Story 6 – Truth or Dare at Christmas time. Approx 2014

It was Christmas time and me and Jack had some friends and family over for a gathering, it was nice to see everyone together! there were a few single guys, and a few single girls, and a few couples. Our parents were outside with their friends for the majority of their night speaking about boring adult stuff I imagine. Music was loud and we were all drinkingg wine. I was flirting with my guy friend all night sat on the sofa together having a cuddle etc, I was feeling game on for my for friend that night I can assure you of that. I hadnt seen him in ages and I didn’t realise how handsome he got! so were sat playing card games round a table and someone says their bored of this game lets play a new one, my guy friend suggested lets play spin the bottle and whoever it lands on has to play truth or dare. This was during the end of the night so we were all feeling quite up for it, we went through a few rounds of the game where everyone was picking dare, I remember someone spilling over their glass of wine over my guy friend whilst attempting a drunkenn handstand. These were the types of dares at the start of the game until the bottle landed in my direction. I picked truth to change things up a bit. I was asked by another friend whats the furthest ive been with a guy in the bedroom, it took me a few seconds of hesitation before I replied that I had been peed on by a guy as he really wanted to try it, the room went silent for a few seconds before they all started laughing… no idea why as that wasnt even that bad! my guy friend next to me put his hand on my leg and said… nice! so then we went through a few rounds of everyone picking truth, i clearly set the trend and people wanted to speak more openly about things.

We all discovered a few things about each other which was quite interesting but then it hit my brothers turn… and thats when things got spicy, Jack was dared to pick someone to do a dare with him so that two people had to do the dare, he picked my guy friend… and the overall dare for them both was to touch up the prettiest girl in the room at the same time for 10 seconds anywhere they wanted to. All the girls agreed that if they were the chosen girl they would give consent this. This was a more advanced dare than the other ones so all girls stood up in a line including myself and closed our eyes. We agreed that we would keep our eyes closed and we weren’t allowed to tell any of the other girls who was picked, so only the two guys knew. The dare started and for about 10 seconds you could just hear them giggling and walking around us, the sound of their giggles went quieter into the distance as they were walking away. I thought to myself damn I wasnt pretty enough but okay cool I wasnt the chosen one, so I felt at ease at this point. I felt a hand grab my lower thigh and worked its way up to my vagina through my pants, I Jumped a little bit in shock but let it carry on. The second hand wrapped itself across my side and worked its way towards my boobs area. I was being roughly handled and groped but I could not open my eyes as that was not part of the dare. Whoever it was was rubbing my pussy through my pants, I had a skirt on so the only barrier between my vagina and someones hand was my pants. It felt incredible. About halfway through the ’10 second’ dare I feel another two hands on me. One was grabbing me by the neck and the other had a firm grip on my ass. This drove me into even more shock as now I knew that both of the guys had picked me. Moments later they both walked away and said ‘Done you can open your eyes’ all the girls looked around at each other to try and guess who was the chosen one by the reactions of other girls. I did the same and pretended to look at them in this way too. After this I looked straight at my brother with an evil glare as if to say… what are you doing!?. We all sat down and continued the game, although this time it was the girls turn to touch the guys. The guys lined up and it was the same rules. I wasn’t picked for this game though, so I walked upto the girl that was playing and whispered in her ear, “Let me play this one” in which she said ok sure. I walked straight up to Jack and slapped his face. He started smirking as if he knew it was me. That was it, for the remaining 8 seconds I just stood there looking at his face. I didn’t know what to do, I had the other girls that werent playing watching me. The cheek of it.

We all sat down afterwords and all the guys were just looking at Jack. Everyone was in shock but we were all quite drunkk so it kinda didnt get that awkward and people just moved on to the next game, which was Monopoly and I came last. To end that night I was making out with my guy friend but nothing more happened, it was late and everyone went home. I went upstairs to get ready for bed, Jack walked out of the bathroom in just his underwear and I grabbed his junk really hard. He shouted at me and looked confused, I told him payback bitch, then just walked into the bathroom and shut the door. Then I went to sleep.
