[M4F] P.2 Two friends who have flirted but never gotten intimate…

Part 1 here: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i6bhgu/two_friends_who_have_flirted_but_never_gotten/

“Well… ” I said as I hesitated a little.

“Well?” you said.

I wasn’t quite used to you being so forward. We’d done some light flirting on the past but there was a level of confidence here I hadn’t seen before.

“I like to tell I woman what I’d like to do with her before I do it”.

You pulled away again, squinted just a little, and your cheeks pulled up as you smiled. You lent back in and said “go on… “. to my mind. I was still nervous at this point but the closeness between us, at least for that moment, put us in a little bubble. Just the two of us exchanging words that nobody could hear for a thousand miles even though everyone was still going about their conversations around us. It was the upstairs smaller room at a bar with tall wooden tables all around us. Music was playing but it wasn’t late enough into the night for anybody to have cleared a makeshift dance floor just yet but it wasn’t far off.

I whispered into her ear “Just imagine, we are here right now but we’re alone. The music, the lighting the evening, everything is the same. No girls or guys”. At this point, we were both sat on stools with our heads beside one another. Our drinks sat on the dark wooden table to one side. I pulled back for a moment to look you in the eye.

“Oh and no barman”.

You grinned and said “No barman”.

I came back in close. I could smell the light scent of your perfume. You smelled amazing.

“Well first we could dance. Just me and you. Maybe the music would be a little lighter. A little slower”.

“Mhmm. How would we dance?” you asked.

“Close” I said. “We’d dance close. Me behind you. You’d be wearing a red dress. Like the black one you’re wearing now. With the bottom ending just at the knee. Same heels. I’d be right up close behind you. Lightly taking the tips of my fingers up and down the seams of your dress”.

There was a moment of silence after I’d set the scene. “Go on…”.

“So we’d be dancing and I can smell the scent of your hair”.

I inched in a little closer and took a light breath in through my nose while everyone continued on around us in the room.

“I love the smell of your hair” I said and went back to my story.

“I take in the smell of your hair and let my hands explore your body. I touch the seams of your dress from the bottom all the way to where to the top just below where your breasts start but I don’t go any further. I come in a little closer as our dancing gets slower. The music seems to get a little lower and sexier”.

Realising where this is going, I pull away from your ear for a moment again and ask “do you want me to go on?”. You knew what I meant. I didn’t need to elaborate. Where we were going was a little more than light flirting. I’d never whispered my fantasies into your ear at a party surrounded by people but something about the brazeness of it all seemed to pique your interest. From a glance, we might look like two people having a conversation in a loud room but if somebody, anybody noticed we’d been sitting in this position for just a couple of minutes, it would be obvious there was more to this than conversation. We were both attached even if only recently but people would talk and our respective boyfriend and girlfriend would not be pleased.

“We shouldn’t but… ” you said. We waited a moment knowing what the next step in this was.

“I can stop if you want me to”.

“Keep going” you said.

Without missing a beat, I continued on.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i6rqnu/m4f_p2_two_friends_who_have_flirted_but_never