Redemption spelled G-O-D [Cheating] [MF]

Several years ago I bartended at a college club. It was nothing special but it was always a good time and I made decent enough money to survive while I was in school. The best part about it was the girls, though. Hot girls, slutty girls, co-workers, randos…it was a fun time.

This story in particular is about one girl named Jessica (22F). We started working together in 2015 and her and I are from the same small town so we bonded pretty quick. She had a bf back home that she had recently broken up with so I decided to shoot my shot and invite her on a date. We went to a traveling carnival and had a blast. This was October so it was a bit chilly but not too bad for where we live. We had a fun time, bit of flirting but mainly just enjoying each other’s company. We rode a ferris wheel and I put my arm around her…my shy ass was very proud of this move. As the night came to a close I drove her home and dropped her off without incident. I walked back down to my car and had an internal struggle. I was upset I didn’t make a move so I walk back up her apartment stairs and knock on the door. I tell her “I needed to do something” and go in for a kiss…she turns her face so I kiss her cheek lol. Very demoralizing but hey at least I went for it. She was a doll about it, though. I realize that she was just being nice and wanted to be friends…I think no problem, I can do that.

Fast forward a few months and I see her after Christmas break at a bar. She’s very friendly and seemingly into me-I had lost some weight and looked pretty good. We’re vibing and I’m into it, but nothing happens that night. We keep seeing each other at work and out and about and develop a great rapport. I’m thinking I might have a chance to make something happen with her now, but I don’t push it for some reason. Eventually she starts casually dating this guy and I figure my chances are shot…except one night we get stationed at the side bar together.

I did not think anything of it, but I was glad that we were going to be working together for that night. We make a good bit of money and keep making shots for each other all night. There is some heavy flirting going on and idk what got into me but I start telling her how good I’d fuck her/how hot she is/shit like that. Somehow it works because she’s rubbing her ass on me, AT WORK, and I start feeling her up a bit. I might’ve slipped a finger under the bottom of her shorts and it set her off…she was insanely horny and wanted me asap. We finish up at work and she tells me to come over to her place…the same place I was rejected a few months ago.

Now, let me back track for a second. Jessica was about 5’5 with big brown eyes and wavy black hair. Super cute. In amazing shape with nice perky B cups and an ass that I was obsessed with. She really was out of my league.
I’m about 6’5 250, in decent shape, but nothing to write home about. I’m just a big Italian guy. Thick cock that’s 6 inches long.

We get to her apartment and our hands are on each other immediately. I drag her to her room and take her clothes off and start kissing down her body. Normally, I like to take my time, but as you can tell I was very horny and that was not gonna happen here. I lick her pussy a few times and she tells me to, “I need you to fuck me.” She didn’t have to ask twice. I grab my condom and put it on except that never happened because I’m a dumbass and did not have one on me. I stick it in raw and I start fucking her missionary.

Now my recollection of the rest of the night is hazy, but we fucked for at least an hour (I was drunk af, which somehow gives me non-ejaculating powers that backfired). I remember she wanted us to fuck in her favorite position which was her on her back but her hips and ass off the bed as I’m holding them to support her with my big hands. During this time she says the single hottest thing I’ve ever heard, “you are a fucking GOD.”

So yeah, my ego was overflowing and I probably fucked her better than any other girl I’d been with. Fucked her doggy and spanked her perfect ass as I pulled her hair. It was great times. She gave me a bj but she wasn’t very good tbh, too much teeth. It wasn’t an issue tho, I was having a blast. Idk if she came or not to be honest, it’s blur, but I definitely did not cum which was upsetting but oh well. I think we eventually got tired and just fell asleep, but nothing happened in the morning and I left. I don’t think we really talked about what happened for a while as she started dating this guy more seriously and I didn’t want to get in the way of that. We stayed friends throughout all this though and eventually we’d joke with one another about that night and how fun it was. It was harmless flirting imo…until last December when it became something more than that.

Part 2 will be posted tomorrow!

The next story will have more details about the sex since I can actually remember exactly what happened.



  1. Whiskey dick can sometimes make blowing your load a tough thing… good story

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