The First Time I Met My Future Wife [ffm, fiction, str8, bi, some reluc, oral, voy, mast]

This is what went through my mind the first time I met my wife. It's entirely fictional, just my fantasy, except me walking in in my bath towel with my then girlfriend and her friend, my actual future wife. I've been some version of a fapstronaut for about a year and a half, but will sometimes, well fap, thinking about my wife. This is one of those fantasies I have, and thought why not write it down this time. For whatever reason, the whole thing is generic third person pronouns, he/she/her, etc. I dunno why. Also I made up a couple words. Not sure you needed to know that either. Anyway, hope you like it and without further, uh, ado(sc?)…

Edit: So tabulations don't work in Reddit.

Edit: Actually they do, it means turn the text into some kind of typewriter text. I really don't understand Reddit's CSS coding crap at all… wah.

Edit: I'm not convinced that's readable Reddit. wtf. Excuse me while I now inject extra spacing everywhere.

Edit: Let me get this straight Reddit. One actual space = no space. Two spaces = one actual space. Three spaces = two spaces. … I give up. I'm not editing this any more. For better or worse:

He walked into the room, wet bath towel wrapped loosely around his sunburn-on-sunburn-on-sunburn tanned skin, with his shoulder length hair dripping around his neck. Something moved from his closet, and he looked over.

Her hair was straightened, not a single blonde fly-away. Her cheeks and neck all slightly curved and meeting together in a soft circle. Her eyelashes and tip of her eyelids heavy with black make up, making her light blue eyes gleam and almost project in front of her face. He remembered something about his girlfriend having an old friend from high school coming up from her university.

She wasn't looking at him, which he appreciated. He could keep dissecting her. She was sitting on the half-folded trundle bed he managed to cram into his small walk-in closet, making something of a bed. He smiled a bit thinking about the dry cum stains she was sitting on from the night before. The bed reclined for her back, but also angled upwards for her short legs, making something of a check mark shape.

They were smooth, clear, lightly tanned, and ending at a skirt eight inches above her knees. She was giggling, her expansive lips spread apart, showing her straight white teeth. He thought he heard giggling when he was taking a shower. The closet shared a wall with the bathroom.

His girlfriend let her head fall back on the mattress back and turned towards him. Their eyes met. He knew she caught him looking at her friend by the three second stare she gave him. Quickly, she turned her eyes toward her friend, and grabbed her breast. The girl's black cami swelled and he could see her breast bulging out above her black strapped bra cup. She jerked back in surprise, paused a couple seconds, and then shot a look out of the closet toward the bedroom door, but she didn't see him. He was backed up flat against the adjacent wall without realizing it. Years of instinct honed by wanton masturbation. He was already rubbing his cock through the towel. Slowly, he enacted a natural trigonometry calculation as he backed away from the closest and closer to his door. He stretched his neck out and looked back in the closet.

The straight haired girl was making out with his girlfriend and grabbing her breast under her shirt. His girlfriend looked out again and made eye contact a second time, then swung her leg over the other girl and grabbed both her breasts in an upward motion. She deftly pulled the camisole shirt up and over the girls face, messing up some of the hair and revealing a old timey, lacey fishnet body suit. He wondered why she was wearing those. Was this planned? Did she know he was there? But then her head started moving around again, paranoidally looking around again.

"Is he still taking a shower?"

"Yes, yes, don't worry! I'll be quick."

"Lock the door!"

"Ok," the girlfriend said and she got up, made eye contact a third time, licked her lips, and approached him. She grabbed his cock and balls in one hand and locked the door with the other. She licked his face from jaw to forehead and turned away. She bent over more than she had to and crawled back on top of the straight haired girl. They began to kiss violently before locking lips and tonguing each other. He dropped his towel and started to dry pump his cock, clear precum dripping down his circumcised penis, leaning his right arm against the short hall wall next to him and the door.

His girlfriend jumped off her on to the mattress, deeper into the closet, grabbed the straight haired girl’s thighs and turned them towards her. He walked towards the closet, behind the girl, facing his girlfriend, still pumping his cock. She grabbed the girls ankles and pulled them straight up in the air, and then bent her knees. She lowered her mouth, but kept looking up. Her eyes flicking back and forth between the girl's and his.

"What are you looking at?"

"What, nothing, just making sure nobody's there is all."

"What? I thought you locked it?" she said as she started to turn her head.

His girlfriend grabbed her by the jaw and turned it back to her. "I did, stop worrying. Just be quiet. Relax." she said as she lowered her face again, this time immediately enveloping her vagina with her mouth.

"Oh god yes, right there, yes keep licking yes…"

He began to inch toward the closet, pumping his cock faster. His dick muscles starting to flex rhythmically and his arms perspiring. His wet hair fell in his face and quickly he combed it back with his other hand. Water droplets flew off them and hit the girl in the face. She jumped again and his girlfriend's eyes looked up and opened wide. The girl was turning her head towards him again, but this time his girlfriend didn't grab her head. She grabbed her hips again instead, and flipped her over into doggy position. The girl moved her head up, her straight hair fallen in front of her eyes, she grabbed one hand and combed it up, her eyes locking with his as her pussy juice scent wafted up. A decidedly better smelling pussy juice he noticed. Her eyes opened slightly and then her barely larger than perfectly thin eyebrows began to furrow before her eyes opened very wide again and her lips puckered out into a circle as "oooh" escaped them.

He quickly moved forward and shoved his cock four inches into her mouth, a grunt escaping her air-locked lips. He appreciated her well taken care of hair, the tiniest dark roots just showing through, for a second as he put both hands around her head, and began to fuck her mouth. He looked over and his girlfriend was looking at him, waiting to make eye contact again before she went back to fully tongue fucking the girl with the nice hair's pussy.

It wasn't long before he started to get excited and his muscles began flexing faster together. He thought about pulling out and pinching his dick to stop from coming in order to elongate this situation, but quickly said fuck it to himself, like he normally did. He began to squeeze her head and push it deeper onto his cock, when he noticed her own body flexing movement. He was about to come when she pushed him away from her and expelled a crescendo-ing, pitch raising, "oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuuuck, ohhh fuuuuuuuuuuuccccccckkk" with a pitch lowering sigh afterwards, the best Doppler effect he had ever heard.

He hadn't come yet, the push startled him and he clenched his dick muscle and then caught his breath while she let out hers.

"My turn," both he and his girlfriend said at the same time, and she pushed/rotated her around so that their faces met while her soaked pussy faced him. They both put their hands out, both of hers on her head, her hair now thoroughly intertwined, but still straight; and both of his on her ass, one on each cheek. He looked away as his girlfriend pushed the girls head down onto her own vagina and he spread her ass apart and looked at her pussy. Even after all that licking and coming, her swollen pussy was perfect. Her outer lips enveloped her almost imperceptible inner lips, and her juices were as clear as his precum and her spit all over and dripping off his dick. It was truly the most perfect pussy he'd ever seen, and he took a moment to soak it in before he sank to his knees. Her pussy almost didn't have a scent at all, except for a faint fruity smell. He had to taste it for himself.

His tongue touched her clit and she shuddered and looked back over her shoulder at him, and half-smiled as her half-closed eyes closed a little more while looking at him. She turned back to his girlfriend’s pussy as he ran his tongue up the other end. He ran his tongue back and forth a few times, flicked her clit a couple times, and then fully put his mouth over her pussy. He exhaled heavily and hotly, and then sucked. He started to actually drink her pussy juices while moving his tongue around the open to her pussy. He pulled back and slipped one finger in exploratorily, finger facing down and curled the finger down in an arc, like an upside-down "come here" gesture. He looked over at his girlfriend’s feet, dirty and blackened on the soles, next to the girl's feet, clean and manicured. He slipped another finger in and kept curling them down, feeling her vaginal wall, and craned his neck down and his head up. Her nails were painted a shiny, red, and they started to curl up. He swung his head back up and reached it around to her clit as he kept curling his fingers. Her body started to shake again as his girlfriend’s knees started to bend up and her feet started to claw into the mattress. With his other hand, his left hand, he caressed his girlfriend's ankle and started rubbing her slightly stubbled leg as it began to jerk quicker and quicker. He moved his hand over and felt the girl’s leg. It was perfectly smooth he admired as both of the women expelled another crescendo-ing ecstatic Doppler effect.

He stood up then and grabbed his cock as his girlfriend sat up. He put his right hand just above the girl's ass and pushed her ass up towards her neck as he grabbed his cock on the far end away from his tip, bare, and guided it towards her open pussy. Her pussy was actually dripping her wetness as she whispered, "please fuck me."

He pushed in towards her. Their juices met first and arced beneath them as he gently pushed himself inside her. She was warm. wet. smooth. Tight, but not clenched. Her pussy was fully relaxed and welcoming his cock as he pushed in deeper. Normally he didn't go completely in right away, especially without a condom, but he said fuck it. He slid all seven, wide inches into her and she moaned deeply, "fuuuuck meee."

He looked up then and his girlfriend looked at him a fifth time, stared for a few seconds, and then got on her knees. He pulled back his cock a little over half way and then pushed back in, again a little over half way. He kept going slightly out and slight back in, back and forth at a relaxed pace as he watched his girlfriend. She was turning around and bending over as she backed her butt up. She used her butt to push her friend's shoulders to the right and started to shimmy, skin to skin, beside her girlfriend until her ass was in line with her's.

He pulled his cock out completely from the clean girl and sidestepped to his girlfriend. He spread her ass out with his hands, then pulled it up like before with one hand and cupped her pussy with his other. It was also thoroughly wet. He slapped it a couple times before ramming his cock into her. Her big meaty inner lips swallowing his cock before getting pulled in with it. He grabbed her by the hips and started to ram her hard and fast. He normally didn't last this long but all the start and stop action somehow relaxed him. He fucked her hard, back and forth, slapping her ass into his waist over and over for a couple minutes before he let his right hand go and took it back to the other girl's. He started fingering her again, and as her body starting to twitch more, her ass angling up more and more, and her hands twisting her own nipples quicker and quicker, he slowed down fucking his own girlfriend and focusing more on fingering the other. Then he pulled out again.

He turned his attention back again fully to his girlfriend's friend and entered her again, pushing in gently and slowly like he did a few minutes earlier. He grabbed her hips too and began to fuck her harder. Slower at first, as she said, "yes, fuck me, fuck me. Fuck me harder. Give it to me. I'm your little slut that doesn't even know you. I'm just a stranger that can't help but want your cock. I want it so bad. Please fuck me harder, make me your little whore," and then faster. He began to pound her hard and fast, as fast as he could. He felt like a machine. Like he was blurring. She felt so good. Her pussy was so good. So fucking good. Her hair, fuck, it was so nice. She still had her fashion jewelry on. Her necklace swinging back and forth, bouncing down between her tits as she kept talking, "oh fuck papi, ooo papi yeah dar a mí tan duro papi, fuck, fuck, fuck," she screamed as she came again, shaking uncontrollably. He was planning on pulling out just a second before, turning her around like his girlfriend already was, and coming on both of their faces, but he was caught off guard by her Spanish. She was a blonde haired, light skinned Latin! He buried his cock into her pussy, pulling her hips closer to him, as he curled his toes and came inside her.
