The Pharmacist: Chapter 6 [Fiction, M/F, public]

**The Pharmacist: Chapter 6**

Lilac opened the door, and stepped out of the car, carefully holding down the bottom hem of her dress. Vincent was there patiently waiting for her, shutting the door after her.

He held out his hand and she took it.

Vincent pressed the “lock” button on the key, and they turned and headed towards the entrance of the restaurant.

The walk normally wouldn’t have been considered a long one for Lilac. But tonight, with her plugged ass and pussy clinging to the miniature vibrator inside, she put more care into each step, trying to keep her legs as closed as normally possible while maintaining a natural walking stance alongside Vincent. A few feet from the door, Lilac shifted a bit, nervous about the vibrator, and Vincent glanced down, the smallest of mischievous smiles playing at his lips.

He gave her hand a squeeze, “You’re doing great already, the walking is the hardest part, I’ve heard.”

Lilac blushed and squeezed his hand back, whispering, “I just hope the vibrator won’t be too noisy.”

Vincent threw back his head and laughed, and then lowered his voice,“Don’t worry, it should be fine. Most of the product reviews said that it is pretty much noiseless when inside.”

Lilac bit her bottom lip. *Let’s just go with it, at the worst I could just try to pretend it’s my phone malfunctioning*.

They arrived at the glass doors, which Vincent held open for Lilac and followed in after her.

Inside, the restaurant was surprisingly spacious, dimly lit by multiple candles and sparse ceiling lights that gave off a gentle lavender glow..

Lilac swallowed. There were many people tonight, most of the tables were filled.

However, she began to feel relieved, upon hearing “Parachute (Remix feat GRAY)” by ELO being played by the speakers, and noting the long tablecloths that luxuriously draped from over the tabletops all the way onto the floors.

The waiting area they stood in was directly next to a marble-topped counter, where there were a few candles lit illuminating the three staff members. Two were busy talking on the phone and the other was helping customers with their takeout boxes.

There was a couple in front of them that stood patiently waiting, as they preoccupied themselves with reading the menu bulletin.

A family of around seven people made their way around them all and began exiting the restaurant.

Lilac followed Vincent, shifting away from the doors to make room for the departing family. He wrapped a protective arm around her waist.

Vincent turned to glance behind them, and, seeing nobody, slid his hand into his pocket, accessing the remote to intensify the vibrations.

Lilac looked over at him and he managed to hide his mischievous smile, in time for the host to walk over to greet them.

The host was a short man with sparse, yet immaculately slicked back hairs, dressed in all-black attire.

Lilac shifted her legs closer together.

“Hi Vincent and Lilac, I’m Alexander. We are thrilled that you chose to book your dinner reservation with Carli’s tonight! I’m the host for the night. Do you have any questions before I bring you to your seats?”

Lilac and Vincent looked at each other a bit blankly, and Vincent answered, “Nope, we’re both ready.”

“Great! Just follow me.”

Lilac and Vincent followed the nearly-bald man down the busy aisle, and turned the corner, leading them to a table a few feet away from a tall glass art installation. It was a dimly lit fountain that was a few feet shy of meeting the ceiling, essentially a decorative partition wall.

Lilac and Vincent took their seats across from each other at the table. “Stacey will be with you shortly to take your orders! I hope you both have a wonderful evening”

Vincent gave the man a knowing smile, “Oh, we sure will.”

Lilac rolled her eyes, and flipped open the red leather-bound menu.

Obliviously, the bald man sauntered away.

Vincent leaned over and whispered, “The next time, and each time after, you roll your eyes at me, I *will* punish you for your rudeness.”

Lilac lazily kept her eyes glued to the page full of pastas, “Oh I’m sure you will.”

Somehow, despite the vibrator being inside of her, she had sort of gotten used to it and was rather insensitive to its presence. *He barely has power over me now. He’s completely going to regret denying my climax, just he wait.*

Just as Vincent was about to say something, a tall, slender woman with fair golden hair walked up to their table.

She greeted them with a cheery smile, “Hi! My name is Stacey and I will be your waitress for the night. Can I start you off with some drinks or appetizers?”

Vincent pointed at a few items on the menu, “Number nine, ten, and twenty, and white wine please.”

“And I’d like number six and twelve, and just a glass of iced water is fine with me,” Lilac added.

The waitress patiently jotted down their orders on her notepad. “Alright! The drinks will be out first, and then the appetizers and so forth. And I can take the menus from you.”

Lilac and Vincent handed over the menus, and the waitress walked down the aisle to serve another table.

Lilac carefully shifted her dress lower, and stood up.

Vincent looked up, “Leaving already?”

Lilac threw him a wry smile, “No, just making a quick trip to the ladies’ room.”

Lilac clutched her handbag, and as she rounded the table, she leaned down and whispered into his ear, “Don’t worry, I’m not taking anything out.”

Vincent silently watched her hips sway in her tightly clad figure as she walked down the aisle, unsure of what to expect.

Finally out of Vincent’s sight, Lilac smirked and clutched her handbag tighter on her shoulder.

Immediately after entering the restroom, which was surprisingly well lit, she did a quick check to make sure that the women were occupying the stalls.

Quickly taking out her phone, she hitched up the dress, and stretched her leg out onto the counter, completely exposing her ripped tights. She snapped a few shots, and then turned to the back, and did the same.

Hastily, she put her leg back down, pulled the rest of her dress up, fully exposing her round tits and deliciously curved, narrow hips and soft abs and. She again snapped a few photos, and turned towards the back and did the same.

Hearing a flush from the stall just on the other side of the metal wall of the stall, Lilac quickly brought her dress back down, fully covering her body again. Then, she opened her bag, pulled out a spare eyeshadow pallet, and began to brush a bit of the rose gold shimmer onto her eyelid. The woman absently watched her with a brief smile as she washed her hands, and then turned away to blow dry her hands.

Another woman came out of the stall, and two entered the restroom. Lilac shut her eyeshadow pallet, and swapped it out of her bag for a lightly tinted lip color, which she carefully applied to her lips. Turning in the mirror, she readjusted her hair a bit, and shifted the dress a little to be centered again, and then walked out of the restroom.

Lilac made her way back to the table, and was pleasantly surprised that the drinks and appetizers had just arrived.

The waitress from earlier was there pouring the iced water, “Wonderful! You’re here just in time for the drinks and appetizers!”

Lilac smiled, carefully making sure she had closed out of her photos and had just a blank lock screen, as she set her phone down on the table and sat onto the seat, “That was so quick! I’m excited to try it all!”

The waitress smiled at her, and then turned back to the cart, where she grabbed the final dish, a platter of an assortment of seafoods, and placed it at the center of their table.

She turned to leave, “The main course and dessert will be here in a bit! Enjoy!”

“Thank you” Vincent and Lilac simultaneously said.

Voncent turned to her, “Ladies first.”

Lilac held up a finger, “One moment, I have to do something first.”

Vincent raised an eyebrow, watching her.

Keeping the phone flat on the tabletop, Lilac quickly chose the best shots she had taken from the bathroom earlier, and then hit “send” to Vincent’s snapchat.

Vincent looked over at her confused, when he realized his phone had received a notification from her, “Do you have something to say?”

He noted the glint in her eye.

Lilac closed out of the app and put her phone back onto the blank lock screen.“No, but you do need to open the snaps right now. Oh, and it’s probably best to keep your phone flat on the table while you do.”

She could practically see the gears turning in his head.

He looked so lost, and she couldn’t help but laugh.

He narrowed his eyes at her, “Am I going to regret this? Why can’t you just tell me?”

“Just open it. I swear, you won’t regret it.”

She watched as Vincent unlocked his phone , and purposely pretended to absently knock over her silverware.

He looked over at her, a little startled at the clatter, she feigned an innocent smile, and bit her bottom lip, “Oops.”

Not waiting to see his reaction, Lilac went down, onto her knees, and under the table.

She crawled on all fours over to his legs, listening to his breathing quicken to what she assumed were her photos finally being seen.

*Hopefully he won’t scream when I suddenly touch him.*

Lilac gently kneeled right at his feet, and laid her hand right on his belt buckle.

She felt him stiffen, but then relaxed when she took his hand and squeezed it, so he knew it was her.

The rest of the restaurant seemed to disappear from under the table, which was fully concealed by the luxurious tablecloth.

Lilac only had one thing on her mind, and she was going to get it.

Lilac watched his pants subtly inflate a bit, and gave a knowing smile.

She stroked his dick from over his pants and then began to unzip his fly.

“Oh shit,” Vincent hissed.

Lilac had fully unzipped and unclasped his belt, and was not pulling his dick from out of the conveniently placed slit of his boxers.

Silently, she stared at the girthy, uncut, veiny dick in her hands.

Then she leaned in and inhaled the scent of his cock, and silently relished the smell of fresh precum.

She’d longed for this for far too long.

Lilac gently took hold of the shaft, and rubbed her hands over the head.

Making a light twisting motion, she began to slide the foreskin up and down, repeatedly. And with her other hand, she cupped his balls and lightly squeezed them.

Without stopping her stroking, Lilac swirled her tongue around the exposed head, letting her tongue linger at each contour, as if to memorize each and every crease on the folds of skin on the head.

She felt Vincent’s hips sway a little, to which he swore again softly to himself.

She smirked, the vibrator had not once changed rhythm, which meant she had him fully hooked.

Taking advantage of the moment, Lilac slowly, and as quietly as she could took his dick deeper down her throat.

Satisfied, she began to pump his dick deeper into her throat, in and out.

She felt his hand grab the back of her neck, attempting to keep her in place.

Lilac obliged, but just nearly kept herself from choking. She’d taken girthy cocks before, but never in such a crowded, public setting.

“Fuck! Keep goin” Vincent hissed in a low voice in her general direction.

Feeling his dick throb, she knew he was indeed close.

Lilac broke out of his hold, trailing saliva from his dick and onto the carpet, and then crawled back to her side.

Readjusting her dress, and wiping her lips clean of saliva. She picked up her silverware, and climbed up back onto her seat.

Across the table, she could see a thin layer of perspiration at his forehead.

He glared over at her, gesturing down towards his plate with his fork, his food, she noted, pretty much untouched.

Lilac gave a smug smile, placing the napkin onto her lap. “Oh of course, I am hungry. You know me too well!”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. *And* you left my fly open!!” He hissed back at her.

Lilac bit back laughter, and, realizing her pussy had gotten dangerously damp again, crossed her legs under the table. “You know, I wish we’d ordered some bratwurst. I’m in the mood for some.”

Flustered, Vincent was about to respond, just when the waitress came back.

The lady once again flashed them her bright cheery smile, “How are you both enjoying the food?”

Lilac smiled widely, “It’s really delicious. I do wish we’d ordered something more meaty than just these delicate seafoods, you know?”

Vincent tried to find his composure, “I think we may have ordered a bit too much. I’d like for these two platters to be boxed please.”

The waitress made a note on her notepad, “Alrighty, you got it! I’ll bring over some boxes!”

