The Desert Rogue [F] [Fantasy][bd]

Kiara slips over the wall and delicately drops onto the soft sand. She looks about quickly, her long braided black hair touching the ground as crouches cautiously. She stands up and dusts off the sand from her outfit. She moves quickly, her silken slippers leaving footprints in the sand behind her. She had on blue baggy pants and a tight Bandeau covering her breasts, a long scarf pulled over her mouth and nose.

She silently darts between buildings, slipping into the shadows as she looks around at her surroundings. It was unlikely anyone was here, but she still took her time, not wanting to miss anything after coming all this way. Her light silken clothes swishing about her as she moves, thankful for the cooling in the harsh city.

She makes her way through the mystical city, it had been quite an ordeal to find the place, but soon she will have untold riches. Suddenly through the distance of sand filled and deserted streets she sees a figure, her breath catching in her throat as she darts into a doorway. She watches trying to see what it was but nothing seems to be there anymore. She starts to make her way again, unable to shake a feeling of being watched.

Eventually she finds a likely looking building, tall spires towering into the sky, and expertly crafted stone walls. Pulling herself up onto a nearby wall , quickly checking that nobody really is around, and slips inside through a window. She finds a few interesting baubles, some jewelry and a jade figure, but not the haul she was hoping for, stuffing them into her bag she makes her way down hatch she had found in one of the rooms.

Dropping down she is surprised at how large the underground is, tunnels snaking off down different passageways. As she explores she finds intricate murals of snakes, and what looks like snake people as well. She runs her hands over them, trying to work out what they mean. She comes to a section, just full of bound woman, each seemingly squirming under her fingers as she studies it. Curious as to what it might mean, and why they seem to have so many female figures tied up.

Finally pulling herself away from the mural, unable to glean anything of use from it. She approaches the large circular stone door that all the tunnels seemingly lead to. Ebony stone snakes are carved into the edges, and some scripture is written on the center of the door, etched into white marble. She studies it for some time, the door seemingly impossible to move from normal means, and the snakes seems mostly decorative. The words where in a very old language, she just about knew the words, but was unsure on the meaning, and certainly not how they were going to open the door.

She mutters the words out loud, trying to understand what they could mean here. Without warning she feels her legs give way as she slumps onto the floor. She desperately tries to move but her body will not respond, desperately trying to keep calm, realising she must have triggered a trap. She watches in dread as the snakes around the door start to move and slither down onto the floor towards her.

She watches in hopeless desperation as they start to slither over her, coiling around her, methodically force her onto her side as they coil around her arms, pulling them tight behind her back making her chest push out, contorting her petite form. Her heart pounds as she feels one of them push itself between her legs and coiling around her hips before clinching up tight to rub between her legs. Desperately trying to struggle as her knees and ankles are also forced tightly together.

She feels her body being forcefully bent, her legs coming up to her arms as she is forced into a tight hogtie on her side, feeling the snakes firmly coiled around her, knowing she could do nothing now even if she could control her body. She snorts in fear seeing a large hooded cobra rise up near her head, looking at her prone form intently. It sways and watches her, it’s tongue flicking out as it observes.

Without warning it lets out a large hiss as its hood starts to expand, darting towards her. It’s head pushes roughly into her mouth and the hood starts to envelop her. Unable to do anything to fight back as the material covers her face, making a mask and blocking her vision, the head now filling her mouth leaving her a helpless package on the floor within moments.

Kiara feels her strength returning, but it is far too late. Hardly able to move, her limbs bound tight and her vision taken from her. The snake between her legs still writhing as she tries to ignore it, and the one in her mouth tormenting her. Seemingly hours pass as she squirms and panics with her tormentors. Eventually she hears something else, seemingly people, voices. She can just about pick out some words in the old language, suddenly remembering that “Treasure” and “Slave” where the same word …
