Don’t steal from dark elves [M/M/M, gay, torture, mutilation]

The Pursuit

The dark elves were drawing nearer. He knew from the outset that this heist was too bold, but he never let a challenge deter him. In the end, his avarice always seemed to get the better of him. Aerun always admired beautiful shiny things, especially those that contained power; this silver jeweled dagger was powerful indeed. It contained the ability to feed off the lifeforce of its victims and channel that energy into the wielder, thereby granting him health, healing energy, and potential eternal youth. If it had enough victims that is.

Aerun ran as fast as he could in these damp and dimly lit tunnels. The air was cool and clammy and the floor had a layer of moisture and grime that made it slippery, especially when he skidded around corners. His breath came fast and heavy, panic coursing through his veins. Any calm person might feel a chill in these dark tunnels, but Aerun was sweating profusely from his exertion and fear. His pale green linen shirt was wet and clung tightly to his slender torso, defining the toned muscles of his chest and abdomen that rippled underneath of the brown leather vest which hung loosely over his shoulders. The almond shaped nipples of Aerun’s pecs were pointed mounds under the cloth of his garment. He was 5’6” tall with a light 130lb athletic body. Perfect for sneaking into tight spaces where treasures tend to lie. Sweat poured down his forehead, and his hair hung in light brown strands over his golden eyes.

thunk went a crossbow bolt into the wall right where he was just at. He could hear the dark elves’ footsteps getting closer. There must have been at least three of them and they were out to kill him. They weren’t going to kill him swiftly and with honor, but slowly and painfully as the dark elves were known for. Aerun knew he had to keep running. Must keep running for his life. thunk This time the bolt hit high and ricocheted down the tunnel, grazing his muscled left shoulder, leaving a small gash. He stumbled and slid again in the muck but caught himself and continued running with his right hand holding the bloody left shoulder.

Aerun felt like he had been running for miles and hoped he was getting close to an exit. The central point of the dark elves’ underground lair spread out in a series of tunnels not unlike the rays of a sun. Ironic comparison in this world of darkness. Though they might be twisted and full of turns, they eventually all lead to the surface. He just had to keep going….

Aerun’s muscles were aching and his legs began to quiver with exhaustion, but he pressed on. The tunnel opened up into a larger area that was full of hanging vegetables, and contained tables with round blocks of cheeses and unidentifiable bones on them. Aerun stumbled upon a kitchen, but he couldn’t tell what was butchered here. As he looked around there were knives and cutting boards everywhere, their edges gleaming at him menacingly. His pause cost him precious seconds.

“Stop, you thief!” shouted the first elf. Aerun picked up a meat cleaver and threw it at the elf. It cartwheeled through the air and imbedded itself into his chest with a sickening thud. The elf dropped instantly. The other two became enraged and came for Aerun again. Aerun turned to flee and slipped on a puddle of blood from an animal that had recently been sliced up for dinner. He skidded and went down on one knee. The lithe elves were upon him instantly. The first of the remaining dark elven males drew his sword and brought the pommel down on the thief’s head, fading his world to black. Aerun had been caught, and the elves were going to exact their revenge for the stolen dagger and their fallen comrade.

The Reckoning

Aerun awoke several hours later to a throbbing skull and shoulders. His hands had been bound tightly with rope above him, over a meat hook. His body hanging like a fresh game animal left to drain out after being gutted. His head hung low, hair damp and matted with blood. Aerun’s light brown hair was of a medium length, just above his shoulders normally. He kept it that way to obscure his golden eyes and add an air of mystery to his appearance. He could hear the elves talking nearby in a language he barely understood. Only a few words were familiar, “death” and “pain”.

“So, the thief is awake now,” said the taller of the two elves. He walked over to Aerun and slapped him on the side of the face. Pain shot through his cheek. “You killed a good warrior and friend you worthless human. We will make you suffer for it!”, he shouted at Aerun. “Who are you working for?”

“No one,” Aerun said, spitting blood. “I came alone. I wanted the object’s power for myself.”

The second elf nodded. He wore a pendant of truth. The jewel was enchanted and let him know when someone was lying to him, but not necessarily when they told half-truths. “He speaks truly. Let us interrogate him further and then kill him. Leave his body as a warning for others who might follow after. Give him to Garut’il.” The first elf was in agreement.

“After we have a bit of fun. This is a small specimen of a man. Let us examine him and see how much pain he can withstand. I hope he lasts longer than the last human we caught.” Twisted smiles came to both of their faces. They intended to sacrifice him slowly to their sex god Garut’il.

Aerun was afraid now. He knew what an insatiable and vengeful god Gerut’il was, and he didn’t want that god to be displeased. If he failed he would be consumed for eternity, his barbed and fiery tongue violating and torturing every inch of flesh on his body. Slicing and rendering it to shreds, only to be reformed and repeated. Again and again.

The tall elf wished to release Aerun’s sexual energy and mix it with pain to feed the lustful god. He picked up a small boning knife from a nearby table and brought it to the human’s navel. Hooking it under Aerun’s tunic he began cutting upwards, revealing a patch of light brown hair that followed a trail around his navel. The hair narrowed up his abdomen, lurking between a six pack of hard round muscles, broadening again over his chest and nipples. The elf felt lustful and remarked that this human specimen was much fitter than the last one. He would be fun to break.

“Please no…” Aerun said. The elf punched the human in the stomach. His body jerked and swung on the meat hook. “You will not speak unless asked a question! Understand human?” yelled the elf.

Aerun didn’t reply. His silence brought another gut-punch. Again, the hook swung. “Understand?” the elf asked again. “Yes!” Aerun replied through coughs.

The elf finished cutting the tunic and vest, leaving the human naked from the waist up. Aerun’s chiseled chest heaved with rapid breathing, and his abdomen was reddened and tight from contraction. The elf circled the hung meat and admired the defined shoulders and back muscles which were pulled taught below Aerun’s head.

Aerun’s chest glistened with sweat. His nipples were oval like large almonds and the tall elf grabbed his left one between his thumb and first finger and twisted hard, causing a yell to escape from Aerun’s mouth. Aerun flopped on the hook like a fish and shouted “No!” The elf again twisted the same nipple even harder, not letting go this time. He pulled and twisted it back and forth. The thief bucked as a line of blood began dripping down his chest. The elf finally let go. Just as the human stopped bucking the elf repeated the same abuse to the right side.

The second elf came over to the human and grabbed him by the waistband of his leather breeches and pulled him closer, exposing more of the dark hair under the navel area. The elf looked down into the shadows and then unfastened Aerun’s leather belt and pulled it through the pant loops. He let go of Aerun and walked to the back of the human with his belt. He wrapped it around his hand once and struck Aerun on his muscled back with a loud twack! Aerun yelled as the belt connected with the smooth skin of his back. The dark elf repeated this five, then six times, leaving red welts up and down Aerun’s back. The last strike caught Aerun on the left side of his chest, wrapping around his ribs to the front of his chest, connecting with the already swollen and bloody nipple. The thief screamed and jerked against the chain. The tall elf could tell that this human was in agony and needed a break lest he pass out and deny their master his much-needed energy. He held up his hand to stop.

The tall elf held his boning knife to the human’s stubbled throat and lifted his head up. Aerun human spit blood into the elf’s face. This was a mistake. Wide eyed and angry, the elf withdrew the knife and brought his right knee up into the thief’s groin. The human’s body lifted up on the chained hook and then fell back down with an audible chain clank and grunt, causing him to vomit over his chest and onto the floor. Disgusted, the elf backed up. He then grabbed a bucket of cold water and threw it on the human, washing off some of the blood and vomit. The elf grabbed another bucket and did it again. The knife came in again, this time going down to Aerun’s leather breeches to remove them. The elf cut from the top down, removing the bottoms and leaving Aerun completely naked and at the mercy of the two elves.

This specimen was fine indeed, thought the shorter elf. Aerun hung before them in all of his glory. A well-muscled youth of around 23 years old, he was athletic and toned from a lifetime of sneaking and climbing and jumping over walls. Aerun’s body had almost no fat. Light brown hair ran from his chest down to his cock in a sort of mushroom shape. His waist was slender with a well-defined V line that showed large veins running down each side. The Vs ended at a soft 2” soft cock with a longer than normal amount of skin hanging off. His balls were proportional for the cock, nestling it on each side.

The elf was fascinated with human penises. Dark elf cocks tended to be very long and narrow, usually 10” or so, and 2” around. They had no skin covering the tip, and the head tended to be hard like a fingernail. The head gave no sensation to the male elf, all of its feeling coming from the shaft. That is why they needed to bury their entire 10” inside of their mate to achieve fulfillment. Followers of the sex god Garut’il took pleasure in causing pain during sex. So much so that many of the males actually chiseled their cockheads into rough ribs or spurs to cause pain during penetration. This elf actually carved his into four sharp ridges that resembled horned lizard scales.

The human’s cock was soft and full of areas of sensation, the entire thing built for pleasure, or pain! The elves pulled the weakened and exhausted human off of the meat hook and drug him to a nearby butcher-block table. There they untied his hands and laid him down on his back and retied his wrists and ankles to the table legs, spread-eagled. At this point Aerun was slipping in and out of consciousness due to his pain and exhaustion. The elves would not allow him to sleep. The short one grabbed Aerun’s soft manhood and examined his limp dick and balls. No hair on the cock itself, and very little on his sack. There was an excessive amount of skin hanging on the end of the human’s cock, completely enveloping the head. The elf tried to pull back the skin to reveal the meat’s tip, but it was too tight. He stuck a finger underneath the foreskin to try to loosen it up, moving it around the head in a circle. It was so tight he inserted a second finger, pulling apart the foreskin roughly to stretch it out. The human moaned painfully and the cock twitched and began swelling. It was nowhere near getting hard yet, but was filling to half mast. The elves looked at each other and knew the best way to fix this human.

The tall elf went over to one of the prep tables and found some string. He brought it over and tied it around the thief’s cock and balls, causing another whimper. After the string was tightened the elf reached down and gave the right testicle a hard squeeze, not enough to rupture it, but enough to cause intense pain. The human cried out and arched his back on the table, his groin already sensitive from connecting with the elf’s knee. When his hips came back down the elf grabbed the thief’s cock and inserted the first fingers of each hand underneath the foreskin and pulled it apart, stretching it roughly to reveal the cockhead. The foreskin was very tight and Aerun screamed in agony, never feeling such pain as having his cock pulled apart! The elf pulled harder, causing the foreskin to finally tear. The human again bucked wildly and blood sprayed everywhere.

The tall elf covered his fingers in the cockblood and used them to lubricate his fingers to insert into Aerun’s tight asshole. He arched up to where he knew the human kept his pleasure stone and fingered it forcefully. Even in so much pain Aerun’s limp cock began to grow harder. It was a bloody-beautiful thing. The elf kept fingering the human’s inner walnut until the delicate human cock grew to its full 4” hard. The second elf grabbed the bleeding cock and began stroking it, smearing warm metallic blood all along the shaft and onto the human’s rippled stomach. Aerun kept screaming as the elves kept stroking his tender, mutilated cock.

Finally, the human’s screams became rhythmic. After several minutes of assault on Aeru’s abused penis he released his human juices. They squirted up his stomach and onto his chest, mixing with the blood to form a pink and salty froth. The bloody cum was dripping down Aerun’s chest and chin and finally he let out one last grunting yell and fell back to relax. The thief thought the elves were going to give him a reprieve. He was wrong. Dark elves showed no mercy to their victims.

Aerun felt his legs loosen as they were untied. The first elf climbed onto the table and put Aerun’s legs over his shoulders and brought around his 10” spike-headed cock. Aerun had not known what pain was, but he was about to find out. The elf rubbed his member in the human’s blood and used it to lubricate the recently fingered asshole. Aerun again began to scream in pure terror as the spike-headed cock entered his tight young hole, stretching it to it’s limits. The head ripped and macerated the boy’s hole like a meat tenderizer, and his hole shredded as the cock went in. The elf buried his whole 10” into the thief and Aerun screamed. Aerun screamed and screamed, weaker and weaker as the thrusting continued. The second elf standing to the side could see the outline of the penetrating elf’s long and thin member through Aerun’s lower abdomen. It was shredding the human’s insides as he kept thrusting and thrusting. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the elf released his purple load into the young thief’s body, finally withdrawing his spiky-tipped penis and with it a flow of thick purple elf-come and human blood.

The human was still alive, but very weak. The elves knew their fun was almost over because this human was near death. The tall elf leaned over the human and said to him, “You have been a worthy sacrifice to our god. You have given him much sex energy, and now you will give him one last offering!” With that the elf reached down to the now tied and purple formerly 4” stiff cock and pulled it down by its split foreskin. In his other hand he brought the boning knife (which was dull from much kitchen use) and inserted the tip of the blade into the tip of the human’s meatus and began to slice down the underside of the shaft. The human was pale from loss of blood and could only moan weakly and barely twitched on the table. The elf slid the knife down, but it was not a clean cut because the knife was too dull. He instead sliced in a sawing motion as if filleting a fish, causing that much more pain. The young human’s formerly flawless and beautiful cock was butterflied open from the underside and laid out against the young man’s abdomen. Not much blood was escaping because the human had very little left. The sadistic elf went down to the Aerun’s hairless balls and sliced through his wrinkled sack, revealing two almond-sized greyish-blue orbs. Admiring his knifework the elf reached down and grabbed one of the blue-grey balls and pulled it like a grape from a vine. Aerun shuttered but could do nothing. The thief’s nut made a light popping sound as it snapped off. The short dark elf rolled it around between his fingers, feeling it’s slimy texture, wondering how so many humans could come from such a small, slimy thing. The elf tossed it to the taller elf and then did the same with Aerun’s remaining almond, pulling straight out and ripping it out of its warm home. Both elves popped the human almonds into their mouths as a reward for a hard day’s work, savoring the squishy slimy texture and taking in the human lie-essence.

As the human lay dying, one of the elves’ goblin servants came into the room to help clean up. The taller elf had an idea and bade the goblin to come over. As it did he grabbed it by the neck and brought it up to the dying human. He grabbed the jewel studded silver knife and put it in Aerun’s hand. With it he helped him to stab the goblin though the heart and the knife took the goblin’s life-force and channeled it into Aerun. Aerun’s breathing improved and a small amount of color returned to his face. The elves looked at each other and their eyes both brightened. “Go fetch more goblins!” ordered the taller elf. The second dark elf quickly returned with more goblins and they repeated this procedure. Seven goblins it took to bring Aerun back from the dead. He lay there naked on the table, his cock splayed open, and his testicles removed. But the incisions had healed over to scars and he was alive, his cock reforming. He was still alive for the next round of torture from the elves, and they weren’t going to be gentle.
