Having Some Brie, Chapter 5 [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

[Chapter 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i0zv84/having_some_brie_chapter_4_fm_incest_brothersister/)

Sunlight trickled in from between the curtains, and I blinked sleep from my eyes. I had a face full of hair, and when I realized it was Brie, memories of the night before came rushing back. We were still in our underwear, lying together, skin to skin. I propped myself on an elbow and gazed down at her, smiling gently. Normally she looked as much of a slob as anybody while she slept, but now she lay there like an angel, absolutely flawless. Where did these rose-colored lenses come from?

“So fucking hot.” I had to suppress my alarm, for fear of jerking up and waking Brie. Lexi was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, legs crossed and elegantly chewing on a fingernail.

“What the fuck are you doing in here?” I hissed, neck strained and head whipping between her and Brie.

“Enjoying the view,” Lexi chuckled. “You guys are so cute together. I was wondering when she’d finally muster the courage to just go for it. Then I got tired of waiting.” She winked at me, as if she were my co-conspirator.

“You need to get out of here before she wakes up,” I warned.

“Oh, obviously. But first… Did you guys do it?”

“What? No! Of course not!”

“Why ‘of course not’? Just a matter of time, right?” She grinned as if the idea was the most delicious thing imaginable. “Alright, take it at your pace. But don’t keep me waiting too long!” With that, she slinked out of the room, giving me a little finger wave over her shoulder. Not a moment too soon, because Brie began waking up next to me. She grumbled and shaded her eyes from the light before rolling over and seeing me, yelping in surprise. After the initial shock, she pulled the covers over her face and rolled away from me.

“Good morning to you too,” I said dryly.

“Oh no…” she moaned into the covers. I gave a deep sigh and stood, scooping my clothes off the ground. When I looked back, she was studying me from behind the blankets. “What do we do now?” Her voice was quiet, timid.

“Probably make sure Lexi doesn’t get the wrong idea.” God, that sounded so stupid. Apparently Brie thought so too, because she gave me a humorless look.

“You don’t really think she doesn’t know what happened,” she said. “I mean, it’s starting to feel like she set this whole weekend up.”

“Yeah, no kidding,” I muttered under my breath. I pulled my clothes on and smoothed them out. When I noticed how quiet Brie was, I looked back at her. She was sitting up now, the covers on her lap, and she was staring at her hands.

“Are we… Are we monsters, Stef?” she whispered. I went to sit by her, taking her hands in mine. She looked up at me, and I breathed deeply.

“It’s my fault,” I said, finding it hard to swallow. “It’s like you said. I started this.”

She squeezed her eyes shut before answering. “Don’t act like I… like I didn’t want this too, Stef,” she mumbled. “You don’t have to do this. No more wishes.”

“One more wish,” I corrected. She began to protest, but I leaned in and kissed her. Her lips were so soft that for a moment, I forgot where I was. When we parted, we were both short of breath. “No other girls. Just you, Brie.”

Her blush ran all the way down her neck, and she waved me off the bed so she could get dressed. I went to the bathroom and found two toothbrushes still in the packaging, as well as a fresh tube of toothpaste. That’s right, we didn’t even brush our teeth last night. Blegh. After I freshened up, I found Lexi in the kitchen on her phone, a box of cereal on the table next to her. She perked up when she saw me, giving me an innocent smile.

“Good morning, Stef,” she said cheerfully. “Sleep well?” I gave her a withering look and she giggled. “Hey, I wanted to ask you. After you guys moved to your new place… That place has thin walls, right?”

“Part of why we’re here right now,” I answered. I didn’t want to get into specifics with her in case Brie hadn’t divulged all the details about the situation with mom.

“Well, my place doesn’t have thin walls.”

I was pouring cereal into a bowl, about to tell her that didn’t help the issue, when it clicked. I stopped and looked at her sternly, and she playfully sucked on a spoon with a salacious look in her eyes.

“Yeah, but our place doesn’t have a pervert actively listening through said walls,” I muttered, and she giggled again.

“Oh c’mon. It’s a small price to pay.”

I scoffed before turning serious. “Thank you, though. For giving us a place to stay. We literally had nowhere else to go.”

“Don’t mention it.” She paused briefly, then continued, “I know what it’s like to feel alone.” She gave the cereal box a melancholy look before instantly brightening back up. “But now you guys have me! So is it so bad to give ol’ Lex a little somethin’ somethin’ to keep her going?” She gave me a pouty look, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Please don’t tell me you want to partake?”

“Oh God no. No offense, but you’re not really my type. Plus, I don’t even wanna know what Brie’ll do if she thought I actually wanted a piece of you–”

“He’s my brother. I do my best to keep him from any dangerous flirts.” Brie walked in and sat down beside me, looking across the table at her best friend. They stared at each other for a long while, with Lexi giving her a variety of expressions ranging from teasing to suggestive to challenging. Brie, on the other hand, had never looked so deadly in her life. She still looked collected, but there was a surfeit of meaning being passed between the two. After an uncomfortable silence, they seemed to come to an understanding, or Lexi simply stopped teasing Brie, and they both burst into laughter. I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding as Lexi brought some milk out from the fridge.

“You’re a lucky guy, Stefan,” Lexi commented. “You don’t have to worry about any bad girls digging their claws in you. Your sister is ready to cut a bitch.” To my shock, Brie simply nodded in agreement. “Anyway, I was just telling Stef that you guys are welcome to stay here. Especially when you guys need a place to…” Lexi made an unintelligible and enthusiastic sound that somehow perfectly conveyed her meaning. At this, Brie bashfully looked down at her cereal, brushing a strand of hair that had escaped her ponytail.

“You’re such a freak, Lex,” Brie muttered, and Lexi weaved her fingers before resting her chin on them.

“Be glad that I am, honey,” she replied with a smirk. “So. Any plans for today?”

Lexi decided that she needed to fill out my wardrobe in preparation for any dates I went on in the near future. What this consisted of was Lexi helping Brie pick out what she liked in terms of men’s fashion, then parading me around like a show horse in whatever Brie had chosen while my sister did her best impression of a tomato. It was the weirdest outing I’ve ever been on. It wasn’t quite a date for me and Brie, especially not when the third wheel was taking the lead. Wait, that’s a tricycle.

“Well?” Lexi prompted, pushing me forward by the shoulders. It wasn’t a very complicated outfit, or even original for that matter. Black jeans and a white dress shirt that was half unbuttoned from the top, a red tie hanging unknotted around my collar, and a leather jacket thrown over my shoulder. I looked like a freaking high school delinquent from a Japanese manga.

Brie turned pink and fidgeted with her fingers in her lap while Lexi toted me around like a runway model. When, after quite a bit of teasing, Brie finally gave a small shy nod, Lexi did an actual fist pump before calling an attendant over and buying the whole outfit.

“Lexi, that’s too much,” I protested. “I appreciate it, but I can’t–”

“Nonsense,” Lexi interrupted, waving me off while pulling out a credit card from her purse. “You have me and my dad’s full support!” She gave us an impish grin. I nervously looked at the attendants to gauge their reaction, wondering if they were picking up on what was happening. Brie and I, though only fraternal twins, looked similar enough that the fact we were siblings was unmistakable. Yet if the attendants were wise to anything, they didn’t show it. “Now go change back into your own clothes so we can bag this up. Unless you two want to start a date right now…”

We both shook our heads no. I don’t think either of us were mentally ready to be in public together like that. Going to the movies the other night hadn’t been the same. There was a different atmosphere at the time, and we simply hadn’t given off the sexual tension of a couple.

Wait. There it was, an exchange of glances between the two cashiers. When one of them met my eyes again, she quickly averted her gaze, and the other cashier trotted off to talk to one of their other colleagues. Fuck.

Thankfully that was our last stop as far as shopping went. We had sushi for dinner – it felt like forever since I last had Japanese – and then Lexi drove us home. Hopefully mom’s weekend of fun was over.

“Thanks for the weekend, Lex,” Brie said, hugging her best friend after we got out the car.

“Anything for my favorite couple,” she replied, and I scratched my head awkwardly while Brie tried not to dig a hole for herself out of embarrassment. Lexi laughed and waved it off. “Well, keep me posted. And my door is always open if you two want some privacy…”

“Yeah, thanks,” I blurted, desperate to get her to stop talking. With a wink, she got back in her car and drove off, leaving the two of us standing in silence on the curb. We held for a moment before I turned and looked at the apartment building, let out a deep breath, and headed up the stairs. Low metal clangs told me Brie was close behind when I opened the front door. Mom was sitting in the kitchen, looking over a bunch of papers, and she shot to her feet when we entered.

“Kids! Oh, welcome back, my babies.” She grabbed us both in a group hug, pressing each of our faces into a shoulder. She let us straighten up before continuing. “I’m… sorry about what happened the last couple of days. I just…” She shook her head, then smiled as if to put it out of her mind. “Did you two stay with friends?”

“Yeah, Lex let us stay over,” Brie answered.

“Good, good.” Mom was nodding emphatically. I got the distinct feeling that guilt was eating her up inside, and suddenly I felt bad for her. It seemed we had all reached a breaking point, and considering what Brie and I had been up to the past few days, who was I to judge mom? I just wished she could be more subtle about it. “Kids, I… I think I got a new job.”

We all looked excited, but before we could celebrate, Brie interrupted. “Wait, this doesn’t have anything to do with…”

To her credit, mom looked mortified. “No! No, nothing like that,” she stammered, running her fingers through her hair in shame. “Two completely separate issues. Anyway, slightly shorter hours yet more pay than my current jobs combined, so that should give me at least some time to spend with you two.”

Now it was our turn to be embarrassed. If she only knew what we were doing when we were alone. To my surprise, Brie spoke up again.

“Mom. It’s okay if you need to spend your off hours… unwinding. We can just stay with Lexi again if you do.” Mom looked down at her twisting hands but didn’t argue. “She has a spare bed, and she pays for meals, so we’ll be fine.”

“As helpful as that is, you shouldn’t be taking advantage of your friend,” mom said with a frown. “She’s a sweet girl, and– Did you say she only has one free bed?” Suddenly she was looking between us, and I think my heart nearly stopped.

“She has a great couch,” I blurted. Brie’s relief was almost palpable when mom relaxed.

“Plus I think she likes the company,” she added. “She always loved sleepovers when we were kids, so, y’know. Nostalgia and all that.”

Mom looked at us for a moment, then suddenly looked like she was about to cry before pulling us into another hug. “I couldn’t have asked for better kids,” she said shakily. “Thank you, dears.” She held us at arms’ length and looked at us teary-eyed. “I promise things will get better. Just give mommy a bit more time to sort it all out.”

I smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek before stretching. “Well, I got homework. We already ate, so. Goodnight, mom.”

“Goodnight, baby.” She waved at us as we retreated to our room, and we both slumped down into our beds.

After a moment, I looked up and over at Brie. “Why didn’t you just say ‘bedroom’ instead of ‘bed?’ We already share a bedroom, it wouldn’t have been a big deal.”

“I wasn’t thinking,” she replied indignantly.

“Yeah, no shit.”

She grabbed a pen off the nightstand and winged it at me.

“And…” I continued, a playful tone entering my voice. Brie eyed me warily. “Couldn’t help but notice you volunteered to spend more time at Lexi’s place. Is that for mom’s privacy, or ours?”

She turned red and buried her face in her pillow. I chuckled appreciatively. She said something into her pillow, voice muffled, and I had to ask her to repeat herself. She looked at me and took a moment to decide if she wanted to say it again.

“Does that make me a deviant?”

“Pretty sure Lexi’s on board with that,” I muttered. “If we *are* gonna be over there more often, we need to check the guest room for spyware.”

Brie snorted. “You really think you know how to debug a room after watching a couple of spy movies? I guarantee you it’s harder than they make it look.”

“And you’re not worried about us ending up viral on YouTube?”

An array of emotions crossed her face. I think I could make out embarrassment, then arousal, then skepticism or denial. “Lexi’s my best friend. She wouldn’t do that.”

“Just like she wouldn’t eavesdrop on you doing dirty things with your brother,” I replied dryly.

“…Okay, she’s a bit of a freak.”

“A bit?”

“Don’t you have homework?” she snapped playfully. We both laughed, then started in on our assignments.

The silence was comfortable, only interrupted by the sounds of writing or pages being turned. Every once in a while we would catch each other’s eyes and exchange shy smiles before going back to work. I enjoyed it more than I’ll ever admit to her. My heart swelled with warmth at the mutual understanding and emotions for the current situation. Somehow I knew that she agreed we were in this together now. Nobody could know – except that pervert Lexi – and we would take things as slow as needed.

I’d already done most of my work on Friday, so I managed to finish early. Stretching and lying back on my bed, I kicked my legs up and watched Brie frown at the computer screen. My thoughts wandered to what she’d been browsing the last time she was on it, and I grinned. She glanced over at me.

“What’re you grinning about? You done?”

“Yeah. Just thinking about your face when we were watching On the Waltz Floor at Lexi’s place,” I chuckled. She tilted her head, then suddenly blushed when she recalled the moment I was referring to.

“That– I was just… in shock, ‘cause– I mean…” She clamped her mouth shut while I watched with amusement at her struggling to find an excuse.


“Of course.”


She practically radiated with relief when her phone pinged, and she took a moment to check it before her cheeks colored again. “Fucking Lexi,” she huffed under her breath, proceeding to tap out a response to her friend.

I hopped to my feet and grabbed a change of clothes before heading to the bathroom. After everything that had happened, a hot shower was exactly what I needed. I hummed gently to myself as I scrubbed my chest, and almost shrieked when the curtain was pulled aside. Brie was standing there in a towel and apparently nothing else. Coulda sworn I locked the door. Either I forgot, or somebody picked the lock.

“Jesus fucking Christ, Brie,” I barked. She shifted timidly from one foot to the other, not meeting my eyes. “The hell are you doing?”

“Well…” She unfurled the towel and dropped it on the closed toilet lid. I could only stand there in shock as my gaze roamed across her body. This was probably the first time I saw her nude with the lights on, at least since we were kids or something. She was in pretty good shape, but thankfully not to the point of being muscular. Her legs had good definition, a smooth flat belly that wasn’t hard with abs, and breasts on the smaller side, looking perky and firm. I swallowed, hands itching to touch them. She turned away to the side and covered herself, staring bashfully at the wall. Her long hair was down, creating a silky black curtain that blocked my view of her face.

I grabbed her by the arm and helped her into the bathtub. “Get in before you catch a cold,” I said gently, pulling the curtain back in place. I maneuvered around so that she was under the hot water. She looked up at me with doe eyes and I almost leaned down and kissed her right there. Instead I walked us out of the water to begin soaping her up, running the bar of soap across her body methodically. She sighed contentedly as my hands rubbed her skin to lather, and I started enjoying the process of covering her body in bubbles.

I paused when I got to her tits. I didn’t want this devolving into me just feeling her up for half an hour, instead of having a real shower. Besides, I wasn’t sure how comfortable she was with it all. Despite how far we’d come, we hadn’t actually touched each other like this yet. Seeing my hesitance, she looked up at me again, her lips slightly parted. I gulped, unsure what I was supposed to be reading in her expression. Was she giving me permission? Before I could ask, she took my hand and guided it to her chest, using me to apply soap to her bosom.

They’d appeared firm and perky, but they were actually softer than they looked. I think I moaned when my other hand cupped one of her tits to lather it up. We were taking turns being bold, the control of the situation shifting back and forth between us. At the moment she was holding my gaze while running the bar in my hand across her pebbled nipples. My turn now. I pulled her body to me, her tits pressing against my chest. She gave a meek exclamation, setting her hands against my shoulders. I pulled her hair to the side and started washing her back, from her bare neck to the angles of her shoulder blades to the soft pinch in her waist to the swell of her hips. I never knew backs could be so sexy.

I was in a lust-filled stupor while rubbing her plush ass when she finally spoke up again. “Um, Stef…?” Only then did I realize that my member was standing at attention and pressing into her pelvis. I stepped away and mumbled some kind of unintelligible apology, but she only turned around and pressed her slippery ass into me, leaning back into my chest. We’d switched again and she was taking the lead, using my hand again to wash her supple midriff. My length was sandwiched between her buttocks, and I let out a weak groan whenever she moved. She was starting to realize the power she had over me, and she looked back at me teasingly. I sucked in a sharp breath when our hands roamed down to between her legs. Through the bar of soap, it felt spongy, and I moaned again and cupped one of her breasts, unable to help myself.

Her voice joined mine, and she ground against me as we rubbed her core. Our panting quickened, our movements becoming more frantic. My lips were caressing her ear, whispering her name as we each got closer to release. And suddenly we broke apart, turning to look at each other with a wild look in our eyes. I’m not even sure which of us did it, but I think we were both afraid of going too far, at least in one session or even one day. She took the soap from me with forced calmness and lathered her legs before stepping into the water to rinse herself. Then she stepped out, wrapped herself in her towel, and left without another word.

I found her sitting on her bed with a novel, eating chips out of a bag as if she’d been here the whole time and this was the most erotic gaslighting ever. I sat on my bed and checked my phone, deciding to text Drew.

**Me:** Hey, are you back yet?

**Drew:** Just got back a couple hours ago

**Drew:** Why, missed me? ;D

**Me:** As if. Just bored with nothing to do

**Me:** Weekend’s been crazy though

**Drew:** Oh? More crazy than mine? What’d you get up to?

As if I could tell him any of that. Yet I couldn’t claim that I was hanging out with any of our other friends, because they couldn’t corroborate my story.

**Me:** Just family stuff

**Drew:** Oh shit, is it your dad again?

**Drew:** I swear that pos sob needs to get fucked up

**Me:** Chill. It’s nothing like that

**Drew:** ???

**Drew:** Did you do something with Brie then?

I broke out into a cold sweat. I was sure he was just taking a shot in the dark, especially if he had a crush on Brie, but I couldn’t help that a small part of me was terrified that he somehow knew. I had to think of something else.

**Me:** Nah it’s something about my mom. Tell you tmr

**Drew:** Aight cool. Ttyt then

I considered how bad it would be to tell him about mom’s misadventures, then settled on just telling him about her new job. Better to let him think I exaggerated when I said “crazy” than give him a peek at all the chaos engulfing us.

I set my phone on the nightstand and suddenly felt just how tired I was. Tomorrow was a school day anyway, so turning in early wasn’t strange. As if reading my mind, Brie closed her book and folded her bag of chips up, then left for the bathroom. Was she acting… aloof? We usually left each other alone during what would have been our private time, were we in separate rooms. But with all that was happening, it just struck me as odd. Was I developing attachment issues? I groaned and folded the covers over myself as Brie walked back in. She turned the lights off and settled into bed, before patting a spot of mattress next to her.

I sighed and lay down, staring at the ceiling and letting my mind wander before sleep took me. Brie cleared her throat and I could hear her pat her mattress again. I looked over to find that she was still sat upright, not looking at anything in particular. She delicately brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and patted the mattress again, and my eyes narrowed. Slowly, I got out of my bed and stepped over to hers. She lay down and turned her back to me, shuffling away and leaving a large strip of bed and blanket unused. So that’s how she was playing things. The attitude of if we didn’t talk about it, then it wasn’t really happening. Or it wasn’t really wrong.

I climbed into her bed, pulling the covers over me and snuggling close to her. Her skin was cool to the touch, and I pulled her against me to spoon. She sighed appreciatively and rested a hand on mine, which was wrapped around her waist.

I held my beautiful sister all through the night, finally indulging myself by listening to her breathing and feeling her heartbeat on my chest. Whatever it is we had, we were both committed to protecting and continuing it, and for the first time in months I finally felt at peace.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i5648g/having_some_brie_chapter_5_fm_incest_brothersister


  1. Just found your work with the 5th chapter. This is pure gold. Typically I’m not one for this type of incest taboo. But holy hell am I hooked! Can’t wait to see more of this story

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