The (first) Time I [M] Was Invited To A Threesome

Annie (from [my last story]( invited me to the bars. When I arrived at her new apartment, she introduced me to her friends, Christa and someone else who I don’t remember. The three of them had already started pre-gaming and I after I had a couple drinks to catch up, we all climbed into my car and headed downtown. It must have been a break between terms or holiday weekend, because both her roommates were gone for the weekend.

Once we got to the bar and had our first round of drinks, we made our way to the dance floor. I sat on the sides, watching the girls shake their asses to the music until Christa came over and pulled me onto the floor. Annie was dancing with any random person who came close to her and didn’t seem to notice me much. Christa seemed pretty interested in me though, grinding up on my crotch and enjoying the music. I did end up dancing with the other girls, and one time when I wasn’t with Christa, some random guy came up to her on the dance floor and grabbed her ass. She freaked out, I intervened, and the offender was sent packing. She basically stuck to me the rest of the night.

Between songs, we talked a lot. I learned that she was married and wasn’t going to do anything with me, but as the drinks and conversation flowed, she got more bold, telling me that she thought I was really hot and that she really enjoyed dancing with me. Eventually, she looked nervously at me and asked if I could keep a secret. When I told her that her secret was safe with me, she revealed that her husband wanted a threesome. She went on to say that she was ok with it, but before he got *his* threesome, she would have to get *her* threesome. I realized that what she was saying was half explanation, half invitation. Now days, I absolutely would have taken her up on it, but back then, I had much narrower ideas about sex. We kept dancing and talking, I kept tabs on how many drinks I was consuming so I could drive home, and after the bars closed, we went back to Annie’s house.

The other friend left and Christa laid down on the couch to sleep off the alcohol, while Annie retreated to her bedroom “too drunk for sex.” I realized that I had been used as a chauffeur that night, but didn’t really mind. As I was getting ready to leave, Christa whispered to me. “Psst, Heyyyy!” She was doing that stereotypical drunk girl whisper that is almost a shout.

“What’s up?”

“Annie told me something….”


“She said… hehehe…” She hid her face under the blanket.

My curiosity was piqued. “What’d she say?”

From under the blanket she said “She said you have a…” I waited, “…nice cock.” She pulled the blanked down just low enough to look at me, keeping the rest of her face covered.

I chuckled. “Well, I guess that’s a matter of opinion.” I saw her eyes look down at my crotch and back up at my face a few times. “Do you want to see it?”She didn’t say anything. I could see from her eyes that she was smiling. Then her head started to nod “yes.”

I hesitated a second, then unbuckled my pants and pulled my dick out.

She stared at it for a few seconds, then pulled the blanket back and looked up at me, “make it hard for me.”

It was somewhere between a question and a command. I looked back, “are you going to help?”


“Show me your boobs.”

She threw the blanket back and pulled down her tank top, revealing her tits. I could feel the blood pumping to my dick as it slowly got bigger and harder.

“Can I watch you cum?”

“Sure.” I said, starting to stroke my cock. Then I remembered our conversation from earlier. “I thought we weren’t going to do anything because you’re married.”

She just laughed. “Watching you jack off doesn’t count.”

She started rubbing her tits and pinching her nipples as I slid my hand up and down along my shaft. As we kept going, I could tell that she was fingering herself under the blanket and I asked if I could taste her fingers. She pulled her hand out from the blanket and held a glistening finger out to me which I bent down and sucked clean. She tasted sour and tart, and when she pulled her finger out of my mouth, she brought her hand down on my cock and grabbed it, stroking for me. I reached down and started pinching her nipple. “I’m married!” She said with a laugh while I kept touching her.

I was starting to get close and wanted to plan ahead for the inevitable so I started looking around the room for a box of Kleenex or something. “Where should I cum?” I asked.

She started to say something then hesitated. “You could cum… right here.” She said, pointing to her chest. Then she pulled the blankets completely off her lap, sat up, and spun around so her feet were on the floor. There was a confused look on her face and I immediately knew something was wrong. She let go of my cock and stared off into space. I watched in slow motion as she lurched forward and brought her hands up to her mouth. The puke sprayed through her fingers, across the floor, and by some miracle, none of it got on me. I quickly put my dick away and switched into cleanup mode (thank you leather couch & hardwood floor). Once I got her cleaned up and back down on the couch with a glass of water and trash can beside her, I got out of there.

Christa had no idea what had happened that night (she claims, and I have no reason to doubt her) and we lost touch. I reached out to her several years later and was happy to find that she still remembered me. I asked if she was still interested in a threesome but she said that she had actually divorced that husband and now had a new one who made her much happier and she wasn’t looking for that anymore.
