Fiendish Wrath Part 2

Theodore sat for a week alone in a cell, after his transgressions against the Gorgeous Empire. There was no light. There was no new air. His sentence was specially customized for him to endure . Theodore was dragged before the town square to be made an example of. Queen Princess Gorgeous brought her court weenie mage that day, which meant business.

The local peasants crawled upon the scene to watch. They were always enthused to see a public punishing. Like flies over rotten fruit, soon they were all buzzing around the scene. “Quiet peasants! I have before you today a very bad weenie. Let this be a lesson to you all today. Do not shirk on your responsibilities. Peasant Theodore did… and now well… he has to face the consequences.” Theodore still had the stocking pulled over his head. He could not see clearly and was restrained by two of the elite gorgeous security guards from both sides.

The weenie mage chanted something in another language, and tapped his forehead with a scepter. Theodore was breathing very deeply the fumes of the gorgeous stockings. He was already past his limit. Fear and anxiety brought him into panic. He passed out with his orifices loaded beyond the capacity of vitamin G. As a peasant, they all seek to hail and acquire vitamin G in various forms, however too much grace for the unworthy begins to ravage the mind and body of the common peasant.

Peasant Theodore awoke in a cell. When he awoke he tried to take the stocking off of his head. Unfortunately for him, he could not remove it. Theodore lay in the cell with nothing to do but sniff and sniff the gorgeous foot pheromones, saturated within the walls of his stocking encapsulated cell. It was an endless aura that gripped his will to continuously breathe in deeply, rapidly, and passionately.

After a week of being a vessel for the gorgeous aura to inhabit his body fully, he was suddenly yanked from his chamber like a chicken out of a coop. He was brought before the throne. On his knees, Theodore sat patiently, awaiting anything to be said for minutes.

Footsteps approached him. “You can go now. But you are reassigned to work in Granny Laundry Palace. Weenie mage give him some eye holes.” And so Theodore left with a sense of relief. Little did Theodore know, this was only the beginning of the fiendish wrath that he is to ensue. For as he walked down the steps of the castle he felt a sense of uneasiness with many questions. “Why have I not felt hungry or thirsty? Why can I not take the stocking off yet? Why did they let me see? And so Theodore descended further into his oblivious oblivion that awaits him…
