MIL[F] Katie Returns to [M]e: Our Erotic Times Are Renewed

Sometime in early 2009, Katie, a married mother of three I had shared some truly marvelous adventures with, re-discovered her erotic side and came back to me. Well, in a manner of speaking. She was never truly mine and became less and less mine as 2009 unfolded, even as we romped in hotel rooms, my office, her van and elsewhere.

We had first met when she responded to my craigslist ad about two years earlier looking for an ongoing erotic friendship. I have described our get-togethers and frolics with other another man and another couple in earlier posts you can find easily by clicking on my profile name. The first phase of our togetherness ended when she became pregnant with her latest boy. He was now about a year old. I soon learned his mother was eager to hurl herself back into the world of sensuality, to taste and explore and experience as much as she could manage given her manifold motherly and wifely duties. She wanted it all and she wanted it soon.

I felt certain our erotic romps were forever done with the arrival of the new child, but I wanted our friendship to endure — I am funny like that — so we continued to correspond all through her pregnancy and beyond. Yes, the sex with Katie was great but so were her emails, and so were the poems she would share with me, and so were her political and aesthetic sensibilities, and so was her generosity. She was an organizer of an annual event to benefit children with special needs, a former public school teacher, and a classic PTA mom. She baked cookies. She had been raised in an academic household and married a university professor. That she was also a little ‘off’ — like the fox caught in the headlights, there was animal in her eyes — made her all the more alluring. If I could no longer have her body, I hoped at least to have some of her soul.

After some cajoling, she agreed to meet me in a cafe. In all our times together, we had never shared the simple act of conversing over coffee. She was a writer not a talker, that and a woman who fucked with great skill and absolute abandon. I did not mind at all when she told me she’d need to bring her new boy along, after she packed the two older ones off to school. I like kids and I like babies and was curious to meet him. But mostly I yearned to see her.

The cafe rendezvous took place in the early afternoon and the three of us sat at a small round table, him in his baby carrier upon a chair. This is one of my favorite cafes in town, full of slackers, students, tattooed women in their 20s on into their 50s, and — I am not kidding — right across the street from this cafe in the front yard of a single-family home stood a tall pole with the head of a giant monkey on top. Not a real one of course — we don’t have giant monkeys in Texas — but a work of art. It was a fittingly weird setting for what was about to transpire.

We sat there talking about this and that when to my great surprise Katie began rubbing my crotch with her foot beneath the table, smiling at me with a twinkle in her eye. The cafe was as packed as always. What, I thought? This? Now? My spirits soared and I knew we’d be off to the races again soon but I did not expect what happened next. Would you like to join me in my van? she asked. Of course I would.

You can imagine the rest. She fastened her wide-awake but very calm little boy in rear seat, facing the back of the vehicle like you’re supposed to do with kids his age. And then I sat myself n the van next to her and she went down on me. Of course I was nervous and looked this way and that to make sure no one would spot our dalliance. I even wondered if the giant monkey saw what we were up to. And of course it felt bizarre with her boy right behind us. But of course I enjoyed it anyway, and of course I came in Katie’s mouth.

A word about blowjobs: I like them. It is not unusual for men to like blowjobs. But they are not something my wife of oh so many years has ever enjoyed giving. I gave up on all that years ago. Never mind that she loves it when I eat her. I am not a man to coerce any woman to do something she does not want to do. I could say more but that is not the point of this narrative. This is about Katie.

Within the week Katie had managed to find a reason to slip away one evening, leaving her three boys with her husband, so she could meet me in a hotel — the same hotel we had used many time before, the one where we had our threesome with the trombone player. Of course the sex was grand. Katie is not a petite woman, but stocky and strong, with big tits that loved to be played with. I loved it when she rode me, those tits in my face and in my hands, her dirty blonde hair falling around that animal look of hers. I would ask her, What are you doing to me? Tell me! And she would tell me: I am fucking you! And when I was on top of her, I’d tell her, Look Katie, look! I am fucking you! Tell me what I am doing to you! And she would tell me: You are fucking me. Did I not mention that she had a way with words? She even wrote a poem that references these words, especially the ones about my love for her tits, and how much my words lit a torch beneath her.

She wrote a sweet little email the next morning thanking me for arranging that hotel tryst. I know, she wrote, that it is not easy on your budget — which was true as in those days I had far less means than I do now — and I know our opportunities to meet like this are rare. But you are a marvelous lover, and thank you! It feels so good for a woman to thank a man for his lovemaking, oh yes it does!

I cannot recall how many times or with what frequency we met after this. Certainly not as much as before. She had more domestic duties now and I did not press her. What mattered to me most was that we’d be meeting again, when we could arrange it. That is in my mind a key ingredient in an enduring affair: something lovely in the moment and the certainty that more is coming soon. That is exciting and calming at the same time.

But this is not how my affair with Katie unfolded after this, no not at all. After a time I felt I had to end it and I did .. then it started again .. and then things got a bit twisted. That will be the stuff of subsequent posts.
