The Cum Dumpster [Gang rape, Cumflation]

The girl’s eyes slowly opened, and were immediately greeted by a harsh bright light. She felt very groggy and confused, but slowly became aware of her surroundings. The first sensation she noticed was that her whole body ached slightly, then the feeling of cold metal on her wrists, and ankles. She became aware that her legs were propped up, spread, and bent, as she lay back on a soft mattress.

The man looked upon his prize, the 18 year old girl lying there naked in his lair, her hands changed and feet in stirrups, young punk vulva on display, and her pale skin illuminated by the light hanging above.

“It’s good to see you’re finally waking up, Kerri.” The sound of his voice startled the girl. She attempted too look around the room, but her vision was blurred and her neck ached. As she blinked things finally came into focus, she realised she was in a dark room, undetailed expect for two doors, lit only by the hanging bulb above her. She then looked down the bed to see the source of the voice, a dark figure standing by the wall.

Kerri Parted her dry lips in an attempt to respond. There were a dozen questions rushing though her head- *Where am I, how did I get here, how do you know my name?* She wanted to ask them all at once, but all that came out was a croak.

“Oh now, you best not try to speak,” The figure stepped forward, becoming illuminated by the light, revealing him to be dressed head to toe in black, his face hooded. “I Doubt you’d be able to having only just woken, but don’t worry, I can imagine what you want to ask…” He ran his the fingers of one of his gloved hands along her smooth shin. “Firstly, I know you’re name because I’ve been watching you for a long time, Kerri.” The girl’s head began to rush, as she tried to recall what had happened. “Watching you walk to your classes every day…” This triggered a memory in Kerri’s head, yes, she’d been on her way to college early in the morning, that was the last thing she was doing. But, then what? “…Waiting for the perfect opportunity,” Another memory triggered- A person grabbing her, a cloth over her mouth…and then, she was here.

The man moved his hand from her shin to gently stroke her neck and down to her collar bones. “And I suppose you’re also wondering where you are…” His hand moved to cup her breast, “But I have to keep some secrets I’m afraid.” His hand moved further down her toroso, pausing over her flat stomach. despite how slender she was, the flesh of her belly still felt slitly soft. He gave it a small squeeze then let his hand rest there. “So let’s move onto what you’re here for…you’re going to be a cum dumpster. That is your purpose now, that’s what you are.”

Kerri’s Eyes widened with fear and she whimpered slightly. The man couldn’t help but chuckle a little as he saw this. “I Didn’t expect you’d like the sound of that, but that’s how it’s gonna be, so we might as well get on with it…” He finally took his hand off her stomach and went to the end of the bed, positioning himself between her open legs. Kerri heard him unzip, she turned her face to the ceiling and closed her eyes tightly in fearful anticipation of what she knew was coming.

He took out his manhood and pressed it against the enterence to her vagina, using his hand to guide himself in. Kerri Felt a stinging pain as his tip squeezed into her. The sensation sent a tingling feeling through both their bodies simotainiously. Pleasant for him, not so much for her.

The man struggled to push his way further, realising she was so tight it was actually causing him difficulty going deeper in.

“I’m Only half-way in, do you reckon’ I can go further?” He asked out loud.

*Only half-way in?* Kerri Couldn’t believe it, it already felt so deep. But without even giving her a chance to answer the man forcefully thrust the rest of the way in. Kerri winced with pain as she felt herself being stretched out, it felt as if he was reaching right up into her abdomen. She attempted to pull her pelvis away but the stirrups made it difficult, he grabbed her hips and pulled her back, pushing himself even deeper in the process.

“There’s no point resisting,” His voice took a new stern tone. “It’s happening, accept it.” With that, he began thrusting in and out of her.

Kerri Tried pulling at the wrist and ankle restraints, but it was no use. She came to realise that this mysterious man was right. There was nothing she could do, and trying to fight was only making things worse. She may as well accept it. With that, she finally let the muscles in her body relax. The man notice this as he was doing her, he saw her face as she gave up and let herself go limp. Once she’d done this, Kerri noticed the pain subsiding, her body was getting used to the size of the thing currently inside it. And once the pain was gone, she noticed something very strange, something she didn’t expect…was that, a tingle of pleasure she felt? Kerri couldn’t believe it. ‘*How could this feel in the slightest bit good??*’ She asked herself. ‘*I’m Being kidnapped and raped, there’s no way I could enjoy this, not even a little!*’ Nevertheless, she was definitely feeling some mildly pleasant sensations, as much as it shocked her. She descided, like with everything else, to just accept it. It sort of made sense, those body parts are designed to feel pleasure, after all. If there was anything she could get small enjoyment from in this whole horrific situation, she may as well appreciate it.

This whole thing continued for several more minutes, the man looking down at Kerri’s limp body as it jolted with each of his thrusts, her breasts bouncing. As he continued he felt her slowly getting wetter and wetter, a natural biological reaction. Kerri lay there though the whole thing, letting it happen. Eventually, she began to feel his manhood begin to pulse inside her. He started breathing more heavily, thrusting faster and harder until…he erupted inside of her, warm cum filling her. Once finished, the man paused for a moment, leaning over her, panting. He slowly slid himself out then looked over her body as it trembled slightly from the trauma it had just experienced. He noticed some of his cum dripping from her.

“I’m Glad you finally descided to comply,” The man smiled, slightly out of breath, as he zipped himself up. He then did something Kerri didn’t expect. He turned and called over his shoulder, towards one of the door, “I’m All done with her, it’s your turn now, boys!”

Kerri Looked up in confusion, in time to see the door open. A man came in, followed by another, and another…it carried on until there was six of them. Six men, all muscular and large, staring upon Kerri’s naked body hungrily. Kerri Stared back in fear and confusion. The mysterious man grinned, “What, you didn’t think I’d be selfish enough to keep you to myself, did you? These men are going to be taking turns on you, while we all watch…”

Kerri Began franticly shaking her head as her eyes widened. She couldn’t take any more of what just happened.

“Now, what did you just learn a second ago?” The man’s stern voice was back. “There’s no point in resisting, just accept it. I did say you were going to be a cum dumpster, don’t you know what that means?” Under the hood a sinister smile was just about visible. “Now, who’s going to do first?”

One of the men stepped forward and took his position between her legs. Kerri Let her head all back and closed her eyes. She’d learnt from last time, she just needed to relax and let it happen. No point fighting.

This second man repeated the same process the first mysterious man had, taking his manhood out and squeezing it into her. It happened much more easily this time, now her body had adjusted to the size of the first man, though it was still a tight fit. He began thrusting into her roughly, the bed creaking and the stirrups squeeking. Through out all this, the other men in the room watched, cheering him on and yelling things to the girl.

‘*Whore!*’ *’Slut!*’ ‘*Take it all you bitch!*’

Eventually Kerri again felt the familiar pulsing sensationg, shortly before this man released his load into her, mixing with the juices of the man previous. Once he’d zipped up, the next man stepped forward to take his turn, this process was repeated for all six men. Each time a one man climaxed inside of her, Kerri felt as if her insides were being filled more and more by all the loads of cum left in her. As a man would thrust into her, she could practically feel the juices of all the other men sloshing around inside.

Finally the sixth and final man unleased his load, before pulling out and zipping up. He stepped back, and all seven men looked upon Kerri, in awe of what they’d done to her body. Kerri Looked down and saw the same thing they were seeing, but rather than awe it caused her a feeling of horror and disgust.

Kerri’s womb had become so full with all the litres of cum, that the lower abdomen was actually bloated out, stretched like a water balloon. It almost looked as if she was a couple months pregnant, or had just finished a very large meal.

The mysterious man stepped over to her and placed his hand on her rounded belly. It felt tight and firm. He pressed his hand down slightly into it, then squeezed it, and jiggled it. He could feel the cocktail of manly fluids slooshing around.

Kerri Was disgusted. This was the ultimate form of domination. Even now they were no longer having sex with her, they had each still left part of themselves inside of her, litterarly changing the shape of her very body.

“Wow, you really have filled up big, like a balloon!” He gave another, tighter squeeze. “You really are an excellent cum dumpster, I’m glad I selected you.” He told the other six men to come have a feel for themselves. They gathered around Kerri, multiple hands groping and prodding at her bloated tummy. Even though they’d all just gotten off, some of them started to become aroused again by this sight.

The mysterious man saw her face scrunch into a disgusted grimice. “Don’t like that?” He stepped closer and leaned over her face. “Well, you better get used to it. This is your life now, Cum Dumpster.”
