The Princesses in the Tower – Chapter 3, Part 4 – Agatha [Maledom] [Male supremacy] [BDSM] [Humiliation] [Orgy][Oral]


The last night I dreamt I was a scorpion.

Should I ask for my horoscope? No, that is not necessary; my stars are brighter than ever. Madre de Dios, I am the bright star!

Was it to foretold I will join two other pairs of legs, treading towards unsuspecting prey? Because that´s why I´ve got the reminder all of the sudden.

“On my mark!”

Ellen takes the command as true gringa looking down on darkies and as a true madam looking down on her whores. Ruffled brown hair doesn´t do any harm to the image, neither does the underwear with purple flowers she wears as much as possible.

Irene, our untypical Eskimo, looks at me.

“On your mark, Agatha.”

I winked over bed of Ursula. The leech was sleepy still when she went to the today´s lunch and the Sunday meal for the privileged ones made her dead-beat. Her slumber remained undisturbed neither by us conversing, nor by the singing of absent floozie-pal.

“Can we?”, asked Ellen angrily.

“We can”, I responded. We unrolled the blanket. Ursula laid on a side, the face of woman puffy as a pumpkin. Ellen raised the depilator, I softly exposed her crown of the head, putting some of the nutty hair out of the way and Irene reached out to the panties where she had folded up the body stamp with the simple “repent” sign. Ursula won´t like it, but she had it coming and Ellen wouldn´t had seen eye to eye with her any other way. Unlike Ellen, Ursula forced girls under her to the oldest profession. Enterprises run often callously…


“Shit!”, shouted me and Irene.

“Whorehouse crumbles!”, panicked Ellen.

“We have a weekend, idiots”, I said, walking to the door. Ursula woke up, I think. She is not likely to step for anything except to take a piss or dump before she can drink and eat.

“Come in, uninvited ones!”

The intruding warden and her peeking from the corridor colleague made space for three inmates. We all knew Alice; she dines among the privileged ones, the conceited nerdy toad. She doesn´t share the spirit. Who are the two girls? Looks of stronger average, worth the money. The black haired one has cock-hardening legs, the honey haired one is gnarled under load of the machinery. Are these adepts for some Lovemaking preparation? To hell with Ursula, I was born for such mission! Honey haired one introduced the thing, not her mature patronage.

“Fellow first co-lector Cabrera, my name is Zita Woodroof. We have a proposed amusing series. If we´ll enrich your siesta, we might enrich everybody´s feasts.”

I have finally seen the face and the rascal maneuvers of her eyebrows.

“And I´m Montserrat Gutiérrez. This is about my show. Zita´s writing it… Alice and one lector stand behind us, but the second you like it and tell the principal, we would be happy as after getting lucky.”

The hottie has melodic voice and her writing sidekick seems to be nice. Choosing between the two, the leggy boss had casualness manifested by my close friends in an Austin brothel, the other favorite workplace.

“Can´t you leave me for an hour?”

That was rattling Ursula. Ellen bowed to her, not out of respect.


Ursula jerked and turned away, eyes wide open. Alice frowned, leggy boss Montie faltered a bit and the writing sidekick was laughing uncontrollably.

I went back to conversation and the profit-seeking regime.

“Montie, could I suggest some ideas for your program in the future?”

“Yes, Ms. Cabrera, two writers aren´t enough!”

“Slut trumps the schoolgirl anyway!”

She came out of bathroom, the drops of water lined the white undergarment with lace.

“Even you are student of mine, Olivia.”

She cold-shouldered me and opened her full lips to tease Ellen.

“You haven´t branded Ursula after all.”

“Get on to it!”, asked us the distempered pimp.

“We have a business to care of!”

Alice ended her silence at last.

“You of all people should dive in!”

“Me definitely”, chuckled Irene. “I produced months in length of videos and holograms. I reviewed them for everyone to hear.

“One channel instead of zero, I want the expanse”, said Ellen. The writing sidekick wasn´t interested in ranting, she had vigor… Unloaded the devices and turned on the flexible circle to spring up tent-like net and the flashing composed itself into sense-making objects. Montie would make guys stutter in the bar or from behind the window and she can at as a host. Maybe she is too accommodating, cause she´s satisfied with little role in that… Okay, good toddler story. Some girls in Austin were Fantasy fans, I relied on clients that they will have the fantastic suggestions. Then again, it is just means to an end.

“Montie, why are you doing this?”

She lost her shit. Was I chucapabra or what?

“Classmates told me… I´m useless and I wished the women here to be happier…”

“There are material gains to be suck out, fool”, said Olivia. She is the true mogul here. Three brothels, half of the employees being man-whores.

“You must dig the minerals and metals. I used to street walk in motherland for peso, then I moved little up north for dollar and finally for prosperit. Now, I don´t need to be paid. I will talk to Mayson. For comfort… For founding myself deeper in the structure. You will have to engage and I´ll call out the high society.”

Inexplicably, Alice in the obvious dread get to the side of smaller girl. Honest to God, I heard her swallow, never thinking she is a swallower. I wished her how she couldn´t say anything to the writing sidekick, whatever it was. Don´t deny Montie, you won´t lose out.

I´ve ordered Ellen to put hands-free up to my ear and Mayson´s name invoked like deceased in a séance connected me with the principal´s office. *I*´ve been the one who was operating trough him and extorted holding of Close fellowship assembly.

“Agatha, it would be nice of you to comply with one demand of Malcolm from the week ago. The Assembly´s after party should be even and he longs for breaking one of your group. She will be given an assignment til the matters would be settled.”

If Ursula were pretty, I could outsource the repentance to passionate sadists. Except Malcolm wouldn´t want her…. Ellen tends to undermine my leadership here, but she says uncle without a fight. Irene is just a producer of softcore motion pictures…

The haughty undiscriminating skinflint? They will thank me for the specimen…

“Olivia, the assembly orders you to submit to the attendants.”

She scratched the joints of her fingers.

“Summons of taxman, that was frightening.”

I have covered my Tower underwear with grey skimpy business suit. Alice refused to strip from the Homemaking dress and Olivia wasn´t supposed to arrive dignifiedly.

The close assembly in the administrative complex had set aside hall, sorta part of principal´s office, but Mayson was hidden by the wide door on the dais.

There was another entrance on the left, to his living quarters. The palms in every corner of the triangle with the tip cut off.

Topless triangle…

Surplus of the couches has been farsighted for the day ´ll host the caravan. I was only the second attendant of stature. Back of the left piece was eclipsed by the white hat, looking to me like lemon ice-cream.

“Girls, have you ever got personal with Sophia?”

“We… We knew her just as “spokeswoman”, admitted Montie.

The coolest confidant of mine fluttered the hand in the initially palsy-like awkwardness. The writing sidekick kissed it in a classy way. Montie slobbed over Sophia´s nails. She winced.

“Sophia Arnolph, not just spokeswoman, but also etiquette consultant. The subject matter scarcely practiced by the whole generations.”

Nobody had to be introduced to Malcolm the pompous when he arrived. He confiscated Olivia´s underwear and his dick pupetteered him into caveman routine. He pulled her by the hair on the floor, proclaiming she ´ll be available to anybody at urinal´s spot for an assembly´s duration.

Beck came next, the toilet installation was dragged away short while ago. Another asshole, I am beneath him and can´t call him Edward. Not on lectures, not even in bed. I was on first-name basis with my pimps, all three of them. Giving birth to son- basis with one…

Impatiently, me and Alice spilled the beans about the show. Half-arsed rundown stinked to Sophia, she would scrub it out of her mind, were she given miracle soap. Beck and Malcolm admitted inmates mornings and evenings have to be lame.

I won´t screw my power income, but it´s eating, surrounded by the kindred souls. The lamest of lame events is taken for granted. Kicking one´s heels in the dark over Mayson´s tardiness.

The Principal´s muttering kicked off seemingly from nothing, the volume increasing despite there was a second, picking voice in the mix. Door shut open, Mayson made a way for mobile plinth on wheels on which stand statue of guy clothed in something ancient and on it´s back had inserted broad tablet with shining viewscreen, but statue´s eyes were also flashing.

“The operations of Princess Towers are eliciting tremendous feedback”, said Mayson. “I have been discussing it with my exquisite friend vice chairman Cao since before lunch. If we are to create entertainment division, initially under my very jurisdiction, he wants a taste and he wants to insure that creators are walking on the path.”

The statue turned around and we saw the image of the famous grouchy Chinese guy.

“Blessed are all those, who don´t have to dwell in Brussels. You might be used to fellow Neumann, but he is in the company of the other Swiss and his German partners, lobbies day and night for better human trafficking environment and I´ve been left only with Prefectures and Towers. If duty means nascent school theater, so be it. Fellow Mayson will have insightful observations, no doubt and as a reward he can sit right in front of blooming flowers.”

The Principal didn´t respond. It would be hard to explain renewed color of his cheek in any other way. Any of us could be doing mind reading tricks, correctly describing what he wishes Montie and her friend devote themselves to do. His eyes are tearing down the sidekick´s miniskirt as she unraveled the projector´s net.

So I have seen for the second time tale beginning by the lamenting wizard girl, ending by the defeat of sexy spirit played by the Montie.

Sophia was never watching, she fixated on Mayson or on me. He hasn´t missed a single frame, for non-storytelling reasons, I can imagine. Just on this level it gives a reason to any guy to tuck bill or give a thumbs up.

The mightiest and not really present man wasn´t looking disapprovingly.

“I think it can be one of the segments, fellow Mayson.”

“Yes, essentially…”

“I take it you have caught an error that can be rectified in an intelligent way?”

“The show, if we will be lenient to its setting and story and dialogue… Yes, the Princesses can´t be beggars for artsy production. I worry about the state symbol representation, though. There really should be a horse. Sigil stallions are mandatory in children´s programming and they are starting to make cameos in the female-oriented broadcast too. ”

Alice´s mouth refreshed my memories of some gals who had stuffed their pussy with ice cubes.

“The band of heroines demonstrates its strength by going on foot. Besides, it would be mad to restructuralizing my imagery by adding of one object.”

The writing sidekick raised the right hand.

“Yes, girl?”, asked Mayson.

“Fellow principal, our companionship doesn´t have a horse in the beginning, but we have the new member episode 2 onwards. We will say that with my help succubus unlocked the powers of changeling, or that she wasn´t sure how to use them in the world of mortals until now… She can morph into our mare and split into pair! There will be stallion and the mare!”

Montie has smirked impishly and crossed her legs a few times, like she had spasm in the crotch.

Cao might as well be counting the sheep.

“See to that succubus transforms, fellow Mayson. Do you have any other idea about future of FPA serials?”

The principal answered at once, his forehead dewy with a light sweat.

“What else do you want to produce to inmates beyond a magical show?”

The writing sidekick didn´t lost her cool.

“Alice has scripted a few comic books, we can adapt part of them eventually. Now, the supply of hearsay won´t be constantly on the same level, but we can do news program where we will sum up some episodes from the Tower´s events, Lovemaking excluded. Obviously, we are knowledgeable, so Montserrat I can talk about peculiarities of our interest – sport, history and their combination. Did you know that medieval prostitutes were among the first women to sport?”

Virgin Mary and blessed fruit of thy womb, thank you I am living in this day and age. I hate cooking and baking, but if I was born a few centuries earlier, I would have to play basketball matches on the court of King Lear!

“It was their duty to not make their bodies atrophied”, Cao said. “Fellow Mayson, are you up to burnish these ideas in the execution?”

Mayson was slighted badly. The words rattled in a voice of failing self-control.

“I could ask these Scheherazades the same question, fellow Cao. Principal is suited to instruct people in administration. I propose the ladies, all of them, not just those who came, to be nominated for Loyalist card.”

“Reasonable enough”, Cao said. “Have you girls been taught about it?”

The writing sidekick was confused, but talkative.

“Not, fellow vice chairman. We are not yet done with ideological founding stones.”

“Explain them, co-lector.”

I obliged.

“Girls, us privileged ones have a status that others are attaining by the excellent marks. Not that they would us any harm… Those in my room are nominated to the Loyalist card and so being not merely reeducated and fellows like everyone. We can be Brotherhood members proper. Majority here can hope to eliminate some guys on the auction and get themselves high from sponsor-made trinkets. Loyalists will be coupled with the prominent husbands and mustn´t be excluded from the political debates.”

“Those with husband already lost the game,” Alice dared to say.

“You think? If you go back to the husband and he hasn´t been subject of any disfavor, then the good points go to him and he will become chief executive whenever he works, society´s beloved one in any case.”

“Hell, yeah!” Montie left the couch and stood up by the side of holoprojector in her host pose.

“Hot news in the today national park spotlight! The group of butterflies penetrated their chrysalis with multicolored wings and flew to the living rooms and bedrooms of quarterbacks!”

She is so silly! The writing sidekick was overcoming befuddled deliberating for a minute.

“I am grateful for such generous offer. As you said, there are more of us and if Mrs. Kane agrees, we have still three more performers who need the introduction.”

“Two wenches are licking your anus after one request. I´m not t giving up on you, fellow Mayson. Fellow Neumann is fond of saying that money is blood of business and business is veins of the world, but I´m saying obedience and understanding your station are the heartbeat. Girls, explain what I just said to the others and they will wanted to be known as a loyal ones. Fellow principal will hand you circulating documentation and you will analyze it on assemblies much like this one. Devote the last days of the month to bring the crew whole on board.”

“Qué será, será”, said Montie.

I couldn´t agree.

“Eso es la bazofia. Tú eres la estella.”

She thanked in both Spanish and English and then helped her friend and Alice to scram from the impeding looser act of the company´s rally.

“I disliked the girls haven´t been screaming for too long in the show”, commented Malcolm. “Somebody owes me the ration.”

He left for Olivia, but we get on the warming-up. Sophia did a tap dance and in the space between coaches took off the hat, displacing it below the neck, other hand, the invisible one undoing blouse buttons. She tossed the maybe whole minute after the blouse, serving the men solid tits in the yellow bra, cups decorated with euphoric bimbo faces. Smiling herself, she slapped her ass and by unnecessary twisting the string on the waist she made her skirt fell off as she moved only inch sideways. She had picture of muscleman on her panties.

“Please, stay here, fellow Cao!”, Mayson requested. “You can do wonders with those wheels!”

“Innovations don´t always work, fellow Mayson. If I won´t enjoy it, you will be held responsible.”

This means the evening out the party is fucked. Who needs the order in sex anyway?

I had to set myself apart from Sophia. I wore fine business suite which I folded carefully but quickly like a good girl, savoring the idea of dozens chocolate cocks creaming my insides. I exceeded the spokeswoman, since Tower bra and panties covered only ankles and some of the toes. My nudity was fully transmitted to Europe. Olivia came disrobed too; Malcolm leashed her by two chains ending by round clips on her nipples. She was unwell, nostrils loud, light ash heir wet.

“Daniel, may I ask for these toys Vicky gave you?”

Mayson went to his living quarters and came back with two drones and their remote controls. Malcolm readily attached one of the chains to the baby helicopters and sent it to the far corner of the ceiling. Olivia began the inconsolable howl and she wasn´t overreacting. I wouldn´t want the tit torn off… Hers might very well be on the rack. She buckled from the pain, but Malcolm held her up and attached the second drone, which he sent to the threshold of principal´s office. Olivia couldn´t drop or stand still, her body was inclined.

People, don´t try this at home.

Malcolm unfastened something from his belt and unfurled it into colossal whip. That super arm was commanding it and produced the famous “whooosh” slicing skin on Olivia´s back, creating the welt.


Olivia could lose consciousness, but Malcolm didn´t mind. The whip kisses her over the previous stripe. The third slash bounded her legs and she pulls by breasts, which is exactly where the whip is heading next, one time for each tit. Satisfied with the literal “bloody mess”, Malcolm unzipped the pants, his cock needed to shoot. He grabbed Olivia´s stomach, staying behind. Oh, that…. She will end with anal ravished. Usually reserved for me, the lowliest among equals.

This was the point Mayson pushed my shoulders in a clear signal I should go down and be mouthful of him. His pants and boxers defeated, I have now, for the first time, seen his cock, bigger jewel than Beck´s, unsheathing the tasty purple fruit. I have swallowed it, my teeth gently rolling the foreskin, tongue arousing him and solidifying the whole member. As if I wasn´t nifty enough, all too well known hands of Beck touched me on the hips and pressure made me lift the ass from calves and I supported myself on all four in doggy style. Beck´s dick get into the most classical hole and I responded to his humps whenever the lips were positioned around Mayson´s glans. I liked the technical challenges in my job. Nobody can say I´m the butter-twat. The statue with electronic sight fixed on my head over Mayson´s shoulder. Cao could see the hall only through that way, the tablet side was blinded by Sophia who pressed bare cunt on the viewscreen. I guess Cao can mind his private parts and nobody would see it.

Eventually, Sophia hit the ground and Cao followed the Mayson´s word, wheels of the plinth rode backwards until my friend produced sounds that bystander could interpret as either tickle giggling or hiccupping donkey. Mayson came in the middle of draping my hair over face, diving the nails into the neck and calling me every swear word you can use for female. The thick liquid of love flooded my mouth from the tongue to the roof and I coped with it in one gulp.

Beck showed me a piece of Eden despite the small size of his dick, tempo rising as my other end wasn´t occupied. Sexologist proved his erudition and I honestly complimented him for orgasm. Our dresses had to go back. Mostly we were saying boisterous goodbyes, me waiting for the pill, Cao´s plinth driving to the office. Sophia was wholly aloof. Special care had to be provided for Olivia. Malcolm called up for cleaning of some excrements and I slided the underwear on the inert limbs.

“I was just a sewer for them”, she croaked in my ear.

“You can say that at loud! Olivia, that´s what initiation is about. You are sewer and then you treat someone else like that. It is similar to playing tag… Well, Malcolm, these drones… Do you plan using them for lessons?”

“Maybe the next term, Agatha.”

So, the fate wasn´t sparing Ursula. It simply chose the unexpected punisher.
