[Part 2] My Fiancee’s Terms [MF] [F] [Long]

Thanks for all of the support everyone. I hope you like the next part.

Part 1: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i975sn/my_m_fiance_and_i_visit_her_twin_sister_f_long/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i975sn/my_m_fiance_and_i_visit_her_twin_sister_f_long/)

“Beth?! What the fuck!!” I exclaimed, my surprise outweighing the anger and confusion that was quickly building.

“Shhhhhh…You’ll wake up the kids.” She shushed me about as loud as my exclamation but went on saying, “I know, I know, I know I fucked up, but I had to know.”

Beth’s words were rushed and a bit slurred. She was obviously drunk or at least tipsy and coherent enough to have a conversation. I on the other hand had slept off most of my buzz and a multitude of feelings and questions were building inside me. Did that just happen? Where is Amanda? Am I dreaming? How could she?! Why?

“Why….” I started before Beth cut me off.

**Note: I’ve never been good at writing slurred or impaired speech so please imagine the drunken rambling that Beth said to me. Sorry if that takes away from the story but it’s the best I can do.

“Ok…fuck…I’m sorry…let me talk…shit…I’m sorry…you went to bed and Amanda and I kept drinking. We finished and I got out the rum. She had a couple more drinks and I barely touched mine. We started talking about sex and I haven’t been happy for a while. Amanda drank more than me and you know how she’s a lightweight…so when we turned on a show, she fell asleep and she’s out…and I just…” She stopped and looked at me which she seemed to think was a complete explanation.

I looked at her with a blank expression and whisper yelled, “That explains almost nothing! Why did you think you could come in here? I obviously thought you were Amanda!” My anger was building. But that wasn’t all…what was that other feeling…anticipation? Trepidation? Or was it excitement?

“Fuck…I know…fuck…so we were talking about sex and she said you were good at eating her out…like the best she’s had and she’s told me about her other men she’s been with but she’s never told details like she did tonight.” She was talking in a rushed frenzy because she knew, and I was beginning to realize the implications for both of us being in a room alone and naked…not to mention my cum that was still on her chin and chest.

“I saw how you were looking at me and I thought I could keep you from realizing if you just didn’t touch me. I think I got a bit carried away…”

“You think!? YOU THINK?!”

“Shhhhh…Please, Please, Please try to keep your voice down. I know I shouldn’t….”

“Beth, how do you think this would have played out? Were you going to just sneak out right after without me seeing you? I would have known as soon you opened the door! And even if I didn’t see you and somehow Amanda came to bed right after, I would have told her how good it was which I’m pretty sure would have confused the hell out of her! You aren’t thinking staring.”

“How good it was?” Beth raised her eyebrow.

“That’s beside the fucking point!” I bent down and stated looking through my bag for clothes. “I’m going to get her and tell her!” I found a pair of athletic shorts and started to put them on.

“Nonononononono…. you can’t! I’ll tell her you knew”

“What did you just say?!” I said in disbelief.

Beth hesitated, “…I’ll tell her you knew.” She said slower and more determined.

“I don’t give a fuck.” I had gotten my pants on and I started for the door.

“Shit…ok…fine…you can tell her but she’s passed out and she won’t understand. You’ll just confuse and upset her. Wait until tomorrow and I’ll talk to her.”

She was right. I’ve never known someone to react well to extremely surprising and upsetting news while drunk, “Ok, fine…but I am going to be there when you do tell Amanda, so I know you aren’t keeping the truth from her. So, think about what the fuck you’re going to say.”

“Ok we can talk after Parker starts work and we put the kids to bed.”

‘….That’s the entire day tomorrow.’ I thought to myself wondering how I was going to keep it in all day. But I didn’t know of another time we could talk in the right way and without Parker hearing. Shit… “What about Parker?” I said flatly.

Beth’s face froze and her eyes widened, “You cannot say anything. I’ve got nothing but the kids and he will try to take them…Fuck…I know this is bad, but you can’t.”

‘Goddamn it’…I don’t know if it is because I am just too soft or if I was just worried about my own relationship, but I decided I wasn’t going to say anything to Parker…yet. “Fucking fine…I won’t say anything but if I don’t like how tomorrow goes, I will not hesitate to tell him, do you understand?”

“Yes…” Beth said as relief rushed across her face and her shoulders started to slump. She seemed to exhale like a huge weight had been taken off her shoulders.

I moved to check my phone and saw it was around 12:40 am. Beth got up from the bed and started to put her clothes back on.

As I watched her do this my eyes inevitably started to explore her body. She was extremely similar to Amanda…obviously…but just a little different. Her boobs seemed to be a hair larger than Amanda’s, but I couldn’t really tell. Her ass was about the same, but she did seem to have a little more junk in the trunk in the right kind of way. As I was looking, I started to feel a little blood flow in my lowers as my cock betrayed me.

After putting on her clothes, Beth looked up at me then down to my shorts then back up at me. “I guess you really thought it was good.” She smiled meekly.

“Out.” I said and as she was on her way out the door I followed up with, “and I need some new goddamned sheets!”

I stood alone in the room for a few moments and it felt like I had a million thoughts and feelings all at once, ‘How is Amanda going to react? I’m sure she will understand it was not my fault. Oh man I’ve ruined the family. But it’s not like I wanted it to happen…” However, deep down somewhere hidden inside the confides of my subconscious, which was now slowly bubbling to the forefront of my mind, I was enthralled by the events that had just transpired. Very quickly the feelings bubbling up were a mixture of anxiety but also excitement in the pit of my stomach…and then…*wham*…I felt shame. ‘How am I even feeling a slight amount of happiness or excitement from this?’ but if I was being brutally honest with myself, it really was good.

The feelings were briefly muted as Beth opened the door with fresh sheets and laid them on the bed. I looked at her and she looked back at me with that same penetrating look she game me when we were drinking just hours before. ‘I’m in trouble.’ I thought to myself.

I put the new sheets on the bed, balled up the old sheets and carried them out of the room under my arm to the laundry room. I had to pass through the living room where Amanda still laid covered under a blanket on the couch sleeping soundly. I quickly threw the sheets in the washer and went back for Amanda.

After a few minutes of coaxing I finally woke her up from her drunken stupor and guided her back to the room. “Waitwaitwait…I need to give you some lovin’.” She said as I laid her on the bed.

“We’ve always got tomorrow.” I replied in a soft tone with a half smile. I turned off the light and left the room.

I went to the bathroom to shower Beth’s somewhat intoxicating smell off me, ‘Fuck, did I really just think intoxicating?’ and I was once again left alone with my thoughts. I don’t know how long I was in there, but the room was thick with steam after I turned off the tap. I dried off and got into bed with my fiancée. It took what felt like hours to fall asleep but eventually it came.

I woke the next day at around 10:30 am. Amanda was not in bed. ‘Fuck I have to find her.’ I was thinking as I threw the sheets off and tolled out of bed. I quickly found some clothes and went to the kitchen where I figured everyone was.

I walked into the room smelling like bacon and pancakes and I saw Amanda sitting at the counter as Beth cooked. Amanda had her heads in her hands with her elbows resting on the counter and Beth looked like she had not slept a wink. “What’s going on?” I said.

Amanda looked up and smiled, “I have the WORST hangover. Want some coffee?”

“Umm…Sure. Where’s Parker?” I asked taking the coffee from Amanda.

Beth looked at me, but I couldn’t tell what was hidden behind her eyes then up and out through the window to their driveway, “It looks like she’s just getting back from the store with the kids.”

Parker came through the door with their kids and the day just went on from there. As we all hung out together, I felt my mind drifting back to the events from the night before. I had come to the guilty conclusion that I really had enjoyed what happened. It was one of the most intense orgasms I had ever experienced and with that feeling came a great deal of shame. I have always been for bringing others into the bedroom and those feelings had not changed but it was my fiancée’s sister I was now thinking about and I just didn’t know.

The entire day, I could see Beth watching me out of the corner of my eye but every time I looked at her, she would quickly look away or fake looking past me for something. It was a bit unnerving, but I tried to play it off. Amanda must have sensed something was up because around 4:00 pm she asked me if I was ok.

“Yeah I’m ok. Just tired” I replied hollowly.

“Yeah Beth told me the same thing when I asked her. She’s probably hung over too. We must have drunk the night away because after you went to bed because I can’t remember a thing.”

The last few hours before parker went back to work crept by and after he did the kids still needed to be put to bed which took forever but eventually all was quite in the house and it was just the three of us.

Eventually we settled once again in the living room and after a while I intently stared at Beth until she caught my eye. Once she did, I shrugged expectantly, and she knew it was time.

“Amanda?” Beth’s voice cracked. “I’ve needed to tell you something all day, but it had to wait until Parker was at work.”

“What’s up?” Amanda replied in a concerned yet careful tone.

Beth then went into an explanation of everything that had happened the night before. Amanda tried to interrupt and succeeded once but I helped quench her need for having her questions answered by resting my hand on her shoulder, but she moved away a little when I did. She let Beth finish her story. Beth didn’t leave much out except for the nitty gritty of what happened in the bedroom and the fact that she had kind of blackmailed me, which was fine, I guess. She was also honest about me not knowing it was her during the act as well as the follow-up conversation that we had.

Amanda’s face was sheer dumbstruck. She looked at me and said, “Did you know?”

“I didn’t I swear.”

“Did you like it?” she asked in a somewhat accusatory yet oddly probing tone.

“…ye……yes I did But I swear I thought it was you. Had I known it wasn’t I would have put a stop to it.”

Amanda looked at her sister whose head was down and then back to me. With a somewhat serious tone she stated, “I need to talk with my sister in private.”

Beth looked horrorstruck but nodded. “We can go to your bedroom, Beth.” Amanda said.

As the two of them left I’m sure I had a comical look on my face. They walked by and Beth glanced at me with an expression that read ‘Help me.’ But there was nothing I could do. After they were in the room, I eventually walked closer to the hallway to see if I could hear anything. I stood for a few minutes, but I could hear the muffled tones of hurried and exacerbated talking. When I started to hear sobbing, I walked away and sat back down. I needed something to keep my mind off what was happening, so I turned on Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

They were in Beth’s bedroom for a long time; long enough that Parker came out for his lunch break at 10:30 pm. “Where are Beth and Amanda?” he asked.

I told the truth, “They are in your room talking. Seems like kind of like an emotional conversation…I heard crying.”

“Oh…well I’ll leave them to it. I ask Beth later.” Parker said as it seemed like he didn’t think he had time on his break to worry about his wife’s or sister in law’s troubles. We sat there while he ate and talked about Lord of the Rings trivia. You know?… How Aragorn broke his toe when he kicked the helmet kind of stuff. Eventually he went back to work, and I was alone yet again.

At around 11:30 pm I heard the door open and out came Amanda. She walked into the living room, sat down on the sofa and stared at me. My mouth was dry, and my heart was pounding in my ears. “Hey.” I said stupidly.

“Hey?” Amanda said. “Yeah I guess, ‘Hey.’”


Amanda put up her finger, “I know you have questions, but I need to talk first. Please listen carefully. These are my terms and they are conditional upon your agreement…1) Tomorrow afternoon while Parker is at work, You, Beth and I are going to take the kids to the science center.” She said.

‘The science…whaaaa.’ I started to think as Amanda continued.

“2) You and Beth will come in with us and stay for at least 2 hours. 3) After you have spent time with the kids you and Beth will take your car to a hotel of your choice and you will get a room. I will take the kids. 4) Once in that room you may do whatever you two feel needs to be done. 5) You must shower before leaving. 6) You will arrive back at this house no later than 4:30 pm. 7) Under no circumstances will you tell me what happened in that room unless I explicitly ask. And 8) After this conversation you will immediately go to our bedroom and wait for me there. Do you agree to these terms?”

“What…What are you talking about?” I said.

Amanda explained the terms again and after I bombarded her with more questions, she said that we would talk more once in the bedroom, but Beth was waiting on her to return with my answer.

“Is this a trick? Or a test?” I asked.

“No this is not a test. There is no right, or wrong answer and I will still love you regardless of what your answer may be.”

I thought for what felt like minutes but was probably just a few seconds. “Sure. I agree.”

“Ok. I’ll see you in the bedroom in just a few minutes.”

Amanda got up and actually looked at me with a half-smile. I gazed back and…What was that? Lust in her eyes? Amanda left the room and went back to Beth’s bedroom. I sat there zoned for a few seconds and headed to the bedroom.

I sat on the bed for probably around five minutes when the door opened, and Amanda walked in. I stood up and stepped towards her…*whack*…She slapped me straight across the fucking face. I was so caught off guard I stumbled backwards onto the bed.

“How could you not tell me immediately this morning?!” Amanda whisper yelled. “I understand not telling me last night but this morning or any other time today!”

“You’re right. I am so sorry. I should have. What happened in there with you two?” My curiosity about how they came to the terms Amanda told me about was overcoming my concern for how I could make things right with her.

Furiously looking at me her expression seemed to soften as I am sure she understood how confused I must be. Amanda went into a long explanation about their conversation and how Beth has been comparing herself to Amanda even more recently. Amanda and I hardly ever fight, we don’t have kids, we go on frequent dates, we buy gifts for each other, we have a great relationship and we have an extremely active and exploring sex life. Amanda explained how in Beth’s drunken state the night before led her to fixate on that last part…but she’s also had the feelings when sober too.

Amanda stated that Beth was envious of what she had and just thought that she could get away with a half-cocked shitty plan. But Amanda went on saying that in a weird way she understood where Beth was coming from and she was actually feeling guilty. She calls the feeling “Twin-Guilt” where they have always had the same things and now that Amanda has me but Beth doesn’t, she feels guilty for not being able to share…or so she originally thought.

Amanda, while listening to Beth, thought about her sisters wants as well as my wants. She started thinking back to my desires for an open relationship and who better to fill that desire than her twin who she loves and knows would not try to take me from her. Amanda’s trust was obviously hurt but she has always been a “family first” kind of person.

“And the idea just clicked. I told Beth what I was thinking, and she said that she was interested.” Amanda finished her explanation.

“Ok…I don’t even know what to think.”

“I thought you might say that. But I have an idea of how to fix that.” Amanda said.

I was sitting on the edge of the bed with my feet on the ground. Amanda was sitting on my left but had started to move and ended up straddling me. With speed and strength, I did not expect she gripped my neck under my chin and pulled me closer as she whispered in my ear.

“I am going to make you apologize for what you’ve done. And tomorrow, when you walk into that hotel room you won’t be able to help thinking about how I am going to make you apologize over and over again.” In my confused state, she forced an unexpected kiss on me but I eventually obliged and opened my mouth more.

Her kiss was ravenous and intense. She teased me with her tongue with little licks as she firmly pressed her mouth onto mine. She moved her hands down my back, gripped my shirt and started to pull it off. I did the same to her and after taking off her shirt she pushed me down and slowly took off her bra revealing her amazing breasts and rock hard nipples.

Amanda then kneeled on the floor and started clawing at my pants. They came off with difficulty because of my now extremely hard cock. The head of my cock was dripping with pre-cum. **Side note: Its always really fucking hard getting your pants off with a massive erection.

Amanda looked at me with the devil behind her eyes, “Beth told me what she did. I plan to outdo her, and you better tell me I am better.” Her voice was silenced as she took me into her mouth and immediately deep throated me. I was caught so off guard by this sudden explosion of pleasure I sat up. She gagged on my cock and pulled me out like she usually does when deep throating me, but she went right back in and forced me all the way to the back of her throat. ‘How is she doing this?’ I thought. Amanda had always had difficulty deep throating before.

She raged on my cock loudly slurping for several minutes as she built up a large layer of spit. Then she started using the same technique Beth had the night before where she worked the bottom of my shaft with both hands as she tongue fucked the tip. It was fucking intense. I was in sheer pleasure. I started to feel the pressure build l and my dick started to convulse. Amanda stopped.

“You don’t get to cum yet.” She said standing up. She started to take off her pants and I could see a large wet spot on the bottom of her grey panties. Strings of her wetness stretched from her panties as she slowly took them off. I was in awe of her sexiness. My face must have reflected my feelings because she smiled like she expected the look and bit her lip as she climbed on top of me.

She made me scoot back onto the bed and once I was barely settled, she expertly guided my dick into her soaking wet and warm pussy. Amanda let out a loud moan that bordered on a growl. “Amanda, that was loud.” I whispered.

“I…don’t…care…” she said in-between slow yet aggressive thrusts.

Amanda leaned in so her breasts were hanging above my chest and the nipples barely touching me. She then started out slow raising her ass to the point that my tip was just about to come out then she would slam back down onto me with a heavy slap. She started to pick up speed and I said through pleasurable gasps, “We are making too much noise.”

Amanda stopped and straightened her back so now all her weight was pressing down on my throbbing cock inside of her as she started to move her hips back and forth. “I said…I don’t care.” She said as she put her hand around my throat and started to squeeze.

She started to speed up her hip movement and eventually bent back over to raise her ass again. She pounded harder and faster while increasing the pressure of her grip on my throat as she did so. I wish I could say I was giving my all and rocking her world but, in this moment, Amanda was fucking me. In this moment I was nothing more than a sex toy providing her pleasure in the way she wanted it. Her thrusts were hard. They were deep. They encompassed every ounce of her anger and frustration. We weren’t even trying to keep it down.

She fucked me harder and harder. She eventually sped up even more than I thought was possible and I could feel her glistening cunt tighten around my cock. She was going to cum. I could feel it in waves as shivers ran up and down her body and she intensely moaned into the pillow I had my head on. She kept pounding through her orgasm but eventually slowed to a stop, breathing heavily.

I was so confused when she came onto me at first but the moment she came, I finally had a realization. Amanda was sending a message. She was marking her territory. This was a show. She knew Beth would probably hear and she didn’t care because she wanted her twin to hear so there was no confusion about who I belonged to.

After catching her breath, she got off me and demanded I kneel on the bed and bend my torso backward and brace myself with my hands. This resulted in my hard cock sticking out ready to be used. She got on all fours in front of me and reached back to guide my shaft inside of her tight cunt. She started to rock back and forth just using me for her pleasure. I fucking loved what she was doing. I had no control over her pleasure other than just being as hard as I could manage.

I knew I wouldn’t last long at this point, but I let the orgasm build before I said anything. I think Amanda realized what I was doing because she slapped back into me with a renewed vigor. As I felt my orgasm coming, I waited until the very last moment before I said, “I’m going to cum.”

Immediately and fluidly without missing a beat, Amanda pulled me out of her and spun around on all fours and shoved my already pulsing cock deep into her mouth. I felt nothing but ecstasy. Amanda rocked back and forth as my cock was pulsating in her mouth poured out streams of cum. I don’t know how long my orgasm lasted but it was long and intense. And then it was over.

I looked down at her still enveloping my dick and she looked up at me. She sucked and licked for several more seconds and I felt her throat convulse as she swallowed every drop. She took me out of her mouth and sat up, “Apology accepted.” She said with a wink. “Was I better?”

“Yeah…so fucking good.” I said. Amanda smiled even wider and we laid down to cuddle in post orgasm bliss.

After a few minutes I got up and checked my phone and put on some shorts. It was around 12:15 am and I felt the need to clean up before going to bed. I walked out into the hall and made to head towards the bathroom. But as I did something caught my eye on the floor; a pair of panties with a wet spot on them. I looked around but Beth was nowhere to be seen. Pocketing them I smiled and thought, ‘she probably didn’t mean to leave those there.’ And I headed to the bathroom to clean up.

After cleaning up and brushing my teeth I closed the medicine cabinet and looked at myself while thinking, ‘What the fuck just happened?’

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ibl1l6/part_2_my_fiancees_terms_mf_f_long


  1. she definitely left them there on purpose. good read, please tell us about the hotel experience, we’re too involved now.

  2. Man both parts have been an excellent read. I cant wait to read about the hotel

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