Wife tells me super hot story about a college trip with 2 guys [MMF]

I’ve lurked here and in a couple other subs for years. I finally decided to open a 2nd account and post some 100% true stories my wife has told me.-

My wife had a pretty strict Catholic upbringing and when she went away to college she “let her hair down” for a few years thru undergrad and grad school. She knows I love hearing stories and she tells me them all the time. Some true, some made up, and some true but kind of embellished. I can always tell the true ones just by the way she tells them and by the minutia she only adds when telling me about actual events.

To quickly describe my wife during college…natural longish auburn hair, petite, great personality, great sense of style, sweet, and just plain sexy. Not slutty or trashy….just sexy.

So I’ll try to tell the story quickly but can add more detail if anyone wants. My wife is an artist and during first year of grad school she goes on a sort of tour of a few midwest states with a group of about 15 other grad students. Some from her school, some from other schools. They spent about 2 days in each location, then drove for a day or so to the next location. I think there were like 7 or 8 stops in total.

They traveled in 5 individual student’s cars, 3 in a car. She, by default, drove with 2 guys from her school (you can see where this is going…). So, of course, the 3 of them hit it off, are getting along great and she’s attracted to both of them and, she says, she knew both of them were attracted to her.

After like 6 days and 2 full days of driving she is super horny and wants to make a move on one of the guys for some hot but meangingless fun. She says she’s in the car and trying to think of which guy she should come on to, but then is feeling guilty that the other guy will get his feelings hurt (it’s the whole “Catholic guilt” thing). So she decides to work something out with both of them.

After dinner the whole group checks into a motel and she goes to the guy’s room, as she had done a couple of other nights. They are drinking beer and watching TV and she says she got up, shut the TV off, and turned to them and said “I’ve been thinking about this for days and I want really to suck both of your cocks.” She didn’t tell me their reaction, but says she told them to sit in 2 chairs in the room that were separated by a little table. She got down on her knees in front of the first guy and started rubbing his cock thru his pants. She says he got hard right away and she kept looking over at the other guy and he was sort of lightly rubbing his hand over his cock watching her.

She opens the guys pants, takes out his now hard cock, and starts doing this thing that she still does with me where she kisses and gives little licks to your cock before she really starts working it. But she tells me, while she’s giving this first guy the warm up cock kisses and licks, she’s making eye contact and smiling a little at the other guy. Sort of letting him know that she wasn’t forgetting about him and he’d get his turn soon.

She then goes to work on the first guys cock, focuses on him, and gives him a great BJ…mouth, throat, lips, eye contact and all. And then, the hottest part of the story for me, is that in a few minutes when the guy starts to cum, she makes eye contact with the 2nd guy while the first guy is cumming in her mouth. She reverses all this when she gives the 2nd guy his blow job. She swallowed both.

I’m sorry if I’m not that good of a story writer. If you want more detail on anything LMK.


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ibh8gu/wife_tells_me_super_hot_story_about_a_college

1 comment

  1. >but then is feeling guilty that the other guy will get his feelings hurt (it’s the whole “Catholic guilt” thing). So she decides to work something out with both of them.

    lol That’s not AT ALL how Catholic Guilt works, I can assure you.

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