The Night I [F] Took the Stage at a Strip Club on Amateur Night

My husband (boyfriend at the time) used to live in Colorado and at the time we were in a long-distance relationship, he was working, and I was still in school. I’d go visit him as often as I could, or he would come back home to see me. So, this was a pretty positive experience for us ultimately. One of the summer breaks from my master’s program I went to stay with him for a month. I got to meet his friends, roommate, some co-workers, and just relax, unwind, and have fun. One night a group of us went out for a fun night on the town. This group included me, my husband, his roommate, and a few of their other friends that I’d never met before. We went to this area of town that had bar after bar along the main street. We passed by a few strip clubs as well and I whispered to my husband that we should go to the strip club, since I had heard the ones in Colorado were much better than the ones from back home. He liked the idea and checked with the rest of the group to see if they wanted to go as well. At this point in the night it was pretty late, and we’d been out for a while, plus it was mid-week and most of them had to work in the morning. So, everyone left except for me, my husband, and his roommate.

The strip club we went to was pretty large and apparently really popular. It had many stages around the perimeter and even had a dance floor in the middle, which was full of people having a good time. It was a largely younger crowd there, certainly younger than I was expecting, which actually made it seem more like a nightclub. The three of us walked up to the bar to order our drinks and I turned around to take in my surroundings. The stages all had girls dancing topless with the exception of one, which had a man dancing in a thong. Equal opportunity for all! I found out that Colorado did not allow fully nude dancing in places that served alcohol, so since this room had the bar, there was only topless allowed. However, in the back room there was fully nude dancing, but you had to leave your drink in this room. That just meant that this rule/law is ridiculous, you can get shitfaced drunk in this room and then walk into the fully nude room and that is perfectly fine, lol. Anyway, the three of us got our drinks and went and sat near one of the stages to watch the girls dance. I sat in between my husband and his roommate; my husband had his hand on my leg while we watched the dancer in front of us. She kept showing me a lot of attention, which made the guys really excited because they got a good show as well. After she was done dancing, she came around to all of us to say hi and to thank us for the tips. She told us that tonight was also amateur night, which I had never heard of such a thing at a strip club, but that was why it was so busy in the middle of the week. She pointed over to the dance floor area and said that the stage near the dance floor would get opened up in a bit for anyone to jump up and dance on. She told us that there would usually be a good number of girls that got up there and danced, took off their tops if they felt comfortable and could earn tips. She said that security would be nearby in case any of the guys got handsy.

After another trip to the bar the three of us went to the dance floor to get our groove on. My husband and I were dancing together, kissing and touching, I was feeling good and all the nudity in the building was turning me on. I was wearing jeans but had a really cute, low-cut shirt that I knew my husband liked. He was clearly into my look; I could feel it through his shorts as he danced against me. He “jokingly” asked me if I was planning to get up and dance on the amateur stage when it opened up. I gave him this questioning look, I knew he had this fantasy of being watched, but I also knew how he liked catching other guys checking me out. Other times that we had been out, and he caught a guy checking me out, he’d tell me about it later. He’d tell me how hot I looked and how hard he was knowing all of them were looking at me. So, knowing all this, I figured that him “jokingly” asking if I was going on stage was more of a request than finding out what my plan actually was. It was certainly not my plan to get on a stage in a strip club. I thought about it for a few minutes while we danced, asking the devil and angel on either of my shoulders what they would do, haha. I grabbed my husband and told him that I would have probably done it, but his roommate was here and that would be awkward. His response caught me off guard, he said that that is why I SHOULD do it. He wanted his roommate to see me, to watch me, to be turned on seeing me. I should have expected this response from him, this is exactly what would turn him on. We’d often discussed having sex in front of people or with other couples, so I could see that he was trying to turn these fantasies into realities.

The DJ then announced that the dance floor stage was open for anyone’s use and announced the rules: no touching and no nudity below the waist. I thought there should have been a few more rules but whatever. It took a few minutes, but a few girls got up on stage and were dancing with each other, nothing too crazy at that point. I think they were building up the courage to take their clothes off and someone needed to be the first. Then one of the girls went for it and removed her shirt, the place went crazy with cheering. She spun the shirt around her head like a helicopter and tossed it to a guy that I think was in the group with them. She looked like she was having a great time and she looked very sexy. She had on a black lace bra and it was doing a decent job of holding her rather large boobs. One by one the girls in her group took off their shirts and a crowd were gathering near them to watch. I was really enjoying it and so were the guys I was with. Finally, one of them took her bra off, the place went wild, I cheered as loud as the guys. My husband was standing behind me, pushing his crotch into my ass, letting me feel how hard he was. It turned me on, I was really feeling good and knew I was getting wet. He whispered to me that I should go up there with them. I asked what about his roommate? He leaned over to his roommate and said, “hey man, I told her she should go up with them, but she’s worried what you will think.” I smacked his arm for telling his roommate that, but his roommate smiled and looked at me and then back at my husband. I could see the gears moving in his brain, he was completely at a loss for words, but I could tell that he was very, very hopeful that I would actually do it. My husband looked back at me smiling and said “see, he’s cool with it.” I couldn’t believe that I was actually considering it, but a few songs had played and there were probably ten girls up there now all dancing and having fun. Not all of them had taken their tops off, maybe seven had and of them five were completely topless, their tits exposed as well. After another minute, I turned around and looked at my husband and said “okay, I’m going for it!” I chugged the rest of my beer and handed him the bottle and kissed him, turned and high-fived his roommate, then walked to the front of the stage. The girls on the stage cheered for me and told me to come up there with them. I looked back at my husband quickly, he looked thrilled and then winked at me, and then I looked back at the girls on stage and stuck my hand out for one of them to pull me up there with them.

Once I was on the stage, the girls came up and gave me a hug and started dancing with me. I looked out to where my husband was and saw him and his roommate watching me dancing with these girls. I saw so many eyes looking up there at us, I could feel them looking at me. It was thrilling and I hadn’t even done anything yet. I then realized that the shirt I had on was one that I didn’t wear a bra with. I knew my husband loved this shirt, which is the reason I put it on. If I took it off, I was going to be completely topless. I danced some more with the girls and occasionally lift my shirt a little to make people think I was going to take it off. I started getting cheers of encouragement from the girls and from the people in the crowd watching. Finally, I had decided to go for it. I was dancing with one of the girls that was completely topless, she was very sexy, and her tits were bouncing around as she danced. I told her that I was going to take my shirt off now and she said, “do you want me to do it for you?” I felt flush immediately, so turned on by her saying that, I told her “yes!” She got behind me and was dancing against me, I looked up and saw my husband smiling, and then felt her grab the bottom of my shirt and start to pull it up. I lifted my arms up in the air as she pulled my shirt up, over my head, and then completely off of me, exposing my tits to the crowd in front of me. The people in the club start cheering and I see my husband’s face and he is absolutely loving it. My initial reaction was to do the hand bra maneuver to cover myself, but I fought it and kept my arms at my side. I danced with the girls on stage in front of all those people. I was so turned on; I could feel how wet I was without touching myself. My nipples were hard and goose bumps covered my tits. A random guy walked up to the stage holding some dollars for someone to dance for him. I laughed and thought, “why the hell not?” I walked up to the end of the stage and started dancing in front of him, I lowered myself into the sexiest squat I could do without falling backwards and embarrassing myself, giving him a great view of my tits and squeezed them together with my arms. I then stood back up, unbuttoned my jeans and slid the zipper down to reveal the top of my red thong I was wearing. I stood next to him, pulled the side of my thong out a bit to give him a place to put his dollar, which he did and then I snapped my thong back to hold my dollar as I, while laughing, walked back to the group of girls. I looked up smiling at my husband and he looked like he was about to pass out from excitement. The DJ then announced that this was the last song for the amateur stage and some of the other girls danced for some tips. I stayed back and just danced around the stage, having a great time. I looked over at a mirror and watched myself dancing up there with no top on, my tits bouncing around, I almost didn’t recognize myself! When the song ended, I grabbed my shirt and put it back on and jumped off the stage and walked back over to my husband and his roommate. I handed my husband my dollar and grabbed his beer from him, chugged it, high-fived his roommate again, and walked to the bathroom to gather myself and also I just needed a minute alone because I was so worked up that I was afraid I was going to pee myself.

We left the strip club a few minutes later and made our way back to their house. Once back home I went and changed into a t-shirt and shorts and came back out and had a beer in the living room with the guys. My husband kept talking about the night and how hot I looked up there on the stage. His roommate was clearly having difficulties grasping what happened, he looked like he was afraid to say anything to me. Finally, my husband asked him if he thought I looked hot up there and he finally said, “fuck yeah!” We all laughed at it because he basically yelled it at us. When we finally went to bed, my husband was all over me, yanking my clothes off of me so fast. While he fucked me, he kept telling me how hot I was dancing in front of all those people, how much it turned him on. He asked me if it turned me on and I told him how much I loved it, how I felt so exposed in front of them. He told me that he loved that his roommate was there, how he hoped he was jerking off right now thinking of it. I came so hard then, thinking of his roommate stroking to the image of me dancing topless like that. My husband then shot a huge load in me as he collapsed on top of me, his cock still inside. I passed out right after that.

What an amazing night it was and my husband still has that dollar!


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