Hot springs – Chapter 5 [FF] [Lesbian]

Heres attempt 2… I did publish this yesterday but I removed it because I wasn’t very happy with it. But here’s the improved version! I’ve gone for a bit of a pov change in this chapter. It won’t be like this every time but I wanted to explore Niko’s character more so I can write more about her later on. I hope you enjoy it. :)

“Well,” Niko sighed, slumping down on the changing room bench, devastated, “that was a disaster of a match.”

The rest of the cheerleading squad followed suit, crumpling into the various benches, annoyed and exhausted, fanning themselves with whatever they could find and letting out long sighs. It wasn’t even summer, it was Autumn now – October. But the summer heat seemed to linger, and today was particularly hot and humid, despite there being a warning about a potential typhoon over the Kansai region last week.

Against all odds, the baseball match went on. And Osaka City University lost spectacularly 2:5. It had been a long-anticipated match – In fact, Niko reminisced, it was one of the biggest sports events in the region – almost 20,000 people turned up to cheer on the two teams, but no amount of cheering from the crowd or the cheerleaders seemed to change the outcome and, reluctantly, Osaka City walked off unvictorious. Niko had no idea what happened now – unsure of how baseball leagues worked – but hoped their team got to play again, hoping she got to cheerlead again before next year. But she didn’t know and had to watch enviously as the opposing team’s cheerleaders made out with the winning team.

Niko got up, opening her locker and pulling out a sports bag with her casual clothes – she’d get a shower when she got home, she decided, disregarding soap she bought – and slowly peeled off the sweaty costume, dropping it to the floor. She rubbed her now topless breasts with a sigh of relief – glad they were finally freed from that sweaty imprisonment – and looked around, watching as three or four others departed in a group for the showers, Listening disparagingly to their cheerful conversation before the sound of running water drowned them out.

She grabbed her towel, trying to wipe the sweat off and uncomfortable at how hot and sticky her skin was. She slid off her underwear, not even bothering to cover herself up. She realized that she was probably sweating as fast as she was cleaning it in this heat and sat down again, the towel wrapped loosely around her waist, and reached into her hair, pulling out the bands that held her recently dyed blonde pigtails in place. She ruffled her knotted, slightly sticky hair – trying to make it look somewhat presentable even if it was messy.

She finished cleaning herself as best she could and tossed the towel away, rummaging for a moment before pulling out a clean pair of underwear and sliding them on before momentarily struggling to pull on her sports bra and adjust it comfortably. She pulled on a pair of short, black running shorts and a matching sports tank top before cramming everything into the bag, zipping it up, and walking out without saying a word.

She entered out into the arena lobby. Most of the crowd had already dispersed, flooding out onto the street outside, but a large number lingered in the lobby – waiting for others or queueing for the toilets. She stepped outside, groaning as the afternoon sun seemed to pummel her relentlessly. Then she heard her name called. Curious, she looked around for the source and spotted Yua running towards her, looking equally exhausted.

“Hey!” Yua said, smiling, panting slightly. She was wearing a pair of denim shorts and a white unbranded top, her hair straight and untied, falling down over her chest – blowing gently in the wind.

“Hey,” Niko replied, forcing a smile and readjusting the way her sports bag was resting on her shoulder. “You came to watch then?” she asked, her mood improving slightly.

“Of course I did!” Yua said, trying to look mildly offended. “I had no idea what was happening but still – ” she muttered casually.

Niko smiled, suddenly a good deal happier and leaned in, hugging her tightly.

Yua blushed slightly but hugged back, almost cautiously. “A-are you ok?” she asked, concerned.

“It’s just been a long day.” Niko sighed, not letting go.

A while later, Niko and Yua found a small cafe nearby that wasn’t too busy – sitting at the window seats and ordering iced tea and iced coffee respectively, which arrived hardly a minute later. They sat for a while in almost complete silence, sipping their drinks and watching people walk up and down the small lane of shops. Niko finished her drink and placed it down, folding her arms and laying her head on the table with a sigh.

Yua looked at her, unsure of what to say or do to cheer her up.

“I’m a disappointment…” Niko blurted out suddenly.

“What?” Yua replied, shocked, and concerned. “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked, setting down her drink with a clunk. Niko shrugged, looking out into the cafe gloomily. “It was only one match,” Yua muttered, trying her best to sound warm. “Besides, it’s not your fault your team lost. No amount of cheerleading is going to help if the opponent team is just better than ours. And unfortunately, the opposite team was just better today.” She reached out and patted Niko’s head softly, unsure of what to do. Niko had always been intensely competitive. Yua knew this all too well – they had been friends for as long as either could remember – but she felt this time Niko’s feelings ran deeper than just the game.

“It’s not just the game. But I just feel like I’m useless at everything I do.” Niko murmured.

There was an awkward pause and Yua asked, “Do you wanna go somewhere and talk about it?” There was another pause and then Niko nodded reluctantly. Yua downed the rest of her drink, chucking a handful of Yen down onto the table as a tip and stood up, looking nervously at Niko, who gradually got to her feet as well, sliding her chair under the table and walking out. They paused for a moment, Yua looking into Niko’s face, scared to see her usually cheerful, energetic friend looking so depressed. “So where do you want to go?” she asked, trying to sound casual.

Again Niko shrugged. “Somewhere cool?” she responded, her voice distant and uncaring.

Yua thought for a moment. “Well – ” she said at last, “We could go back to my place? Or yours?”.

Niko paused for a moment. “Let’s go back to mine. I need a shower anyway.”

Yua nodded, smiling, and they walked off.

They arrived a dozen or so minutes later – Niko wearily pulling out her key and opening the door to her apartment. They entered, Niko flopping down on the nearest chair and leaving Yua to sort out the AC controls. A moment later cold air blissfully started pumping into the house and Yua sighed with momentary relief.

“So what’s wrong?” Yua asked, pulling up the only other chair in the room and dragging it to face Niko.

Niko shrugged again, looking despairingly at the floor. “I just want to be good at something. But it seems no matter what I do, I’m destined to fail…”

Yua looked at her with a mixture of concern and puzzlement. “But that’s not true. You constantly succeed and – well – I can’t speak for everyone else but I’m always proud of you. In fact,” she said, deciding now was as good a time as any to open up, “I’m frequently envious of how incredible you are. I could never do half the things you do.”

“Like what?” Niko asked, her voice full of disbelief.

“Like cheerleading. Do you think just anyone can do what you do? In front of a crowd with thousands of viewers? I’d be terrified. Most people would be. But not you. Even when your team is losing you don’t give up. And you put so much heart and passion into it – I mean you‘ve been practicing for months. Tirelessly. And if it is worth anything, I’m proud of you.” Yua smiled, hoping that she’d said the right thing. There was a pause as Niko thought about what she had said.

“But it’s pointless.” She said at last. “It didn’t make a difference in the end. I just stood there embarrassing myself for hours for no reason.”

Yua looked at her, worried. Unsure of what to say. At last, she replied, “I mean, sure, your team didn’t win. But that doesn’t make it pointless. Sports are about competition most of the time, and you didn’t win. But winning isn’t everything, and the fact is, you and your team just put everything you had into that. And everyone watching, whether they are grieving along with you or cheering in victory, everything you did today will impact thousands of people. In a good way. No one is disappointed in you. It’s because of people like you that people are so passionate about sports in the first place. And hey,” she said, smiling reassuringly, “If one of your team’s players came up to you and said he felt useless and that he disappointed you, what would you say?”

Niko looked up at her, looking slightly better. “Thanks,” she said at last. Yua was pretty sure there was more to her upset than just this, but she didn’t want to force Niko to talk about it. But, she swore to herself, she’d always be here if she wanted to.

“How are you feeling?” Yua asked, still looking concerned.

“Better,” Niko replied, sounding slightly unsure of herself. “I’m just not right at the moment. I’ve got a lot to think about.”

Yua nodded warmly. “Well, I’ll always be here for you. You know, if you wanna talk about it. Or just not be alone.”

Niko nodded, before pausing, looking like she wanted to say something, but deciding against it. “I – I think I’m going to get a bath,” she said, at last, getting up resignedly.

Yua nodded, also getting up. “Do you want me to leave then?” she asked, straightening her top.

“Actually could – ” Niko started, “could you keep me company?” she asked, slightly awkwardly. “You don’t have to, especially if there’re other things you want to do, but -”

Yua blushed slightly but shook her head, “No, I’d be happy to. I haven’t got any plans.”

Niko smiled happily, leaning forward and hugging her briefly. Yua hugged back, relieved she had helped, even if it was only slightly. Niko let go and lead the way into the bathroom, turning on the tap and running a cold bath. Yua followed in behind, pulling over a small shower stool and sitting down by the side of the bath, averting her eyes awkwardly as Niko began stripping.

The bath finished running and Yua turned off the tap for her as Niko pulled off her underwear and tentatively stepped into the cold bath. Despite hardly looking at her she could see Niko’s legs tense up as the icy water surrounded them but slowly she submerged herself in the water, lying down in the tub with her head the opposite end from the tap, adjacent to Yua’s.

Yua tried her best to look anywhere but her body, awkwardly maintaining eye contact or glancing around the room for a topic of conversation but she couldn’t help seeing her, even just in her peripheral vision. And furthermore, she couldn’t help appreciating, slightly jealously, how attractive she was. The bath was deep, obscuring her privates pretty well whenever she disturbed the surface of the water, but her breasts were in plain, eye-drawing view, bobbing gently on the surface of the water, the waterline only just submerging her nipples.

Yua couldn’t help feeling nervously conflicted: she felt guilty for looking at another naked woman and wondered, awkwardly, whether Asahi would have a problem with it if she ever found out. But at the same time, Yua and Niko had known each other for as long as she could remember. They were practically family, and Yua even had memories of both of them having baths together when they were children whenever they went for sleepovers around the others. And, Yua thought to herself, trying to reason her own argument, neither of them felt anything intimate for the other. Besides, it wasn’t unusual for friends to shower together – although, she thought, maybe that changes when you are sexually attracted to that gender.

She decided to try and forget it. She wasn’t here for herself, she was here to keep Niko company whilst she was sad. She sighed and tried to think of something to talk about.

“What’s it like?” Niko asked suddenly, “Dating Asahi.”

Yua blushed suddenly, awkward, and wondered whether Niko had been thinking the same thing as her. “W – what do you mean?” she asked, nervously.

Niko paused for a moment, looking sad again, “It must be nice, having someone. Someone you really connect with and love with all of your heart.”

Yua suddenly felt hot again, despite the air conditioning having cooled the whole apartment. She felt slightly sad as well. Was this it? She asked herself. “Niko,” she started warily, “I know I’m dating Asahi, but – that doesn’t mean you are any less important to me. You are my best friend. You are practically my sister, and I love you. I always will.” she paused for a moment, unsure. “You do understand that? Don’t you?” she asked, concerned.

Niko looked absently into the water in front of her but didn’t answer.

“Niko?” Yua asked, slightly scared now.

“But one day you’ll get married,” she said suddenly, “probably adopt kids, become a family, move away. And I’ll -” she didn’t finish.

Yua looked sadly down at her, unsure what to say, and wondered how long this had been brooding inside her. “What is it you are worried about? Are you scared of being alone? Or is it just that I might not be here?” Yua hadn’t ever appreciated it much before, but Niko needed her almost as much as she once needed Niko.

Niko didn’t reply. She looked desperate and longing for something. “Do you remember when -” Niko started before being cut off. There was a buzz as Yua’s phone vibrated in her pocket – both of them knowing full well that Asahi was calling. “Pick it up,” Niko said, giving up and going back to staring at her feet, her mouth submerged under the water.

“No.” she replied, defiantly. She took her phone out and without looking at it, tossed it out of the bathroom door, it landing with a safe thump on the carpeted floor of the living room where it eventually stopped. Niko still refused to say anything.

“Ok that’s it,” Yua said standing up, determined.

“What?” Niko asked, looking apprehensive.

“I’m getting in. Budge up.”

“Wha-?” Niko replied, confused.

“Budge up!” Yua repeated, pulling off her top and chucking it away, before loosening her shorts and pulling them off as well.

Niko pulled her feet up to make space at the other end of the bath. She looked scared now, wondering what she had awoken in Yua to induce this. Yua slid off her bra and underwear, quickly stepping into the water with a sharp inhale and submerged herself quickly in the cold bath. She sat shivering slightly, her skin suddenly pale, but her face staring defiantly at Niko. “j – just l-like old times.” Yua said after a second of painful adjusting, her teeth chattering. Niko couldn’t help but smile. They sat for a moment in silence. “remember when we were kids,” Yua started, her eyes slightly dazed in thought, “And you used to insist on washing me whenever we slept over?”

Niko nodded, happily. “Yeah.” she paused, her smile disappearing. “I wish we never had to grow old. Just stay as carefree children forever.”

Yua smiled. “Well, before we do, let me repay the favor.” She spread her legs as much as possible in the considerably narrower tub and held out her hands as if to hug her. Niko blushed slightly but turned around, understanding, shimmying back and nestling between Yua’s thighs. Yua grabbed a handful of body wash and slid her hands under Niko’s arms, cupping her breasts – her own pressing gently against Niko’s back. “I’ll tell you something else that you shouldn’t be disappointed about – ” she said, grinning. Niko appeared to choke on her breath in embarrassment, accidentally inhaling bathwater and coughing and spluttering awkwardly her face bright red. “Yua!” she said, weakly after regaining her breath.

Yua giggled, massaging the soap thoroughly, playfully, noticing how hard both their nipples were but accounting it to the fact that they were sitting in a freezing bath. At long last she finished washing her, Yua running her fingers through Niko’s hair to check for any soap suds left.

Niko sat up, looking greatly happier. And Yua smiled.

She stepped out of the bath, rubbing her vagina absently, her imagination suddenly filled with erotic thoughts about Asahi, suddenly desperately wanting to have sex with her again. She tried to dismiss the thoughts, embarrassed, and grabbed a fluffy white towel from the shelf and passed it to Niko, who was now standing in the bath, completely nude. She took it and wrapped it around her breast before stepping out and joining Yua as she wrapped her own around her. They both dried themselves off for several minutes, not really talking. Then Yua began getting dressed again, pulling on her underwear, then her shorts and then the top. Niko looked at her and wondered sadly if this would be the last time they ever did anything like this. She too got dressed, pulling on her sports clothes reluctantly. Niko had never really felt like this before. She had always tried to be the confident one, the one reassuring Yua that everything was alright and comforting her when she was down. But here she was, suddenly scared that Yua wouldn’t need her anymore. That Yua would go off without a look back, and that she would be left behind.

They stood for a long moment. But then Yua walked out, pulling her shoes on happily – remembering to retrieve her phone and making a mental note to call Asahi as soon as possible and apologize. Niko watched her, a mixture of emotions flooding through her one after another. She felt more unsure of herself than she ever had.

She looked up just as Yua embraced her, hugging her tightly, hoping it would help. Niko hugged back. They broke apart and Yua smiled at her happily. “I’m always here for you,” she said, softly. Niko nodded, blushing slightly and Yua turned to leave, opening the door and looking back. “Bye… Feel free to call me whenever.” She said, with a small wave. The door slammed shut and she was gone. Niko looked longingly at the door, her hand raised as if to stop her. Niko was half tempted to run after her – catch her, tell her how much she needed her, but it was too late.

Niko slumped in the chair. She felt more confused than ever. Yua had suddenly grown up so much. Suddenly she was the one who desperately wanted to find anything not to let her go. She didn’t want to grow up: to have responsibilities or worries; to have to think about the future; she had gotten so used to the idea that Yua would always be there that the thought of her suddenly vanishing terrified her.

Yua looked up at the apartment as she exited the building, nervous about Niko. She realized just how alone she would’ve felt if it was the other way around, and Niko had found someone else. She sighed, sadly, and walked off.



  1. Well I still enjoy the writing and the character change made it more interesting. Thank you.

  2. Definitely a new point of view for sure, I am interested to see what brought about the change in Nikko, not sure it it’s Yua being happy or that Nikko loves Yua in a lesbian sense and not just as a friend and never realized it, it will be exciting to find out!!!

  3. Your character development is amazing! I like the different point of view, and I can’t wait for more!

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