My Life As a Massage Therapist [MF] The Johnsuns Part 1?

Hello potential readers! This is my first time writing and posting a story on any platform. Any advice, criticism, words of encouragement, etc would greatly appreciated. I would like to add a few disclaimers. As this is my first story there will be a few tidbits I want to go over that are important to me. There will also be quite a bit of set-up as this is the beginning of a rather lengthy experience. If the desire is there and I’m not overly atrocious at this I would like to post what happens next. I sincerely hope you all enjoy and without further ado lets dive in!

I am a licensed massage therapist and this is a testy subject matter for me. Being a massage therapist has it’s stigma. I am in no way attempting to condone my actions. No money transactions have occurred in any of my interactions that may be discussed on this subreddit and proper consent forms were discussed, agreed upon and filled out. With that being said massage therapists are NOT sex workers. Please do not take this or any other massage related story on this subreddit as a reflection of the profession. If you have any questions please feel free to ask as I would love to answer them to the best of my ability as long as they are within reason. Please be respectful to the profession, myself and those around you. Thank you for sticking with me so far. If you would like to skip to the steamy bit look for the asterisks.

I am lucky enough to have my own private practice as a massage therapist. I do mainly mobile work, which means I pack up my massage table, sheets, product, blankets, etc and bring them to my client’s homes.

I’ve been the go-to massage therapist for the Johnsun’s for several years now. I have had the pleasure to grow and hone my craft alongside this wonderful family and many others. This particular day at the office was pretty easy for me. Four 60 minute massages and a 120 minute massage. Normally they all get an hour but today was a birthday.

I get everything packed up and start my drive to the Johnsun residence. I remember it being a gorgeous day. I pull up and while I’m grabbing my gear I can hear laughter coming from inside. As soon as I knock the door swings open and there’s Mr. Johnsun. God damnit he’s a beautiful man. I hope to look half that good as some point in my life. Standing around 6’3″ with the body of what I imagine the Greek gods looked like. Tan with that legendary salt and pepper stubble framing the emeralds he has for eyes and a smile that makes you feel just how happy he is. Handshakes and pleasantries are exchanged as I step in. They do not skimp on their spa days. Robes all around, oil diffusers aplenty, add in some birthday banners and balloons in this beauty of a house filled with smiling laughing faces. Rhys (Mr. Johnsun) and I walk through the house eventually leading to a small living room we use as the massage studio. We usually chat while I’m setting up the table and in no time I have everything set up. We continue talking while we walk back through the house towards the laughter that has yet to die down.

We enter the main living room and there’s Evelyn (20), Erica (19), Embla (16) and their mother Emily (40?) watching some Jim Gaffigan standup. Side note if you’re looking for a family friendly laugh or twelve look him up. Easily one of my favorite comedians and he’s been crushing it on YouTube during this pandemic. Rhys asks if I’d like the usual glass of water and I take him up on the offer. As we both walk towards the kitchen I hear my name yelled out from behind. Turning around it’s a swarm of orange and blue fuzz running at me. Erica, the birthday girl, nearly head-butting me as she jumps and wraps her arms around me followed by her little sister Embla running around to my right side and doing the same. These girls had known me for years by this point so it wasn’t uncommon to receive a welcome this warm. Emily walks past squeezing my arm, “It’s been too long MassageStories, how have you been?”.

It had only been five or six weeks compared to our usual four, I wish I could receive massages that frequently! “I’ve been well! I haven’t been too busy so I’m ready to give some massages.”

“You sure you’re able to do six full hours of massage today? We’re putting you through the wringer today!” Oh how it turned out to be true, in more ways than one.

Finally Embla lets me go and scampers into the kitchen behind her mother. I hear Evelyn from behind Erica, “holding that hug for quite a while…”.

It was a running joke for a while that both Evelyn and Erica had a crush on me. They loved to tease and embarrass each other and even attempt to embarrass me.

Erica immediately snapped around, “geez somebody’s jealous”.

I can’t help but laugh when I hear the ooooohs erupt from the kitchen. Evelyn just scoffed and walked past the two of us towards the kitchen. Me being the antagonist I am couldn’t pass up the opportunity. “Wow Eve no hug for you long time crush? Everybody else gave me a warm welcome.” More oooohs filled the room as she turned around to face me. Met with a glare and a face beginning to flush, a few resilient steps and she buried her face in my chest and wrapped her arms around me. “You’re the worst…” she said loud enough for everybody to hear. We all laughed and Eve walked back towards the kitchen.

Taking a drink of water I ask the family what the order will be today. Mr and Mrs. Johnsun look at each other as it’s usually them that go first and second. “You go first baby” Emily says. He takes zero seconds to rebuttal before saying with a smile on his face, “Alright I’ll go hop on the table.”

Rhys and I had a great session. He’s easily the most difficult one to massage as his sheer muscle mass alone gives me quite the workout. It’s always nice to get the most difficult massage out of the way first, all downhill from there! Emily is up next and she’s a cakewalk to massage. Self care is clearly an importance to her and it not only shows but you can tell on the massage table. Standing at about 5’5″ with a lean toned body. I am in no way a bra-cup expert but I’d guess maybe she’s a 30 or 32B with an incredibly tight bubble butt. Her muscles feel like soft rubber, incredibly healthy making my job so so easy. With her long auburn hair up in a bun and her lightly tanned-olive complexion, I can’t help but admire and be jealous of Mr. Johnsun. We finish our session together and I change the sheets over on the table.

I head out to the living room where the girls are all sitting on their phones, surprise surprise. “Alright ladies who’s next?” Erica says she wants to go last so Eve and Embla talk it over, ultimately deciding Eve will be next. With an okee doke she stands up still staring at her phone and walks off towards the massage table. I fill up my water and relax for a few before slowly walking towards the small living room. She finally calls out that she is all ready and I enter the the room.

I inquire as to what we’re working on, anything new I need to be made aware of, etc. You know all those fun pre-massage questions. “Shoulders, low back and legs please.” For the most part our session is fairly quiet compared to her parents’. Now is as good a time as any to go over how Eve looks. A little taller than her mom, maybe 5’6″ or 5’7″ with a softer physique. Still toned and lean she clearly takes excellent care of herself for being a college student. Wavy auburn hair pulled up into a bun just like her moms was. Again I am in no way a bra-cup expert but they’re close to if not the same size as her mom’s. Also just like her mom she has an incredibly tight bubble butt. I can only imagine how much attention she gets up on campus.

I finish up her back, shoulders and arms and move onto the backs of her legs. Immediately I notice how taut her calves and hammies are. “Yup this is gonna hurt” she says through shallow teethy breaths. I laugh and tell her it doesn’t have to, I can ease up if she’d like.

“Nope I need it, kick my ass I can take it!”

“Alright remember you asked for it. Tap out if you need to.”

With long strokes going from her achilles’ tendon all the way up through her glutes she does a great job breathing through the discomfort. Teethy shallow breaths turn into deep relaxed breaths even with me exchanging both hands for a forearm. Sinking my elbow in and bending her leg up at the knee I begin a pin and stretch of her glute medius and minimus. I love this, such an excellent way to open up the hips. Just like that we’re done with the stretch and I make nice with some kneading with a closed fist and jostling. Now when jostling the hips and glutes, it can be kinda obvious if you ladies are aroused or not from the sound. It’s honestly not a big deal, a natural physiological response to increased blood flow just like some guys get an erection on the table. I notice it and move on to the other leg. A lot of the same, the only difference being there is WAY more glide the closer I get to her glutes and the amount of heat coming from what I can imagine is perfection is clearly noticeable. I again notice and move on. We finish up with her left leg, re-drape and proceed to tent the blanket and sheet at her back. “Alright Ms. Johnsun time to get you turned over!”


She groggily turns over and scoots down towards the foot of the table. Opening her eyes while doing so and looking up into mine, we both smile.

“I missed you MassageStories” she said softly.

“Eve you’re too sweet it hasn’t been that much longer from the usual silly.” While undraping her right leg.

“That’s still over a month. We don’t get to see you nearly enough.”

Eve has always been a sweetheart to me but I remember being a bit taken back at this point. But again making light of everything and being a cheeky shit, “are you saying you want to see me more Eve?”.

She sits up and locks eye contact with me, yes locks not makes eye contact. There’s a difference and anybody who has experienced it can feel the difference.

“What if I am?”

I leaned in with a smile on my face. “Well maybe we can tell your family about you confessing how badly you want…” just like that I was interrupted by Evelyn planting a kiss right on my lips.




Is what is running through my head before I realized I was kissing her back. No tongue, just passion and soft moans. It felt like minutes but in reality it was probably only 5 seconds. I finally lean away and lock eye contact with the intent to say something professional and nip this in the butt before it gets out of control… but nothing comes to mind. I’m locked into her shockingly green eyes when I notice in my peripherals the blanket and sheet are no longer covering her breasts. This doesn’t help me think of something to say as I’m now riding the struggle bus resisting the urge to look down and admire this beautiful woman’s body. Again this feels like an eternity when it’s probably only another 5 seconds.

“Eve…” interupted again.

This time her tongue parts my lips and god damnit I give in again. My hands leave her leg and find their way to cup her face. She is a VERY good kisser, passionate and playful. Quickening breaths and moans are what broke the silence. I’m slowly pushing her down back onto the massage table. I finally lean away and look into her eyes once more. My heart and mind are racing by this point. I know this is not okay. This family has welcomed me into their home for years and now I’m making out with their oldest daughter on my massage table under their roof. I’m sure Eve could tell I was in my head and she did an excellent job of taking me out of my head and into my instincts. With a devilish smile she pulled my beard towards her.

“You little s…” is all I could get out before our lips collided once again and the world flew away.

I reach my right hand up under her head and grab a fistful of hair right out of the bun it was in. A hungry moan leaves her lips as I feel her hand leave my beard and make it’s way to my belt.

“Whoa whoa whoa” I say quietly leaning away from our kiss.

“Eve this is fucking crazy you realize…” yet again I’m interrupted by her lips. I can’t help but kiss her back but quickly break away.

“Eve fuck!” I said as softly and sternly as possible while sitting up and turn to look straight ahead.

I will say before continuing there will be an intermission from the sexy times spoiler alert. Just like before if you want to skip ahead look for the asterisks.

I’m now sitting on the left side of the massage table looking off at the wall, doing my best to reground myself so I take control of the situation.

“I’m sorry, let’s talk” Eve says as she sits up and kisses my shoulder.

We proceed to get everything hashed out relatively quickly. I won’t go into all the details as I’m unsure if there is a big demand for that sort of content but here are the cliff notes: Evelyn and I agreed the attraction was mutual and that we need to be adults about it. We agreed we wanted to fool around, nobody needed to know and things don’t need to be weird. I went into details on my position as the licensed professional. That I can’t accept pay if something sexual happens between us in a session and after that we discussed a consent form. She assured me she had no desire to tell anybody or attempt to file a lawsuit but luckily she was very understanding of my position. Form was signed, yes I keep them on me just in case. To those of you curious if I’m breaking said form by writing and posting this story: Both parties are aware of and consent to this story being written and posted. The form has been updated and signed.


I’ll add during our discussion she in no way tried to cover up so I had plenty of time to admire the tatas I had so badly wanted to admire earlier. Incredibly perky for their size in my opinion, with cute little nipples close to the same shade as her skin.

She lays back down and we continued her massage.

“It’s a shame we only have an hour today. Guess we’ll have to get to the *deep* work next time.”

I finish a long massage stroke up her leg and begin the massage the proximal heads of her quadriceps and adductors (inside of the upper leg). She takes a sharp breath in while opening her eyes.

“You’re bad, you tease.”

“Oh I’m a tease?”

“Mmmmhmmmm” she hummed with a big smile.

Slowly I leaned down til a nipple was in my mouth. At the same time my right hand slid over to the source of a lot of her tension. We all know where I’m talking about. My left hand shot up to shush her as she let out a moan. As I slowly massaged her glistening lips she began to slowly gyrate her hips and moan into my hand. She was being too loud for my comfort so I moved up and began kissing her. This did nothing but make her louder. Breaking the kiss I tell her she needs to keep it down or everybody is going to hear her.

“How about you make me be quiet…” she says with a delicious smile.

“Oh it’s like that?”


My first thought was to take her panties and stuff them in her mouth but she was in a robe and was already naked when the massage started. On a hunch I walked over to her robe that was hanging on the bathroom door. Reached my hand in the pocket…. nothing. FUCK! Reached into the other pocket…. viola. A cute little green thong that matched her robe. I turn around to find Eve sitting up looking perplexed at me. I hold up what I found and her eyes widen and she bites her bottom lip. Closing the distance quickly I pin her back down on the table and begin kissing her. Reaching out to touch me I quickly foil her plans by grabbing her wrists and pin them together above her head. Sternly I tell her to stay and grab the pillow case I use for the face pillow cover. I then tie her wrists down to said face pillow and it’s frame. Knowing that being tied down isn’t for everybody I check in. One fuck yes later and we continue. Giving her one final kiss I lean back and tell her to open her mouth. She eagerly does so and slowly in goes her balled up thong. I bring my hand up to cover her mouth making sure to not cover her nose. Always covering my bases I tell her if she needs anything to change, snap her fingers or just start kicking me. I always like to give a cheeky option, lightens it up a bit. She nods and I begin to kiss down her neck, chest and stomach. Playfully making sure to nibble here n there while my right hand teased around her bucking hips. Soft whimpers and moans turn into sighs of satisfaction as my hand finally makes contact with her aching pussy. I look up at the clock to find I only have minutes to work with. Challenge accepted.

Gradually applying more pressure and backing off. More pressure and backing off. I make sure my fingers are well lubricated courtesy of her and slowly glide a single finger in. Once it’s all the way in I reach up and there’s the button. Her eyes shoot open and she does her best to sit up. I can’t help but laugh a bit through my smile. Short quick breaths and what sounds like a super muffled “oh my god” was her response. Her head relaxes back down on the table as I slowly slide my finger out. I can’t help but bring my finger up and taste. She is intoxicatingly sweet. So sweet and delicious that it changes my plans.

I lean down and whisper in her ear, “Eve I’m gonna need you to keep it down as quiet as you can cause I’m going to take my hand off your mouth okay?”

I can tell she’s humming sarcastically with that little body wiggle of hers. I’m not about this game I’m on the clock. “If you don’t keep it down you don’t get to cum.”

She snaps a glare of what the fuck, telling me she is NOT okay with that outcome. Mockingly I hum back “mmmmhmmmm…. glad I have your attention now.”

With that I climb up on the table, position myself between her spread legs, grip the inside of her legs and spread them wider while I lick and kiss the sensitive and ticklish skin just adjacent to where all that heat is coming from. This doesn’t last for long as I slowly drag my tongue up her lips and over her clit. Her hips buck at the latter and I look up to see her looking down at me, begging me with her eyes while her chest heaves. God damnit she’s perfect. I reposition and put two fingers in my mouth. I know I can’t take my sweet time like I want to. I begin flicking my tongue over her clit softly while I sink two fingers in, ever so slightly wiggling them up and down. Again once they’re all the way in I reach up and begin to massage the hot spot. If I couldn’t already feel it her sharp breaths through her nose and weakening eyes would tell me I found it.

“Remember be quiet” I say softly as I proceed to push her over the edge as fast as possible.

An elongated come hither with the fingers and a steady pressure and rhythm with my tongue has her legs slowly wrapping around my head before the vice grip and spasms kick in. Once it hit I gotta say she did an incredible job of staying quiet. Painfully quiet body spasms with an open mouth wide enough that I could see the thong. Mission accomplished :D Feeling proud of myself and like my cock is going to burst I slowly slide my fingers out. Giving one final lick and kiss I climb off the table, reach up and take the now drenched thong out of her mouth and replace it with the same two fingers I used to get her off. She hungrily sucks them clean while she stares up at me.

“Good girl”

I untie her wrists and walk to the head of the massage table. Massaging her ears as a finale I say aloud “there you are Ms. Johnsun you’re good as new!”

She laughs and rolls over onto her stomach, hops up on her knees and gives me a kiss. “Holy shit MassageStories!”

Wow this became WAY longer than I was expecting. I was hoping the fit the whole day into a single story but I guess that’s just not going to happen with my current tempo. Hopefully you all enjoyed! If the desire is there I will more than likely continue, this was a lot of fun to write. Again any comments would be appreciated! Hopefully you make them as painless as possible and we’ll chat soon :)



  1. Loved it, man! Top notch! I really appreciate the emphasis on consent and professionalism. (I’m a therapist as well, but a different kind.)
    And the sex was very well written! Passed the boner test for me!
    One slight edit I might make…. it would be helpful if you made it clearer that you were male nearer to the top of the story. It wasn’t until you made reference to your beard way further down that I knew for sure you were a dude.

  2. I can’t wait to hear what happened during the rest of the day

  3. I’m sending you private message, as you changed my whole universe. I’m a massage therapist as well.

  4. I love the way you write! Also some info on you, it took me a while to confirm if you were male even just a general description would be a good addition!

  5. Well, if that is just part 1 of the day, then WOW! I guess we’re in for a ride! I do hope that part 2 gets posted soon.

    This story is very descriptive and well written.

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