That time the hot girl hit on me [MF]

This story is from nearly 20 years ago. I don’t remember the chit chat verbatim, but I’ll do my best at recreating. This may not be the sexiest story, I’ve never written smut before.

So at the time I was in my early twenties, working at home on the farm. Most of my days were spent either driving a tractor or fixing something because my dad refused to spend money on reliable machinery. The only time I really socialised was my weekly pub session on a Friday night, or a special occasion.

One such occasion was a farming conference. I was a dab hand at IT stuff which at the time (early 2000s) was a very rare thing in the farming world. My dad was running a conference and needed me around in case (read:when) shit went sideways. I sat at the back of the room at the local showgrounds hall while people dribbled on the best way to incorporate chemicals based on some method I didn’t remotely care about. Most everyone there was male and over 50, wearing their best flannel, their leathery skin testament to a life spent outside without a shred of thought to skin care.

Then I saw her. A blonde girl, about my age, trim, with an amazing figure. I ogled her from the back of the room, wishing I had a reason to get closer. As luck would turn out, the last event of the day was a drinks session. I got introduced to her and her husband and figured looking was good enough for now. Her husband was a great guy but tame while she was a bubbly, friendly girl with lots of smiles. I’m going to call her April.

Skip ahead a few months

I had been working on a farm many hours away for harvest and went home for Christmas. As was custom for anyone my age, Christmas Eve was spent in the pub trying to deplete all beer stocks. Just like Jesus himself would have done. I was somewhere between tipsy and drunk when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was her! She smiled and we caught up on what had been happening since we last saw each other. I had been travelling a bit and told her what I hoped was exciting news about the world outside our little town. April, as it turns out, had separated from her husband. He was a great guy but she wasn’t happy, so they were in the middle of a trial separation. He was her first male partner after a string of girlfriends, and she wasn’t happy.

We got to talking and drinking a whole lot. We talked about a bunch of things, and for some reason I couldn’t work out, she kept on talking about some guy she was into that was there that night. I was envious of the lucky bastard, but in the spirit of not being the sad guy who mopes, just smiled and said things like “that’s nice”.

The publican called last drinks and word spread about an after party nearby. April told me I should go along, and I wasn’t about to argue with a hot girl, even if she was after someone else. We walked outside into the hot summer night along with the other 100 or so people. It didn’t take long for the crowd to string out enough that we were basically alone.

*Wham*. She pushed me into a tree. What the fuck? I thought we were getting along just fine, violence seemed a bit of a sudden escalation. All of a sudden I have April pushing me up against a tree, her hands on my shoulders, her face getting closer to mine. I looked at her and finally twigged. I was the guy. She wanted me! I’ll admit I was never the best at picking up on signals.

April came closer and asked me if I was ever going to actually follow through with the flirting I had been doing all night. I wasn’t aware I had been flirting, but I also wasn’t going to throw away a chance at something so fun. To describe April: She was about 5’6″, slim, toned body with what appeared to be an ample chest. I’m about 6′ and at the time a shade under 90kg from exercising a bunch. She kissed me forcefully and didn’t seem to want to stop. At that stage, neither did I. I did have the presence of mind to realise that we were in a small town, she was for all intents and purposes married, and people would be walking past any second.

I pushed her back and said “lets go”. We walked the last kilometre to the party, said a few quick hellos, and found our way outside. We walked a few hundred metres to where the grass was thick and the lights were sparse. I pushed her down and attacked her mouth with my own. She was hungry for me in a way that I hadn’t experienced from the usual drunken bar-based poor decisions that were my norm. She lifted my shirt and pulled it off, so I figured it was only fair I did the same. Holy sweet jesus she was hiding some amazing sweater puppies. That was the first time I realized she was something around a 34DD or 34E, I never confirmed, but they were head sized. I removed her bra as best I could considering my inebriation and excitement and threw it aside.

We kissed and groped for a while until I needed more. I felt down her toned stomach and hit her jeans. She wore tight denim pants which looked amazing, but also had the effect of being akin to Fort Knox. Sliding even a finger underneath wasn’t going to happen, so I tried to unbutton them. That was an awkward dance of me trying to keep up with my mouth while coordinating my fingers. She finally called a pause, unbuttoned them and removed her pants and underwear in one go. Not wanting to be left out, I did the same.

I lay on top of her and we explored each others bodies for a while until she reached below and grabbed my dick. I measured myself years ago and discovered I am just on the high side of the bell curve, a tad over 6.5″ with ample girth. She puled me towards her so I did my best at being smooth and sliding in just a bit. I got the tip of my dick just a bit slippery from her wetness, pulled back, and proceeded to slide a little further with every thrust. After maybe 30 seconds I was most of the way in. She held on was I proceeded to thrust in and out, hoping to make it feel as good for her as it did for me. She was moaning along with my thrusts.

This went on for about three minutes until she pushed me off abruptly, and said “Why are you trying to hurt me?” <Insert record scratch>. I said “wait waht? Hurt you? What’s wrong?”

She became quite upset, and was asking if I was trying to make her hurt when I fucked her. I literally had no idea what she was talking about. I ran a quick mental checklist: she was consenting, she had initiated it, she never once said anything along the lines of ‘no’, and yet she was crying. We got dressed quietly. I apologized and asked her what happened.

It turned out her husband was less than average downstairs. She hadn’t slept with anyone but him for years, and he also didn’t last long. It seems that I was a fair bit bigger than him, and she wasn’t at all used to anyone of my size. Like I said before I’m just above normal, so I’m not sure what he was working with.

We walked back to the party and tried to mingle in as best we could. I slipped out fairly soon after and slept in my car before heading home in the early hours. I assumed that was a once off and chalked it up to experience. I spoke to her over the next few days and she apologized for how things worked out. We came to the conclusion that we should try again, for science, just to see if things might be less bad. That’s for next time.



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