Business or Pleasure? Part 3 – What happens in Paris, stays in Paris [MF | Cheating | Rough | Facial]

[Read Part 1 here!](

[Read Part 2 here!](

After several days in Paris, John had begun to burnout. The constant back-to-back meetings were one thing; but the fact that his young associate Sarah had been constantly teasing him during the conference was almost unbearable. John had been able to resist her flirting for as long as they had worked together, but during this assignment everything had changed.

Their second night in the city, John and Sarah had gone out for drinks after their first round of presentations and networking events. While at a small club near the Eiffel Tower, the pair had several drinks, and with their inhibitions lowered, they had a passion fuelled night together. While the next night they were unable to spend it together due to their excessive schedule, Sarah had begun regularly sending him photos of her half naked, or descriptive messages about what they would be doing the last night in Paris.

John had rarely received any attention from women, but starting on their flight to Europe and a random encounter with the beautiful, French, blonde woman he had met; Elyse, it had become almost non-stop. This wouldn’t have been a problem for John considering he was single, but Sarah had a boyfriend back in Toronto who was waiting patiently for her return. She even called him at least once per day, generally right before sending John the photos or texts.

As much as he would have loved to continue their personal relationship when they went home, John knew that he and Sarah would need to go back to their strictly professional arrangement once they returned. With that being said, that realization wouldn’t impact the remainder of their trip together. Since it was their last night in Paris, John wanted to go all out with Sarah, but he couldn’t get the thought of Elyse out of his head.

She had given John her number after the flight and told him to call her so they could meet up once more before he returned home. Assuming he could convince Elyse to see him that night, John planned an early evening with her, followed up by a much later evening with Sarah.

*“More than enough time for both of them.”* John thought to himself with a chuckle.

While sitting in a particularly dry presentation on government bond-yields, John slid his phone out of his pocket and scrolled through his contact list to Elyse’s number. His eyes drifted over to his left, to Sarah sitting next to him. She was wearing a grey dress, her hair done up in a tight bun that showed off her slender neck. Sarah clearly hadn’t noticed John looking through his phone, and he wanted to ensure that he was as discreet as possible. She had been jealous enough of John and Elyse after the flight; and he couldn’t imagine how she would react to him going on a date with her now.

When the presentation came to a close and they started a quick lunch break, John excused himself to walk back out into the fresh Parisian air. Pulling out his cell-phone again, he pulled up Elyse’s number in his contacts list and called her. The phone rang several times before a familiar voice answered.

“Oui, allo?” Elyse’s voice said, somewhat distractedly.

“Ah bonjour! It’s John, we had uh… met on our flight back from Toronto” he said, trying to sound as confident as he could. The sense of confidence that had been building in John over the last several days began to waver as it was silent on the other end of the line for a moment.

“Oh John, of course.” she said, her voice soft and happy. “I was wondering if you would call me before you left.”

“Sorry about that, the last few days have been busy.” he said, clearing his throat. “I’m heading back to Toronto tomorrow, and was hoping you would want to grab dinner with me tonight?”

“Just dinner, or will dessert be included?” she asked, teasingly.

Feeling slightly more confident now, John smiled and replied, “I was hoping drinks would be added in there as well. Say, around eight o’clock?”

“Sounds lovely.” she said, nonchalantly. “Where would you like to meet?”

“I’m staying by the convention centre, but there are some nice restaurants I’ve heard of back further into the city if there’s somewhere close by that you like?” he said, trying to pull up a map on his phone.

“There is a wonderful restaurant off of Avenue du Maine.” she said, before pausing for a moment. “I will text you the address. Don’t be late.”

Before John could answer, Elyse ended the call. John was slightly taken aback, swallowing the lump forming in his throat from nerves. He certainly didn’t want to disappoint Elyse, and he had a feeling there was a lot to live up to after their experience on the flight. The remainder of the conference felt as though it flew by, with John barely paying attention to the presentations. He was occasionally brought back from his day-dreaming by Sarah, who would rub his thigh every so often in the dark convention hall, her face barely illuminated by the lights on stage. Her hands would slide over his lap, gently rubbing his now hard cock as a way to tease him constantly throughout the day.

The day of torture finally ended and the pair made their way back to the hotel. The lobby was full of other business-travellers; many of which were attendees at the conference as well. John didn’t waste any time though, knowing that eight o’clock was rapidly approaching, and made his way back to his hotel room. Moving fast, he ensured that Sarah didn’t have the opportunity to distract him as he quickly showered, shaved and put on a nice slate-grey suit with a crisp white dress shirt and black tie.

John begins to make his way down to the hotel lobby with a bounce in his step, riding the elevator down and looking at himself in the mirrored wall; ensuring his hair is not messy and his tie is straight. He was so distracted by making sure he looked presentable, as soon as the doors opened and he stepped out, John almost ran headlong into someone who was walking onto the elevator at the same time.

“Oh shit! Sorry!” John said, stopping himself and the small frame he ran into from toppling over. “I really need to pay more attention to where I’m going.”

His eyes met Sarah’s whose hands were gripping the lapel of his jacket, smiling. “You really do you clutz. Why are you in such a big rush?”

John blushed and stepped away quickly straightening his jacket. “Ah I was just about to go get dinner, feeling a bit hungry.”

“Oh, want some company?” she asked, her normal bubbly self shining through as she smiled warmly at him. “I could go for some dinner on the company’s dime.”

“I don’t think you’d like the place.” he said, scratching the back of his head embarrassed. “Plus I’m meeting a client so it’s going to be boring. Why don’t you wait upstairs and maybe we can have some food together when I’m back?”

Sarah raised an eyebrow suspiciously. “So you’re meeting a client and you’re not bringing your associate? Plus this has been trips for a lot of firsts, why stop there?”

“I told the restaurant it would only be a table of two so I really don’t know if they’d be able to fit more people in-” John started to say, before Sarah held up her hand to cut him off.

“Alright, what’s going on here?” she asked sternly. “What are you up to that’s so bad that you want to lie to me about it? I know you too well by now, and know that if it were *actually* work related, you would have brought me without a second thought.”

John hesitated for a moment, running the possible outcomes in his head. If he told the truth, maybe she would be understanding? It wasn’t as though they were in a committed relationship, especially considering Sarah had a boyfriend back home anyways. On the other hand, their first day in Paris was a nightmare because of Sarah’s jealousy, and John didn’t want to relive that experience.

“Alright well, you remember Elyse from the flight?” he asked, nervously fiddling with his tie and trying to keep it straight; a nervous habit of his. “She and I spoke and were going to grab dinner tonight before we left. But that’s it, it was just dinner.”

“Ah, you mean the woman you fucked on your way here.” she said, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Just dinner huh? Like we *just had dinner* the other day?”

“N-no! It’s not like that Sarah.” he began to plead, before she cut him off again.

“Well if that’s all that is, I’ll still tag along.” she said confidently. “If it’s *just dinner* then you won’t mind me coming to make sure you’re kept out of trouble. I’d lose my job if you got kidnapped by some crazy french woman while away on a business trip.”

John began to object to the idea but bit his tongue, holding his comment back. He knew that Sarah was one of the most stubborn people he had ever met and that arguing would do nothing but make her angry. Not only for the fact he was hoping to have one more night with her before they went back to Toronto, but making her mad would also make going to work everyday a living hell.

“Fine but just *please* don’t do or say anything to embarrass me okay?” he said, rubbing his eyes, frustrated. With John now surrendering, Sarah lit up again.

“Great! This’ll be fun. Maybe she and I can compare notes on you.” she giggled, before walking towards the hotel exit, looping her arm with his. “Come on, don’t want to be late for our date now, do we?”

John rolled his eyes as the pair made their way back out into the streets of Paris, hailing a cab to bring them to the restaurant they were to meet Elyse at. John’s leg bounced nervously, wishing that Sarah would have just waited for him back at the hotel, but knowing that he didn’t have a say in the matter. While lost in thought, he felt Sarah’s hand lay on his thigh, squeezing. Looking at her, she smiled at him and leaned in.

“Stop bouncing your leg. Just relax.” she whispered, before kissing him gently. John melted against her kiss, relaxing and smiled as she pulled away. She giggled softly and looked out the window. “You’re easy to handle, you know that?”

John frowned at the comment and the rest of the drive went by in relative silence. They finally arrived at an upscale restaurant, well-dressed men and women walking in and out and soft music floating out into the street. They walked up to the host by the front door and gave their names, and he guided them through the winding rows of tables to one next to a large window; overlooking the Parisian skyline.

Sitting at the table was Elyse, her medium length blonde hair let down around her shoulders in loose curls as she looked up at the pair approaching her with a confused smile. She was wearing a tight black dress and a golden necklace, with simple makeup done. Even with the simplicity in her outfit, she looked as stunning as when they first met on their flight; John’s eyes immediately gravitating to her lovely curves and taking them all in. He was brought back to his senses with a stiff elbow into his ribs from Sarah.

“Ow! Ah Elyse it’s great to see you again.” John said, gently rubbing his now tender ribs. “This is my uh… colleague Sarah. Sarah, this is Elyse, the woman I told you about.”

“Oh so you’re telling people about me now? I’m flattered.” she giggled softly, and gestured for the two to take a seat. John pulled out Sarah’s chair for her, getting a warm smile back from her in response. John took an extra seat and sat down in between them, clearing his throat.

“Well no it’s just I told her that we were meeting for dinner, that’s all.” he said nervously, waving down the waiter to order drinks as soon as he could.

“I wish you had let me know that you were bringing a friend, I could have done the same.” she said, her eyes trailing over Sarah. “I’m sure many French men would enjoy the opportunity to meet you.”

“I appreciate the offer, but I have a boyfriend.” Sarah said, flashing a fake smile back to Elyse, as her hand slid under the table onto John’s lap. He jumped slightly and Elyse’s eyes darted to him and then back to Sarah.

“I see, then you won’t mind what I have in store for John this evening.” she said softly, her accent intoxicating him as she smiled mischievously. “Since you have a boyfriend, that is.”

The waiter came by with a bottle of wine, which John quickly divided up amongst the three of them, quickly downing his own and starting on a second glass. The two women gave him strange looks before Sarah turned her attention back to Elyse.

“I do actually mind, as we have an early flight tomorrow so we can’t be staying too long.” she said, sipping her own wine. “Plus, John and I had plans back at the hotel, didn’t we?”

John didn’t answer, pretending he was too distracted by the menu which garnered him a glare from the young brunette. Elyse smirked at her, and her own hand found its way onto John’s thigh.

“That is a shame, it’s not everyday you get the chance to be with a man as fun as John.” she purred, her well manicured nails digging gently into his leg. “If I had known you two were a couple, I wouldn’t have made any advances.”

“What do you mean?” Sarah asked, confused. John now tuning into the conversation looked up between the two of them, his body rigid in fear due to the tension around the table.

“Well on the flight we had such an incredible time, and I was under the impression you two were just co-workers, not a couple.” Elyse said nonchalantly. “Although, I won’t say it wasn’t some of the best sex I’ve ever had.”

“It was?” John asked excitedly, sitting up straighter as pride filled him. The two women looked at him and laughed together, both squeezing his thighs.

“I knew it!” Sarah giggled. “He wouldn’t admit it so I thought he just finished too fast and he was embarrassed. From my experience, he’s usually much better than that.”

“Yes, usually uptight businessmen are fairly boring. But I suppose that’s the perks of leaving your boyfriend back home, non?” Elyse asked, finishing her own glass of wine.

Sarah blushed and shrugged. “What happens in Paris, stays in Paris I guess.”

John was saved from this conversation when the waiter returned to take their order, which he quickly gave and ordered another bottle of wine for the table. The next two hours went by in much the same way, the two women gossiping about his performance and still making sarcastic comments at the others expense. John had never experienced two women passive-aggressively fighting over him, or even being jealous because of him really. Finally, John decided to put his foot down.

“Alright you two, can we *please* stop talking about this?” he asked, sighing exasperatedly. “I don’t think anyone wants to hear about this, especially the people sitting around us.”

Sarah giggled drunkenly and leaned over, batting her eyelashes. “Aww come on John, we’re just having a little fun. This is *your* fault after all. She wasn’t enough for you, so you needed some extra attention, don’t get all shy now.”

Elyse finished her wine and leaned in closer as well. “That, or you were filling the void left when we landed, and you’re here because that filler couldn’t satisfy you, hm?”

John blushed hard and sat up straight, knowing that they were just going to gang up on him now. “Alright, never mind.”

“Relax! Here, have another drink.” Sarah said, pouring him his fifth glass of wine. Elyse watched on smiling, her eyes locked on John as he tried to object to more alcohol and Sarah all but forced it down his throat.

“You know… John is right.” Elyse said, her hand sliding further up his thigh. “We should continue this conversation elsewhere where we won’t be disturbing anyone’s meal.”

“What did you have in mind?” Sarah asked, raising an eyebrow. Elyse waved down the waiter and asked for the bill before turning back to her companions.

“Your hotel room?” she replied, looking at John. His jaw dropped slightly, as he looked over to Sarah almost to confirm that he had heard correctly. Sarah was bright red and speechless as well.

“Like… all of us? Together?” Sarah said, her hands folding in her lap and fidgeting nervously. Elyse laughed and nodded.

“Yes, do people from Toronto not do that sort of thing?” Elyse asked, leaning in and kissing John’s cheek. “Because I think it would be an excellent way to end your trip, non?”

“Absolutely!” John said without skipping a beat, getting a wide smile from Elyse and a glare from Sarah.

“I don’t know about this…” she said nervously, before she jumped slightly. Elyse had run her foot up Sarah’s leg and bit her own lip.

“Well why don’t we see how things go, and if we need to stop then c’est la vie.” she said as the waiter returned with the bill. John took it and paid, and as he got the receipt he quickly pulled each of his companions chairs out. He felt full of excitement as the trio made their way back out of the restaurant. When stepping out onto the sidewalk, John wrapped his arms around both women’s waists and held them close.

Both looked up at him happily as the taxi approached and he helped Elyse and Sarah into the back seat; following them in. Sitting in the dark back seat of the cab, John could just see the outline of the two women sitting with him, the smell of their perfume filling the small compartment. They arrived back at the hotel and John paid and then helped them both out of the taxi, leading them inside through the crowded lobby. They took the elevator up in silence, with Elyse leaning against John. Her hands gently slid up his torso, biting her lip hungrily as she watched him. Sarah glared at the beautiful blonde, and the second the elevator doors opened, she grabbed John’s hand and dragged him out towards his room.

Quickly pulling out his room-key, John opened the door and ushered the two women inside. He closed and locked the door behind himself, and when he turned around, Sarah had leaned her back against the bathroom door, Elyse pressing up against her. Sarah’s eyes were wide, looking deeply into Elyse’s as the blonde leaned in to kiss her passionately. John could visibly see Sarah’s body relax against Elyse’s lips, but jump slightly as her ass was grabbed by the french-woman’s manicured hands.

John’s jaw went slack as he watched the women become more passionate in their embrace. He could see their tongues sliding into the others mouth, Sarah moaning softly as Elyse’s hand slid up her dress to rub her pussy gently. Elyse then took Sarah’s hand with her free hand and pulled her towards the bed, pushing her down gently and kicking her own heels off. Elyse undid her dress and let it fall to the floor around her feet; her curves barely covered by the lacy black fabric of her thong and bra. Before Sarah could react, Elyse began to pull off her dress, bringing it above her head and tossing it onto the floor.

As he continued to watch on hungrily, John could feel himself becoming more erect. Sarah was now in a grey bra and panties, her toned body the perfect compliment to the soft curves of Elyse. The two women continued kissing, as they fondled one another; slowly unclasping the other’s bra and letting it hit the floor. Sarah brought her mouth down to Elyse’s chest, lapping at her breasts and sucking her nipples ravenously. Throwing her head back in pleasure, Elyse moaned loudly as Sarah began to rub her pussy over her panties, gently teasing her clit.

John quickly made his way over, pulling off his suit jacket and tossing it on the chair next to his bed, undoing his shirt and climbing into bed next to the women. Elyse looked over to John and kissed him passionately, moaning into his mouth as Sarah pulled away from the nipple she had been sucking. Her hands started to undo John’s belt, and tugged down his dress-pants as his fully erect cock popped out. Moving down hungrily, both women kiss again, before they lick up John’s cock in tandem. He sighed happily, enjoying the feeling of their soft wet tongues sliding up the length of his shaft, before Sarah suddenly took him deeply into her throat. He closed his eyes and smiled happily, and was taken by surprise at the feeling of another pair of warm lips sucking his balls.

The two women worked in unison, alternating between bobbing their head along the length of John’s cock and sensually sucking his balls. Saliva drooled down from both women as John ran a hand through each of their heads of hair, stroking them affectionately. Sarah moved away from his balls, kneeling in front of John so she could kiss him passionately, her hand sliding along Elyse’s ass and pulling her panties away. She began to slowly finger the blonde, who was in the midst of deep-throating John’s thick cock. Elyse moaned loudly against him, exhaling sharply out of her nose as her tongue lapped around the curves of John’s dick.

Suddenly John was roughly pushed onto his back, falling onto the comfortable bed. His cock slid out of Elyse’s mouth with an audible *pop.* Tilting his chin down to look at the two women, John watched as they both peeled off their panties, tossing them aside. Sarah ran her hand along his chest as she climbed up the bed, kneeling next to his head. Elyse in similar fashion, ran her hands up John’s thigh as she slowly straddled his hips, her soaking wet pussy teasing the tip of his cock. As she began to push down onto his thick cock, he moaned loudly, but was muffled by the sudden straddling of his face by Sarah. Her pussy pressed against his face, to which he eagerly started to lick.

The two women leaned in to continue making out, both moaning into the other’s mouth as Elyse began to bounce on John’s cock, and Sarah grinded along his face. John pushed his tongue deeply into Sarah, flicking it against her g-spot and feeling a shudder of pleasure in response. His hands slid down to his waist, rubbing Elyse’s clit as she increased her pace and moved along his body. The various points of stimulation drove John crazy; he had never had a threesome before and his only experience with this type of sex was on the internet. His body seemed to instinctively take over, as he began to buck his hips up into Elyse’s causing a squeal of pleasure.

After several minutes of both women soaking John’s body, Sarah pushed Elyse off of John’s lap and crawled down. On her back with her legs spread, Elyse brought a hand down to grip Sarah’s hair and pull her in, to which she began to hungrily eat the beautiful blonde’s pussy. With Sarah now on all fours and hungrily lapping at Elyse’s pussy, John got up and knelt behind her, pushing his cock roughly inside of her tight body. Sarah moaned loudly as he began to pound into her, his thick cock stretching her and with every thrust pushing her face harder against Elyse’s pussy.

John’s eyes never left the sight of his beautiful co-worker with her face soaking wet, hungrily licking another woman as her toned ass slightly jiggled with every thrust he made. Elyse’s large heavy breasts swayed with the motion, her eyes held tightly shut in focus while she bit her lip to suppress a moan. Knowing she was getting closer, John gripped Sarah’s ass cheeks and roughly fucked her as hard as he could, knowing that the pleasure she felt would translate to more enthusiastic work for Elyse.

Elyse’s eyes shot open as she came hard, squirting into Sarah’s mouth who pulled back surprised by the taste. John didn’t let up however, and continued to fuck her as he felt her own body tensing around his shaft. With her strength dissipating, Sarah dropped down from her hands and knees, her face laying in the wet bed and her ass pointing up into the air for John to use at his leisure. It wasn’t long before her own shrieks of pleasure filled the room, squirting all over his cock and clenching around him. Even after her orgasm subsided, John continued thrusting until he felt the pressure building up within himself.

He pulled himself out, getting a whine of disappointment from Sarah as he pulled both women around to face him. John gripped Sarah’s hair and began to thrust into her throat, her eyes glazing over at her own taste as Elyse played with Sarah’s sensitive pussy. Quickly, John pulled out and switched to fucking Elyse’s throat, and continued to alternate between them until he was on the verge of orgasm. The women’s mouth watered at the taste of his pre-cum, and as he pulled out of Sarah’s mouth for the final time they held each other close and opened their mouths hungrily.

John stroked himself fast, his hands easily sliding along the slick, saliva coated skin of his cock. He felt his shaft swelling in his own hand, and while being watched by two pairs of lust-filled eyes, he could no longer hold himself back. With a loud groan of pleasure, John shot several thick ropes of cum across both women, their faces getting splattered with his hot sticky cum, several strands landing in their mouths as they sighed happily. His body relaxed as the final spurts left his body, and without skipping a beat the two women turned and began to make out again, their tongues pushing and pulling cum back and forth, swallowing what they could eagerly. Sarah brought her hand up to her face to scoop the remaining load from her skin, but Elyse pulled her hands away and leaned in to lick her face, moaning loudly as she cleaned Sarah. Inspired, Sarah did the same to clean off Elyse, causing John to immediately become hard again.

Once the two women had been cleaned by the other’s tongue, the three of them collapsed in bed together, Sarah and Elyse on either side of John as they cuddled up to him. After the excitement of the night, it wasn’t long before they all drifted off to sleep. The sleep was short-lived however, as John’s alarm clock indicating he needed to prepare for his flight rang and ended their perfect night. Although they needed to start packing, Elyse had a final surprise for them, as she took both Sarah and John by the hand and led them to the large glass-encased shower in his ensuite bathroom.

The trio have passionate sex in the steam-filled bathroom, their moans of pleasure barely being drowned out by the running water of the shower. After an hour of ‘waking up’, they finally had to act responsible and go their separate ways to prepare for the flight. Elyse decided to stay naked, curled up in John’s bed a little longer as he packed, Sarah having to go pack her own belongings up, and by 10:00 am, they were all dressed and back down in the lobby of the hotel.

Unsure of what to say in a situation like this, John scratched his head nervously and said. “Well uh… it was really great meeting you. Hopefully next time I’m in Paris we can see each other again?”

“Of course… but only if you bring Sarah too.” Elyse giggled, before leaning in and passionately kissing Sarah goodbye. This time, Sarah did not hesitate and wrapped her arms around Elyse’s waist, their tongues wrestling briefly before they pulled away. Some passersby gave them odd looks, as the hotel they had been staying in was an upscale place and public displays of affection were not common. As soon as her lips left Sarah’s, Elyse turned and did the same thing to John, kissing him and holding him tightly; the sounds of a few gasps in the lobby.

John blushed and nodded, smiling. “Anything for you.”

Sarah rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag with one hand, and her other grabbing John’s. “Come on lover boy, we have a plane to catch.”

Without another word, the pair walked confidently out of the hotel and to their waiting taxi, loading their bags up and starting their short drive back to the airport. John and Sarah held hands the entire drive back, and whenever he looked away from his window and towards her, he always caught her looking back; before quickly turning away embarrassed. He had always found Sarah’s flirtatious nature annoying, but over the last few days he had come to enjoy it more and more. John knew that when they got back to Toronto things would be different, but not necessarily in a bad way. Even if they didn’t continue when they returned home, they would always have the memories from Paris, and the anticipation would begin to build for their next assignment together.

*“God, I love business trips.”* John mused to himself, for once fully relaxed.


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