[MF] Ghosted – Part 1

This story is fictional and is in no way representative of any previous situations I have found myself in (but does stem from the theme of being ghosted – it happens to everyone… right…?)
This story has a comprehensive build up but hopefully still worth a read! Skip to part 2 for the good stuff (albeit with no context).

After messaging for some time, it was clear we liked each other, we had seen pictures of each other, taken an interest in each other and perhaps this was the most exciting part, the chase, the flirting, the build up, the anticipation.

I had met Jess online and found out she worked in a similar line of business to me, we instantly hit it off. She was stunning, brunette, beautiful big brown eyes, a stunning smile, 5ft 6 but more like 5ft 9 in her heels with a slim build perfect body. She was absolutely my type, if I’d seen her in real life, I would definitely try to approach her.

We enjoyed chatting over a few evenings, getting to know more about each other, conversations that involved us talking more about our line of work and career aspirations, but ultimately with us flirting over messaging, exchanging ideas about what we’d like to do to each other and trading pictures for hours while we got ourselves off before falling asleep and then messaging in the morning to say how much we had enjoyed the night before.

During daylight, we took more of an interest in each others day, how work was going etc and even tried to help each other out with situations we faced at work, Jess was working on a deal to enter a partnership with another company to help boost sales of her company’s product line and I was helping her with negotiation advice, I encouraged her to look at acquiring the company or divsion of this other company which would also help her long term career prospects as a senior executive.

I was working on closing a big deal too, if I pulled it off, there was a good chance i’d be promoted to become a company director. Jess helped me with some insights that I hadn’t considered. We never really went into the detail and through chatting we never revealed the companies we worked for – not that we were hiding it from each other, it never really came up, perhaps it was an unwritten rule, an etiquette when chatting online to never reveal these specifics.

One evening we were chatting and it got to about 1am and we were in the full throws of sending each other photos of our various states of undress as well as video clips of us getting ourselves off, Jess had the most incredible boobs and I couldn’t stop imagining what they would feel like against me, her pussy was the most incredible i’d seen and she used to get so wet as we exchanged messages, I loved seeing her panties get so wet as we would begin our evening of messaging each other. We would chat and roleplay in different styles, she really loved it when we roleplayed scenarios that involved me just taking control and being a bit rough with her, not asking what she wanted but just doing it, with a lot of teasing in between. We were on the brink of video calling each other, I sent a photo and a message, then there was a pause.

This itself wasn’t unusual, but after another message, nothing. It was weird but perhaps Jess had fallen asleep, perhaps her phone battery had died, it could have been anything. I wanted to just forget about it and sleep but I was quite charged, so decided to have a shower and forget about it, get back into bed and message tomorrow.

The next morning, nothing. By the time it was evening, still nothing. A few days later, still nothing.

I had been ghosted.

It was awful, someone you build up a connection with, someone you genuinely like a lot, ok its online, its like a long distance relationship, but we hadn’t exchanged any other specific details or alternative contact details, it was heartbreaking really. I started questioning myself, was it something I said? Something about the way I looked? Perhaps she was bored of my body, or perhaps even worse – my mind! Perhaps she needed to find somebody new to chat with, for that spark, for the chase, the anticipation, the flirting and the build up, that, I could understand but it didn’t make it any easier.

If she had just said that she needed to move on, it would have hurt but I would have had closure. But hey, resilience is key so I tried to move on.

I spent hours online looking to meet someone just to chat with to plug the void, I wasn’t sure what I needed, someone to unwind with, to chat with on an intellectual level, or was it more about the sexual side? Someone to have fun with, someone to get off with. I really didn’t know, and after hours of searching, I didn’t find what I was looking for.

This bothered me for a few days. Probably longer truthfully. I decided to focus all my attention into my work and tried my best to forget about it and turned off notifications on my phone. Of course I would occasionally check for a message but all this did was disappoint me and piss me off.

A few weeks later, I was doing well at work and getting closer to closing the deal I was working on, my boss, Sandra, had asked me to present on her behalf at a conference at a central London hotel and conference centre, she had been asked to nominate one of her team to speak on an aspect of the business I really enjoyed. I had really got on well with my boss during my time at the company, Sandra was in her late 40s, a really classy lady, lived in a really nice part of town and was just classically beautiful. She would always wear nice fitting clothes, i’m sure she enjoys a bit of conservative power dressing too, never showing loads of skin – she just looks like she’s in a powerful job and holds herself together really well. She appealed to a lot of our target customers who were predominantly male and she handled attention well, keeping professional all the time. Because of her age, she’d appeal to both younger and older guys, I also found her attractive but always kept 100% professional with her.

The day came where I travelled to the conference, it also had a trade show where all the business that offered products and services to our industry were being represented. My talk was at 2pm and that time was fast approaching, I had been in the lobby of the hotel going through my slides, blanking out the whole world while I concentrated. I was super nervous, my boss and all the directors were there as well as quite a few of my colleagues and peers.

1.55pm, it was time, I got up onto the stage and saw the 15 minute timer ready to go, the lights were shining in my eyes and the room had around 600 people in there, the industry representatives also started filtering in from the trade show/exhibition area after lunch. As the talk was about to begin, that number of people became more like around 800 people. I started my talk and the lights turned off and all eyes turned to my presentation slides and to me at the lecturn.

I tried my best to make eye contact with the audience but was constantly drawn to the delegates walking in at the back of the room during my talk, it was off putting but I remained focused on doing a good job. I had practised the presentation over 20 times.

Halfway through the presentation, in walked a gentleman who must have been in his early 50s, a smartly dressed senior executive of some sort, not like the other executives though, he was wearing a red tie and there was just something about him, he stopped and looked me dead in the eye for a few seconds. I stopped and almost muttered “what the fuck” into the microphone. Did I know this guy? Was I supposed to know him? It was weird.

Behind him walked in an absolutely stunning younger lady in a pencil skirt, heels and a blouse with a tight fitting blazer. I tracked her through he auditorium to ensure I knew where she was sitting so I could perhaps pick up the courage to approach her later, she was stunning. Before she sat down, she hugged and kissed her older male colleague on the cheek before he walked a bit further to find an empty seat. It was a bit strange but perhaps they were due to go their separate ways after the auditorium session. She was dressed smartly but I didn’t get the vibes that they were equal in terms of seniority if they were colleagues, she could have been his PA, or maybe I had judged it wrong, difficult to tell.

My presentation finished and I went to take my seat at the front next to my boss and she congratulated me and I was relieved. I sat down next to her and she whispered into my ear “Well done that was a great job you looked great up there and sounded really confident. I guess you saw Patrick then? that much was obvious!”. I said to Sandra “Err, the guy with the red tie? Yah I don’t know who he is but he gave me a strange look and it’s as if he knew me”.

Sandra said “well, he does know you, and you do know of him i’m sure – he runs PLJ, that’s our guy Joe”.

We were trying to close PLJ, it was a decent deal that would essentially take their product to a global audience – our plan was to enter into a partnership initially but behind the scenes we would then make a move to take over the business once their negotiating position was weak and their business was vulnerable, a bit of a shitty move short term but the founding 3 partners, Patrick, his wife Linda and the third partner who joined a few years ago, would make a lot of money from it and see them set up for life really. We knew however that Patrick would not be keen for this as he had hoped to go global, albeit slower, himself, without giving away share and control in the company and had brought in the 3rd partner to make this happen as a Business Development Manager.

I said to Sandra “Well are we due to speak to them today? He didn’t look too happy so not sure what is going on”. She replied “Well, erm, Joe, we believe they may have anticipated part of our plan and a few weeks ago, he approached our parent company to try and persuade them to spin off our division and sell to him. They don’t have the funds and of course corporate said no, so guessing he’s pissed off, thats all I know, we’re not sure if he knows we know…”

Fuck, this was getting complicated. I was hoping to progress this if not close the deal soon. As the other presentations finished and the session ended at 4pm, my boss said “Check in for rooms should be open now so i’m going to check in and i’ll meet you in the exhibition hall for a coffee – can you get me a Latte?”. I said yes and headed towards the exhibition hall to queue up for some coffees.

I spotted Patrick in the distance way further ahead in the queue but decided not to queue jump, I also spotted his young friend/associate/colleague from earlier, wow she was absolutely stunning, black strappy high heels, a very tight pencil skirt with a zip that went from the top all the way to the bottom of the skirt, a tight fitting white blouse tucked into it and a blazer that showed her the low cut design of her top, she was certainly also getting attention from other guys in the room.

I couldn’t take my her eyes off her, it was difficult to see what her facial features were like as she never turned back to look in my general direction but there was one thing for sure, by the end of the afternoon, i’d hopefully be engaged in conversation with her. Just as I was perving over her at a long distance, my boss approached me without any of her bags after she had checked in, she was holding a tray of 4 coffee cups from the barista coffee place near the lobby and said “I knew you’d still be in this bloody long queue, come on, i’ll grab Patrick and Linda lets try and talk business with them”.

What! That associate with Patrick was Linda? What a lucky guy! As we got closer, Sandra stopped dead, turned round to me and said “Joe, thats not Linda…”. I was really confused now. “Well who is that then?” I asked Sandra. She didn’t say anything, I don’t think she knew. Sandra just said “Look, I’m not 100% sure but we need to sort this situation out so lets go”. As we got closer, Patrick’s associate started to walk away towards the hall exit with a small purple suitcase that looked a bit similar to Sandra’s actually, probably to go check in, I was gutted but encouraged to know that she was staying overnight for the sessions tomorrow.

“Patrick! How are you?” said Sandra, he smiled and gave her a big hug while I held the coffee tray, “We got you and Linda coffees, has she gone Patrick or will she be back?” Sandra continued.

“Hi Sandra, really lovely to see you sweetheart! Linda couldn’t make it, her Mum wasn’t feeling that great so shes spending the week there with her” Patrick said. Sandra grabbed the coffee tray from me and offered Patrick a coffee “Listen we got you and Linda, or who we thought was Linda, some coffees, this line up here was insane”.

“Thanks Sandra, appreciate it, yep thats not Sandra, thats our daughter, she wanted to come along and see what this is all about” Patrick said. He turned to me and said “Hi Joe, nice presentation earlier, my name is Patrick”.

“Thanks so much” I said, he seemed friendlier now, weirdly. Sandra commented “That makes sense now, from a distance she really looked like Linda!” as she took a sip of her coffee. I was left standing there holding two coffees. Sandra and Patrick continued to make a bit of friendly small talk and it was clear Patrick had a bit of a soft spot for Sandra, I think they had known each other for many years. Sandra said to Patrick “Shall we find a place to sit down and chat about the project we’re all working on?”. Patrick laughed, “Yes sounds good, I’ve got some interesting things to tell you about, instead of now, shall we meet for dinner, we could get a pizza and I could properly introduce you to my daughter”. Sandra looked at me and said “Pizza sounds ok to you Joe?”, I said “sure sounds great, 7pm in the lobby?”

Patrick and Sandra agreed. They continued to chat and I thought i’d leave them to catch up, I mentioned to Sandra that I was going to check in and offered them both the coffees I was holding. Patrick said “I’m good for coffee, I think my daughter went to check in so if you see her i’m sure she’d appreciate the coffee, shes got a purple suitcase and a black Mulberry handbag with dark hair”.

“Ok thanks, i’ll pass it to her if I see her”. I headed down to the lobby but it was surprisingly quiet. The check-in desk had told me that they couldn’t find the reservation and apologised, they asked if I wanted to have a complimentary drink at the bar while I waited for them to sort it out, I mentioned that i’d wait by the desk and they continued making calls.

After about 10 minutes had passed, they finally told me “Ok, there has been a mistake on our system and there are a few guests that are now without rooms, we have rooms available at our sister hotel a few minutes away, i’m so sorry, I need to check which guests will be here and which guests will be at our other property”. I was pretty pissed off at this, all I wanted to do was get to the room, unwind for a bit, shower and get ready for dinner, get ready to meet Patrick’s daughter, get ready to try and close this deal, a lot was riding on tonight’s dinner.

The front desk manager introduced himself to me and stared explaining “So I apologise for this mix up, I have already explained this situation to the other guest who is involved in the mix up, as you are the first two guests to be affected I would like to offer you accomodation here rather than our sister hotel. The room we have available is a two bedroom suite, each bedroom is separated by a lounge area, it is our best suite with views of the City of London”.

“You’re asking me to share a suite with a random dude?” I said a bit angrily. The Front desk manager said “Well no, actually the other guest is here as part of the same conference and they also had the same concern but had a look at the room and seemed happy to know that one of the bedroom doors can be locked from the inside, in fact I need to take her luggage up now, perhaps I could show you the room and if it’s not suitable, I would be happy to arrange for a taxi to transport you to the other hotel ASAP”.

I was reluctant at first but as I was contemplating this, I noticed that he came out of the luggage store room with a purple suitcase. As soon as I saw this, I agreed, grabbed the now cold coffees from the desk together with my overnight bag and followed the Front desk manager. I was quite nervous, I had seen quite a few people with a purple suitcase, it wasn’t necessarily Patrick’s daughter, but what if it was? Perhaps it was Sandra? Could this be the night things turned unprofessional? All kind of things were running through my mind.

On the top floor of the hotel, there were very few rooms, the front desk manager knocked and then opened the door “Hello? I’m coming in to the room?” he announced, the suite was huge, the views were incredible, the decor was beautiful, a luxurious sofa and huge TV with bar area, study desk, jacuzzi and a dining table, an incredible space. The bedroom was visible through an open door and on the other side of the suite, more like an apartment, was another door which was closed. The front desk manager commented quietly “that is the other bedroom, with the lock, for the other guest”.

He continued “Each bedroom has a toilet and sink but there is a shared bathroom which has double sinks, big shower and bath, and of course there is the jacuzzi out here also”. I instantly replied “Shared bathroom? If the other guest is female, why would she agree to share a suite with an unknown person like this?”

“Sir” he said “So… she actually saw your name on my clipboard, I’m so sorry about this, but as soon as she saw your name, she commented that she knew you very well and had no other concerns”.

Knew me well? This was confusing, so perhaps it was Sandra in the room? But If this was Patrick’s daughter, I didn’t know her at all so perhaps this was somebody else I hadn’t thought of, nobody else from the company was due to stay over apart from Sandra and I, unless plans had changed?

So there I was, stood in this huge suite with my bag with a potentially complete stranger in the bedroom and I was desperate to get out of my suit and have a shower.

I was drafting a message to Sandra to ask if she was in a room on the top floor and as I was writing the message, I didn’t notice that the purple suitcase outside the bedroom door had disappeared, she must have discreetly opened the door to grab the case without me noticing – and didn’t say anything!

What the actual fuck was going on here? The anticipation was killing me, I didn’t know who my hotel room mate for the night was or why they hadn’t revealed themselves. I sent the message to Sandra and she replied “I think it’s the top floor or near the top floor, massive room with a great view, sorry I’m distracted with something see you at 7pm for dinner and then definitely let’s have a drink in the room after – the mini bar is fully stocked and complimentary for some mix up earlier!”

Fuck! Was Sandra in that room? Wow this could be the night I get to know Sandra a lot better on a personal level and may actually have some fun and take my mind off other things!

I knocked on the door, desperate to know who it was in the room but there was no answer. I thought to myself that I’d try later and I walked over to my room and started unpacking my bag.

A few moments after the door shut, the room telephone started ringing. I picked it up, the receiver said “Suite 2”, I wasn’t sure if that was this suite? I answered “Hello?” sounding a bit confused. The line was crackly, it was an old handset and I could hardly make out what was being said or who it was.

“Joe are you in the room now? Did you need me? Sorry I’m just getting ready, catch you later” and then the line went dead. I didn’t even get a chance to ask who it was.

Need me? Was this a call from the other bedroom in the suite on the internal phone system? Was this a call from another room? I had no idea.

It sounded a bit like Sandra and I did call her earlier, I was pretty sure she was in the other room.

Now I just needed to know who I was sharing this suite with. I had taken off my suit jacket and tie and I walked over to the other bedroom door and I knocked.

There was no answer, so I knocked again and waited. I went to sit down on the sofa and I heard a distant voice say “just changing give me a minute”. It was a familiar voice, so it must be Sandra, perhaps she was changing into her more casual outfit for dinner and she’d come out and we’d laugh about this whole situation.

The door opened slowly and a figure emerged in a bath robe that covered her body from the neck to her ankles. As I looked up to see who it was, that’s when the full force of a steam train hit me.

“Joe it’s me”.


Fucking hell… it was Jess.

Part 2 under construction!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i8obqj/mf_ghosted_part_1