Qwyn the Mage II [MM+][MC][Fantasy]

Qwyn yawned wide as he stretched in his seat in the academy cafeteria. For some reason he’d been feeling exhausted lately. He’d been dozing during his lessons and seemed to wake up only more sore and tired than before. Maybe it was a mistake to agree to Headmaster Alvada’s insistence to increase his lessons to three days a week. But he couldn’t do that, he knew how fortunate he was to receive so much private tutoring from the headmaster.

Beside Qwyn, Veer mimicked his yawn. Veer was Qwyn’s best friend and the only other student in the entire school to also be receiving private tutoring from the headmaster. He was everything Qwyn wasn’t, tall, lithe, and graceful where Qwyn was short, plump, and clumsy. Granted Veer was an elf so it was natural that he would have the grace and beauty that all his kind did but that didn’t make Qwyn feel much better. Veer had short dark hair and lightly tanned skin where Qwyn was pale with a smattering of freckles a mop of mousy brown hair. The only thing they had in common was looking younger than they were. Both were adults but Qwyn’s short stature made him still look like a freshman and Veer’s race would make him look barely twenty years old for the next couple centuries.

“Stop yawning.” Veer said. “It just makes me do it too.” He said giving his head a shake. “I want to be wide awake for tonight’s lesson. I’m excited you’re finally going to be joining the headmaster and I. It will be so much more fun with you there!”

“I suppose it was only a matter of time, we have to pair up for practicing spells in class all the time. I imagine the headmaster will want us to practice what we’ve been going over, like…” Qwyn stopped, what had he been going over with the headmaster… Qwyn’s eyes unfocused for a moment and he shook his head. What had he been thinking about? He’d been so forgetful lately. He was definitely stressed, his mind was so cloudy all the time.

Not to mention the dreams. Every night Qwyn’s mind was plagued by dreams, they were always fuzzy, he could never remember much when he woke, but the one thing he could remember the feeling. It was like jumping awake during a nightmare and forgetting what had frightened you so much but he didn’t feel fear when he woke, he felt… It was hard to describe, it was like his body was vibrating with energy and there was something he was supposed to be focusing on. It was probably an effect of his magical abilities but it was embarrassing to talk to anyone about as he always woke up physically aroused and sweating.

“Anyway, I’ll see you at the headmaster’s office. I have to go get ready, don’t be late!” Veer called as he stood up from the cafeteria table and rushed out of the spacious room. With a sigh, Qwyn rose too and marched towards his room, stifling another yawn. He had a feeling, this lesson was going to be especially exhausting.

Qwyn climbed to the top of the massive spiral stairs out of breath. He rested a moment, hands on his knees, as he caught his breath. The day Qwyn finally learned teleportation magic could not come soon enough. Veer followed only a moment later, looking completely fine. He even looked chipper and could barely hold still.

“I’m so excited! Let’s go!” He said and knocked rapidly on the thick ornate wooden doors. Qwyn didn’t know what he had to be so excited about, it was just a lesson.

“Enter.” A deep voice called out and Veer rushed inside with Qwyn slowly following.

Headmaster Alvada sat behind his spacious desk like usual. The rest of the room was lined with book filled shelves, the floor was covered with a series of ornate rugs. Across from the desk was a series of comfortable looking chairs and a couch in front of a magical hearth. There were a couple of doors in the back of the room that led to a washroom and private bedchamber. The headmaster’s desk was scattered with all manner of scrolls and tomes, so much so that it was hard to see the old headmaster’s head behind them all.

Headmaster Alvada was an old human man with a shaved head a short white beard, despite his age and ordinary appearance the man absolutely oozed magical might. Even a mundane must be able to feel it. He wore finely tailored robes of royal blue and gold, much like the academy uniform but of much more fine quality and intricacy. Qwyn and Veer wore similar robes but without the gold and more rough material.

“We’re here for our lesson, headmaster.” Veer said, his voice strangely eager.

“I’m just finishing up here. Won’t be but a moment. You two can get started.” He said, without bothering to raise his head from his books and pointing with a quill towards the couch.

Qwyn obeyed and sat on the large leather couch, pulling his book bag off his shoulder. He looked down into it and pulled out… Wait, what should he pull out? He brought all his books with him, he always did but he couldn’t remember what texts he’d need for this lesson.

“Apologize headmaster, but I can’t seem to-” Qwyn started, looking back up from his book bag until he saw a naked Veer standing in front of him. Well, nearly naked. The slim elf wore only dark blue leggings that came up to his thighs, his school robe had been discarded to the floor. His slender manhood and perky backside were on full display, right in front of the headmaster!

“Veer! W-what are doing!?!” Qwyn squeaked. A deep blush going to his cheeks.

“Getting started, obviously.” Veer replied with a roll of his eyes.

“B-but you’re n-naked!” Qwyn cried.

“So are you, dummy.” The elf said as he reached forward and grabbed Qwyn’s robes and pulled them apart to show off that he wore nothing underneath either. Qwyn didn’t even have leggings like Veer.

Qwyn cried out and tried to cover his body by pulling his robe back over himself, but Veer yanked on the garment until he had pulled it completely off of him and tossed it aside. Qwyn still tried to cover himself with his hands to minimal effect.

“W-w-why?” Qwyn croaked.

“Gods, you really are dumb! You haven’t figured it out yet? Why you have those dreams you told me about? Why you’re always tired and sore? Why you have so much trouble remembering things?” Veer leaned in, his face practically toughing Qwyn’s.

“You’ve been the headmaster’s eager little slut for months now! We both have.” He said with a wide grin.

“It’s true young master Qwyn. You’ve both been spending your evening in here being my obedient little pets.” The headmaster called. Qwyn looked past Veer to see that Headmaster Alvada stood behind the elf, he had also removed his robes and stood naked with only a pair of thick socks on his feet. Despite his shame and confusion Qwyn couldn’t help but notice that the headmaster’s body was very different from both Qwyn’s and Veer’s. Where Veer’s body was slim and tight, and Qwyn’s was soft and pale, the headmaster’s was old and solid. His manhood, especially was different. Much, much bigger than Qwyn’s or Veer’s and it had a thick copse of grey hair.

Veer turned and sat down next to Qwyn, laying his arm over his shoulders.

“I was surprised at first too. He used magic to make us compliant but mind altering magics aren’t very effective on elves. After only a few weeks it started wearing off, but luckily by then I’d already learned my lesson. I had it drilled into me enough times!” Veer said with a giggle.

Qwyn just stammered in response. He didn’t know what to do, what to say. Headmaster Alvada approached, his thick shaft growing harder and more erect with every second. Clearly his old age hadn’t effected him there.

“He’s got an amazing cock, don’t you think?” Veer asked, reaching out and grabbing the base of the headmaster’s shaft.

“I-I-I-I-” Qwyn sputtered, looking at the old man’s cock, now only a few inches from his sitting body. Despite himself, Qwyn felt his body respond. Underneath his hiding hand, his much smaller member was growing harder. It was nothing compared to the headmaster’s, even Veer’s was longer.

“Try touching it. It feels so good, the heat, the hardness.” Veer said. Before Qwyn could respond, Veer grabbed his hand and pulled it onto the head of the headmaster’s dick. Qwyn jumped as soon as he touched it and tried to pull back but Veer held his hand tight.

“There… Isn’t it impressive?”

Qwyn rubbed his soft palm against the expanded tip and could feel the impressive heat, like a hot piece of metal, and as hard as one too. Even when Veer slowly pulled his hand away, Qwyn still kept touching the thick shaft. It was familiar, Veer was right, he’d touched this before. His hand moved without command and slowly slid down the shaft before coming back up. Qwyn slowly moved his hand up and down the thick member with practiced familiarity.

“Told you, it feels nice, right?” Veer said before leaning in next to Qwyn and whispering in his ear. “It tastes even better.”

Before he even knew what he was doing Qwyn leaned forward and opened his mouth. He stuck his tongue out like he had a hundred times before and felt the familiar taste of the headmaster’s cock on his tongue as the tip slid past his soft lips. His body knew what to do next, even if his mind didn’t. He dove onto the thick meat and his cheeks caved in as he sucked. He bobbed his head several times before pulling back so only the tip was between his lips and then he swirled his tongue around the tip, lapping up a drop of precum.

“You’re going to need a new title, Sir. It looks like Qwyn is the ‘head master’ now.” Veer said with a laugh. “You look so hot like that. Who knew that the quit Qwyn was such an eager cock sucker?”

Qwyn mumbled something but it was lost around the thick cock buried in his mouth.

“You pretend to be all mild mannered and studious but you’re actually just a cock crazed whore!” Veer cried as he grabbed the back of Qwyn’s head and pushed it against Alvada’s hips. Qwyn choked and gagged as the thick cock pushed against his throat. Qwyn tried to pull back but Veer held him tight and Qwyn’s face started to go red as he could barely breathe. Thick pubic hair scratched at his nose as he grabbed the headmaster’s hips and tried to push away. Finally, Veer let go and Qwyn pulled back, the slimy cock flying free from his mouth as the young mage sputtered and coughed. Qwyn gasped for a few moments and starred daggers at the elf. Veer just smiled.

“You look so sexy like that.” Veer said as he leaned forward and brought his lips to Qwyn’s. Instantly Qwyn felt the elf’s tongue sliding between his lips. Despite everything that he had just learned he had done, he didn’t think he had ever been kissed. It was strangely intimate and soft compared to the hard implement that had just been forcing it’s way down into his throat. Veer broke the kiss quickly and pulled away.

“Hehe, I can taste his cock on your tongue.” He japed. “But I’d rather taste the actual source.” Veer pulled away and dove onto the headmaster’s cock. he went at it with much more fervor than Qwyn had and the elf was quickly bobbing his head deep on the mature cock. Qwyn sat there awkwardly until Alvada’s hand grasped Qwyn’s hair painfully and pulled him towards the old man’s crotch.

“Make yourself useful, boy.” Headmaster Alvada said.
Qwyn didn’t know what to do until his head was pushed further down and he saw the headmaster’s hanging, heavy testicles. Qwyn obeyed and gently sucked one in his mouth. The taste here was stronger, salty sweat and musk. These were a man’s testicles, nothing like his own. He let one of the hairy balls fall out of his mouth as he sucked in the other, licking it clean with his tongue until the Headmaster’s sack was glistening with his spit.

Both young mages pulled away, the old man’s cock and balls wet with their spit. Veer smiled at Qwyn the same way he did when they both did well on a test.

“Veer, young master Qwyn got to taste me first so it’s only fair that you get to go first now. Bend over my desk.” Headmaster Alvada said. Veer rose without a moment of hesitation and practically skipped across the room to the headmaster’s large desk. It was still covered with books and scrolls so the elf swept all of them to the side and scattered them but as soon as they left the desk they all flew into neat piles on the ground. Veer bent over the front of the desk, resting his upper body on his palms as he spread his legs wide, his perky butt on full display.

“Come along, boy.” The headmaster barked as he strolled after Veer. Qwyn followed, hesitantly. As they approached, Veer gave his butt a shake as he looked over his shoulder. Alvada smacked his cheek and spread it. Qwyn couldn’t help but look at his best friends puckered asshole. It was pink and small, too small for the headmaster’s shaft to fit by far.

“I’ve been a bad boy, Headmaster. Please punish me.” The elf called and the headmaster answered by placing the thick tip of his cock against Veer’s tight hole and Qwyn watched as it slowly sank inside the tight hole. It stretched wide, engulfing the thick tip. It seemed like it must have been quite painful to be stretched wide like that but Veer like out a loud moan as his butt was filled with his headmaster’s cock. The headmaster kept slowly pushing more and more of his long dick into young elf until his hips pressed against Veer’s perky cheeks.

“Oh gods! Your cock is amazing!” Veer cried. Qwyn looked on with fascination. Had he really taken that thing too? But as soon as he asked it, he knew it was true. He could feel his butt twitching, eager for the feeling of being filled. Qwyn could only watch in fascination as the headmaster pulled back and slammed his hips forward, crushing Veer against the solid desk. Veer clearly didn’t mind as he let out a moan with every thrust inside of him. Qwyn rose and circled around the desk to stare at his friend’s face. It was unrecognizable. The friend he had shared so much with, had spent so much time with, had a face of pure glee that seemed to only get more and more aroused with every thrust into his tight ass. Did it really feel that good?

Veer’s arms gave out and his upper body crashed onto the wooden desk. He didn’t seem to even notice as his moans only got louder and louder. His hands searched and grabbed the front edge of the desk as his cries only grew louder and louder as the headmaster drilled into his tight elven ass faster and faster.

“Oh Gods! I’m-I’m going to-” Veer called, every word cut off by the loud clap of Alvada’s hips slamming into his ass. Veer’s body tensed, his hands clutching at the desk hard while his mouth went wide and he screamed. He pushed back as much as he could as his small cock spurted out a few weak shots of cum against the headmaster’s desk. Veer’s whole body shook, even after Alvada stopped thrusting into him and for several moments Veer came on the headmaster’s cock.

After several minutes the elf calmed down and the headmaster pulled his tool free, still hard and ready. Veer collapsed and panted.

“Your turn young master Qwyn.” The headmaster said and Qwyn stared at the shaft with a newfound fear.

“You… didn’t cum?” Veer panted.

“Of course not. I’m an old man, I really only have one in me for the day. And it would be quite rude to ignore your partner, wouldn’t you agree?”

“I-I don’t know if I-” Qwyn started but even to his ears he knew it was a lie. “What d-do I do?” He asked.

“Show me that slutty ass and beg me… beg me to fuck it.” Alvada said, running his hand up and down his still glistening shaft.

Qwyn obeyed. He moved around the headmaster and fell to his hands and knees on the thick rug. His ass towards the headmaster, he sank to his elbows and looked over his shoulder up at the powerful mage, arching his back.

“Please Sir, please fuck my slutty ass.” Qwyn said. Veer rose on shaky legs behind the head master walked past the old man, sinking to his knees behind Qwyn.

“You were right Sir, He has such a sexy ass, fat too.” He said giving Qwyn’s cheek a smack. “Fuck, I’m surprised every male student in the academy hasn’t been pounding at your door to get a crack at this.”

Veer spread Qwyn’s cheeks wide getting an up close view of the mage’s tight asshole. Qwyn watched over his shoulder as Veer dove his face between his thick cheeks and gasped as he felt his best friend’s tongue slide against his rosebud.

“Ah!” Qwyn cried out as Veer’s probing tongue pushed into his tight ass and let out a squeak when he felt the tongue slither inside him. His fingers clutched at the rug as his best friend explored his ass with his tongue.

Veer pulled away, strings of drool still clinging to Qwyn’s ass.

“You even taste great. Some guys have all the luck.” Veer called. The elf was interrupted by the headmaster kneeling next to him and now it was the elf’s turn to watch his friend’s tight ass being stretched. Qwyn groaned as he felt inch after inch slide inside his spit lubricated hole. Veer watched with delight.

“Oh!, it’s tooooooooooo biiiiiiiiiiiiiig!” Qwyn moaned. Alvada didn’t bother to go slow like he had at the beginning with Veer, immediately the old man started drilling down into Qwyn’s thick ass. Veer, rubbed his hands over Qwyn’s back and ass cheeks, staring transfixed at watching the headmaster’s thick cock sinking into his best friend’s ass.

“Isn’t this nicer, Qwyn?” Veer asked. “You shouldn’t keep things bottled up so much, maybe if you were more honest and open your spells wouldn’t blow up all the time.” He said but Qwyn’s only response was to cry out with ever deep thrust into his ass. The old man’s hips slapped against Qwyn’s chubby ass and his heavy balls smacked against the young mage with every pile driving thrust deep inside of him.

Qwyn felt his body building, something was comming, something big.

“W-wait, I-I’m gonna-” Qwyn cried but Alvada ignored him and sunk his thick cock into the chubby mage’s hot ass over and over, faster and faster.

“Do it! Cum in Qwyn’s slutty ass!” Veer cried just as the headmaster drove himself balls deep into the young mage. The old man groaned, deep and loud with a rumble and shot his thick cum inside Qwyn’s slutty ass. Qwyn cried out with high pitched moans that sounded almost animal like as his hot hole spasmed around the thick cock buried to the hilt in his fat ass.

Qwyn screamed as he came for the first time, an unparalleled experience flowing through his body and he lost control. As his little dick spurted out it’s meager cum and as his eager ass milked every drop from the headmaster’s heavy balls, Qwyn’s eyes went pure white a wave of magical energy exploded out of him with his orgasmic cries.

When Qwyn finally came down, he looked around the room and saw that both Veer and the headmaster had been blown backwards and all the ancient tomes and scrolls in the room, as well as the ornate furniture had been blown apart.

“Oh…” Qwyn muttered.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ibbjit/qwyn_the_mage_ii_mmmcfantasy