My boyfriend [M] watching us [FF]

Before reading this I want everybody to know that Jon has been amazing supportive of my sexuality. He’s never fetishized my sexuality.


Jon knew that I had slept with other women on occasion when we first met. He didn’t have a problem with it and actually has allowed me to embrace it. From time to time he’s asked if he could watch. It’s as natural breathing for them to ask if they can watch. If you ask them, they don’t know why they like it, but they do. Now ask them to watch two guys and they turn completely homophobic. But it’s ok to watch two women.

Everything in the relationship with Jon was pretty decent as man-woman relationships go. We had our fights but we always worked things out eventually.

Jon knew about my friend Kate being a lesbian. She was quite vocal about her aversion to men and her lifestyle. Jon eventually became good friends with Kate but didn’t realize that her and I talked just about every day and tried to make plans to get together on a regular basis.

Jon was busy with his job as a college professor and a debate coach to have much time to get together during the time school was in session, so I had lots of time on my hands to do as I pleased while he was off traveling from tournament to tournament. Kate often stayed at my apartment for the weekend while he was away and it really never came up in conversation that we saw each other on a regular basis. She lived about 2 hours away in the southern part of the state and I was closer to the urban center where the gay scene was, so she would come up to my apartment and we’d either hang out or she’d meet up with friends she knew up here. She had her own key to my place and was welcome to my spare room anytime she needed it.

We would frequently get together as a group because we had the same friends thanks to working for Aaron Yentaman’s campaign for Governor on the Libertarian party ticket. In fact, that’s how we all met.

One night we had a birthday party at my house for another one of our friends, Tom. We all had a little too much to drink and Kate and I were openly flirting just to fool around. We had never done anything together and it was all a joke.

Kate patted my ass as she walked past me to get a bottle of homemade ale from the fridge. I looked at her and smiled the same big smile that’s usually reserved for Jon when I know I’m going to get some loving from him.

“OOO baby.” I said. Jon tuned into what was going on across the kitchen from him and I think his jaw hit the kitchen counter when Kate kissed me on the lips and I kissed back. She got the beer and went back to the family room with everyone else.

“What was THAT?” he demanded.

“What was what?” I said, knowing exactly what he meant.

“You and Kate. Kissing like that.”

“Oh that. We do that all the time. It’s all in good clean fun.” I said, knowing that he was either pissed off or horny.

“Is that all you two do or is there more “good clean fun’”? He didn’t sound happy with me at the moment.

“What’s the matter? Did you see something you didn’t like?” I asked, preparing for a huge fight.

“No. I liked it. I just didn’t expect it.” He said sheepishly. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me close. I could feel how much he liked it by the bulge in his khakis. I started to rub up against him when Jake, another one of our friends who taught at the same school as Jon, but in the sociology department.

“No breeder sex in front of the gay man please!” he said with his exaggerated trademark hand flip. Jake was out and made sure everyone knew it. He also hated stereotypes and went out of his way to exaggerate those held by hypocritical Christian Fundamentalists. Rumor had it that Jake screamed Reverend Jerry’s name during sex.

I pulled away from Jon and gave him a quick kiss to appease the Diva in our midst. I finished putting the food I was getting together on a tray and we went out to the party. Everyone was sitting around talking and catching up with each other.

I put the tray down on the coffee table and sat down on the couch next to Jon. He pulled me closer to him and I snuggled up with him. Kate came back in the room from going to the bathroom and sat down on the other side of me. She placed her hand on my thigh and left it there as she talked to Tom and Trevor on the opposite couch. Jon played with my hair as he watched the basketball game on the big screen TV and he knew that he was driving me crazy by playing with the back of my neck. Kate rubbed my thigh as she continued to talk. I thought it was a bit strange but then again all my friends are strange and nothing really shocks me anymore about them.

The game finished and everyone started to leave for the night. Kate and Tom were staying over night so I started to clean up while they went up to get ready for bed. Jon helped with the dishes and taking out the trash while I put the leftovers away in the kitchen. Kate came down wearing a long dorm shirt and slippers. She came up behind me and started to rub my back. It felt good so I didn’t say anything to her. She started to kiss my neck like Jon did and I was losing my ability to say no to her. It felt so good. She kept kissing me while her hand came around to play with my breast.

“Kate, what are you doing?” I asked.

“Jon always said we could if he could watch. Let’s give him a little show.”

I looked at her a little shocked and Jon walked in the back door.

“Kate’s trying to seduce me. Do you know anything about this?” I asked him. He laughed and shook his head no.

“If you want to, I don’t have a problem with it but I would like to watch the two of you. It’s every guy’s fantasy to watch his woman sleep with another woman. But let’s take this upstairs so Tom doesn’t walk in on the fun. It would be a little hard to explain it to him.”

Kate laughed and joked that Tom would probably wind up watching with Jon and enjoy himself.

We went upstairs to our bedroom and Kate started kissing me as soon as the door closed. Jon sat in the corner in the easy chair to watch. I broke away from Kate and lit the candles around the room to set the mood. She started kissing me again and slipped off my robe. Before the robe hit the carpet, she was sucking on one of my double d breasts. I moaned as she nibbled at my nipple. I traced my fingers against her silky smooth body. She kissed my lips and sucked hard on my tongue as her hand slid between my already wet slit. Her fingers quickly found my spot and I couldn’t help but moan. It felt so good. Not even Jon found it right away.

She kept kissing me as she pushed me towards the bed. I could hear Jon switching positions on the chair. Kate shoved me down on the bed and spread my legs for me. A second later I could feel her lapping at my clit and chills were running up and down my spine. I was tense at first because I never had a woman do this to me before but the four glasses of wine with dinner kicked in and I started to relax. I heard Jon cheering Kate on as she brought me to my first orgasm. I couldn’t help but moan and beg her to fuck me.

Kate licked and sucked on my clit until I couldn’t take anymore. Orgasm after orgasm rocked my body and shook me to my very core. I started to cry from all the release and I could hear Jon telling Kate to ride my face.

The next thing I knew, Kate was straddling my face and telling me to eat her out. I had never even thought of doing this before and I didn’t have a clue where to start. I just pretended she was an ice cream cone and licked away. Once I felt her start dripping on my face, I nibbled at her clit the way she did at mine and slid two fingers in her soaking wet pussy. I was starting to like this a little too much. I could see Jon in the chair stroking away at his hard on so I told him to come fuck me and I never saw him move so fast. I sucked Kate’s clit in hard as Jon entered my wet pussy and started pounding away at me. I slid my fingers in and out of Kate with the same rhythm as Jon was sliding into me and we had the bed rocking back and forth. I slid a third finger into her as she hit another orgasm and I could feel her soft box clutching at my fingers.

Jon laughed and kissed me. Kate looked at him and said we needed to do it again. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. It was Tom asking if we were all ok. We busted out laughing and told him we’d be out in a minute. He asked what he missed and Jon yelled out to him that he didn’t want to know.



  1. So hot, please tell me there have been more fun times with Kate??

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