Sorry! This chapter is coming out kinda late because I ended up writing and rewriting it several times. But anyway – here it is :)
Yua woke up. She was lying on the right side of the bed, curled up in a fetal position, her hands pulled up to her chin and her knees bent slightly. Her head was on a thick, white, feathered pillow – which her long, dark hair was messily strewn across – and she was draped in a thin cotton duvet that, despite this, seemed to keep the heat in excellently. She finally came to her senses, opening her eyes slightly. As her other senses returned, she suddenly felt Asahi’s body, pressed against hers from behind: her hands wrapped around Yua’s abdomen; her legs pressing against the back of hers; her butt sitting nestled, touching, in front of Asahi’s crotch; Asahi’s breasts, her nipples, pressed tightly against her back; Asahi’s breath gently running over her neck with each gentle sigh.
She yawned, stretching as best she could without disturbing Asahi, before snuggling back up, waiting for her to wake. She thought about last night and could hardly help feeling her face glow red, but it wasn’t embarrassment as much as it was a burning passion for the person snuggled up behind her.
The room was dark and warm – the blinds closed tightly over the window, which Yua presumed must be closed. She looked around wearily, wondering if there was a clock to read the time off of, but after failing to locate one, just accepted she’d have to lie and wait for Asahi, although she noted this wasn’t a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination – so long as she didn’t suddenly need to pee.
Yua dozed lightly, her mind full of passionate feelings for Asahi that she couldn’t seem to get out of. There was a slight stir and Asahi woke up. She yawned softly before tightening her grip on Yua – her nose gently grazing the back of Yua’s neck. There was a small pause and then Asahi whispered gently “Are you awake?”, evidently not wanting to wake her if she wasn’t. Yua nodded and – Asahi loosening her grip – gently shifted around so they were face to face, their legs intertwined with one another’s. She smiled at the weary-eyed Asahi who, yawning again and rubbing her eyes, smiled back lovingly. “Good morning,” she muttered, evidently still not properly woken up. “I hope I haven’t been holding you hostage for too long,” she said.
Yua shook her head. “Nope! I’ve only been up for about ten minutes. And anyway, I think I could lie in your arms for an eternity.” she said, blushing slightly. Asahi opened her eyes wider, shuffling forward slightly and reaching out a hand, brushing the hair out of Yua’s face and gently stroking her cheek, smiling.
“I’m so lucky to have you,” she whispered gently, smiling, and making Yua only blush deeper.
“I think I’m the lucky one here,” Yua replied, shyly. “How someone as perfect as you fell for someone like me I have no idea.” her eyes looking down at the bed.
Asahi blushed slightly but smiled, a hint of incredulity in her voice as she said “If I’m perfect, that must make you a goddess or something.” she leaned in and kissed her gently, Yua kissing back, almost half-heartedly, not looking Asahi in the eyes, her fingers playing absently with the fabric of the bed.
“I feel slightly bad though. You put in so much effort and always make everything amazing, and – well – I feel like I don’t do very much. I never have the courage to make decisions and I feel bad about how much I’m leaning on you. I feel like I’m letting you down.”
Asahi looked at her, her face suddenly a mixture of concern and deep, burning love. “But do you know why I put in so much effort?” she asked, rubbing Yua’s blushing cheek with her thumb. Yua shrugged awkwardly, shaking her head. “Because you are worth putting the effort in. I’m always worried I’m the one letting you down.” She sighed but smiled reassuringly.
“B – but how could you be letting me down!?” she asked, Yua’s face almost worried. “You make me feel so happy all of the time. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Yua looked up into her eyes, blushing.
“But that’s precisely the point,” she replied. “Just you being here with me is enough for me. I don’t want you to change the way you are just to try and make me happy, because you *are* what makes me happy. I don’t want anything other than for you to be happy.” She looked back, warmly, into Yua’s eyes, who looked like they might well up with tears.
“I -” Yua started, nervously. “I really love you,” she said, leaning and kissing Asahi passionately.
“I love you too.” Asahi thought back, hoping Yua would hear it through their kissing. They broke apart a minute later, their eyes closed, foreheads touching and noses gently grazing the others. They laid there for what felt like an eternity before Asahi sat up, stretching and yawning deeply, the duvet falling down to her waist, her dark hair gracefully falling to rest on her shoulders, her breasts – Yua watched, awkwardly – bouncing happily, her nipples red and soft.
“How are you feeling?” Asahi asked, both curious and concerned. “You’re not aching too much are you?”
Yua suddenly became conscious of dull aching pain in her groin and thighs. She reached a hand down tentatively, rubbing it cautiously. “Actually, I am aching a bit now you mention it.”
“Sorry,” Asahi replied, blushing nervously. “I might have been a bit er, overpassionate.” She rubbed her own inner thigh through the duvet warily.
Yua looked up, looking slightly panicked. “What!? No! It’s fine, really. I don’t mind it. A- and if aching slightly is the price I have to pay to do that again,” she paused, blushing and looking away, “I – It was amazing. I wouldn’t’ve wanted it any other way.” her voice trailed off embarrassedly.
Asahi blushed, smiling gratefully but looking away for a moment, also embarrassed.
They sat there for a moment and then Asahi turned around – the duvet falling completely off in the motion – and asked, happily, “So, what do you wanna do? I can make breakfast if you like?”
Yua looked towards the window, embarrassed, but trying to look calm, as if the sudden sight of Asahi completely nude didn’t just make her incredibly aroused. “Umm… ” she said, sitting up as well, her back against the backboard of the bed, pulling the duvet up to her neck for comfort. “I don’t mind.” she said, looking at Asahi’s eyes, smiling, “You have already done so much for me, I don’t want you to have to go through more hassle for me.”
Asahi looked at her. “You could ask me to do anything, and it would never be a hassle. I want to do stuff for you, so never feel guilty about it.” She grinned kindly at her, shuffling over and sitting, resting her head on Yua’s shoulder and looking over towards the dark blinds, her hands resting gently on her own lap. “Besides,” she said, softly, “I’m your girlfriend, what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t even want to make you breakfast?”
Yua rested her head on top of Asahi’s, and sighed, smiling, “Well then breakfast would be lovely.” she said, her face slightly red, but happy.
A moment later, she got up, gently, sliding off the right side of the bed, walking around and pulling open the blinds to let the sun in before exiting the room. As she did she asked, her voice slightly raised, “Would you prefer to eat in bed or in the lounge?”
“I – ” Yua started,
“And don’t say you don’t mind!” Asahi interrupted.
Yua smiled, almost laughing. “The lounge then!” she called back, happily. She pulled off the duvet slowly, sliding out of the bed and gently pulling the duvet straight, glancing momentarily out of the bright window before exiting back into the lounge. She stood in the doorway, awkwardly, trying, with an almost forced casual expression to cover herself with her hands. “Um!” she said, suddenly embarrassed, only just realizing how much she needed to use the toilet. “Do you mind showing me where the bathroom is?” she called out, hearing the clattering of utensils around the corner, the other side of the room where the lounge opened into the kitchen.
“Hm?”. Asahi appeared around the corner, now with a small, patterned apron on – which only seemed to worsen Yua’s need to pee. “Oh yeah,” she said gesturing to a door to Yua’s left. “The bathroom is just through there. Sorry, I probably should’ve told you sooner.”
“It’s fine,” she said, smiling and almost skipping to the door. “Thanks!”. She disappeared inside, closing the door gently before finding the toilet and sitting down, relieving herself with a sigh. She finished, getting up and noting, awkwardly, how weird it was to not have any clothes to pull back up. She washed her hands before grabbing a handful of toilet tissue and gently, awkwardly, trying to wipe off some of the sweat and fluid leftover from the night before. She flushed the toilet and backed out, closing the door carefully behind her.
She walked over to the wall dividing the kitchen from the living room, peering round to see Asahi’s bare back as she slowly cooked something on the stove, humming happily to herself. Yua, slightly nervous, asked, “Um, where do you want me to sit?“. Asahi looked around, slightly surprised, perhaps not realizing she was there.
“Oh, anywhere’s fine.” she smiled, turning to look at her. “The sofa?” she added, as a suggestion.
Yua found a spot, perching on the edge of the seat tentatively, conscious about rubbing her privates on the fabric. A minute or so later Asahi reappeared round the corner with a plate – filled with all of the contents of an English breakfast – and a mug of dark filter coffee that she sat down on the table. She handed the plate to her, adding a knife and fork after it was secure and then Asahi sat down, curled up, watching her, slightly nervous. “Fingers crossed its alright,” she said.
Yua piled the fork with food, chewing and swallowing it, her eyes wide with happiness. “It’s delicious!” she said after she swallowed, turning and smiling, over the moon, at Asahi, who sighed with relief and sat back, propping her head up with her hand, watching her.
Yua was about to take another mouthful but paused, looking around. “D – did you not make any for yourself?” she asked, concerned.
Asahi shook her head, nervously. “No, I’m not really hungry,” she said, smiling, “I’ll have something small later.” but just then Asahi’s stomach growled longingly, Asahi freezing with embarrassment. There was a moment’s pause where Yua looked disapprovingly at her before she amended her previous statement. “There weren’t enough ingredients for two,” she added, looking at the sofa awkwardly.
Yua looked at her, but instead of being annoyed, like she wanted to, she couldn’t help smiling, flattered by Asahi’s selflessness. She filled the fork up again, lifting it over to her gently, one hand underneath it to catch any loose bits of food, holding it carefully in front of her face. Asahi was about to protest but, looking into Yua’s face, she knew she couldn’t change her mind. She leaned forward, opening her mouth and letting Yua feed her. She chewed it, if slightly reluctantly, and swallowed. She looked up into Yua’s eyes. “Happy?” she asked, her face still embarrassed.
Yua shook her head, smiling confidently. “Nope! You are going to eat half of this with me.” Asahi started, stuttering awkwardly, but before she could form a cohesive argument, Yua had already taken another mouthful, piling food on the fork before once again offering it to Asahi. Asahi paused awkwardly, before giving up and leaning in to gratefully take the mouthful of food.
Asahi accepted every other mouthful. Once or twice she’d lean in to take it, but Yua would quickly pull it back, swallowing her mouthful with a cheeky grin, before giving her two forks in a row. It was an unusual feeling. She’d always been the more dominant one in relationships, and yet, here she was, being fed, accepting each mouthful with submissive gratefulness. But far from disliking it, her love for Yua only grew. She looked into Yua’s eyes after each mouthful and saw nothing but love and kindness smiling back.
Yua finally laid down the fork, gently lifting the tray up and placing it onto the table, picking up the mug of coffee before sitting back up. “Thanks.” Asahi said, gently. Yua just smiled back, “It’s you I should be thanking,” she said, lifting the coffee up to her lips and sipping it longingly.
Asahi noted how comfortable Yua was, despite being completely nude, although she didn’t mention it, wanting to make Yua as comfortable as possible. They sat for a moment, Yua gradually drinking the coffee and placing it down with a relaxed sigh.
“Hey,” Yua said, at last, turning around to face towards Asahi, adjusting herself so she was sitting on her feet, “Do you,” she blushed slightly, but she also looked determined. “Wanna get a shower with me? Or a bath!” she appended awkwardly. “You don’t have to but – well – I’m kinda sweaty from yesterday so…” she looked away, slightly embarrassed.
“Yeah of course. I was just about to ask you the same thing actually,” she replied, smiling and getting to her feet.
Yua got up as well, trying her best not to look at Asahi but making a bit too pronounced.
She followed Asahi as she lead the way into the bathroom. She didn’t even bother closing the bathroom, she just walked over to the small glass cubical that held the shower, opening the door and slipping inside. Yua followed suit, standing in the doorway of the shower, waiting. Asahi turned on the shower, testing the temperature and standing back up. “With this one, you can either stand or sit.” she gestured to a small stool in the corner. “It’s up to you,” she said, smiling.
“I – I don’t mind,” she said, nervously.
Asahi looked at her, an expression of mock annoyance. “Well, the stool is only really big enough for one of us, so I suppose maybe that’s not the best idea..” She said, not a hint of embarrassment on her face. Yua blushed slightly but nodded, walking in and closing the door behind her with a small thump. She turned back around just as Asahi set the shower to a higher power. She stood awkwardly in the small gap between the door and the water where she wouldn’t get wet. Asahi held out her hand, and Yua grabbed it, being pulled under the showerhead and let the water wash over her, drenching her almost instantly in perfectly warm water. Asahi, calmly, reached up behind her and pulled out the hairband holding her hair up, shaking her head slightly. Yua couldn’t help feeling aroused – watching as the water ran over Asahi’s breasts, the water dripping off and landing on the shower floor. She continued, running her fingers through her hair, making sure it was all wet, as if, Yua noted, she was just taking a normal shower. Yua looked away, nervously, cautiously rubbing her own hair as well and letting the water run over her body.
Asahi squatted down, picking up a bottle of body wash and holding it out to Yua. “Wanna wash me first? Or do you want me to wash you?”.
Yua blushed deeply, “Umm,” she said, accepting the body wash, “I – I suppose I’ll wash you first.” Asahi nodded, standing there and smiled. She turned the shower down to a low power so it wouldn’t wash the soap away, lifting it up and placing it gently on the floor so the water ran straight into the drain. She ran her hands around her neck, pushing all of her hair behind her. Yua stood there, slightly awkwardly, unsure what to do next. Asahi reached out again, taking the body wash and, pushing her breasts up with one arm, squirted a handful of soap over them.
She looked at Yua, who, blushing furiously, adamantly looked away. “Look,” Asahi said, quietly, with a hint of seduction, “You are allowed to look at them, you’re my girlfriend after all.” Yua looked back, glancing at her breasts and trying to cast out the arousal she was feeling. *This is only a shower* she told herself but didn’t move.
“You shouldn’t be embarrassed by what you’re feeling.” Asahi said, smiling kindly, “I want you to be comfortable. So, seeing as how we are here, feel free to touch them for as long as you like. Or any other part of my body. I give you permission to.” Yua reached out, tentatively, nervously, but feeling humiliatingly aroused. “I’m not going to force you if you really aren’t comfortable, I just want you to know that you don’t need to worry about me.”
Yua finally reached out, cupping both breasts in her hands, and staring at them, her face blushing bright red, but Asahi just smiled reassuringly. She started rubbing them, gathering the soap and lathering them longingly, gently feeling, squeezing, lifting them, gently rubbing and watching her gently hardening nipples as they got coated in foam. They felt amazing, Yua thought, embarrassed, there was no denying it. And then Asahi gently placed her hands on top of Yua’s, taking control of them and making her massage them with less restraint and as she let go again, Yua tried to continue that same feeling, feeling them as they bounced softly in her palms, the smooth, wet skin begging to Yua to be felt. Asahi smiled happily, brushing the hair out of Yua’s eyes as she worked. Yua began playing with her nipples more, circling them and taking them between her fingers, massaging them gently, and Asahi moaned slightly, her face suddenly slightly flushed with embarrassment, her thighs tensed,
“S – sorry!” Yua jumped back, nervously, thinking she had gone too far, but Asahi grabbed her hands and pulled her back, replacing her hands on her breasts and wrapping her hands around Yua’s neck, leaning in and kissing her gently. “You never need to be sorry,” she whispered, Yua’s hands now working away again, sandwiched between Asahi’s and her own. She took a step back, so her back was pressed against the back wall of the shower and Yua followed, continuing passionately, maintaining the kiss as she slipped her tongue into Asahi’s mouth, feeling around longingly. And without a second thought, without asking, she slid her right hand off of Asahi’s now lathered boob and ran her hand down feeling around and sliding her hand under Asahi’s vagina, pressing her body close and rubbing Asahi’s clitoris longingly, getting reassurance from Asahi’s whimpering, longing, loving moans. She rubbed it feverishly, realizing that she was already wet. She paused for a second, her middle finger over her hole and, submissively, Asahi spread her legs, allowing her access. Yua slipped her finger in, making Asahi moan louder and quiver in delight. Asahi bought her hands up and grabbed Yua’s breasts longingly, massaging hers with increasing vigor – the soap from her own breasts rubbing off and coating Yua’s – as Yua slipped her finger in and out. Asahi opened her eyes, Yua’s face hot, red with embarrassment but also full of a determination that only turned Asahi on more. Asahi started moving, tensing her crotch, wanting to get more, and at last, they broke their kiss. Yua looked at her, trying to look reassuring as she adjusted herself, sliding her fourth finger in as well and making Asahi moan with an intense passionate longing. And as she started fingering Asahi with more power, Asahi couldn’t help falling in love more and more, becoming more and more sweaty and only wishing she had the strength in her quivering arms to do something in return. Her legs bowed, her breath now harsh pants and uncontrollable moans as Yua pounded in and out, in and out with the most incredible feeling. Yua could feel Asahi’s whole body contracting with each thrust, her vagina tensing more and more and could almost feel Asahi come before it even started. Asahi’s face lit up with a helpless, longing as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her, her toes curled and her knees buckling, her vagina contracting and contracting fluids coating Yua’s longing hand. Asahi panted, sweating profusely for a moment, looking into Yua’s eyes, which were looking hopefully into hers. She couldn’t help blushing, but it wasn’t out of embarrassment, but out of sheer love and passion.
“That was incredible…” she said, breathlessly.
“I’m glad,” Yua replied, relieved and slightly embarrassed – at last pulling her two soaking fingers out of Asahi. She leaned in and they kissed again. Asahi broke it and whispered, “I suppose it’s my turn now.”
“I – ” Yua said, blushing again deeply. She turned away, not looking at Asahi, and nodded “O – ok”.
Asahi, still panting, reached forward, sliding her hands around Yua’s waist and, not wasting any time, she slid her left hand up to Yua’s waiting breast, massaging it longingly, and her right hand slid down into Yua’s crotch, playing with Yua’s clit teasingly. Yua instantly let out a moan, and Asahi felt Yua’s body tense up, inviting her to go faster, rubbing and feeling; her other fingers playing with Yua’s flaps. Asahi turned her towards the glass wall of the shower and as Asahi slid her finger suddenly inside, Yua’s core tensed with a whimpering, desperate moan, and she fell forward, her hands holding her against the wall, her butt nestled in Asahi’s crotch as Asahi slipped her finger in and out, each one making Yua moan submissively and her muscles tense up. Asahi teased her, her one finger going in and out slowly, meticulously, and Yua began pushing her crotch up and down desperately, her butt rubbing longingly into Asahi’s groin and her breasts bouncing back and forward, perky and excited. Yua moaned more and more as Asahi slowly built up power, eventually sliding a second finger in and thrusting harder. “It’s amazing!” Yua said, her voice high pitched and whimpering longingly. Her vagina was still aching and sensitive from the day before, making each thrust send – what would be a pain if she wasn’t enjoying it so much – shiver through her whole body. Already she felt herself coming faster than before, moaning in pleasure, Asahi bent over, her breasts slapping lightly against Yua’s back as she began forcing her fingers to go deeper and deeper with each almost crippling thrust.
A moment later Yua let out a quivering yelp as she orgasmed, her whole body jerking uncontrollably and every muscle inside of her exploding in pleasure as her body filled with an incredible ecstasy. Her arms and knees buckled, her knees curled and she ejaculated into Asahi’s crotch. Asahi gently lowered her down onto the floor of the shower, her body not strong enough to hold her up. Asahi slid her own fingers out and embraced her tightly from behind, both hands wrapping around her tightly, not saying a word. At long last, Yua sat up, and turned around, embracing Asahi passionately, their bodies intertwined.
At long last, they got up, smiling at each other lovingly and washed, hardly saying a word. After they were finished, Asahi turned the shower off and they stepped out, Asahi wrapping the both of them in a large towel. They walked out, sitting down on the bed before kissing, long and hard, their tongues each other’s mouths passionately. They dried off and they both got dressed, Asahi putting on a pair of lace lingerie and pulling on a pair of shorts and a top and Yua reluctantly putting on her old underwear, refusing Asahi’s suggestion to see if any of her clothes would fit, and put on her Kimono, tying it loosely around her waist.
Thanks for reading :) I – I’m not sure what the likelihood of my continuing this is. It’s ended up being a fairly time consuming process (each chapter being about 8 pages of A4) and I end up reading and rewriting large bits of it im not happy with… I suppose it depends what people want – but I have a lot of college work I’m supposed to be doing instead so chapters might just become more infrequent if people want me to continue. Optionally I might just write shorter stories about this as opposed to chapters. Or I might write something completely different. Idk. This was my first time doing anything like this and I’m pretty happy with the result, but anyway… Who knows. I’ll wait and see how I feel. In the mean time, if you see Niko, say hi for me.
Please keep writing this!! I’ve been following this from the beginning and have eagerly awaited each chapter. I know it can be time consuming but I would pay good money for this. You are an incredible writer and I love reading this. Unless absolutely necessary please don’t stop. I Love your writing.
Yes, please keep writing! I have loved all your chapters so far! I check several times a day to see if there is a new one.
Did I catch that correctly at the end? You are in fact the Yua character? Amazing!!! (Does Niko have a secret crush on you?)
Thank you very much for this. I almost missed it. I am very happy and hope that you keep being confident in your writing whether it is short stories or chapters.