Repost: Samara’s Way [MF]

*My first erotica story written in 2005.*

Samara’s Way

“Damn it, Sam! Three months till the wedding and I haven’t even selected the menu yet!”

Samera sat quietly on the soft leather couch and watched in amusement as her sister searched frantically from room to room.

“What are you looking for, Joy?” she asked while popping a green apple jelly bean into her mouth.

“My caterer, Zeke, is coming over and I have to find my planning folder. I have to give him the menu selections.”

*Zeke. What a weird name for a man.* Samera thought to herself as she chewed the candy, savoring its luscious mixture of sweet and sour tastes.

Her sister stopped abruptly in front of her. She had her hands poised on her hips and her face was contorted with aggravation.

“You’ve seen my planner, haven’t you Sam?”

“Nah,” Samera replied. “It’s my eyes, remember? You said earlier that they’re getting bad due to me getting old.”

“You’ve only turned 35, Sam. Damn, can’t you take a joke?”

Samera popped another green apple jelly bean into her mouth and smiled like the Chestshire cat as she chewed. Her sister sighed heavily and rolled her eyes, before stomping out the living room.

Today was Samera’s birthday, but it wasn’t like she had anything really to celebrate. Her lack of a social life and lackluster love life made the special occasion just another ordinary day for her. She figured she had nothing else better to do than help with the final plans for her younger sister’s upcoming wedding.

“I found it!” her sister yelled from the bedroom.

*It’s about damn time,* Samera thought. She popped three jelly beans into her mouth and closed her eyes as she chewed. She almost moaned aloud as the juices in her mouth overflowed with the triple-whammy of tart fruity flavor.

She opened her eyes to find her sister standing in front of her again, this time with a sympathetic look on her face.

“What?” Samera asked.

“You should be out celebrating your birthday and having a ball. Instead, you’re here with me, listening to my shenanigans about this wedding.”

“Believe me, Sis. Birthdays are no big deal to me.”

“Well, it should be. You live only once and every birthday should be a celebration. Hey, maybe we can go out to the club tonight.”

“The club?” Samera asked with a frown.

“Yeah,” her sister replied. “You and I get loose, get our dance on…. Maybe hook you up with a man who can FUCK you properly.”

“Joy! Why do you have to be so foul?” Samera exclaimed. She looked through narrow eyes at her sister laughing hysterically. Just when she was about to voice more of her disgust, the doorbell rang.

“That’s Zeke!” her sister said excitedly and skipped to the front door. Samera could hear her sister greeting a gentleman and asking him to come inside. She tossed a jelly bean into the air and was about to catch it in her mouth when the gentleman walked into the room and caught her immediate attention.

She looked at him with her mouth still open. The jelly bean struck the top of her head.

“Ezekiel, this is my sister Samera,” her sister introduced.

*Sweet Jesus!* Samera’s brain sang as she looked at him. He was over six feet in height, about 210 pounds of solid muscled body. His skin was a smooth honey-caramel color that complemented the warm whiskey coloring of his eyes. Having a bald head and dressed in well-fitted blue jeans and black t-shirt, he could pass for Vin Diesel’s twin, if he had one.

“Sam, close your mouth dear.” Her sister’s voice broke her trance.

After physically closing her mouth with her hand, Samera stood up and extended her arm to shake hands with the gentleman.

“Nice to meet you, Ezekiel,” she said with embarrassment.

“You can call me Zeke,” he replied with a smile that almost liquefied her legs.

Samera returned a smile of her own, then quickly returned to her seat on the couch before her legs gave out on her.

“Uh, Zeke,” her sister said, “If you wait here, I can go back to my bedroom and get the menu out of my planner. We can go over the menu selections when I return.”

“Sure, Joy,” he replied taking a seat on the leather arm chair directly across from the couch. Samera couldn’t help but notice how nicely the front of his jeans stretched along with the coiled muscles of his thighs. She quickly shifted her eyes to the coffee table in front of her, hoping that he didn’t catch her looking.

The ringing of a cell phone interrupted what seemed like an eternity of silence between Samera and the caterer. Recognizing the ring tone, Samera left the couch to retrieve her cell phone from the dining room table. As she answered the phone, she quickly realized it was her sister calling.

“Hey big sis, it’s me,” she said cheerfully.

“Joy? Why are you calling me? Wait, where the hell are you?”

“I wanted to wish you a very happy birthday,” she replied.


“I hope you enjoy!”


*Is that her Mustang I hear?* Samera wondered until she looked out the window and saw her sister backing her car out the driveway. She was about to start cussing into the phone until she heard Zeke’s voice.

“Happy birthday, Samera.”

She turned to find Zeke behind her. He was leaning against the wall, with his hands in the front pockets of his jeans and a sheepish grin on his face. Samera’s eyes went from his grin, to his bare chiseled chest, down to the chair where his t-shirt was laying.

“Uh, you dropped something,” she said. Her mouth suddenly became dry.

Zeke glanced over to where his shirt was and smiled. He returned his gaze to her with a slight intensity to his eyes.

“There will be more added with the shirt,” he replied.

“You…you…you’re not a caterer?” she asked trying not to stutter.


“You’re a stripper, right?”

“No. Let’s say I’m an ‘escort’,” he replied with that same smile that almost did her legs in earlier.

Samera suddenly realized what her sister had done.

*I’m going to FUCKING KILL Joy!* Her mind screamed. *That cow hired a male prostitute for my birthday!!!*

Her legs succeeded to melt away. With her vision spinning, she started to fall to the floor.

In a swift motion, Zeke caught her by the arms and gently lead her back to her seat on the couch. The heat from his hands was enough to snap her back to her senses. She sat up abruptly and seized a couple of inches to sit away from Zeke.

“Are you okay?” he softly asked.

She was speechless. And worse yet, she was stuck on stupid.

“It’s okay. Your sister has engaged me to you for only a couple of hours. We can just sit here and talk, if you like.”

Samera was finally able to find her voice.

“I’m sorry, Zeke. I hope I’m not offending you.”

“No offense taken,” he replied.

“I just can’t believe my sister would stoop as low as to hire a male prostitute for my birthday.”

“She didn’t only hire me because it was your birthday.”


“Your sister has told me that you needed some help in the intimacy department.”

“OH FUCKING GREAT!” Samera exclaimed. “Details at 6!”

“Six?” he asked, inching close enough that she felt his knees touching hers.

“The six o’clock news,” she answered. Her eyes made contact with the softness and expression of concern in his.

Zeke softly chuckled and Samera began to feel more at ease with him.

“I’m sure a lovely lady such as yourself would have plenty of lovers.”

Samera giggled nervously, almost too loudly. “Lovers? No. Jelly beans? Yes. Plenty of those.”

He chuckled again and took her hand into his. Sensing his sincerity, she did not take her hand away.

“Okay, then maybe *a* lover who can please you?”

“I know what you’re getting at. You mean a man who can make me have orgasms?”

“Well, do you?”

“The guy I’m with is very good in bed.”

“Oh? How would you know?”

Samera opened her mouth but was unable to answer him. She looked at him with uncertainty in her eyes. Zeke leaned closer until she felt as if they were sharing the same breath of air.

*Damn, is it me or is it getting hot in here?* She asked in her thoughts.

“Have you ever told him, or even, asked him what you wanted?” he asked.

“Tell him…. Why should I tell him? Shouldn’t he know already?”

This time Zeke laughed. Shaking his head, he replied with only one word, “Women.”

Somewhat annoyed, Samera retorted, “What about women?”

“Always thinking that it’s improper or unlady-like to be vocal when it comes to sex.”

“I’m glad you find that so humorous.”

“Well then, *tell me* something. Does he play, tease or even kiss you?”

“Of course, he kisses me.”

“Like this?” he asked and leaned forward until their lips touched. His movement surprised her, but she did not move away from him. The tip of his tongue slowly licked at the seam of her mouth until she parted her lips. She was pleasantly shocked that he didn’t attempt to shove his tongue into her mouth. Instead he nibbled at her lower lip, made short darted licks at her upper lip, then gently trailed kisses along her jawline to her neck. He nipped at the soft flesh until she almost cried out.

*Oh, shit!* Samera’s thoughts cursed as she felt the strong pull of heat going between her legs.

When he sat back and looked at her, he asked, “How was that?”

“That…was okay,” she replied breathlessly. “And no, he does not kiss me like that.”

“Then you should tell him.”

“Yeah, right.” Her response was that of cynicism.

“You know what you want. You’re just too chicken-shit to say it.”


“You heard me.” He said looking at her with a dare in his eyes. “In fact, why don’t you tell me what you want right now?”

Samera became flustered with his question and curtly said with attitude, “Hell if I know!”

“Okay, I’ll make it a little easy for you. Do you want me to kiss you?”

*With the sexy way you’re looking right now, I want more than a kiss* she thought lasciviously to herself.

“Yes,” she said softly, close to a whisper.

Zeke leaned his ear closer to her mouth. “I can’t hear you, chicken-shit,” he teased.

She opened her mouth for an angry reply, but Zeke swiftly grabbed her by the shoulders and deeply kissed her. This time his kiss was more urgent and passionate. His tongue moved over hers until both were rolling in an erotic dance. As his mouth traveled along her jawline again, she took the opportunity to explore his solid chest with her hands. The fine hairs tickled her palms and she could feel the heat radiating from him with much intensity.

His trail of kisses ended at her earlobe, where he took the fleshy point between his teeth and bit down gently.

*Oh fuck!*

“I take it you really liked that,” he whispered in her ear. Samera didn’t realize that what she just thought, she actually said out loud.

“Tell me what you want, Samera,” his whisper hot in her ear. All she could do was groan in reply.

“Do you want me to touch you?” he asked.

“Yes.” This time she made sure her voice was clear enough for him to hear. She felt his hands move from her shoulders to the lower hem of shirt, reaching underneath until she felt them on her abdomen. She leaned back onto the couch to give him more access.

Zeke returned his kisses to the area between her neck and right shoulder that she knew was super sensitive. She moaned out loud as she felt his hands travel up her body to cover bare breasts.

“Mmm, no bra,” he murmured into her neck. He began to play with her nipples, rolling them between his thumbs and index fingers. When she moaned her approval again, he asked, “Do you like that, Samera?”

“Hell, motherfucking yes,” she growled. She could feel the smile on his lips when he commented, “You have quite a mouth on you, young lady.”

“I’m not feeling like a lady right now,” she growled, her body burning with need.

After a soft chuckle, Zeke grabbed the lower end of her shirt and lifted it over head, taking it completely off. Nestling close to her body, he asked, “Would you like for me to continue?”

Samera lost her voice again.

“Tell me.” He said in a firm whisper. He leaned down and took one hard nipple into his mouth. He sucked gently at first, then increased the pressure until Samera felt like she was going to explode. She reached up to hold his head as if clinging on for dear life.

He released her nipple from his mouth but continued to roll the other one with his fingers. In a low but husky voice he said, “You see, Samera, I care enough to already know what you want. But I want you to control this. I want you to have it your way. Now *tell me what you want!”*

Samera took a hard swallow. “I want you to suck on me.”

“Good, girl,” he said and seized her other nipple with his mouth. He sucked, played and teased her nipples for several minutes, causing her moans to escalate in volume.

“Zeke!” she called out. Her fever-pitched tone made him pause.

“You need something, Samera?”

“I need more,” she said, almost not recognizing the sound of her own voice.

“Tell me, baby.”

Instead of saying anything, Samera took Zeke’s hand and placed it between her legs.

“Good, girl,” he replied and pressed his hand onto her mound. The pressure from his hands did relieve some of the tension she felt down there, but it still wasn’t enough.

“I need you to touch me deeper,” she moaned out.

Zeke removed his hand from between her legs, unbuttoned and pulled down the zipper of her jeans. He quickly removed her jeans and underwear, leaving her completely naked before him.

“You are fucking gorgeous, Samera.” His voice of appreciation was raspy.

“I’m glad you like, Zeke. Now put those big hands of yours to use.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he obliged.

Zeke placed his lips on her abdomen, kissing her heated skin, as he slid his hand from her knee to the erotic space between her legs. Samera gasped when she felt his fingers part her slick folds and found the sensitive nub in between. Using his index finger, he began to make small circular motions around her clit.

“Shit, baby, this pussy is soaking wet for me.”

Samera stifled a giggle between her pants. “That’s quite a mouth you have on you, young man.”

“Baby,” he replied, “with the way you feel in my hand, all my manners have flown out the window.”

Samera could feel the tension deep in her abdomen building as Zeke continued to rub and tease her clit. He moved his head up slightly so that he could latch onto her hardened peak of a nipple again. She almost screamed when she felt one of his fingers enter her.

“Oh God, that feels too good!” she exclaimed.

While he moved is finger in and out of her canal, he asked, “You want more?”

“Hell yeah.”

At her reply, Zeke inserted another finger and increased the movements of his hand. Samera began to move her hips to match the motion of his hand. When she felt loose and slick enough, he proceeded to insert a third finger and continued the in-and-out motions.

Samera lifted her hips off the couch in order to feel his fingers moving deeply within her. The burning tension she felt low in her abdomen and the desire she felt all over was almost unbearable.

“Zeke, I need your mouth.”

“Where do you want it, Samera?”

“Down there.”

*“What* is down there?”

Between pants, she almost yelled, “My pussy! I want your mouth on my pussy!”

“Now that’s my girl!”

Zeke eased himself down until his mouth was level with her channel. He first flicks his tongue at her engorged bud, and then ran his tongue over the length of her opening. He took her clit between his lips and began to suckle, long and hard.

Samera’s hips bucked as she pressed herself more to Zeke’s mouth. She could the feel the hot tension in her abdomen overflow into an explosion of pure ecstasy.

She broke into a million pieces.

The wave of her orgasm was so powerful that all she could do was desperately hold onto Zeke’s head and scream out his name.

Zeke released her and began kissing her inner thighs. He patiently waited as she whimpered and fought to regain control of her breathing.

Once she felt grounded again, she looked down at Zeke with a devilish grin.

“Yes, Samera?” he asked when his gaze met hers.

“Now, I want you to drop those jeans and show me what you’re working with.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

He slowly stood up with a large sexy smile spreading across his face. Samera reached down between her legs and began to sensually play in her own wetness.

“If you keep that up, I’m going to come in my jeans,” Zeke said. He watched her intently as he removed his jeans and boxers. As he stood back up, Samera moaned her appreciation at his erected cock.

*Long and thick….* Her thoughts were purely carnal. She watched him as he grabbed the base and gave himself a slow stroke upward.

“Nice equipment you have there, young man,” Samera complimented.

He looked down at himself and joked, “This ‘ole thing? I had it for years.”

Samera giggled at his remark. “Well, bring that ‘ole thing to me*. I want* to taste it.”

“You’re a quick study, babe,” he replied, moving closer in front of her.

She sat upright on the couch and reached for his dick. With both hands encompassing its thickness and slowly moving up and down its length, she savored the smooth velvety feeling.

Zeke groaned loudly in response. Looking down, he caught her looking up at him with a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

Without breaking eye contact, Samera first flicked her tongue at the tip of his engorged head. Next she took it into her mouth slowly and worked her mouth languidly down the shaft.

“Oh FUCK!” Zeke almost screamed. He snaked his fingers through her hair and held her head, his hands following the movement as she stroked him. He fought for control as his erection journeyed further and further to the back of her throat

She worked his cock over with her tongue, her lips, and her hands. She moaned her delight as she sucked on him, enjoying how his size completely overflowed in her mouth. She sensed that her stroking was coaxing him to the edge, so she slowed her motion to pull him back.

“God, Samera!” he cried. “I’m going to explode in that beautiful mouth of yours if you don’t stop.”

She giggled again, this time with her mouth full with his cock.

“Samera,” he pleaded, “I want to come in that sweet pussy of yours! PLEASE STOP, baby!”

She pulled back on him with one last slow suck that ended with an audible ‘pop’.

Tilting her head to gaze up at him, she teased, “Zeke, it sounds like you’re trying to take over.”

“I’m sorry,” he growled. “May I PLEASE come in that sweet pussy of yours?”

“Yes…but we’ll have to move to the guestroom. My sister will kill me if I get jizz on her leather couch.”

Zeke quickly scooped Samera in his arms and carried her across the room. “Point the way,” he said.

When they reached the guestroom, Zeke playfully tossed Samera onto the bed, making her bounce on it a couple of times. With a chuckle, he said, “Wait here. I’ll be right back.”

She waited with heated anticipation as she heard the familiar sound of a condom wrapper being torn open.

She closed her eyes. Before long, she felt the bed dip and Zeke easing himself onto her.

She was about to say something witty, create more humor for moment, but he kept her silent with his lips, kissing her deeply with urgency and intensity.

His hands skimmed her curves and climbed higher to cup her breasts again. He squeezed and pinched her nipples until she was writhing underneath him and moaning loudly.

“Enough, baby,” she hissed. “I want you in me.”

“Just one more thing, Samera.”

*What now?* Her mind questioned as she felt him snake down her body, putting his face at the apex of her thighs.

She watched as he took her pussy deep into the heat of his mouth again, making her throw her head back and shriek in ecstasy. She could feel every spine-tingling sensation as he licked her, buried his tongue in her, and sucked her with his invading mouth.

Panting hard, she shuddered and gripped his head for support as a powerful orgasm tore through her. She screamed as her release exploded into his ravishing mouth.

He had to hold onto to her legs tightly as she bucked wildly and rode every delicious wave of pleasure.

Still panting, she quickly sat up and pulled Zeke up to her for a long hard kiss. As their tongues rolled with each other, she could taste her creamy essence on his.

When their lips parted, he asked, “Now, what was that you wanted?”

Breathlessly, she answered, “I want you to fuck me, and I mean fuck me HARD!”

“Music to my ears, baby,” he replied with the smile of a devil.

Samera laid back onto the bed. She began to open her legs for Zeke, but was caught by surprise as he grabbed under her knees, lifted her legs towards her torso and spread them very wide. He then positioned himself so that the head of dick brushed against her wet quivering opening.

“Now, you are going to feel *all* this dick, baby.”

“Oh yes….”

Zeke was quick with his assault.

The sudden stab of painful pleasure between her legs made her gasp and scream out. She felt her inner muscles tighten and become overwhelmed by the size of him. A flash of fear seized her as she realized that she may not be able to handle him.

Sensing her fear, Zeke paused for a moment, allowing her to relax and adjust to his girth. He then slowly pulled back and reentered her, this time going in an inch at a time.

Samera could feel her slick muscles loosening and the erotic pleasure building up once again. Her eyes slipped shut and she moaned, thinking *this man feels like heaven.*

The deep rhythm of his gyrations began to increase, causing a steady quiver of pleasure deep inside her.

She could hear his whispered utterance beyond her loud moans.

“Shit, this pussy is good.”

Samera moved her hips to match his rhythmic assault. She curved her ankles around his waist to draw him even closer against her, and feel his flesh pulsate and grow thicker.

Zeke leans forward and takes one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking on it like a madman.

She dug her fingers into his back, being careful not to scratch him, but being sure she could hold on for the ride.

Noticing her moans had gained a few octaves, Zeke increased his speed, pounding into Samera furiously until he forced another strong orgasm from her.

Somewhere in her orgasmic haze, she could hear her own voice screaming his name.

She was still trembling from her third release when she noticed Zeke’s groans becoming louder. Samera tightened her heated inner muscles around his dick, determined to steal his orgasm the way he stole hers.

“That’s it, baby,” she encouraged, her voice raspy. “I want you to come for me.”

In his response, he gripped her hips and drove his cock in deep, groaning wildly as his orgasm took total control over him. Samara kissed him deeply, taking in his moans of intense pleasure into her mouth.

He broke the kiss to rest his forehead on hers and fight for control of his breathing. When he was able to regain his breath, he gently lifted himself from her and laid in the bed next to her.

A moment passed with the both of them possessing the feeling of deep satisfaction.

Slowly, Samera looked over at Zeke.

“So, do you cook?” she asked.



*The material above was posted to this subReddit for entertainment purposes only. It is owned by me and I do not give consent for the reproduction and/or distribution of all or any portion of this material.*
