My [m/22] Nerdy Roommate [m/24] Got into Shape and Legit Stole my GF [f/21]

I moved in with a new roommate a few years ago. “Jacob” was a few inches taller than me but nerdy and incredibly awkward, the kind of guy you knew was a virgin well into his 20’s, if not still, and who didn’t go on a lot of dates in general. I wasn’t a super stud by any means but I knew how to talk to women and not freak them out, which put me above my mostly-nerdy friend group. I was one of a few of us who actually had a girlfriend, and I have to say I lucked out. My girlfriend, “Cynthia,” was a stout girl I met in a literature class. She had a thick body, a little bit of a belly, and love handles, but most importantly her tits were like big full cantaloupes hanging off her chest. I loved to see them bounce when she was on top of me, loved to stick my slightly-above-average-sized cock between them, and I especially loved how jealous my friends were that they were mine. I was the one who got to touch them at the end of the day, so it kind of made me untouchable in terms of insults. If Jacob ever said anything rude or disrespectful to me I could just play up Cynthia’s big cantaloupes and it would make him feel like crap.

Naturally after I moved in Cynthia spent a lot of time at the apartment hanging out with Jacob and me, participating in our nerdy hobbies with us, like playing video games, collecting comics, and watching anime. Cynthia and I were lovers but with Jacob we were sort of a “friend triad.” I noticed right away that they seemed to like discussing deep topics with each other. Being a journalism student, and also being emotionally immature, I wasn’t too interested in depth of any kind, so I was actually happy to see Cynthia have someone to talk to about the heady stuff she sometimes brought up to me that I just wasn’t into thinking about.

A few months into living with Jacob I noticed weights starting to accumulate in his room. He’d purchased dumbbells and barbells and some other stuff like resistance bands. As he explained to me, he was trying to make good on the New Years’ resolution he’d made to try to work out more. I remember chiding him about it at the time, because it was around August that he was finally getting around to working out. He shrugged and said, “Hopefully it’ll be worth it.” I just went over to Cynthia and hugged her to press her big soft tits into my chest, looking over at Jacob as I did.

Jacob took very well to exercise. He had good enough discipline to do it consistently and he did the research to figure out how to be the most effective, and over several months Cynthia and I watched his body transform before our very eyes. It was a really amazing process, actually. It inspired me to start doing some exercise again…for like a week. Cynthia was also inspired and stuck with it, but instead of weights like Jacon and me she took aerobics classes and did yoga. She got some pretty quick gains as well, and I was very happy as she started to get a little slimmer, but her boobs remained large and firm.

Well, in case it isn’t obvious from the title, things started to go south. Cynthia and I started fighting more and more as the months wore on. I like to blame the stress of school work, but the truth is I was kind of getting tired of her always wanting me to go out and do activities and stuff. She wanted me to take painting classes or dance classes with her and they all seemed silly to me. Our fights always seemed to revolve around her saying I lacked ambition, and me saying she was a nag. It was a stupid, basic, stereotypical couple kind of fight. Jacob ended up being a good person for Cynthia to talk to, while I mostly just kind of stewed in my angry juices. I thought it seemed gay to talk about my feelings with my room mate.

Meanwhile during this time Jacob, having more confidence, had been picking up chicks. As his body kept improving, he started getting laid on a pretty regular basis. It grew from a slow trickle over months to him having a new girl practically every other day. According to what I was hearing through the walls, the many women he dated seemed to enjoy fucking him and making him feel good. Things had started to get a little better between Cynthia and me, so I had the space to be happy for Jacob’s new success with women. It did get tiresome to hear him getting *another* blowjob from whoever he had in his room with him.

Honestly, I didn’t get why he suddenly was able to get so many girls. He didn’t have “game” at all, and still said things around women that made me cringe and made the women laugh at him. My girlfriend shed some light on the topic when I brought it up to her one day, saying that Jacob had an open-heartedness and honesty that was incredibly appealing to women. “Especially when you, you know, look like *that*,” she added, which made me smirk. I knew she was still mine, even though we weren’t always on the same page, and that I didn’t have to worry about her cheating on me with Jacob, so it was just amusing to hear her comment on his looks.

A couple months into the new year Cynthia and I broke up. It was a decision we came to mutually, and actually “felt good” in the end, at least it felt good, or at the very least mutual, before things took a turn (but more on that in just a sec). I’d really opened up a little emotionally to her in the process in a way I hadn’t before. It was actually a gambit to hopefully get her to stay, but it wound up not working. I tried to move on and date some other girls, but I’d sort of let myself go during my relationship with Cynthia and didn’t attract much attention. None of the girls I could get to agree to go on dates with me were nearly as good-looking as Cynthia was now. She’d kept exercising and now looked like a lot more like an Instagram model than a literature student, with long black wavy hair and a wholesome midwestern face.

Cynthia and Jacob still spent some time together as they were taking a class together that semester, so Cynthia would come over often to study and work on projects with Jacob. I instantly developed suspicions that they was either a budding romance between them or maybe they were already messing around. I guess I can say it was lucky for me that Cynthia and Jacob were open and honest about their desire to start dating seriously, reportedly before anything had happened. They asked me to sit with them in the common room of our apartment and told me the “last thing we want to do is make this painful for you,” and they even offered to hold off on dating if it was uncomfortable for me. Wanting them to see me as cool and generous I told them it was totally fine with me, and that they should “go nuts.” I wish I’d known how seriously they were going to take that permission…

One of the hardest things to adjust to was hearing Cynthia sucking Jacob’s cock through the walls. Cynthia hadn’t really been into giving me head, but she sucked Jacob’s cock multiple times a day when they were starting out. The oddness and humor of the situation, wherein Cynthia basically moved all her stuff from my room to Jacob’s room, wasn’t unacknowledged or lost (and was definitely the subject of some comments on the FB post announcing their relationship), but that still didn’t make it any easier to take. It was cringe-y to hear them go at it, and when things started between them they were going at it all the time. They started dating officially right as spring break was starting, and none of us had any plans. Last year for spring break we’d stayed inside eating junk food and marathoning video games, both activities Jacob had abandoned. So I was treated to a soundtrack of slaps and moans, sucks and shrieks from the other room while I played through old NES and SNES games on an emulator in my bedroom.

Jacob had a particular moan that he would make that, based on other context clues, seemed to indicate that he’d had an orgasm. I knew this from listening to all his other hookups (he’d stopped dating other people when he and Cynthia became official of course), and it made it especially punishing to hear that specific moan followed by a satisfied, muffled coo from my former girlfriend. As days wore on they started, to my horror, to started exploring other spaces in the apartment, fucking in the bathroom, the storage closet, and eventually the kitchen. I caught them for the first time in the early morning. My room mate’s now-Adonis-like body standing next to the dishwasher, his shorts hanging around his thighs and his tank top pulled up exposing his abs. My ex-girlfriend was kneeling in front of him with her head bobbing against his pelvis. Her big round ass bounced behind her, and her giant tits were swinging on the front of her. They were both moaning but her moans were what killed me.

When Jacob saw me his mouth dropped open but he didn’t stop pushing Cynthia’s head down on his rock-hard cock, which I now knew, on top of everything else, was about 1.5x my size. He did apparently communicate something in his body language because Cynthia turned and saw me. She had a cock-drunk look in her eye and she didn’t say anything, just catching her breath. I took a deep breath, sighed, and made a non-committal gesture with my hands to indicate, “Go on, then.” Cynthia turned to Jacob. They made eye contact. He had stayed hard this whole time, and she went back to work.

After that little event I guess Jacob and Cynthia interpreted it to mean that they could fuck out in the open now, because I often happened upon her riding him on the couch in the main area where the biggest TV in the apartment, the PS4, and the modem are all located. There was nothing I could do as my room mate “cucked” me over and over again. I’d thought that maybe after spring break ended they would calm down, but they kept up a vigorous regimen of sex every day in addition to their exercising and keeping up on their school work. I can’t say when they started fucking in my room, but I never made the bed so I couldn’t really tell. I started to suspect when I found some of Cynthia’s hairs in my bed, and I finally confirmed they were using my room for sex when I caught them after coming home early from a date.

I’d met a nice girl named Cindy randomly at the student union. She was pretty heavy but at least had really large boobs. Also her name was similar to Cynthia’s, so I was really looking forward to the date. Cindy looked extra hot, in a low-cut dress and pumps. Even though she was fat I was proud to be seen with her. Unfortunately her personality turned out to leave a lot to be desired, and she was a little too into fashion for my taste. I tried to hold on through dinner because I thought I still had a shot to fuck her at the end of the date, but then she started going on about emotions and some other feminist stuff that made my eyes glaze over. So I faked an emergency and headed home, figuring I could maybe still have a one-night stand with her in the future if I played my cards right.

When I got home I heard the familiar sound of rhythmic pounding and moaning. I headed up the stairs and down the hall toward my room, then opened the door to find Jacob fucking Cynthia with her leg up over his shoulder. Their eyes snapped over to me. I just put my hands up and backed out of the room, and I think I even apologized. I ended up sleeping on the couch that night because they went at it for hours and hours.

I finally thought I’d gotten a break when Cynthia went out of town and I caught Jacob fucking another girl. I took video and pics with my phone secretly of Jacob fucking an athletic-looking girl, in my bed naturally, and sent it to Cynthia. Cynthia texted me back almost right away explaining that she and Jacob has “opened up the relationship.” I asked if that meant she and I could fuck again, and she said she wasn’t interested.

I took that as the sign that I was finally defeated, and resigned to my new lot in life. Jacob fucked Cynthia most of the time, and occasionally they brought in new girls for threesomes, or Jacob fucked new girls on his own. It was awkward when I found Cindy and Cynthia giving Jacob a double-blowjob in the main room…



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