[MF] Don’t fuck the crazy neighbor girl.

When I was 20 I had a neighbor chick I wound up fucking a few times. She wound up being insane, like I kept having weird little things to missing, and eventually I had a friend staying at my place while I was out of town who caught her sneaking in thru my window. I have two stories about her that are pretty funny tho… they’re the first, and last time I hooked up with her.

Even how I met her was weird. I had a mail slot I found a piece of paper in one day that had a girls name with a number, and a heart. I was sleeping around a ton then and had no clue who it was. Wound up texting it and found out quick.

The first time I honestly didn’t want to hook up with her. She was super cute… petite and in good shape, she just had that crazy that you can totally sense. I didn’t want that action that close to home base. Anyways me and 2 buddies were drinking at my apartment, and we’re out front. She came over and then invited us to her place.

We got hammered there, and my buddies left me to fend for myself. I wanted to bail but she kept stopping me and making me feel awkward. I went to piss and she came in right as I was finishing. She fucking dropped to her knees and grabbed my dick and started going to town. I was kinda just stunned honestly…. I got hard tho and horny and decided I should just fucking rail her.

Wound up doing so with her bent over the bathroom sink. Didn’t finish tho cause her kid started crying, and she left to take care of him. I had forgot about the kid honestly. I looked in the mirror and knew this was my chance to egress tho and did so immediately. I didn’t even grab my clothes or anything I just beat feet.

There was a dog gate blocking the front door that I naked hurdled, then skidded like a cartoon when I hit the ground. Did a little burnout and flew to my apartment and burst in. My friends were still awake and started cracking the fuck up. I told them to fucking hush and shut all the lights off. She came and just slid my phone thru the door and left my clothes outside about 10 minutes later.

The last time I ever slept with her was about 2 weeks after I had moved out of that apartment. I was super drunk and she hit me up to find her some weed. I had some so I had my buddy and his chick drive me over so I could run it in. I went to leave and they fucking had bailed. I looked for a ride, and nobody would answer… wound up sleeping with her, and then I found out where all my missing items were… they were on her dresser like some kind of shrine… This specific beer coozie I had, some hats, this warren moon action figure, and other weird little random things I had lost that she had over time snuck in my house and taken. I said that I wanted my stuff and she got aggressive as fuck to the point where she decided she needed to shove me out of her door and lock it. I didn’t have my god damn shoes and nobody would pick up their phone.

I wound up walking down to my old apartment and breaking in. When I woke up on the floor in there I fucking panicked and left and then finally got a ride.

The best part of it all was you know when you get blackout drunk and can’t remember shit but it all comes back to you over time? That’s what this was. When I woke up on that floor I had no fucking idea what was happening.

I’d totally fuck her again right now tho if I could. She was super fun.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/iajzzw/mf_dont_fuck_the_crazy_neighbor_girl


  1. Had a crazy F co worker. more tease than putting out. But be it home or work, don’t shit where you eat.

  2. You can’t let crazy bitches like that get attached; once they do, there’s nothing on earth short of a homicide that will stop them and crazy, regardless of how hot, is not worth losing one moment of freedom.

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