[FM]. DXB to DFW

TL/DR: I went to Dubai to visit my husband who has been working there. I made a new friend on the flight back.

I’d just left my husband after he dropped me off and was approaching the security line. That’s when I saw him. Tall with a medium build and salt and pepper hair. He kind of stood out among a bunch of Indians and Middle Eastern people who were short and dark haired.

When we were preparing to board the flight he wound up right behind me. He saw a bag tag on my carry on with my husband’s company name and said “do you work at XYZ”. He had been there meeting with the company but didn’t know my husband.We chatted for a while and then they called for first and business class and he boarded. I was in the back.

A couple of hours into the 13 hour flight I look up and see him. The flight is only about half full and he takes an empty seat across the aisle. We chat a bit and he says the business class seat beside him is empty. He suggested I sit up there. I resisted not wanting to cause any trouble and he promised it would be ok, he has status with the airline and they’ll leave him alone. The lights in the cabin had just been turned down and i was so sleepy, the seats in coach sucked, so I accepted.

He said just leave my bag in back and follow him.It was much better, the gift pack was nice, ear plugs and eye covers in place, I reclined and tried to get some sleep. It didn’t work. I was restless and uncomfortable, I thought how weird it was to be in the best lay flat seat and yet not able to sleep. I finally give up and sit up in my seat. He’s watching a movie that he turns off when they start meal service. We started to talk more than we had. Families, where we live etc. He was charming , funny, polite and well spoken. He told some good stories about his time in Dubai and other international cities.

Then the Captain comes on the intercom and says they are making an unplanned stop in Canada due to a medical emergency. We are there for 8 hours. It was miserable to be stuck there but thank God for the business class seat, food and drinks. The conversation wasn’t bad either. We never stopped talking, it was this really great connection.

When we are finally on approach, it’s late. I have 100 mile drive home, I haven’t slept in more than 24 hours. I feel gritty from the travel and say “I just need a shower and some sleep”. He says come to my hotel, you can clean up and rest.

I immediately got butterflies. I immediately felt sexual tension. I immediately wanted to go with him. I was so tired. But I resisted. He wasnt applying pressure, he mentioned being safe driving home so late, he would worry about me and not be able to sleep, it was really dangerous to do that and like I said, he was charming, good looking, so nice. I eventually said yes.

He was staying at the DFW Hyatt. We fly through customs and 20 minutes after landing are checking in. This was a gut check. Was I doing this? Regardless of whether I cheated or not, I was going to a hotel room with another man. He hadn’t hit on me. He hadn’t been overtly sexual. But damn was he sexy.

I’m in a daze. I’m completely jet lagged and my brain is in a fog. It’s morning in Dubai and I’ve texted my husband to let him know I landed safe. He says “good, heading into meetings. Talk tomorrow and sleep well”. It’s like he forgot I still had 100 miles to drive and it’s 10 at night. The next thing I know I’m in the elevator, I’m in his room. He says “Let me go to the bathroom real quick and then you go first in the shower.” He puts my bag on the luggage rack and heads to the bathroom.

I start digging for some fresh clothes and something to sleep in when I hear him peeing in the bathroom. It’s loud. It sounds like a giant stream of piss. I am walking towards the bathroom with my clothes as I hear him finishing up, look up and realize the door is left cracked just an inch or so. The angle of the mirror is such that I see him and start to look away when I noticed “it” and let out a surprised gasp.

Oh boy. That was a big penis.. I’m hiding my face but I’m not moving. He looks up, I look back at the mirror and our eyes meet. He doesn’t turn away or act embarrassed, just folds it back into his pants.

I step back and he washes his hands, comes out and says “it’s all yours.” My head is spinning while I’m showering. I’m exhausted. But my pussy is aching. It’s not uncommon for me to get horny when I’m over-tired, but I’m getting a recurring vision of his penis and my mouth is watering, my clit is tingling, my stomach is fluttering and I swear I’m going to explode. I finish my shower, get dressed in shorts and a T-shirt and come outside.

He’s wearing the same jeans from earlier and a tank tee undershirt. I see a tattoo on his shoulder. Didn’t expect that on this clean cut corporate type. He looks hot. I head for the bed and he heads for the shower.

I’m asleep before he’s out and I woke up a few hours later. He was snoring and I remembered him warning me about that on the plane. He told me to throw something at him to wake him up if it got bad. I try to ignore it and go back to sleep.I can’t, I’m a light sleeper and it’s noon in Dubai. The jet lag has me waking up. 15 minutes later I sit up in bed and look over at him. There is enough light to see he doesn’t have covers on and his back is to me. I get up and head for the bathroom, deliberately loud as I close the door and tried to make as much noise as he did when he peed. It wasn’t close. I get through and it sounds like he’s stopped snoring. I walk out and he‘s awake.

Can’t sleep? I ask, knowing he’s sleeping fine. Not really he says. Me either. I get closer and look down. He’s erect. Sticking up out of his briefs. I gasp again. It’s just so big.

He says “oh sorry, it gets like that when I’m dreaming sometimes.”

“Yeah, I know how they work“ I said.

Oh, Do you now?

“Yeah, I think so. It does make me wonder what one is dreaming about?”

“I guess you’re right“ he says. A quiet pause.

He stutters “I , uhh, I….“. Then he straightens, looks me dead in the eyes and with a dark, deep voice says “Do you want to take a closer look?“

And there it is. Decision time. What will I do.

My husband. He’s a good man. I love him. Im pretty sure he cheated on me. I know he did. It’s been years and we are over it. But he cheated. I bite my lip. I hesitate. I’m trying to justify in my mind what my pussy is telling me to do.
He says “I promise to stop whenever you say – there’s no pressure.“

I start to turn away. I should pack and leave. I can’t. I turn back to face him.

He reaches for it. Pushes his briefs down and exposes the whole length. My God. Is it real? I’m frozen. He scoots over and pats the bed beside him. “Go ahead” he says. What the hell I think. Maybe I’ll regret staying, but I know I’ll regret leaving.

I sit on the bed. He smiles and leans back. I reach for it. It fills my hand. I stroke it. I feel it get harder. It’s as thick as a coke can and feels Just as hard. I look at him and he smiles.“What do you think?“ he asks.

I think its huge. ”Have you ever been with a big guy?”

No, nothing like this.

”What do you want to do with it?” I kind of laugh. Everything I guess..

“Mmmm, good. Do you want to kiss it?“

I do. And I did. It’s leaking. It tastes like my husband, almost exactly like my husband, but it’s nothing like my husband’s. I try to put it in my mouth. It stuffs me full. My jaws are stretched. I don’t like giving head, but for some reason this was different. I got into it like I never do with my husband. It feels so massive. I feel it touch the back of my throat and I’m proud. This giant cock is making me want to be slutty. To act dirty. I‘m normally reserved in the bedroom, but I feel like letting go. Like putting on a show. Like I want this man to think I’m the hottest woman he has ever been with. I’m making noises. I’m slobbering all over him. I’m jacking him off like I’m a porn star. The more I get into it, the more aroused I become.

I’m not sure which followed the other, the act of being slutty or the feelings of being completely aroused.

He says come here. I come up to his face and we kiss passionately. He reaches for my bottom, puts his hand inside my shorts and panties and I feel his finger graze my little asshole on the way to my pussy. Holy hell. That was electric. I’m wet. I’m horny. I’m feeling like I’m losing control. I buck my hips back, trying to make contact, make him put his finger deeper inside me. Make him touch me somewhere, anywhere.
Instead he is careful not to. It’s like he is pulling away, teasing me. Coming close but not quite there. My pussy is hungry though. I’m pushing pack, wiggling my ass back and forth, searching for his digits to feel me. To touch me.

Instead I feel him pushing my panties and shorts down. I immediately comply and start reaching for his too. He then starts to lift my T-shirt off. I’m naked. With a stranger. A man other than my husband. And I’m on fire.
My tits are free, my nipples are hard. He takes one in his mouth, then the other. He pulls me on top, the full foot of difference in our height is evident as I climb up and sit on his belly to kiss him. I can feel his penis pressing against my cheeks so I lift my ass in the air, I sit back down and feel it under my sex. It’s like I’m sitting on a baseball bat. A big, fleshy, hard as steel baseball bat.
His giant cock is trapped between my pussy and his belly button. My juices have me wet with anticipation, I rub back and forth on his big pole. I start pressing hard against his length, applying pressure to my clit. He reaches behind us and finds my sopping wet entrance, his finger easily enters me, probes me, stimulates me, his middle finger in my count, spreading moisture to my ass, his index finger rubbing me there, and finally that plus the combination of clitoral pressure and sexual arousal pushes me over the edge. I say finally, but really that was less than a minute of contact between his cock and my pussy. I convulsed, spasmed, cursed, came and then it felt like I came again. Oh. My. God. It went on forever.
I finally collapsed onto his massive frame. I feel complete satisfaction. Held in his embrace. Safe and warm.

I take a few moments to get my bearings. To come to the realization that there is still a giant, erect cock between my legs and a big sexy man attached to it.

I feel him shift under me. I feel him pulling his cock down lower, he’s taking aim at my pussy, I feel the head at my entrance. I feel him slide up and down, our combined juices making me slippery.

And then I feel it.


It’s not much, but it’s definitely thick and it is definitely inside me.
Adultery. That’s the word I thought of. That’s what I said to myself. That’s what I was doing in that moment. That’s what I wanted. To be fucked, fucked good and hard by a man other than my husband. By a big man with a big dick. I’ve wanted that since I was in college. And I was about to find out if I could take it.
I push up on top of him so I can see his face. He starts to talk but I put my finger on his lips and say shhhh. My ass is way up high off of his body and I feel his cock still resting at my entrance, I try to slide down, I feel resistance, I try again, up and down I feel a little more start to enter me.
I’m in another world. I forget about him, my husband, where I’m at and what I’m doing, I just focus on getting this thing inside me. I work it back and forth, up and down, I reach down and hold on to it while pressing down on it, I make a little progress, I feel a sting and back off, then go again. I’m getting impatient and start to think this might not happen, I might not be able to take him, I push again and am reminded of when I had both of my kids through vaginal delivery. That’s the sting. That’s the burn. That’s a big fucking cock that’s reminding me of it. If I can do that, I can fuck this thing.
Again I push.

Yes. He’s in. He’s past the resistance. His big, beautiful cock is in my pussy. It’s not far in, there is length to go, but I can do this. I look down at him and smile. Up nice and slow, back down a little more. The lubrication is working. My determination is being rewarded. I keep rocking, nice and easy, a little more at a time and feel like I’m making good progress. I press down until I feel like it’s at my cervix, hold it there, enjoy the full, full feeling, then reach down to feel where we are joined.
I feel his cock and it feels like I’m only half way there. Deeper I press. Deeper it goes, another inch. I raise my hand up to my abdomen, hold it there as I raise up and go back down just to feel this enormous dick empty and fill my womb.
That feeling is amazing, the idea that I have his cock so deep in me, filling me so full makes my clit tingle. I find it. I rub it. I work my pussy up and down his thickness, feeling his bulbous head as it travels the length of my vagina. It’s glorious. I’m on fire. I pick up the pace, I drive my pussy own onto his cock, I feel it press against what can only be my cervix, my ovaries, my intestines. I fucking love it.
I come. My pussy convulses, I slam my head down onto his shoulder as I scream ”yes, oh fuck yes, give me that giant cock, fuck my married pussy! Oh God I’m coming, yes!“.
My contractions subside, my body relaxes, my lover rolls us over, keeping his cock firmly planted in my womb.
He pulls most of the way out and then slides back in. Slow at first and then he builds pace. He’s deeper than before, he has a better angle than I did and I reach again for my abdomen. I feel pressure above my belly button as he pounds away at my sopping stretched pussy. He tells me I’m hot, he loves my tight pussy, he loves the way I take his cock. He tells me he’s going to cum in me. He doesn’t ask. He grunts, he breathes deeply, and then the only way I can describe is that he roared. He shoves his cock deep in my womb, hammering away at my body and he cums, and cums and cums.

My pussy is numb. It’s like it’s been beaten unconscious. I feel him still deep within me, still thick, still huge, the twitching has stopped. He starts to pull out and I can feel his hot semen flooding out between my cheeks. Running along my asshole to the bed. The heat and the constant flow of liquid makes me feel like I’m peeing.

I’ve done it. I fucked a hung stranger. Unprotected. He came in me. Now I’m in bed with him and it’s 3 in the morning. He’s rolled off of me, his cock deflating but still glistening with our juices. His semen steadily flowing from my vagina. The smell hangs in the air of sex, wet pussy and cum. I look at what I can only now call my gash, for it is a beaten, swollen, bright red, cummy mess.
I go to get up and my legs are shaky. I make it to my feet, steady myself, am still and quiet for a moment and hear a splat. I wonder what it is, I didn’t feel anything, but I look to the floor and see a couple of tablespoons of creamy white semen. I start to the bathroom and more of it runs down my legs. I sit on the toilet and hear big plops in the water. I think “I’ve been fucked by a MAN.”

I clean up a little with a towel and a some water. I go back into the room. I see my phone light up, my husband tracked me to make sure I was home and is now seeing I’m still at DFW. At a hotel. What am I doing?

“Round 2?” I asked.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i4f2zp/fm_dxb_to_dfw


  1. That story is so sexy. I so want to fuck another woman and be wanted by her like that. If only I had the assets, my charming personality and willingness to please will have to. ??.

  2. Great hookup! Getting that monster in you unprotected must have felt out of this world!

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