[FM] I spent years being pimped out to men

So, I’ve never spoken about this with anyone but I recently got thinking about it again so thought I’d post it here.

I became friends with an older guy who ended up being a pimp and after some chatting, I agreed to be one of his girls. He owned multiple strip joints so I’d work there, dancing and stripping but he also ran a secret sex club within the strip club. Guys would go to him and ask to have some fun with one or more of the girls. He would ask the girls if they were ok with it and if they were then things went ahead. All guys had to be clean and info was given like where they lived and such. This was to make sure that if the guys lied about being clean or did something the girls didn’t want, then they could be hunted down later on.

I’d sometimes spend all hours of the night being fucked by random guys I didn’t know of the name of. I’d also usually be drugged up by some point in the night as well. Our boss would also pick a girl to have for himself and I sometimes got picked which meant a lot of rough hard sex mixed with tons of drugs.

This was my life day in day out for a couple of years until my birth control failed and I ended up getting pregnant. I quickly stopped taking drugs and decided I’d have the child. My pimp supported me financially throughout and I when the child she was given to a lovely couple. I feel back into my old life for a couple of months but then stopped completely.

I still hook up with my old pimp once in a while and go to his strip club to see some of the girls I used to work with. I see my daughter often as I’m close to the couple who adopted her.

My life is a lot more boring now but safer though I can’t lie that I do miss it every once in a while.

Questions are welcome but please message me them so the comments don’t get clogged up and others don’t try to answer for me.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i4xbyv/fm_i_spent_years_being_pimped_out_to_men


  1. This is called sex trafficking. You sould be in contact with the police, not posting on here.

  2. Are you in the US or UK? Loads of questions – can I hit you up over email?

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