this is just like you saying RED. It will be over. But if you use it, do not cum, tell me, and put it back on… I’ll understand.” I put the key on my key ring and, lube in hand, made for the door.

My drive home was a learning experience having never done it while plugged or caged before! I took it slow and everything was fine. I got home, walked up to my room, and closed the door. I went through the normal motions and as I put my keys on my desk I saw the key to my cage. It hit me that I was going to be in this thing for a MONTH! It was okay though as Heather was right I did want this. I just wasn’t sure it was in this way. If I needed to call RED I would. I sat down and started to play some video games.

Soon after my phone vibrated and it was a text from Heather. “Hey there! Send me proof your still caged and plugged XOXO”. With more adrenaline in my system than I thought I’d have I took off my pants and shirt and took the pictures she requested timestamps included. A few minutes passed before I got a text from her back. “Good boy! Now take out the plug. I’ll let you know when to put it back in and for how long tomorrow.” This was sent with a picture of the key draped around her neck pointing straight at her cleavage. Her breasts were in a blue lace bra and looked amazing.

All I could do was stay frustrated as I felt the cage around my cock and the void the plug left in my ass. I went back to playing video games and tried to just take things one day at a time. It was only four days until the next Munch. I had no idea what the upcoming challenges were, but I was sure I’d find out.


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