Witch & Hunter (Chapter Two) [FF] [Implied Bi] [Urban Fantasy] [Fantasy]

[[Chapter One](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hya85s/witch_hunter_chapter_1_mf_str8_implied_bi_urban/)]

[Skip to******* to get to the sex]

Morgan met Chana at Starbucks the next day. Witches they may be, but that didn’t stop them from enjoying iced coffee on a warm summer morning. They both wore sundresses – Morgan’s was orange with white daisies, Chana wore white with little blue flowers that made her blonde hair look positively golden. Her bright blue eyes flashed over her freckles as she sat next to Morgan after they got their drinks.

“Luke charged more than your aura,” Morgan noted driely.

“Broken bonds, it was good,” Chana said with a contented sigh.

Morgan sipped her coffee then said, “you just wanted to gloat. That’s why you wanted to meet to tell me about the Hunter. So you could gloat like this.”

Chana batted her eyelashes. “Now would I do that to you?”

“Yes,” Morgan said. “You are doing it right now.”

“And you are making it very fun,” Chana agreed.

“Fine,” Morgan sighed. “Dish.”

“Let’s just say that his rapid recovery isn’t just for wounds.”

“He regenerates cum?”

Chana waived a hand. “I have no idea, but he certainly never ran out. He just kept going until I was spent.” That took a while. Morgan knew from experience.

“He’s ruined you for mortal men then,” Morgan noted.

“Eugh,” Chana said, wrinkling her nose. “You may be right. Gods, it might be worth it.”

“So this Hunter,” Morgan nudged.

“Oh yes, the Hunter,” Chana said. “He’s staying at the Intercontinental at the wharf.”

“Interesting,” Morgan noted. “Any description?”

“Hmmm,” Chana said, putting her straw in her mouth and feigning confusion. “I’m trying to remember.”

Morgan groaned and rolled her eyes. “What. What do you want for this information? I’ve already listened to you gloat. What more do you need?”

“Join me,” Chana said.

Morgan shot her a look, but Chana looked almost frighteningly earnest. “What?”

“Join me,” Chana repeated, “with Luke.”


“Morgan, we’ve been in a coven for… a very long time,” Chana said. “When was the last time you were *satisfied*?”

“I’m pretty satisfied right now,” Morgan said. “Not everyone is as insatiable as you.”

“Oh come on,” Chana said. “Luke is almost as old as us. He’s got the kind of experience we normally can only get from one another. But he has, you know, a dick.”

If they were mortal, Morgan would have been sure this was Luke’s idea. But they weren’t mortal and Morgan had indeed known Chana for a very long time. Her friend was trying to share something fun with her. But it was still dangerous.

“It has to be on the new moon,” she said. Chana beamed and did a little dance in her seat.


“Goddess, you are too much,” Morgan said.

“This will be so much fun,” Chana said.

“Luke is fine with this?” Morgan asked.

“He took more convincing than you,” Chana replied, pulling her phone out of her pocket and shooting off a text.

“I suppose there are more stories of men regretting sex with witches than women regretting sex with werewolves,” Morgan mused.

“Bah,” Chana said, then put her phone down. “His name is Valerian.”


“The Hunter,” Chana said. “His name is Valerian. He has lots of tattoos and his eyes are different colors. His hair is red and he’s very Hunter-ish.”


“You know how they are,” Chana said. “Brooding, standoffish, deeply uncomfortable around the mortals they are supposedly protecting.”

“That should be enough to let me spot him,” Morgan said nodding.

“Why do you want him?”

“I’ll help him kill what he’s after,” she said. “In exchange, I’ll get what’s left.”

Chana nodded, “that seems fair. Though with Luke you won’t *need* that stuff…”

“Seriously Chana,” Morgan said. “What has gotten *into* you?” She quickly added with a roll of her eyes “*besides* Luke.”

Chana actually blushed after that and bit her lip. “Well, you know, Luke and I were having a *lot* of fun last night. Drinking, fucking, drinking, you know.”


“And uh… well,” Chana said. “I may have taken some of the ‘love potion’ myself.”


“Ugh, yes! I was hungover this morning and I wasn’t paying attention and I didn’t know what I’d done until I took a big swallow. I hoped the cleansing cantrip that got rid of the hangover would get rid of it too but… no dice.”

Morgan held her head in her hands. “That is such a novice mistake, Chana.”

“I just need to get back to Luke so he can take care of…” she trailed off looking at her phone. Then she made a mournful, almost sobbing sound.

“What?” Morgan asked. “What?”

“He left!”

“Oh honey, he left you?”

“No,” Chana said with a dismissive yet hysterical flapping of her hand. “He left the apartment. He has to go to work.”

Without the use of magic, werewolves general had to hold down mortal jobs for money. They could take lucrative, dangerous jobs because they could regenerate from almost anything. But they still had to work. “What does he do?”

“Oh he’s a bodyguard for a congressman,” Chana said. “They are going to Washington for…” she read her phone then let out another little wail… “A week!”

Several other patrons of the Starbucks were giving them looks. Morgan didn’t care what they thought, but anyone who worked with the supernatural became uncomfortable with too much mortal attention. It was a survival instinct, and Morgan’s was tripping all over itself. She grabbed Chana’s hand and hauled her tear streaked friend to her feet. “Come on sweetheart,” Morgan said, “let’s go to the bathroom to talk.”

Chana sniffled and nodded as Morgan hauled her into the store and into the bathroom. She pulled a bobby pin out of her hair and jammed it into the door’s hinge. She summoned her will and flicked her wrist at the bobby pin, then released it with a whisper of “*tu, fan.*” The bobby pin quivered in place, and Morgan knew nothing short of a battering ram would be able to open the door while the spell was in place.

“You need to get a hold of yourself,” Morgan said, turning back to Chana.

“I know, I know,” Chana said, she had her thighs pressed together and was blushing. “Now I know how Luke feels, ugh.”

Morgan smirked. “Is it that bad?”

“I’d hump the sink if that would get rid of it,” Chana said dryly. “But you know it takes another person’s aura mingling with yours to end the spell.”

Morgan did indeed know that. She chewed her lip then eyed Chana. “It really was an accident?”

“Goddess yes, Morgan. I would never do *this* to myself,” she blushed more, her cheeks bright red. “It’s very undignified.”


Morgan sighed and then pushed a finger into Chana’s sternum. “You owe me. Big time,” she said, then she leaned forward and kissed Chana’s mouth. The other woman instantly melted into her, letting out a quivering little moan. Despite herself, Morgan loved making Chana make that sound. Even if fucking her in a Starbucks bathroom was *not* how Morgan planned to start her day.

“Mmf… thank you,” Chana said breathily, not even bothering to break the kiss. “Thank you.”

Morgan just kissed her back, sliding her tongue over Chana’s perfect lips. The finger on Chana’s chest began to drift in lazy loops over the top of the other woman’s breasts. She hooked it in the top and pulled it back, glancing down to see Chana’s nipples harden. Chana hopped up to sit on the sink, and wrapped her legs around Morgan, pulling her in closer.

“Oh Goddess Morgan,” Chana breathed, tangling her fingers in Morgan’s hair as Morgan began kissing down her neck. Her hips were already moving in little motions. “I need it bad.”

Morgan knew very well that Chana needed it bad. That Chana was losing her mind with need. Morgan just wanted her to lose a little bit more of it.

She slipped one strap of Chana’s sundress down her shoulder, then used her hand to pull Chana’s small breast out. Chana rarely wore bras, and Morgan delighted at her light pink nipple contrasting with Chana’s pale skin.

“Please, Morgan,” Chana whispered, pushing her friend’s head down not-so-subtly.

Morgan smirked and leaned over to take the bare nipple into her mouth. Chana jolted and moaned *far* too loudly. But the door was locked and Morgan didn’t care. She circled her tongue around her friend’s areola, sucking hungrily. Chana’s skin always tasted slightly sweet, and Morgan relished in the shudders going through her body. The way Chana’s hands clasped her mouth to her breast, holding her there.

After several long moments, she slid one of her hands up Chana’s pale thigh. Her skin was impossibly soft, and Morgan let the tips of her nails drag lightly along the sensitive skin.

“Oh please, yes,” Chana panted, her head falling back and her grip on Morgan’s head slackening.

Morgan let her hand wander farther and farther up, until to her slight surprise she felt the back of a finger brush against Chana’s exposed labia. Morgan pulled her head back, eyebrow cocked. “You said you didn’t plan this,” she said. “But you aren’t wearing any underwear.”

Chana blushed fiercely again, trying to hide her face in her shoulder. “I didn’t plan to take the potion. But after I did… I had hoped… I mean this isn’t the first time…”

Morgan gave her a level look. “Right.”

“Morgan please, by my power, I didn’t take the potion to make this happen!”

That sealed it. Lying on one’s power was simply too dangerous to do, especially for something as relatively mundane as this. Morgan knew Chana was telling the truth, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t have a little more fun.

“Sure, sure,” Morgan said. “I believe you.”

“Oh please, Morgan, I need you,” Chana said, eyes huge, face flushed, breathing heavy. With one breast out and her dress hiked up with her legs spread, her need was deliciously earnest and obvious.

Morgan reached out to slide one finger along the lips of her friend’s pussy. Chana jolted and shuddered. Then Morgan put the finger, wet with Chana’s obvious arousal in her mouth. She made an appetized sound. “I suppose you do need me.”

“Fucking hells, Morgan,” Chana said, brows furrowing. “Fuck me!”

Morgan let out a merry laugh and knelt between her friends legs. She intended to tease her more with kissing and little licks but Chana was at her limit. She grabbed the back of Morgan’s head and pulled her so her mouth was pressed directly against her pussy.

“Oh Goddess yes,” Chana moaned as Morgan dutifully slid her tongue up and down her friend’s slit. If Chana’s skin tasted sweet, her pussy was even better, and Morgan wondered idly why she had needed to be convinced to do this. She wrapped her arms around Chana’s thighs, shifting her body to get a better angle.

She closed her lips around Chana’s clit, which was practically throbbing with need. She sucked softly and danced her tongue lightly around it. Especially as turned on as she was, Chana would be too sensitive for direct stimulation. But just the ghost of Morgan’s touch made Chana stiffen and let out a keening wail.

“Oh fuck yes, Goddess yes,” she said, shuddering.

Morgan kept sucking and brought a finger down to gently press inside of her friend. Chana nearly convulsed and kept moaning. Morgan curled her finger inside Chana, and quickly found exact spot she knew from memory would take Chana’s quivering orgasm to the next level. The minute she started rubbing, Chana gasped let out choked little sobs. She grabbed Morgan’s wrist and the back of her head in a death grip, holding them still. Morgan shifted her head to lick her friend’s labia as the contractions of her orgasm started to subside. She kept licking softly until Chana collapsed with a final laughing sob, back against the mirror of the bathroom.

“Oh… my… fuck,” Chana breathed.

Morgan stood up and smirked down at Chana. She went to the other sink and turned it on, using the water to rinse Chana’s taste from her face. Thankfully, witches have ways to make sure their makeup doesn’t come off.

“You are the best friend anyone could ask for,” Chana breathed.

“And you owe me big time,” Morgan said, savoring Chana’s body as she slowly sat up and got her dress back in place.

“No arguments here,” Chana agreed.

“Alright,” Morgan said, plucking the bobby pin from the door’s hinge. “Let’s get going. I need to make a hotel reservation.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i4ac66/witch_hunter_chapter_two_ff_implied_bi_urban

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