Shit hits the [F]an, in the most [M]ind blowing way

So, getting closer to real-time here, we’re up to the beginning of June, and things start to take a turn here. The 4 of us had 2 other mini-meetups, but neither of them resulted in the same set of circumstances as [the first]( (mainly due to the lack of tequila), but fun was still had. Paul and I had for some reason stopped with the daily calls to each other, just keeping up with each other via text, and the one zoom date we had didn’t end in any sexy time for either of us (that’s not to say that I didn’t take matters into my own hands after the fact, thank you Bill jr.)

I notice that Paul seems to be having to go into work more, which is odd since the restrictions hadn’t formally let up, but he always had an excuse for it, like the bosses email server was down, or a senior exec couldn’t access corporate files from home, etc… That all was fine until one day I actually managed to get off shift early, first time in months, and was wanting to have a nice meal at my place, followed by some Netflix and chill, so I call Paul and ask. He says he’s stuck in the office, and might be a bit late, but that he’d make it up to me when he did get there. Something about how he said it seemed a bit off, so once I got to the store, before I went in, I pulled up the find your friends app. He wasn’t at his office, but at some place downtown on X street. I thought it was odd, but I was also starting to get hungry, so I filed that away to bring up later, and went shopping.

Paul eventually showed up, a bit earlier than he thought, and with some nice wine, which after we drank, wound up making me forget to ask about where he was. About halfway through whatever we were watching, I don’t remember what it was, I start getting a bit handsy with him, and started to reach down and fish his dick out to thank him for the nice night we’ve had. To my surprise, he stops my hand and tells me “tonight is all about you” and then gets down in between my legs. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for getting eaten out, but it has never been one of Paul’s stronger skills, but he loved doing it, and I had more than half of that bottle. After finally telling him what to do, he managed to get me off, twice, which is certainly an outlier for us (I might have been thinking of Bill for that second one, don’t tell), he carried me to bed and that was that for the night.

The next morning Paul was surprisingly up and gone before I was, so I just texted him thanks for last night, and that I was definitely gonna thank him next chance I got, to which he just replied with a ?. I had a shift that day, so I eventually got out of bed and got my ass going. After my shift is when shit hit the fan. I don’t keep my phone with me while I’m on shift, so imagine my surprise to find myself with multiple voicemails and text messages waiting for me, most from Megan saying how she knew the truth, that I was dead to her, blah blah blah, and a single text from Bill saying he needed to talk with me, and to let him know when I was home and he’d come over.

It was pretty late when I got home, but Bill still came over. When I opened the door, he had a look on him that was a sad mixture of despair and anger. He started raising his voice and accused me of telling Megan about his past, that it must have slipped out on one of our drinking dates we’ve been having recently, and how could I do this to him. I asked him what the hell he was talking about, and he said that Megan had been busy most times when he wanted to see her, usually saying she was already having a girls night with me. I told him that while we had been texting every day, we hadn’t seen each other since the get together at my place a few weeks ago, and that was too tired from work to be going out drinking multiple times a week, especially during a goddamn pandemic. The anger on Bill’s face is quickly replaced with confusion as he realizes that I wasn’t lying to him, but that Megan was.

I quickly go to console him, apologizing for what was going on, that I had no idea, etc… Bill then said he was gonna go over and try and talk to her, and I warned him to be careful of her brother, only for him to say that her brother and father lost their shit after she stayed out all night at our game night, and was back at her place downtown. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach as I asked “On X street, between Y and Z” and he said ya. That sinking feeling was quickly replaced with anger when I reached for my phone, stating my intent to call Paul and try and think him to death through the phone. When he answered I put him on speaker phone and told Bill to remain quiet. I asked him how his evening was, to which he said fine, and how Megan was, since he was over at her place the other day, after which he folded like an origami toad (I’ve been playing the new Paper Mario, not as bad as people say, easily best since TTYD). He said he went over there and told her the truth about Bill, and that the three of us purposefully hid that from her, but he couldn’t keep lying to her because he was starting to like her as more than a friend, etc… Basically he threw Bill and I under the bus and took a shot at her, which she rejected, and since she turned him down I shouldn’t care. To say I was mad would be an understatement, but I kept my cool and told him I needed to cool off, and that I’d call him tomorrow.

Bill looked a mix of angry, shocked, and confused. Angry at Paul throwing away their friendship, shocked that he would even try something like this and expect it to work, and confused, because, and I quote “Why would he throwaway what he had with me?” I told him it’s simple, he’s an asshole, and assholes are gonna asshole, which actually got a laugh out of him, which was a nice change in mood for both of us. As we were there on the couch laughing, I told him I can think of one way to get back at Paul, and moved closer to him. He seemed to get the hint, and moved in for the kiss. We went at each other hot and heavy on the couch for a few minutes, exploring each other’s bodies, but when I move my hand down to grip that 3rd arm in his pants, he stops me. “Not yet” he says as he crawls down off the couch and in between my legs. He pulls down my pants and discovers my drenched panties, which put a smile on his face as he took them off too. He took a second to admire the mess he had made of me before diving in, and let me tell you, Megan was right, he was quite the cunning linguist. In what seemed like no time at all I was bucking my hips on the verge of cumming when, to my disappointment, he backed off, and the feeling faded. He did this 3 agonizing times, and on the third time, when he got me to the point when, if I had a window open, an evening breeze could set me off, he backed off entirely and stood up.

He pulled my up onto my wobbly as fuck legs and kissed me, letting me taste myself on his lips, and said he has a great idea on how to really fuck with Paul. He asked when my next day off was, and I told him I had Saturday off, but I was owed a favor, and could get someone to cover for me on Sunday if that was better. Bill said to clear the weekend, but not to tell Paul yet, and also not to touch myself until then either. I said that if that’s what he wanted, I’d do it, but he had to do something for me, and I ran into the bedroom. I came back out with Bill Jr and told him if he didn’t want me to cum for the next 3 days, he’d have to take Bill Jr (yes, I did call it that to his face) with him. He started laughing again when he heard the name, and asked if Paul knew about this, to which I told him no, and he laughed some more before letting me taste myself again one last time. As he headed for the door he turned back and told me to remember when he said, no cumming until Saturday, but that it’d be worth it. He also held out his hand and said “if you’re a good girl, you might even get these back” as he showed me he was leaving with my panties.

The following day I checked my email during a lunch break and see that he sent me details on what he wanted to do to Paul, and just reading that got me wet to the point I had to go to the bathroom to make sure nothing soaked through. The next 3 days were hell, but he was right, it was SOOOOO worth it.

I figure that since I had to wait 3 days, so should you guys…


1 comment

  1. OMFG!! I’m at the preferable fucking edge right now. I can’t fucking wait

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